轉染試劑,貨號:4709705001,品名:FuGENE HD Transfection Reagent,現貨*,詳情,上海嶸崴達,:
規格:1.0 ml up to 300 transfections
Composition: unique and proprietary blend of many components, in 80% ethanol.
存儲: stable at +2°C to +8°C.
Stability: 2 years, starting from date of manufacture.
Lot-specific analysis:
Each lot of FuGENE®HD Transfection Reagent is carefully checked, using ISO DIN 9001-certified procedures, to assure product is performing according to specifications and is consistent from lot to lot.
Functional analysis:
Cos 7 cells are transfected in 96 well plates with a reporter gene vector DNA, using 0.3 µl FuGENE® HD and 0.1 µg DNA or 0.25 µl FuGENE® HD and 0.1 µg DNA. Reporter gene activity is monitored via a colorimetric test against a reference lot. Activity must be ≥ 75% compared to a reference lot in at least one of the tested amounts, listed above.
Cytotoxicity analysis:
Cell growth is assessed using the Cell Proliferation Reagent WST-1assay which is an indirect measure of cytotoxicity. The remainder of cells from functional analysis is tested for viability.
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