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DIEBOLD 72.579.740.200 主軸校驗(yàn)棒
Diebold- Werkzeugaufnahmen
Hohlschaftkegel (HSK)
Diebold produzierte die ersten HSK Prototypen für Testzwecke an der Universit?t Aachen, wo das Forschungsprojekt für HSK-Anwendungen seine Anf?nge hatte. In den darauffolgenden Jahren wurde HSK zum weltweit genormten Standard. Zu Beginn wurden HSK Werkzeuge haupts?chlich in Transferstrassen in der Automobilindustrie eingesetzt. Aufgrund der guten Erfahrungen mit der HSK Schnittsle begannen immer mehr Maschinenhersler HSK Werkzeuge für den automatischen Werkzeugwechsel einzusetzen. Tausende Bearbeitungszentren mit HSK Spindeln sind inzwischen weltweit erfolgreich im Einsatz.
HSK Werkzeugaufnahmen erfordern eine h?here Produktionsgenauigkeit im Vergleich zu herk?mmlichen Steilkegelaufnahmen. Die Toleranzen zwischen Kegel und Planseite des Hohlschaftes betragen weniger als 0.002 mm. Daher sind Me?ger?te und Zubeh?r von h?chster Qualit?t erforderlich. Diebold Me?ger?te sind die genialste L?sung zum sicheren Messen von HSK Kegeln.
Produktbild | Typ/Beschreibung | Info/Medien |
| | CAD-Downloadbereich für alle Diebold Werkzeugaufnahmen k?nnen Sie CAD Daten von uns bekommen
Folgende Formate stehen zur Verfügung: - .Iges - .Step - .XML - .DXF
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| | Diebold Werkzeugaufnahmen mit HSK / SK / BT DIN 69893 / DIN 69871 / MAS BT / Für DIN 2080 Restbest?nde auf Anfrage
Diebold Werkzeuge werden mit h?chster Pr?zision und jahrelanger Erfahrung hergeslt. Bereits bei der Entwicklung, vor der Normung 1996, waren wir mit der Herslung der HSK-Werkzeuge und HSK-Spindeln beauftragt. Nicht zuletzt aufgrund dieser Erfahrung sind wir sp?ter auch zum Hersler für Kegelmessger?te geworden.
Made in Germany: S?mtliche Werkzeugaufnahmen werden an unserem alleinigen Standort, in klimatisierten R?umen, in Jungingen hergeslt.
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| | Schrumpftechnik Alle Schrumpfger?te und technische Details
Diebold Schrumpftechnik – von der Pionierzeit bis zur High-Tech-Epoche. Vor mehr als 12 Jahren slten wir das erste Kontakt-Schrumpfger?t vor, ein Meilenstein in der modernen Schrumpftechnik.
Daraus entwickelten wir induktive Schrumpfger?te und sind heute mit über 10 verschiedenen Varianten Marktführer. Ein weiterer Erfolg gelang uns mit dem patentierten Wasserkühler für das Abkühlen der Werkzeuge nach dem Schrumpfvorgang.
Die Marke ThermoGrip? steht für unseren technologischen Vorsprung. Dahinter steht die ThermoGrip? -Gruppe seit 2001. Gemeinsam halten wir zahlreiche Patente der Schrumpftechnik.
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| | HSK 20 Werkzeuge
Die Bearbeitung neuer Werkstoffe sowie st?ndig kleiner werdende Zerspanungswerkzeuge erfordern permanent einen Anstieg der Drehzahlen. Dieser Anstieg in der Drehzahl erfordert h?here Wuchtgüten und geringere Massen. Genau hierfür wurde die bestehende HSK-Norm um die Gr??e HSK20 nach unten erweitert.
Made in Germany: S?mtliche Werkzeugaufnahmen werden an unserem alleinigen Standort, in klimatisierten R?umen, in Jungingen hergeslt. | |
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| | Diebold-JetSleeve?
