




化工儀器網>產品展廳>光學儀器及設備>電子顯微鏡>透射電子顯微鏡(透射電鏡/TEM)> 高稱度冷凍透射電鏡 Talos F200C TEM

舉報 評價

高稱度冷凍透射電鏡 Talos F200C TEM

  • 公司名稱 賽默飛電子顯微鏡
  • 品牌 FEI/賽默飛
  • 型號
  • 產地
  • 廠商性質 生產廠家
  • 更新時間 2024/8/28 13:56:05
  • 訪問次數 551



FEI公司,2016年被賽默飛世爾科技收購,成為賽默飛材料與結構分析(MSD) 電鏡事業部,是顯微鏡和微量分析解決方案的創新者和供應商。 我們提供掃描電子顯微鏡SEM,透射電子顯微鏡TEM和雙束-掃描電子顯微鏡DualBeam FIB-SEM,結合先進的軟件套件,運用廣泛的樣本類型,通過將高分辨率成像與物理、元素、化學和電學分析相結合,使客戶的問題變成有效可用的數據。


價格區間 面議 儀器種類 熱場發射
應用領域 環保,化工

高稱度冷凍透射電鏡 Talos F200C TEM

高稱度冷凍透射電鏡 Talos F200C TEM  TEM and STEM analysis for high contrast imaging of beam sensitive materials

Talos F200C Transmission Electron Microscope

The Thermo Scientific Talos F200C TEM is a 20-200 kV thermionic (scanning) transmission electron microscope uniquely designed for performance and productivity across a wide range of samples and applications, such as 2D and 3D imaging of cells, organelles, asbestos, polymers, and soft materials, both at ambient and cryogenic temperatures.

It elevates the imaging quality of beam-sensitive materials with its optional, motorized, retractable cryo-box and low-dose technique. Additionally, a side-entry retractable energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) detector can be added to the configuration to enable chemical analysis. The large C-Twin pole piece gap, which provides high application flexibility, combined with a reproducibly performing electron column, opens new opportunities for high-resolution 3D characterization, in situ dynamic observations, and diffraction applications, with a special emphasis on high-contrast imaging and cryo-TEM. The Talos F200C TEM is equipped with the fast 4k × 4k Thermo Scientific Ceta 16M Camera, which provides a large field-of-view and fast imaging, with high sensitivity, on a 64-bit platform.

Thermo Scientific Maps Software enables intuitive image-based navigation over a whole sample and easy correlation of results across imaging platforms. In order to retrieve large-area imaging at high-resolution Maps Software automatically acquires and stitches images to document the entire area of interest with exceptional quality. Maps Software can be used across tools and within the tool. It supports image import, overlay and alignment from other microscopes, such as SEM and light microscopy. This enables digital zoom from correlated low-magnification TEM and/or SEM to high-resolution TEM (HRTEM), which provides valuable contextual information.

Talos F200C Transmission Electron Microscope features

Superior images

High-contrast, high-quality TEM and STEM imaging with simultaneous, multiple signal detection with up to four-channel integrated STEM detectors.

Improved productivity and reproducibility

Ultra-stable column and remote operation with SmartCam and constant power objective lenses for quick mode and HT switches. Fast, easy switching for multi-user environments.

Space for more

Large analytical pole piece gap, 180° stage tilt range, and large z-range allow you to add tomography holders, in situ sample holders, and more.


All daily TEM tunings, such as focus, eucentric height, center beam shift, center condenser aperture, and rotation center are automated.

Chemical composition data

Flexible EDS analysis reveals chemical information.

Ceta CMOS Camera

The large field-of-view of the 4k × 4K Ceta CMOS Camera enables live digital zooming with high sensitivity and high speed over the entire high-tension range.


TEM information limit

  • 0.18

TEM point resolution (nm)

  • 0.30

STEM resolution (nm)

  • 0.20


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