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蘇州市華宇凈化設備有限公司>>凈化檢測儀器>>氣溶膠發生器專用油>> TDA-6C 氣溶膠發生器美國ATI總代理

TDA-6C 氣溶膠發生器美國ATI總代理

  • TDA-6C 氣溶膠發生器美國ATI總代理
參考價 面議
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  • 廠商性質 生產商
  • 所在地 蘇州市
在線詢價 收藏產品

更新時間:2015-08-14 18:15:27瀏覽次數:868





TDA-6C型懸浮粒子發生器是ATI制造的便攜式Laskin nozzle噴射型產塵儀可以在氣流流量從50到2000立方英尺每分鐘的氣流中產生次微米且濃度在10 到 100微克每升的懸浮粒子








TDA-6C型懸浮粒子發生器是ATI制造的便攜式Laskin nozzle噴射型產塵儀可以在氣流流量從50到2000立方英尺每分鐘的氣流中產生次微米且濃度在10 到 100微克每升的懸浮粒子

TDA-6C Aerosol Generator

1,     TDA-6C氣溶膠發生器產品特點:

1.1    氣流范圍廣(50-2,000CFM)
1.2    Laskin Nozzle 噴射產塵

2,      TDA-6C氣溶膠發生器應用

2.1    潔凈工作臺
2.2    潔凈房
2.3    HVAC系統
2.4    HEPA過濾器
2.5    ULPA過濾器 
2.6    手術室
2.7    核子過濾系統
2.8    匯集保護過濾器
2.9    研究與發展

3,     TDA-6C氣溶膠發生器產品介紹:

      TDA-6C氣溶膠發生器是ATI制造的便攜式Laskin nozzle噴射型產塵儀可以在氣流流量從50到2000立方英尺每分鐘的氣流中產生次微米且濃度在10 到 100微克每升的懸浮粒子.所有的Laskin nozzle噴射型產塵儀都采用耐用的不銹鋼結構,大的填充口,獨立的噴嘴控制,壓力控制和3"標準的清潔接頭輸出.一個可選的適配器可使懸浮粒子導入正壓系統.無論您什么測試需要,我們都會有一款符合您的要求.
      TDA-6C氣溶膠發生器是zui近設計的耐用的,輕便的Laskin nozzle產塵儀.TDA-6C是一個獨立的產塵儀僅僅只需要一個合適的電壓源供應便可產生多分散的次微米懸浮粒子.


    TDA-6C氣溶膠發生器有6個Laskin nozzle噴嘴.當它在20 psig壓力時整個輸出被200立方英尺的空氣稀釋,氣體的濃度接近100 微克每升.內置的調節閥可以調節在2個噴嘴或6個噴嘴去產塵,提供一個寬范圍的氣體濃度.

4,    TDA-6C氣溶膠發生器技術參數:
4.1   空氣懸浮粒子輸出范圍:   50 - 2,000立方英尺每分鐘
4.2   懸浮粒子濃度                 100微克 / 升在 200 立方英尺每分鐘流量時
4.3   懸浮粒子濃度                 10微克 / 升在2,000立方英尺每分鐘時流量時
4.4   產生類型                        2到6個 Laskin Nozzle 噴頭
4.5   壓縮空氣                        不需要,已有內置壓縮機
4.6   氣體類型                        多種直徑的粒子 (冷)
4.7   尺寸                              (54cm L   28cm W    20cm H)
4.8   重量                              25 KG
4.9   電源                              120 VAC  /  60 Hz  或  220 VAC  /  50hz

ATI懸浮粒子發生器 / TDA-6C產塵儀 /  空氣粒子發生器 /  PAO油發生器 / 過濾器完整性測試系統

The TDA-6C features several improvements including rugged stainless steel construction, large fill port, jet and pressure control, and a 3" standard sanitary fitting outlet. An optional hose adapter, part # 9300100, is available for introducing the aerosol into positive pressure systems.
The TDA-6C is the latest design in rugged, lightweight Laskin nozzle generators from ATI. The TDA-6C is a self-contained aerosol generator that requires only a suitable voltage source to create polydispersed sub-micron oil aerosol.
The TDA-6C has 6 Laskin nozzle jets (Equivalent to 1-1/2 Type III-A Laskin nozzles). When its total output at 20 psig is diluted by 200 cfm of air, the aerosol concentration is approximay 100 ug/l. A valve permits the unit to be operated with either 2 jets (1/2 nozzle) or 6 nozzle jets (1-1/2 nozzles), providing a wide range of aerosol concentrations.
The TDA-6C is recommended for testing systems with airflows of 2,000 cfm and lower. It is ideal for workstations, Negative Pressure Filtration Units, biosafety cabinets, ceiling modules, small or portable cleanrooms, or HEPA filter units in installations where an adequate supply of clean, compressed air is not readily available.
TDA-6C Specifications
Aerosol Output Range: 50-2,000 cfm
Aerosol Concentration 100 ug/1@ 200 cfm
Aerosol Concentration 10 ug/1@ 2,000 cfm
Generator Type: 2 to 6 Laskin nozzle Jets
Aerosol Type: Polydispersed (Cold)
Size: 21" L × 8" W × 11" H (54cm L × 20cm W × 28cm H)
110 VAC / 60 HZ  Weight-Pounds (lbs) 55
  Weight-Kilograms (kg) 25
220 VAC / 50 HZ Weight-Pounds (lbs) 55
  Weight-Kilograms (kg) 25
TDA-6C Aerosol output calculation
The TDA-6C includes a total of 1-1/2 Laskin nozzles. Each "full" nozzle consists of four jets located at the nozzle tip, for a total of six jets. The aerosol concentration depends on the compressed air pressure and flow available for consumption by the nozzle. With 20 psig applied, each jet emits 18.75 slpm of air containing 1,275 ug/l of aerosol. When this aerosol is diluted with 135 cfm of air, the aerosol concentration becomes approximay 25 micrograms per liter. The equation below is for purposes of calculating the aerosol output in micrograms per liter (ug/l) when 20 psig is applied to the nozzle jets.
3,375 x (# of jets being used)
Total airflow (CFM)
NOTE: If more than 20 psig is used, the output concentration will increase and, conversely, if less than 20 psig is used, the output concentration will decrease.
Clean Rooms
Laminar Flow Benches
Biosafety Cabinets
Glove Boxes
HEPA Vacuum Cleaners
HVAC Systems
HEPA Filters
ULPA Filters
Negative Pressure Filtration Units
Surgical Suites
Nuclear Filter Banks
Collective Protection Filters
Research and Development
Food Processing
Veterinary Medicine
Asbestos Abatement
Heavy Metal Processors
Nuclear Power and Fuel
Chemical Processing
NBC Defense Agencies
Governmental Labs
Filter Manufacturers
Micro Electronic



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