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HP 8153A 規格范圍

來源:深圳市美佳特科技有限公司   2018年02月01日 12:07  

HP 8153A? 光波萬用表

HP 8153A系列產品供應商:推薦深圳市美佳特科技有限公司 羅。/:

??HP 8153A 規格范圍



Local Operation Error Codes

Most of these errors are not fatal. You can use the instrument again by pressing

any of the front panel keys. Module Related Errors

E 0101 Error in the low wavelength monitor current.

E 0102 Error in the high wavelength monitor current.

E 0103 Error in the low wavelength laser diode current.

E 0104 Error in the high wavelength laser diode current.

E 1xxx LIGHT Error while zeroing. Digits marked x indicate the phase, loop

counter value, and hardware. E 3000 NO HEAD No head attached to the optical head interface module. E 3100 SETTLING Module not yet adjusted to temperature. E 3200 Checksum error in optical head data.

E 3300 No memory to store the zero data (memory allocation failure).

E 3400 NO HEAD Optical head removed during the zero operation.

E 4001 MODULE Reading EEPROM failed.

E 4002 MODULE EEPROM checksum error. E 4004 MODULE No acknowledge from EEPROM.

E 4005 MODULE reading EPROM failed.

E 4006 KEY JAM reading EPROM failed.

Error Codes I-1


Specic Error Identiers

E 4010 Input value exceeds limits

E 4020 Input value below lower limit

E 4030 Registers of the real time clock cannot be read from or written to.

Store and Recall Errors

E 4101 CH EMPTY Store from or recall to an empty slot.

E 4102 MISMATCH Attempt to recall source data into a sensor module, or

sensor data into a source module. E 4103 NO DATA Attempt to recall data from a location where no data has

been stored, or where the data is uninligible. E 4105 MEM FAIL Memory checksum failed.

Plot, Print, Show, and Manual Logging Errors

E 4201 NO DATA There is no data for the application. Another cause could be

that there is not enough data for the results statistics to be calculated.

E 4202 INVALID The data is invalid.

E 4203 TLKONLY? Plot or print is not possible because the HP-IB is not set to

talk only mode.

Loss Errors

E 4301 CONFIG The Loss application cannot run, because it needs both a

source and a sensor module. E 4302 CONFIG The Loss application cannot run, because it needs one of the

modules is already being used.

I-2 Error Codes


HP-IB Errors

These are fatal errors. E 8100 Status open in HP 8153 language mode. E 8110 Status open in HP 8152 language mode. E 8120 Status open in command extension.

E 8200 HP-IB open in HP 8153 language mode. E 8210 HP-IB open in HP 8152 language mode. E 8220 HP-IB open in command extension.

E 8300 Macro open in HP 8153 language mode. E 8301 Memory allocation failed.

E 8310 Macro open in HP 8152 language mode. E 8400 Language processing terminated in HP 8153 language mode. E 8410 Language processing terminated in HP 8152 language mode.

HP-IB Error Codes

No Error

This message indicates that there are no errors.

0 No error [OK; error queue is empty].

Instrument Specic Errors

These error codes are all positive numbers.

110 Channel is empty.

120 Other channel is empty.

130 Commandnquery not available.

210 Logical parameter over

ow [e.g. wavelength too small].

220 Invalid date information.

Error Codes I-3


310 Invalid reference mode [e.g. A/A].

410 Real time clock error.

510 Head connection error [head not connected].

610 Error in the low wavelength laser diode current in channel A.

620 Error in the low wavelength laser diode current in channel B.

630 Error in the high wavelength laser diode current in channel A.

640 Error in the high wavelength laser diode current in channel B.

710 Error in the low wavelength monitor current in channel A.

720 Error in the low wavelength monitor current in channel B.

730 Error in the high wavelength monitor current in channel A.

740 Error in the high wavelength monitor current in channel B.

810 Zeroing failed in channel A.

820 Zeroing failed in channel B.

Command Errors

These error codes have numbers in the range -199 to -100. They indicate a

syntax error has been detected by the parser, this could be

A syntax error. A semantic error (unrecognized command)

A Group Execute Trigger (GET) was put in the input buer inside a program

message. The command error bit is set in the Event Status Register, see \*ESR?" in

Chapter 6.

-100 Command error [generic syntax or semantic error].

-101 Invalid character.

-102 Syntax error [unrecognized command or data type].

-103 Invalid separator.

-104 Data type error [e.g. numeric or string expected, got block data].

-105 GET not allowed.

I-4 Error Codes


-108 Parameter not allowed [too many parameters].

