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[供應]091000449-Accutase™ 胰蛋白酶替代品 091000449
Accutase替換胰酶/EDTA/細胞消化液 091000449
ACCUTASETM細胞消化液 091000449
傳統貼壁細胞消化(胰酶/EDTA)的*替換產品 091000449
MP Biomedicals( MPbio)中國代理重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司
Mpbio公司提供的ACCUTASE™具有蛋白酶和膠原酶活性,是胰酶/EDTA的替換產品,用于從常規組織培養器皿和粘附培養器皿中消化細胞。另外進行細胞計數、轉染或分析檢測(如流式細胞術)前,常加入一定量的accutase,將細胞集落 (clumps)分散成單個細胞然后進行下游實驗。Accutase因其消化方式溫和,對細胞傷害極低,不含任何動物或細菌來源組分等特點成功替代傳統消化產品,廣泛應用于常規貼壁細胞(血清培養細胞和無血清培養細胞)的消化,以及成為干細胞(如hESCs、mESCs等)傳代培養的產品之一。即用型的無菌產品,使用非常方便。
Accutase具蛋白酶和膠原酶活性,以Dulbecco’s PBS溶液(含0.5 mM EDTA·4Na和酚紅)形式供應。
● 應用于絕大多數原代細胞和哺乳動物細胞系的消化
實驗驗證的細胞系(cellline):成纖維細胞,角蛋白細胞,血管內皮細胞,肝細胞,血管平滑肌細胞,肝細胞祖細胞,原代雞胚神經細胞,骨髓干細胞,貼壁CHO和BHK細胞,巨噬細,293細胞,L929 細胞,*性小鼠睪丸生殖細胞,3T3,Vero ,COS,HeLa,NT2,MG63, M24,A375轉移性黑色素瘤,神經膠質瘤U251和D54,HT1080纖維肉瘤細胞,Sf9 昆蟲細胞。(參考文獻1-9)
● 溫和有效的消化胚胎干細胞(hESCs和mESCs),凍存后細胞具更高復蘇率(圖2,文獻10)
● 幾分鐘內實現粘附細胞的分離,不需清洗或中和反應,節省細胞傳代時間
● 溫和而快速的分離貼壁細胞,不會破壞流式細胞術檢測的表面抗原
● 溫和消化維持zui高細胞活力,即使長時間消化(45 min)細胞活力達97 ± 3%(圖1)
● 同時結合膠原酶和蛋白酶活性,不含哺乳動物、細菌來源產品或昆蟲桿狀病毒表達系統組分
應 用:
(1)替換胰酶/EDTA(Replacing Trypsin/EDTA)
(2)功能分析(functional assays)
(3)組織解離(tissue disaggregation)
在4-25℃下進行組織解離,因酶的特性切忌在37℃操作。根據組織類型和解離溫度優化解離時間。一般情況下,4℃過一夜孵育(12-16hrs),25℃孵育1-2 hrs。
(1)37℃或室溫溶解Accutase,用無菌PBS溶液清洗細胞培養容器(培養板、培養瓶等) 。
(2)以無菌操作的方式按 75 cm2表面積加入10 ml Accutase的量覆蓋貼壁細胞;重新放入37℃培養箱內,消化15-20 min。(消化時間可自行調整。大部分細胞處于Accutase中高達1小時,對細胞無影響)
品 牌 | 貨 號 | 名 稱 | 規 格 | 目錄價 | 保存(效期) |
Mpbio | 091000449 | AccutaseTM 細胞分離液 | 100 ml | 486.00 | -20°C(2年) |
(1)A cell-detachment solution can reduce background staining in theELISPOT assay, Grant A, et al., Methods of Molecular Biology, 2005;302:87-94.
(2)Canine hemangiosarcoma originates from hematopoietic precursors withpotential for endothelial differentiation, Lamerota-Kozicki et al.,Experimental Hematology, Vol. 34 Pages 870-878, April 2006.
(3)The JAK3 inhibitor WHI-P154 prevents PDGF-evoked process outgrowthin human neural precursor cells, Richards et al., Journal ofNeurochemistry, Vol. 97 Page 201, April 2006.
