Product name: [60]PCB-Cn
The [60]PCB-Cn compounds are more soluble than [60]PCBM. This can be desirable for systems where [60]PCBM cannot be dissolved at the desired concentration, or where it gives to much phase-separation in the blend with the conducting polymer.
At Solenne we can produce a large number of these PCB-Cn compounds. Currently, we have the following compounds available:
[60]PCBE ethyl ester n = 2
[60]PCBB (PCB-C4) butyl ester n = 4 (n-butyl)
[60]PCBiB isobutyl ester n = 4 (iso-butyl or 2-methylpropyl)
[60]PCBH hexyl ester n = 6 (n-hexyl)
[60]PCB-C8 octyl ester n = 8 (n-octyl)
[60]PCBEH 2-ethylhexyl ester n = 8 (2-ethylhexyl)
The purity of these compounds is mainly determine by the purity of the alcohol that is used in the synthesis. For most of these [60]PCB-Cn derivatives the purity by HPLC is >99%.
Certificates of analysis are always available. Analytical details are provided upon request. Purity values are by HPLC analysis (360 nm).
CAS numbers:
n = 4 571177-66-7 [60]PCB-C4 >99%
n = 8 571177-68-9 [60]PCB-C8 >99%
Xi'an ruixi Biological Technology Co;Ltd