聲級計和振動儀的區別 |
聲級計是基本的噪聲測量儀器,聲壓級測量是其基本的功能。對于很多功能單一的聲級計,很多人也習慣稱其為“分貝儀”或“噪音計”等。它是一種電子儀器,但又不同于電壓表等客觀電子儀表。 Sound level meter is a basic noise measuring instrument, and sound pressure level measurement is its basic function. For many sound level meters with single function, many people are used to calling them "decibel meter" or "noise meter". It is an electronic instrument, but it is different from objective electronic instruments such as voltmeter. 在把聲信號轉換成電信號時,可以模擬人耳對聲波反應速度的時間特性;對高低頻有不同靈敏度的頻率特性以及不同響度時改變頻率特性的強度特性。 When the acoustic signal is converted into electrical signal, the time characteristic of human ear's response speed to acoustic wave can be simulated; Frequency characteristics with different sensitivity to high and low frequencies and intensity characteristics changing frequency characteristics at different loudness. 便攜式測振儀適用于機械設備的振動測量,特別是旋轉和往復機械中的振動測量。可測量振動位移、速度和加速度三參數。 Portable vibration meter is suitable for vibration measurement of mechanical equipment, especially in rotating and reciprocating machinery. It can measure three parameters of vibration displacement, velocity and acceleration. 利用該儀器在軸承座上測量的數據,對照國際標準ISO2372,或者企業機器本身的標準就可確定設備所處的狀態。 Using the data measured by the instrument on the bearing pedestal, the state of the equipment can be determined according to the international standard ISO2372 or the standard of the enterprise machine itself. 成都壹科醫療為您提供杭州愛華,聲級器、噪聲儀、振動儀實驗室設備在四川、成都的產品、耗材的市場營銷、推廣、產品銷售、招投標、設備安裝、耗材更換、維修等工作。成都壹科醫療是您了解和購買杭州愛華,聲級器、噪聲儀、振動儀實驗室設備的好幫手。 |
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