(4)Nuclear factor-КB controls the reaggregation of 3D neurospherecultures in vitro, Widera et al.,European Cells and Materials, Vol. 11,Pages 76-85, 2006.
(5)Autologous adult rodent neural progenitor cell transplantationrepresents a feasible strategy to promote structural repair in thechronically injured spinal cord, Pfeifer, Future Medicine, Pages255-266, July 2006.
(6)Integrin Signalling Regulates the Nuclear Localization and Functionof the Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor-1 (LPA1) In MammalianCells, Waters et al. Biochemical Journal Immediate Publication, May 2006
(7)Minute numbers of contaminant CD8+ T cells or CD11b+CD11c+ NK cellsare the source of IFN-γ in IL-12/IL-18-stimulated mouse macrophagepopulations, Schleicher et al., Blood Vol. 105,Pages 1319-1328, February 2005.
(8)Cell Permeable Peptide of JNK Inhibitor Prevents Islet ApoptosisImmediay After Isolation and Improves Islet GraftFunction, Noguchi et al., American Journal of Transplantation, Vol.5,Pages 1848-1855, August 2005.
(9) Rescue Purification Maximizes the Use of Human Islet Preparationsfor Transplantation, Ichii et al., American Journal of Transplantation,Vol. 5, Pages 21-30, © 2005.
(10)Efficient Propagation of Single Cells Accutase-Dissociated HumanEmbryonic Stem Cells. RUCHI BAJPAI,MOLECULAR REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT
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091000120 Basal Medium Eagle BME, 含Earle's salts, L-glutamine,無碳酸氫鈉 10x1 L ¥312.62
091000122 Basal Medium Eagle BME, 含Earle's salts, L-glutamine,無碳酸氫鈉 1x10 L ¥312.62
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091094122 Basal Medium Eagle BME 含 L-glutamine,無碳酸氫鈉 1x10 L ¥1,078.70
091033120 Dulbecco'S Modification Of Eagle'S Medium DMEM,高糖, 含 L-glutamine,含丙酮酸鈉,含吡哆醇,無碳酸氫鈉 10x1 L ¥417.60
091033122 Dulbecco'S Modification Of Eagle'S Medium BME, 含Earle's salts, L-glutamine,無碳酸氫鈉 1x10 L ¥256.80
091033124 Dulbecco'S Modification Of Eagle'S Medium DMEM,高糖, 含 L-glutamine,含丙酮酸鈉,含吡哆醇,無碳酸氫鈉 1 x 50 L ¥1,358.00
091033220 Dulbecco'S Modification Of Eagle'S Medium DMEM,高糖, 含 L-glutamine,含吡哆醇,無丙酮酸鈉,無碳酸氫鈉 10x1 L ¥385.70
091033222 Dulbecco'S Modification Of Eagle'S Medium DMEM,高糖, 含 L-glutamine,含吡哆醇,無丙酮酸鈉,無碳酸氫鈉 1x10 L ¥230.35
091033224 Dulbecco'S Modification Of Eagle'S Medium DMEM,高糖, 含 L-glutamine,含吡哆醇,無丙酮酸鈉,無碳酸氫鈉 1x50 L ¥952.00
091033520 Dulbecco'S Modification Of Eagle'S Medium DMEM,高糖, 含 L-glutamine,含丙酮酸鈉,含HEPES,無碳酸氫鈉 10x1 L ¥578.55
091033522 Dulbecco'S Modification Of Eagle'S Medium DMEM,高糖, 含 L-glutamine,含丙酮酸鈉,含HEPES,無碳酸氫鈉 1x10 L ¥345.53
