供應,銷售, 維修,回收Agilent 86146B 光譜分析儀
主要特性與技術指標 Key Performance Specifications
•High amplitude accuracy (0.5 dB) and stability (10mdB), Low Polarization dependence (50mdB)
•Wide Wavelength Range (600nm to 1700nm), Highest Wavelength Accuracy (10pm) and Repeatability
•Widest Variability in Resolution Bandwidth (60pm to 10nm) with accuray calibrated filter shapes and excellent dynamic range
Additional features
•Calibrated filter shapes and high accuracy = accurate system characterization.
•Flexible settings let the OSA fit into many applications
•Fast sweep speeds to maximize throughput
Wide Range of Applications
•Single Wavelength Channel Drop
•Fast sweep time due to its high and user selectable sensitivity (down to -90dBm)
•Built-in applications for Passive Component Test, WDM Test, Optical Amplifier Test, Source Test
•Optional built-in wavelength calibrator, white light source, current source, EELED source, multimode input and tunable filter output
本公司*銷售!現金回收:租賃:網絡分析儀、工廠報廢儀器回收、無線綜合測試儀、頻譜分析儀、 視頻圖象信號源、LCR測試儀、高/低頻信號源、示波器、萬用表、電子負載、頻率計、二手進口高擋儀器,等等二手儀器出售/維修/收購。有貨請與我取得!迎!
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