湖南遠湘生物科技有限公司 |
—— 銷售熱線 ——
18123966210 |
IH-0400 Impactor簡介
A Contusion device specifically designed for medical research using rats and mice.
IH-0400 Impactor 美國PSI打擊器 IH-0400打擊器
PSI engineers have developed a contusion device designed specifically for medical research using rats and mice. This system provides medical researchers specializing in spinal injury with a unique tool to evaluate the mechanisms underlying injury to spinal cord structures. This instrument enables the application of standard-force injuries to the spinal cords of small rodents. Force levels are user-selectable between 30 and 200 kDynes. The probe can also be halted at a specific force levels to model extended compression injuries. Probe force and displacement curves, as a function of time, are displayed using PC software and recorded to an experiment log file. Data can be recalled at any time to review an experiment. The system is ready to use out of the box with a user-supplied Windows 95, 2000, Me, NT or XP computer and requires minimal training.
IH-0400 Impactor 美國PSI打擊器 IH-0400打擊器
Control Cabinet:
Removable impact tips
System Software: