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美國布魯克海文儀器公司>公司動態>pH-Responsive Graphene Oxide–DNA Nanosystem for Live Cell Imaging and Detection


pH-Responsive Graphene Oxide–DNA Nanosystem for Live Cell Imaging and Detection

閱讀:788          發布時間:2017-10-18
 作者 Chen Shao†, Jia Liang†, Sihui He, Tianqi Luan, Jiantao Yu, Haoran Zhao, Jingyuan Xu, and Leilei Tian*

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, 1088 Xueyuan Blvd., Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, P.R. China


摘要:The interaction between graphene oxide (GO) and DNA is very sensitive to the environment. For example, under acidic conditions, the affinity of GO for DNA is enhanced, weakening the capability of GO to distinguish DNAs with different conformations. This effect has impeded the development of sensitive pH biosensors based on GO–DNA nanosystems. In this work, we systematically studied the affinity between GO and i-motif forming oligonucleotides (IFOs) at different pH values and developed a herring sperm DNA (HSD) treatment method. Using this method, HSD occupies the surface of GO, compromising the attractive force of GO that is significantly enhanced under acidic conditions. As a result, the ability of GO to distinguish between “open” and “closed” IFOs is successfully generalized to a wider pH range. Finally, a pH-sensitive GO–IFO nanosystem was fabricated that showed excellent sensing ability both in vitro and for intracellular pH detection. Because the interaction between GO and DNA is the basis for constructing GO–DNA biosensors, the strategy developed in this work shows great potential to be applied in a variety of other GO–DNA sensing systems.


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