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來源:上海乾思生物科技有限公司   2016年04月06日 13:02  

222.0830    Complete Housing for CIM® Disks* (POM)    支    biaseparations    詢價
222.0831    Retaining Fitting with Distributor (POM)    支    biaseparations    詢價
222.0832    CIM® Disk Housing Cylinder (POM)    支    biaseparations    詢價
222.0834    Screw Caps (POM, pack of 2)    支    biaseparations    詢價
222.0850    Complete Housing for CIM® Disks** (PEEK)    支    biaseparations    詢價
222.0851    Retaining Fitting with Distributor (PEEK)    支    biaseparations    詢價
222.0852    Housing Cylinder (PEEK)    支    biaseparations    詢價
222.0854    Screw Caps (PEEK, pack of 2)    支    biaseparations    詢價
222.0837    Blind Fitting (pack of 10)    支    biaseparations    詢價
222.0901    CIM® Disk Extractor    支    biaseparations    詢價
231.0850    Biocompatible, Extra-low Dead Volume Mixing Tee (Strongly Recommended for Fast Gradient Mixing)    支    biaseparations    詢價
231.0853    Replacement O-rings for Retaining Fitting (pack of 2)    支    biaseparations    詢價
310.5113    CIM® QA-1 mL Tube Monolithic Column (Quaternary Amine)    支    biaseparations    詢價
310.5114    CIM® DEAE-1 mL Tube Monolithic Column (Diethylamine)    支    biaseparations    詢價
310.5116    CIM® EDA-1 mL Tube Monolithic Column (Ethylene diamino)    支    biaseparations    詢價
311.6157    CIM® SO3-1 mL Tube Monolithic Column (Sulfonyl)    支    biaseparations    詢價
310.8136    CIM® C4 HLD-1 mL Tube Monolithic Column (High ligand density Butyl)    支    biaseparations    詢價
310.8134    CIM® C4 A-1 mL Tube Monolithic Column (Very low ligand denstity Butyl)    支    biaseparations    詢價
310.8140    CIM® OH-1 mL Tube Monolithic Column (Hydroxyl)    支    biaseparations    詢價
311.6170    CIM® CM-1 mL Tube Monolithic Column (Carboxymethyl)    支    biaseparations    詢價
313.7175    CIM® Epoxy-1 mL Tube Monolithic Column (Epoxy)    支    biaseparations    詢價
314.8000    CIM® CDI-1 mL Tube Monolithic Column (Carbonyldiimidazole)    支    biaseparations    詢價
317.1002    CIM® n-Protein A-1 mL Tube Monolithic Column (Native Protein A)    支    biaseparations    詢價
317.1004    CIM® r-Protein A-1 mL Tube Monolithic Column (Recombinant Protein A)    支    biaseparations    詢價
317.1011    CIM® r-Protein G-1 mL Tube Monolithic Column (Recombinant Protein G)    支    biaseparations


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