-109 Missing parameter [too few parameters].

-110 Command header error.

-111 Header separator error [whitespace, and nothing else, expected].

-112 Mnemonic too long [maximum 12 characters].

-113 Undened header [operation not allowed].

-114 Header sux out of range.

-120 Numeric data error [includes non-decimal numeric].

-121 Invalid character in number [includes \9" in octal data, etc.]

-123 Exponent too large [numeric over

ow; exponent magnitude >32,767.

-124 Too many digits [number too long; more than 255 digits received].

-128 Numeric data not allowed.

-130 Sux error.

-131 Invalid sux [unrecognized units, or units not appropriate].

-134 Sux too long.

-138 Sux not allowed.

-140 Character data error.

-141 Invalid character data [bad character, or unrecognized].

-144 Character data too long [maximum length is 12 characters].

-148 Character data not allowed.

-150 String data error.

-151 Invalid string data [e.g., END received before close quote]

-158 String data not allowed.

-160 Block data error.

-161 Invalid block data [e.g., END received before close quote]

-168 Block data not allowed.

-170 Expression error

-171 Invalid expression [e.g, illegal character in expression]

Error Codes I-5


-178 Expression data not allowed.

Execution Errors

These error codes are in the range -299 to -200. They indicate that an error has

been detected by the part if the instrument that controls command execution.

Data is out of range. The command could not be executed because of hardware limitations. The Execution Error bit is set in the Event Status Register, see \*ESR?" in

Chapter 6.

-200 Execution error [generic].

-201 Invalid while in local [only available in remote, otherwise con

ict with

hard local-control may result].

-202 Settings lost due to ???

-210 Trigger error.

-211 Trigger ignored [new trigger received before old data read]

-212 Arm ignored.

-213 Init ignored.

-214 Trigger deadlock.

-215 Arm deadlock.

-220 Parameter error.

-221 Settings con

ict [uncoupled parameters].

-222 Data out of range [e.g. wavelength too high for this instrument].

-223 Too much data [out of memory; block, string, or expression too long].

-224 Illegal parameter value [used where exact value, from a list of

possibles, was expected].

-230 Data corrupt or stale [possibly invalid data; new reading started but

not completed since last access].

-231 Data questionable [measurement accuracy is suspect].

-240 Hardware error.

-241 Hardware missing [option not installed].

I-6 Error Codes


-260 Expression error.

-261 Math error in expression [e.g., divide by zero]

-280 Program error.

-281 Cannot create program.

-282 Illegal program name.

-283 Illegal variable name.

-284 Program currently running.

-285 Program syntax error.

-286 Program runtime error.

Device Dependant Errors

These error codes are in the range -399 to 300. They indicate a failure due to

an abnormal hardware or rmware condition. These codes are also used for

the results of the self-test. The Device Dependant Error bit is set in the Event

Status Register, see \*ESR?" in Chapter 6.

-300 Device dependent error [generic failure message].

-310 System error.

-311 Memory error [this message, or any in the range -319 to -310, may be

generated by checksum or parity errors].

-312 Protected user data memory lost [data no longer available].

-313 Calibration memory lost [out of calibration due to memory failure].

-314 Save/Recall memory lost [cannot complete *RCL request].

-315 Conguration memory lost.

-330 Self-test failed [more specic data after \;"].

-350 Too many errors (more than 30) [error queue over


Error Codes I-7


Query Errors

Query errors have codes in the range -499 to -400. they indicate that a problem

has been detected in the output queue. This could be

Trying to read from the queue when the queue is empty, or

Data lost from output queue. The Query Error bit is set in the Event Status Register, see \*ESR?" in

Chapter 6.

-400 Query error.

-410 Query interrupted [query followed by a DAB or a GET before the

response was complete].

-420 Query unterminated [addressed to talk, incomplete program message


-430 Query deadlocked [the input buer and the output buer are full;

cannot continue].

-440 Query unterminated after indenite response [the indenite response

is no the last request in the message unit].

