目錄:伯樂生命醫學產品(上海)有限公司(bio-rad)>>試劑>>酶>> Oxidase Test
2 pkgs of 50 disks
Use the Oxidase Test for confirmation after the detection and enumeration of Salmonella, Campylobacter, and other bacteria that produce cytochrome c oxidases.
Other options for confirmation of Salmonella and serotype identification include , latex agglutination tests (Salmonella groups B to E and G), iQ-Check® Salmonella II Real-Time PCR Test, ONPG Test (β-galactosidase), and Bio-Rad’s extensive range of antisera to flagellar, somatic, and capsular antigens.
For confirmation of Campylobacter spp. other confirmatory tests include , latex agglutination tests, and iQ-Check® Campylobacter Real-Time PCR Test.