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來源:深圳市浚海中儀科技有限公司   2017年07月18日 12:24  


All CONTITEST® continuity testers can be used to test passive and active electronic components, such as capacitors, diodes, coils, transformers, rectifiers, transistors or even entire assemblies. A common testing method is comparison testing. This involves alternatingly testing a component known to be intact and a presumably defective one. This way, it is often possible to detect flaws such as interruptions, connections, swappings or burned-through PCB traces.

CONTITEST  4000-501 (item no.: 0400)
Simple continuity tester, with adjustable volume. It is used whenever no specific demands are made of the resistance to be tested. Featuring a sturdy plastic enclosure and very flexible test leads with high-quality probes, this tester is a long-lasting tool that can be used day after day.

CONTITEST  4000-503 (item no.: 0430)
Characteristics and implementation like CONTITEST 4000-501, but with a 3-LED voltage display. DC voltages with polarity and AC voltages are displayed starting at 6 volts. Another LED flashes when the applied voltage is greater than 60 volts.


 505 (item no.: 0500)
This continuity tester was designed specifically for electrical plant engineering. A resistance difference of 1 to 2 Ω can be heard clearly, due to its low-ohmic (0- to 100-Ω ) test range. A contactor coil can be clearly differentiated from a switching contact. A vital aspect of this low-ohmic test range is detecting low-ohmic junction resistances. At high power levels, these junction resistances can result in corresponding voltage drops, causing high temperatures at switching or plugging elements. Even layers of grease or dust on contact surfaces can be detected. The second test range from 0 to 10 kΩ is used to perform all other continuity tests in switchgear or electronic circuits.

CONTITEST  516 (item no: 0516)
Sehr hochohmiger Durchgangsprüfer 0 bis 200 MΩ. Damit lassen sich vorwiegend Übergangswiderstände und Kriechstrecken ausfindig machen, die z.B. durch Wasser, Staub oder Schmorstrecken entstanden sind. Fremdspannung bei >60 Volt wird durch eine blinkende Leuchtdiode angezeigt.


omparison of specifications for the CONTITEST® models:
Continuity tester range:¹0 - ∼1,5 MΩ0 - ∼1,5 MΩ0 - 100 Ω0 - 10 kΩ0 - 200 MΩ
Test voltage max.:4,2 V
Test current max.:2 mA2 mA5 mA5 mA70 µA
AF signal range:0,04-1 kHz0,04-1 kHz0,04-1,2 kHz0,04-1 kHz0,04-1,5 kHz
Volume loud/soft:possiblepossliblenot possliblenot possliblenot posslible
Voltage tester AC/DC:not possliblepossliblenot possliblenot possliblenot posslible
Warning display >60 V AC/DC:not possliblepossliblenot possliblenot posslibleposslible
Polarity display:not possliblepossliblenot possliblenot possliblenot posslible
Able to withstand voltages up to:250 V AC/DC
Able to withstand voltages briefly:420 V AC/DC
Delivery includes:Tester, batteries (3 Micro AAA cells), instruction manual


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