For over 20 years of professional experience in the field of design and manufacture instruments of plant physiology, Beijing Yaxinlily Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. (Yaxin) is the pioneer in life research instrument designer in China. Its most portable and effective instruments have been used in many labs and well known by the scientist and exporters in China.
Nowadays, Protable Photosynthesis System, leaf Meter, Bio-O2 Meter, Chl-fluorescence Analysis, Prometer (Stomata Resistance Meter) are our powerful products. We focus on the need of the customer and feedback from them.
All our products are portable, easy for use and with long power time for work in the field.
Meanwhile, Beijing Yaxinlily Science and Technology Company provide the more effective and closer service to our customers.
公司名稱 | 北京雅欣理儀科技有限公司 |
成立日期 | 2002年09月23日【已認證】 |
注冊資本 | 人民幣30萬元 【已認證】 |
法定代表人 | 馬仁懿【已認證】 |
注冊號 | 91110108742608533D【已認證】 |
營業期限 | 長期【已認證】 |
登記機關 | 北京市海淀區市場監督管理局【已認證】 |
企業類型 | 有限責任公司(自然人投資或控股)【已認證】 |
經營范圍 | 技術推廣、技術開發、技術轉讓、技術咨詢、技術服務、技術培訓;銷售電子產品、計算機、軟件及輔助設備。(企業依法自主選擇經營項目,開展經營活動;依法須經批準的項目,經相關部門批準后依批準的內容開展經營活動;不得從事本市產業政策禁止和限制類項目的經營活動。)【已認證】 |
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