1, 真空干燥貯存:生化試劑,藥品,光學鏡頭,種子,精密元器件,文物等品種;
Vacuum storage: Chemicals, reagent, samples, electronics, lens, tea, and other high value items can be safeguarded in the Vacuum Container(Desiccator).
2, 真空干燥:真空干燥過程快速,安全,對易揮發液體的干燥尤為有效;
Vacuum drying: Drying process in vacuum is fast and reliable, especially for those evaporation prone liquid.
Degassing: Degassing of liquid with high viscosity, such as epoxy and silicone.
1. 密封性能好,真空維持時間長:抽真空后三十天,真空度變化小于3%
1. Long time vacuum maintenance: Vacuum loss is less than 3% in 30 days.
2. 頂部裝有真空指示表,真空狀態可以隨時觀察
2. Real-time vacuum indication: vacuum gauge shows vacuum level in real time.
3. 容器不怕摔、不怕碰,可承受真空度劇烈變化,透明度好,重量輕
3. Robust, high optical clarity and light weighted: All contents can be easily viewed through the container(desiccator)'s clear polycarbonate top and bottom. This laboratory grade plastic material is strong and resistant to most common chemicals, sudden pressure change and cleans easily.
4. 用硅橡膠圈密封,不需要密封油脂
4. Oil-free sealing: Silicone O-ring allows good oil-free sealing. The all plastic construction ensures a clean chamber
5. 進、抽氣量微調:閥門為精密針閥,可微量調節進、抽氣量,避免吹損貯存物品和保護
5. Fine tuning of pumping and venting: Accuray controlled pumping and venting is allowed by niddle valve. Thus, turbulence caused by fast pumping and venting can be eliminated. Low pressure inert atmosphere storage can be also achieved.
6. 用快換接頭連接抽氣管與針閥,使得管道連接一插得
6. One step tubing connection: Fast and easy connection between valve and tubing is convenient and reliable.
7. 適用環境溫度:0℃-80℃。(內部陶瓷隔板上可以放置加熱后的坩堝。)
7. Broad range of working temperature: 0℃~80℃
1. 密封性能好,真空維持時間長:抽真空后三十天,真空度變化小于3%
1. Long time vacuum maintenance: Vacuum loss is less than 3% in 30 days.
2. 頂部裝有真空指示表,真空狀態可以隨時觀察
2. Real-time vacuum indication: vacuum gauge meter shows vacuum level in real time.
3. 容器不怕摔、不怕碰,可承受真空度劇烈變化,透明度好,重量輕
3. Robust, high optical clarity and light weighted: All contents can be easily viewed through the container(desiccator)'s clear polycarbonate top and bottom. This laboratory grade plastic material is strong and resistant to most common chemicals, sudden pressure change and cleans easily.
產品型號 外徑 內徑 頂裝表總高 容積(升) 隔板直徑 PC150 173 150 220 2 120 PC250 277 250 320 10 230 PC300 327 300 380 16 230
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