Keithley 2500 數字源表

Keithley 2502 數字源表

KEITHLEY 6221 電流源表

Tektronix 80e04 雙通道時域反射計

Keysight 11708A 衰減器墊

Keithley 2001A 數字多用表

Keithley 2400-C 數字源表

Agilent 34570A 數字萬用表

Keysight 3458A 數字多用表

Keysight 34903A GP開關塊

Agilent 44476A 微波復用器塊

Anritsu 69347B 信號源

Agilent 70004A 光譜分析儀

Keithley 7001半導體開關系統

Tektronix 80C02 光采樣塊

Agilent 81000FI 光纖連接器

Agilent 81002FF 積分球

Agilent 81521B 光功率計探頭

Agilent 81524A 光功率探頭

Agilent 8152 大功率光學探頭

Agilent 81533A 接口模塊

Agilent 81533B 接口塊

Agilent 81536A 光功率計傳感插件

HP 8153A 光功率計

HP 8153B 光波萬用表

HP 81551MM 點光源塊

Agilent 81560A 可變光衰減器

Agilent 81567A 可變光衰減器塊

Agilent 8156A 光衰減器

Keysight 81570A 可變光衰減器塊

Agilent 81578A可變光衰減器塊

Agilent 8157A 光衰減儀

HP 8158B 可編程光衰減器

Keysight 81595B 光開關

Agilent 81610A 回損測試模塊

Keysight 81618A 接口模塊

Agilent 81619A 光功率模塊

Keysight 81623B 鍺光功率探頭

Agilent 81624A 光學探頭

Agilent 8162 光功率探頭

Agilent 81625B 大功率光探頭

Keysight 81626B 大功率光探頭

Keysight 81630B 大功率光傳感器

Agilent 81633A 分布式反饋(DFB)激光器

Keysight 81634B 低偏振相關光功率傳感器

Agilent 8163 雙光功率傳感器

Keysight 81636B 光功率傳感器

Agilent 81637B 快速功率計

Agilent 8163A光功率計主機

keysight 8163B 光波萬用表

Agilent 81640A 可調激光源

Agilent 8164A 光波測量系統主機

Agilent 8164B 光波測量系統

Agilent 81650A 單法布里-珀羅激光源

Agilent 81651A 光源塊

Agilent 81654A 法布里-珀羅激光源

Agilent 81662A 分布式反饋(DFB)激光器

Agilent 8168E 可調諧激光源

Newport 818-IG高性能光電二極管傳感器

Keysight 82357B GPIB 卡

Agilent 83440D光波轉換器

Agilent 83480A 數字通信分析儀

Agilent 83483A 雙通道電塊

Agilent 83486A 光電采樣模塊

Agilent 83487A 光電采樣模塊

Agilent 83492A 多時鐘塊

Agilent 83493A 單時鐘恢復塊

Agilent 83494A 單時鐘恢復塊

Agilent 8349 時鐘恢復塊

Agilent 83496A 光電時鐘恢復塊

Agilent 83497A 光電時鐘恢復塊

HP 83540A 插件信號源

HP 8595E 頻譜分析儀

Agilent 86100A DCA寬帶寬示波器

Agilent 86100C 寬帶示波器主機

Agilent 86100D DCA-J寬帶示波器主機

Agilent 86102A 光電采樣模塊

Agilent 86103A 光電采樣模塊

Agilent 86103B 光電采樣模塊

Agilent 8610 光電采樣模塊

Agilent 86105B 光電采樣模塊

keysight 86105B 光電采樣模塊

Keysight 86105C 光電采樣模塊

keysight 86105C 光電采樣模塊

Keysight 86105D 光電采樣模塊

Agilent 86106B 光電采樣模塊

Agilent 86107A 精密時基參考塊

keysight 86115D 并行光收發信機測試塊

keysight 86116C 40/65/80GHz 光電采樣模塊

Agilent 86120B 多波長計

Agilent 86120C 多波長計

Agilent 86140B 光譜分析儀

Agilent 86142A 光譜分析儀

Agilent 86142B 高性能光譜分析儀

Agilent 86146b 光譜分析儀

Newport 918-IG 高性能光電二極管傳感器

Newport 918-ir 高性能光電二極管傳感器

Ando AQ2140光功率計

YOKOGAWA AQ2200-421 單槽型光開關

YOKOGAWA AQ2201 幀控制器主機

Ando AQ2730光功率計塊

Ando AQ2742 光功率傳感器

Ando AQ2743 光功率傳感器

Andu AQ-4137 光源

Andu AQ-4142 光源

Ando AQ4211LD組件

Ando AQ4215 光功率計

ANDO AQ6317B 光譜分析儀

yokogawa AQ6370 光譜分析儀

Yokogawa AQ6370D 光譜分析儀

Tektronix DPP125B 誤碼儀

Tektronix DSA8200 采樣示波器

Tektronix DSA8300 數字采樣示波器

Keysight E3631A 三路輸出電源

Agilent E5061A ENA-L 射頻網絡分析儀

Photom EP-712 光功率計

R&S FSP3 頻譜分析儀

Ericsson FSU-975 光纖熔接機

R&S FSV7 信號分析儀

IFR GPS-101定位系統擬器

Jdsu HA9 光衰減器

Exfo IQS-3150 可變衰減器

Keysight J7231B 抖動通信性能分析儀

CVI Melles Griot 05-LHP-211-1

Anritsu MN9610B光衰減器

Anritsu MS9710B 光譜分析儀

Anritsu ms9710c 光譜分析儀

Anritsu MS9740A 臺式光譜分析儀

keysight N1092A DCA-M采樣示波器(一個光通道)

