TOP VAC Technology (Changzhou) Co., Ltd. was established in November 2018. It is located in Changzhou, an economically developed city in the Yangtze River Delta region. Is a research and development, manufacturing, sales, maintenance as one of the vacuum system integration manufacturer.
The main products are rotary vane vacuum pump, slide valve vacuum pump, Roots pump, vacuum gauge for medium and high vacuum, main accessories and instruments around vacuum equipment. Our company is Japan Sato Vacuum Co., Ltd. in China's regular general agent store, sales and after-sales Sato Vacuum brand [PHIL] vacuum pumps and vacuum equipment.. Independently developed front filter, front cooling filter, and oil mist trap for vacuum pump
TOP VAC upholds the concept of innovation, perseverance, meticulous service and excellence. With many years of experience, it is our responsibility to provide customers with a full range of vacuum solutions and to be the first-class manufacturer to satisfy customers
公司名稱 | 托拜克真空技術(常州)有限公司 |
成立日期 | 2018年11月21日【已認證】 |
注冊資本 | 人民幣100萬元 【已認證】 |
法定代表人 | 張毅【已認證】 |
注冊號 | 91320404MA1XGU4J9N【已認證】 |
營業期限 | 2018年11月21日-【已認證】 |
登記機關 | 常州市鐘樓區行政審批局【已認證】 |
企業類型 | 有限責任公司(自然人投資或控股)【已認證】 |
經營范圍 | 真空設備、自動化設備的研發、制造、銷售及維修;真空泵、精密檢測設備及零部件、儀器儀表、潤滑油銷售;貨物或技術的進出口業務(國家禁止或涉及行政審批的貨物和技術進出口除外)。特種勞動防護用品銷售;化工產品銷售(不含許可類化工產品);氣體、液體分離及純凈設備銷售;氣體、液體分離及純凈設備制造;(依法須經批準的項目,經相關部門批準后方可開展經營活動)【已認證】 |
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