Diebold-JetSleeve? besteht aus einem Schrumpffutter und einer aufgeschraubten Hülse aus Aluminium, die an der Stirnseite mit winzigen Bohrungen versehen ist. Im Schrumpffutter sind seitliche Austrittsbohrungen angebracht, die dafür sorgen, dass die mit einem Schmiermit versehene Druckluft in den Raum zwischen Hülse und Schrumpffutter gelangt, wo sie dann in Richtung der stirnseitigen Hülsenbohrungen vordringt. Durch die Winzigkeit der Bohrungen wird das unter Druck stehende Medium auf eine hohe Geschwindigkeit beschleunigt, was dazu führt, dass entstehende Sp?ne an der Arbeitssle unmitbar nach dem Abtragen weggeblasen werden. Der entstehende Span wird also nicht mehr überfahren und der Fr?ser dadurch nicht besch?digt. Das Resultat sind mindestens eine Verdoppelung der Fr?serstandzeit und die garantierte Unm?glichkeit eines Fr?serbruches durch das überfahren eines Spanes. Dadurch wird eine sichere mannlose Bearbeitung von Werkstücken m?glich.
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| | UltraGrip? Kraftspannfutter für die Schwerzerspanung
UltraGrip?- Kraftspannfutter wurden speziell für die Schwerzerspanung entwickelt. Sie zeichnen sich durch h?chstm?gliche Spannkr?fte aus und verfügen durch ihre besondere Bauart gleichzeitig über schwingungsd?mpfende Eigenschaften. Die Kombination h?chster Rundlaufpr?zision von 3μm, gepaart mit maximal m?glichen Spannkr?ften ist in dieser Form einmalig. Der komplette Bereich des HPC-Fr?sens mit gro?en Schnitttiefen kombiniert mit hohen Vorschüben und extremen Schnittkr?ften wird so vollst?ndig abgedeckt. | |
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| | CentroGrip? Hochgenaue Spannzangenfutter mit Hochpr?zisions MR (micro run) Spannzangen
Die CentroGrip? Spannfutter-Baureihe garantiert bestm?glichen Rundlauf der mit Pr?zisionsspannzangen m?glich ist. Es k?nnen innerhalb einer Aufnahme bis zu 12 verschiedene Durchmesser in der jeweiligen Pr?zisionsspannzange gespannt werden bei einer Rundlaufgenauigkeit ≤ 3μm. | |
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| | Schlanke Schrumpffutter- einteilig oder modular Insbesondere für den Formenbau
Für viele Bearbeitungsprozesse, insbesondere im Formenbau, sind schlanke und lange Werkzeuge zum Bearbeiten tiefer Kavit?ten erforderlich und es sind auch besondere Fr?sstrategien notwendig.
Alle Aufnahmen und Verl?ngerungen sind im HSK bzw. SK Katalog zu finden.
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| | TER-Schrumpfspannzangen Thermogrip?-ER
Revolution in der Spannzangenaufnahme - optimaler Rundlauf - Gute Wechselgenauigkeit - H?chste Haltekraft - Beste Formstabilit?t - in allen ER Aufnahmen einsetzbar
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| | Micro Chuck Bohrfutter 3-Backen Futter Spannbereich 0,2 bis 3 mm, Rundlauf <0,01 mm
Diebold Micro Chuck Bohrfutter gibt es mit Werkzeugkegel HSK-E 25, HSK-E 32 und HSK-E 40. Zwei Gr??en stehen zur Verfügung: Die kleine Gr??e hat Spanndurchmesser 0,2 mm bis 1,5 mm, die zweite Gr??e spannt Schneidwerkzeuge von 1,5 mm bis 3 mm Schaftdurchmesser.
Die Spannbacken werden durch den Kegel mits eines Inbusschlüssels bet?tigt. Die Micro Bohrfutter sind symmetrisch aufgebaut ohne Elemente die eine Unwucht erzeugen k?nnten. Deshalb sind sie für die Hochgeschwindigkeitsbearbeitung und die Micro-Bearbeitung bestens geeignet. |
Diebold - Messtechnik
Wir bieten verschiedene Kegelmessger?te für das Vermessen von HSK, SK, BT, BBT und Polygonschftkegeln an. Ebenso fertigen wir Messger?te für HSK Spindelkegel. Darüber hinaus Spannkraftprüfer für Spindeln mit HSK, SK, BT und PSK Kegel, Messdorne zum Ausrichten von Maschinen, Rundlauf-Prüfspindeln und Sondermessger?te.