keysight N1092B DCA-M采樣示波器

keysight N1092C DCA-M采樣示波器

keysight N1092D DCA-M采樣示波器

keysight N1092E DCA-M采樣示波器

keysight N4391A 光調制分析儀

keysight N4877A 接收機和發射機

Agilent N4901B BERT比特誤碼率測試儀

Keysight N5181A 射頻擬信號發生器

Agilent N5980A 誤碼率測試儀

keysight N7734A 1x13 光開關

Agilent N7740A 多端口光功率計

Keysight N7744A 多端口光功率計

keysight N774 多端口光功率計

Keysight N7748A 高性能光功率計

keysight N7761A 單通道可變光衰減器

keysight N7762A 2通道可變光衰減器

keysight N7764A 4通道可變光衰減器

keysight N7766A 2通道多光衰減器

keysight N7768A 4通道多光衰減器

keysight N8973A 噪聲系數分析儀

R&S NRPZ51 射頻功率計

R&S NRPZ55 射頻功率計

R&S NRP-Z55 射頻功率計

JDSU OLP-55 光功率計


Picometrix PT-12B 光電轉換芯片

NI PXI-1031 板卡


EXFO WA-1650 光波長計

光示波器/眼圖儀—Agilent 86100A, Agilent 86100B, Agilent 86100C, Agilent 86100D,Agilent 8610, Agilent 86105B, Agilent 86116C, Agilent 86105D, Agilent 86103A, Agilent 86106B, Agilent 86103B, Agilent 83493A, Agilent 83496A, Agilent 86118A, Agilent 54754A,Tektronix DSA 8300,Tektronix DSA 8200,Tektronix 80C08,Tektronix 80C15,Tektronix 80C07, Tektronix 82A04,Tektronix 80E04,Anritsu MP2100B


光譜分析:Agilent 86142B, Agilent 86146B,Agilent 86140B,Anritsu MS9740A,Anritsu MS 9710C,Anritsu MS9710B,Yokogawa 6317B,Yokogawa:6370D


波長計:Agilent 86122A,Agilent 86120B,Agilent 86120C,EXFO WA1600,EXFO WA1650,EXFO WA1100


光衰減器:Agilent 8156A,Agilent 8157A,Agilent 81570A,Agilent 81571A,Agilent 81576A,Agilent 81577A,Agilent 81567A,JDSU HA-9


光萬用表:Agilent 8164A,Agilent 8164B,Agilent 8163A,Agilent 8163B,Agilent 8153A,Agilent 8166B,Agilent N7744A,Agilent N774,Agilent N7748A,Agilent 81632B,Agilent 81633A,Agilent 81634A,Agilent 81634B,Agilent 8163,Agilent 81636B,Agilent 86137B,Agilent 81623A,Agilent 81623B,Agilent 81624A,Agilent 81624B,Agilent 8162,Agilent 81625B,Agilent 81626B,Agilent 81628B,Agilent N7752A


誤碼儀:Agilent N5980A,Agilent N4901A,Agilent N4903A,Agilent N4906A


光開關:Agilent 81595B,Agilent 86062C,JDSU SB optical switch


可調光源:Agilent 81640A,Agilent 81642A,Agilent 81680A,Agilent 81682A,Agilent 81600B

網絡分析儀:Agilent E5071C,Agilent 8722ES,Agilent 8720ES,Agilent E5061B,Agilent E5062A,R&S ZNB


射頻信號源:Agilent E4438C,Agilent 8257D,Agilent N5181A,Agilent N5182A,Aglent N5182B,Agient N5183A,Agilent 8257D,Akeysight E8257D 精度指標 gilent 8267D

頻譜分析儀:Agilent E4440A,Agilent N9010A,Agilent N9020A,Agilent N9030A

Wifi/藍牙測試儀:Anritsu 8852B,LitePoint IQxel 80,,LitePoint IQXEL 160,,LitePoint 2011,,LitePoint IQ flex,Agilent N4010A




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