091046820 Dulbecco'S Modification Of Eagle'S Medium/Ham'S F-12 Medium DMEM/F12,含酚紅,含吡哆醇,含丙酮酸鈉,無L-glutamine,無碳酸氫鈉 10x1 L ¥499.20
091046822 Dulbecco'S Modification Of Eagle'S Medium/Ham'S F-12 Medium DMEM/F12,含酚紅,含吡哆醇,含丙酮酸鈉,無L-glutamine, 1 x 10 L ¥561.60
091046824 Dulbecco'S Modification Of Eagle'S Medium/Ham'S F-12 Medium DMEM/F12,含酚紅,含吡哆醇,含丙酮酸鈉,無L-glutamine, 1x50 L ¥1,316.80
091046920 Dulbecco'S Modification Of Eagle'S Medium/Ham'S F-12 Medium DMEM/F12,無酚紅,含吡哆醇,無丙酮酸鈉,無L-glutamine,,無血清培養基 10x1 L ¥1,873.20
091046922 Dulbecco'S Modification Of Eagle'S Medium/Ham'S F-12 Medium DMEM/F12,無酚紅,含吡哆醇,無丙酮酸鈉,無L-glutamine,,無血清培養基 1x10 L ¥1,274.00
091047120 Biorich 1 DMEM/F-12,含微量元素,無血清培養基 10x1 L ¥420.70
091047122 Biorich 1 DMEM/F-12,含微量元素,無血清培養基 1x10 L ¥358.40
091040120 F-10 Nutrient Mixture (HAM) F-10,含 L-glutamine, 10x1 L ¥1,120.00
091040122 F-10 Nutrient Mixture (HAM) F-10,含 L-glutamine, 1x10 L ¥952.00
091040124 F-10 Nutrient Mixture (HAM) F-10,含 L-glutamine, 1x50 L ¥2,296.00
091040224 F-10 Nutrient Mixture (HAM) F-10,含 L-glutamine, 1x50 L ¥2,451.40
091042120 F-12 Nutrient Mixture (HAM) F-12,含 L-glutamine, 10x1 L ¥417.60
091042122 F-12 Nutrient Mixture (HAM) F-12,含 L-glutamine, 1 x 10 L ¥644.00
091042320 F-12 Nutrient Mixture (Ham) W 25 Mm HEPES F-12,含 L-glutamine,含HEPES,10X1 L ¥1,646.21
091082120 Fischer'S Medium FISCHER'S培養基,MgSO4替代MgCl2 10x1 L ¥1,649.90
091082122 Fischer'S Medium FISCHER'S培養基,MgSO4替代MgCl2 1x10 L ¥1,274.00
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091033822 High Growth Enhancement Medium HGEM,果糖替代葡萄糖 1x10 L ¥385.70
091035720 Iscove'S Modification Of Dulbecco'S Medium IMDM,含L-glutamine 10x1 L ¥811.20
091035722 Iscove'S Modification Of Dulbecco'S Medium IMDM,含L-glutamine 1x10 L ¥750.40
091035520 Iscove'S Modification Of Dulbecco'S Medium IMDM,,BSA,人轉鐵蛋白,大豆卵磷脂,含 L-glutamine,,無血清培養 10x1 L ¥2,941.40
091035522 Iscove'S Modification Of Dulbecco'S Medium IMDM,,BSA,人轉鐵蛋白,大豆卵磷脂,含 L-glutamine,,無血清培養 1x10 L ¥1,470.70
091032320 Joklik'S Modification Of Minimum Essential Medium Eagle JMEM,懸浮細胞培養基 10x1 L ¥385.70
091032322 Joklik'S Modification Of Minimum Essential Medium Eagle JMEM,懸浮細胞培養基 1x10 L ¥462.70
091032324 Joklik'S Modification Of Minimum Essential Medium Eagle JMEM,懸浮細胞培養基 1x50 L ¥1,009.40
091051120 Leibovitz L-15 Medium LEIBOVITZ L-15,無CO2細胞培養 10x1 L ¥672.00
091051122 Leibovitz L-15 Medium LEIBOVITZ L-15,無CO3細胞培養 1x10 L ¥593.60
091055120 Mccoy'S 5A Medium MCCOY'S 5A 10x1 L ¥448.70
091055121 Mccoy 5A W/Gln, W/O Bic MCCOY'S 5A, 含 L-glutamine, 2x5 L ¥385.70
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