當前位置:上海薩帛機電控制系統有限公司>>風機>> F18P3J0900XX01-225 FEVI International法國進口風機優惠銷售
dynair DIC-ATX 100 M LG II2G 風機
,Scheidt Ventilatoren-GmbH 風機進口優惠銷售
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Reckmann GmbH 1R9-D300A01200K-22AX-Y 熱電偶
Reckmann GmbH 1R9-D800A01500K-12AX-Y 熱電偶
Reckmann GmbH 1R8-3-400 熱電偶
Reckmann GmbH 1R9-G300A02500K-21BBA-Y 熱電偶
Reckmann GmbH 1R9-G300A00500K-21BBA-Y 熱電偶
Reckmann GmbH 1R9-D300A01250K-22AX-Y 熱電偶
ReSatron GmbH RSB 58C 13+12-3-4-CAN-W1N-DS4-F2 編碼器
balluff BTL01YM, BTL5-E10-M0600-K-SR32 位移傳感器
balluff BKS-S 33M-00 (BCC00UP) 位移傳感器附件
Hydrotechnik GmbH 31V7-71-35.030 計
Hydrotechnik GmbH 31V7-71-35.030 計
Hydrotechnik GmbH 31V7-71-35.030 計
Phoenix 2961341,REL-MR- 24DC/1IC 自動控制器
Phoenix 2961341,REL-MR- 24DC/1IC 模塊
parker ZUDB1PT2Z07K 油壓傳動閥
parker D41VW001C1NTW 油壓傳動閥
lika AST680/GY-10/S431 編碼器
lika AST680/GY-10/S431 編碼器
Aseptec GmbH DOC16-20H,art.3287118283 換熱器
Aseptec GmbH DOC20-20H,art.3287050746 換熱器
Aseptec GmbH DOC16-20H,art.3287118283 換熱器
Aseptec GmbH DOC20-20H,art.3287050746 換熱器
Atlas Hydraulic power pack 3Kw R15 液壓動力單元
Atlas Hydraulic cylinder Φ 70 液壓缸
FEVI F18P3J0630XX01-180 風機
FEVI E35P1J0630XX01-160 風機
FEVI F18P3J0900XX01-225 風機
FEVI F22B1J0630XX01-200 風機
FEVI F18P3J0630XX01-180 風機
FEVI E35P1J0630XX01-160 風機
FEVI F18P3J0900XX01-225 風機
FEVI F22B1J0630XX01-200 風機
hydac 0240 D 010 BN4HC 濾芯
hydac 0030 D 003 V 濾芯
hydac 0240 R 010 BN4HC 濾芯
hydac 0110 D 010 BN4HC 濾芯
FEVI F18P3J0630XX01-180 風機
FEVI E35P1J0630XX01-160 風機
FEVI F18P3J0900XX01-225 風機
FEVI F22B1J0630XX01-200 風機
FEVI F18P3J0630XX01-180 風機
FEVI E35P1J0630XX01-160 風機
FEVI F18P3J0900XX01-225 風機
FEVI F22B1J0630XX01-200 風機
FEVI International has been known and recognised for the performance of its industrial fanssince the company's creation in 1956.
FEVI International's experience and expertise has made the company a significant participant in specialist aeraulics, and a leader in the field in Europe because of its international reputation.
The company has a test centre and a set of specialist machines at its 7 000m2 factory (La Vespière, Normandy). It has complete control over its manufacturing chain, covering design, cutting, bending, forming, welding, assembly, authentication, testing and dispatch/delivery.
FEVI International's centrifugal and axial fans are integrated into all industrial processes, and are designed to operate in difficult atmospheres, where extreme temperatures (-50°C to +800°C), corrosion, acidity, and explosive mixtures may be found.
FEVI International provides services directly or via design offices in many fields, including the environment, the iron and steel industry, thermal energy, printing, agriculture, and the glass, brick and cement industries.
Since 2012 FEVI International has been part of Delta Neu Group. This group has been a designer and installer of industrial air processing equipment and solutions for over 100 years (Ventilation, Natural air-conditioning, Dust control, Centralised Vacuum Cleaning systems, Pneumatic transfer of recyclable waste, Filtering of fine particles, Air purification)
This is FEVI International today
More than 4 500 clients across the world have already expressed their confidence in FEVI International for the quality of their ventilation systems.
FEVI offers to all its client supervisory assistance during the assembly and start-up stages of its fans.
Contact us
+33 (0)2 31 48 57 27
Our mission is to select the product that fits your specifications so that we can offer you the best industrial, technical and commercial solutions that ensures the safety of your process.
Our maintenance team comes to your site and guarantees the immediate supply of spare parts.