Im Januar 2004 haben wir das Messmit-Programm von der Firma Heck übernommen. Herr Heck hatte geniale Mehrslen-Messger?te entwickelt für das Vermessen von HSK-Kegeln und Steilkegeln. Seither werden diese Lehren bei uns hergeslt und weiterentwickelt. Wir sind im Besitz von mehrfach zertifizierten Meister-Messdornen und k?nnen auf Basis dieser Master Einsl-Lehren der h?chsten Genauigkeitsstufe herslen. Mit diesenn Kegelmessger?ten haben Sie die Sicherheit, korrekt zu messen und slen damit sicher, dass die bei Ihnen im Einsatz befindlichen HSK Werkzeuge den gr??tm?glichen Nutzen und die beste Zuverl?ssigkeit der sehr genauen HSK Schnittsle gew?hrleisten.
Produktbild | Typ/Beschreibung | Info/Medien |
| | Messtechnik
Unsere Mehrslen-Messger?te sind die genialste L?sung zum sicheren Messen von HSK Kegeln oder Steilkegeln. Sie werden weltweit von den namhaftesten Herslern von Werkzeugen eingesetzt, die HSK Kegel oder andere Kegel mit Plananlage herslen. Die Ur-Lehren für die Einslmeister befinden sich im Hause Diebold. Auf dieser Basis k?nnen wir nach den Regeln des DKD (Deutscher Kalibrierdienst) zertifizierte Einslmeister der h?chsten Genauigkeitsstufe herslen. Diese geben Ihnen die Sicherheit, korrekt zu messen und Sie slen damit sicher, dass die bei Ihnen im Einsatz befindlichen Werkzeugaufnahmen den gr??tm?glichen Nutzen und die besten Zuverl?ssigkeit, insbesondere der sehr genauen HSK Schnittsle gew?hrleisten.
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| | HSK Kegelmessger?t zum Prüfen von Werkzeugaufnahmen
Immer billigere Werkzeugaufnahmen kommen auf den Weltmarkt. Durch den enormen Preisdruck leidet h?ufig die Qualit?t. Dies sieht man den Aufnahmen zuerst gar nicht an, und die Funktionsma?e wie Kegelwinkel k?nnen ohne geeignete Messger?te nicht überprüft werden. Ungenaue Werkzeughalter bringen nicht nur schlechte Bearbeitungsergebnisse, sondern sie führen zu Spindelsch?den. Wir empfehlen auf jeden Fall, dass Sie Ihre Wareneingangskontrolle mit entsprechenden Messmitn ausstatten.
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| | VEG- Voreinslger?te VEGpro / VEGeco
Diebold Voreinslger?te sind seit vielen Jahren im Markt für ihre au?ergew?hnliche gute Qualit?t und Lebensdauer bekannt. Bisher hatten wir nur einfache Ger?te für taktiles Vermessen und Voreinslen von Werkzeugen im Programm. Mit der neuen Ger?inien VEGeco und VEGpro bieten wir Voreinslger?te sowohl für die einfache taktile Messung als auch für die optische Vermessung an. Ausgestattet mit professioneller Software k?nnen mit diesen Ger?ten alle Aufgaben für das werkstattorientierte Messen und Voreinslen erledigt werden. In den Ger?ten sind viele technische Details eingearbeitet die aus t?glichen Praxisanforderungen entstanden sind. Dadurch unterscheiden sich unsere Ger?te von anderen auf dem Markt erh?ltlichen Produkten. Und vor allem die Qualit?t dieser Ger?te wird Sie überzeugen gem?? unserer Philosophie ?simply the finest“ in Messtechnik aus dem Hause Diebold.
