- 基本信息
- 分辨率:0
- 型號:C4000-11
- 測量精度:0
- 品牌:thermo
- 貨號:C4000-11
- 電源電壓:0
- 加工定制:否
- 規格:C4000-11
- 重量:1
- 測量范圍:0
- 外形尺寸:1*8*249
【上海精瑞科學儀器有限公司 thermofisher 一級代理商 正規 售后無憂 】一家專業提供HPLC色譜柱、GC色譜柱、SPE前處理小柱和其他實驗室常用耗材、配件的公司,同時提供各種進口標準品和各類分析儀器
C4000-11 Pack of 100 National Target DP Vials 400 μL <2μL
C4000-12 Pack of 100 National Target DP Vials 2.0 mL <170μL
C4000-14 Pack of 100 National Target DP Vials 2.0 mL <170μL
03-PPSVW Pack of 500 Chromacol Vials 300 μL <4μL
Provide an economical alternative to glass for some applications with Thermo Scientific™ 9mm Plastic Screw Thread Vials. They are manufactured from high-quality, GC-tested polypropylene material. Polypropylene vials are chemically inert and suitable for most chromatography applications. Where levels of inorganic ions have to be kept to an absolute minimum the use of plastics may be preferred to the more conventional glass vials. Choose from Thermo Scientific™, Thermo Scientific™ National™, and Thermo Scientific™ Chromacol™ brands.