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| | Zusammenarbeit mit alfa-sys
Diebold Voreinslger?te sind seit vielen Jahren im Markt für ihre au?ergew?hnliche, gute Qualit?t und hohe Lebensdauer bekannt. Durch eine Partnerschaft mit der Fa. alfa-sys aus Ruggell (LIE) konnte nun die bisherige Linie der Diebold VEG-Voreinslger?te erweitert werden. Diese Ger?te sind je nach Kundenanforderung in den Ausführungen alfa-set 44/46/49 und 64/66/69 mit verschiedenen Bildverabeitungssystemen erh?ltlich. Die Qualit?t dieser Ger?te wird Sie genauso überzeugen, wie Sie es bisher von allen Diebold-Produkten gewohnt sind. Auch diese Produkten werden Sie gem?? unserer Philosophie "simply the finest" in Messtechnik aus dem Hause Diebold überzeugen. | |
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| | 3D Kantentaster 3Dpro und 3Deco
Zum Suchen und Setzen der Werkstückreferenzpunkte in allen 3 Achsen | |
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| | BBT Kegelmessger?t für BT Kegel mit Plananlage für Schnittsle BBT 30, BBT 40, BBT 50
Kegelmessger?t für Kegel mit Plananlage (BBT Kegel). Verfügbar in den Gr??en:
- BBT 30 - BBT 40 - BBT 50 | |
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| | Rundlaufprüfdorne Dokumentierte Genauigkeits-Messdorne zum Ausrichten und Vermessen Ihrer Maschine
Wenn Sie das besondere, verl?ssliche Messwerkzeug sch?tzen, dann sind sie bei Diebold in guten H?nden.
Hergeslt in einer vollklimatisierten Fertigung, Vermessen und Kalibriert auf den genauesten Messmaschinen die es gibt, mit Qualit?ts-Zertifikat vom Spezialisten für Messdorne und Spindel- bzw. Werkzeugmessmit. Als Serviceleistung bieten wir die Kalibrierung und Zertifizierung Ihrer Messdorne an (auch Fremdfabrikate). Wir sichern die Rückführbarkeit auf die Normale des DKD (deutscher Kalibrierdienst)
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| | Spannkraftprüfer Zum überprüfen der Einzugsk?fte von Spannsystemen in Maschinenspindeln
Unsere mechanischen Spannkraftprüfer messen die Einzugskraft an Spindeleinheiten. Alle Bauteile sind aus Stahl gefertigt und ver?ndern sich entsprechend der Temperatur?nderung gleichm??ig. Für Service-Techniker ist dies ideal weil sie vor Ort sofort genau messen k?nnen ohne den Spannkraftprüfer für die Messung zuerst temperieren zu müssen. | |
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| | Spannschulterschr?ge Messger?t zum Messen der Spannschulterschr?ge
Mit diesem Messger?t kann an HSK Werkzeugen bei der Weichbearbeitung oder in der Endkontrolle das Ma? l5 mit konstanter Messkraft von der Spannschulterschr?ge bis zur Plananlage geprüft werden. (Details siehe Messtechnikkatalog) |
Diebold - Spindeltechnologie
Diebold liefert Hochfrequenzspindeln und Spindeleinheiten an die bekanntesten Maschinenhersler in Deutschland, Europa, USA und Asien. Die derzeitige Kapazit?t betr?gt mehr als 2000 Spindelwellen und Komponenten pro Monat.
Wir liefern Hochfrequenzspindeln für die Bereiche Produktion, Aerospace, Formenbau, Automotive. In unserem Programm sind Motorspindeln für das HPC-Fr?sen (high productivity cutting) und das HSC-Fr?sen (high speed cutting). Unsere Spezialit?t sind Spindeln für 5-Achs Maschinen, Schwenkspindeln mit extrem kurzer Bauart und trotzdem hoher Leistung (bis 90 kW) und hohen Drehzahlen (bis 50.000 U/min).
Welche Vorteile haben Sie, wenn Sie Diebold Spindeln kaufen?
? Wir slen alle Komponenten im eigenen Hause her
? Pr?zisionsfertigung in vollklimatisierter Halle
? Ausgefeilte Qualit?tssicherung mit Messmaschinen und durchg?ngiger Dokumentation
? Wir slen Messmit für Werkzeuge und Spindelvermessung als eigene Produktlinie her
? Bei Spindelreparaturen (auch Fremdfabrikate) schnelle und perfekte Ausführung
Produktbild | Typ/Beschreibung | Info/Medien |
| | Spindeltechnologie High Tech Spindeln: HPC-Motorspindeln
Immer mehr Maschinenhersler suchen nach komplexen Hochfrequenzspindeln im Hochleistungsbereich und mit moderner Ausstattung was die Frequenzregelung, die L?seeinheiten, die Sensorik und die Medien-Durchführung angeht. Seit Einführung der HSK-T Schnittsle liefern wir auch Hochfrequenzspindeln mit HSK-T Welle und Klemmung der Spindelwelle. Je nach Anforderung des Kunden liefern wir Spindeln mit Drehdurchführung für Kühlmit, MMS oder nur Luft. Es gibt auch Modelle mit Vakuumansaugung durch die Spindel. | |
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| | HPC-Motorspindeln Neuheiten 2013
St?ndiger Betrieb an der Leistungsgrenze slt bei HPC-Motorspindeln h?chste Anforderungen an die Lagertechnik, Spindelschmier- und Kühlsysteme, Drehdurchführungen sowie die Werkzeugschnittsle und die Antriebsmotoren. Hier die Neuheiten 2013 | |
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| | Modulare Spindeln
Alle Diebold Spindelmodelle zeichnen sich durch besondere Laufruhe aus. Das für die Genauigkeitsbearbeitung sehr wichtige geringe Spindelwachstum unter Last liegt weit unter den üblichen Werten. Aufgrund der besonders pr?zise im eigenen Hause gefertigten Komponenten ist das Gesamtprodukt von au?ergew?hnlicher Pr?zision. Die Fertigung der Spindelkomponenten findet in einer vollklimatisierten Halle statt. Die Montage der Spindeln erfolgt in einem Reinraum mit angegliederten Testr?umen. Eine ausgefeilte Qualit?tssicherung mit Messmaschinen und durchg?ngiger Dokumentation geh?rt selbstverst?ndlich dazu. Besondere Kompetenz für die exakte Herslung von Spindelkegeln untermauert Diebold durch die Herslung von Messmitn zum Messen von Kegeln an Spindeln und Werkzeughaltern. Die Herslung, Kalibrierung und Zertifizierung der dazu notwendigen Einsl-Master findet im Hause Diebold statt. Ein umfangreiches Sortiment an Rundlauf-Prüfdornen und Ausrichtdornen und der j?hrliche Kalibrierservice wird angeboten. Die Rückführbarkeit auf die Normale des DKD (Deutscher Kalibrierdienst) ist stets gew?hrleistet.
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| | Spindelpakete Nach Kundenwunsch
Wir liefern Spindelpakete die je nach Kundenwunsch aus mehreren Baugruppen bestehen k?nnen, z.B. nur aus Spindelwelle mit eingebautem Werkzeugspanner oder Spindelwelle, Spannsystem, Lagerung und Rotor. Wir verwenden nur die besten Werkstoffe und Komponenten. Wir arbeiten mit den führenden Herslern von Spannsystemen zusammen, um Ihnen Werkzeugspanner-Systeme auf dem neuesten technischen Stand zu bieten. Für automatischen Werkzeugwechsel verwenden wir das Ott-Jakob-System. Für manuelle Werkzeugspannung die Fabrikate Mapal, Gühring und Sigma. Durch die Kombination unserer Spindeln mit den bew?hrtesten und weltweit verbreiteten Werkzeug-Einzugssystemen sind wir in der Lage, Ihnen die besten technischen L?sungen und praktische Erfahrung zu bieten, die in der Industrie ihresgleichen suchen. Die l?ngj?hrige Erfahrung unser firmenintern ausgebildeten Montage- und Service-Mitarbeiter, das für die korrekte Verarbeitung aller Komponenten und Systeme unserer Lieferanten regelm??ig geschult wird, garantiert die Einhaltung Ihrer Qualit?tsansprüche.
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| | Spindelreparaturen Zufriedene Kunden machen Spindelreparaturen zum wichtigen Bestandteil unserer Spindeltechnologie
Wir reparieren Hochfrequenzspindeln für die Bereiche Produktion, Aerospace, Formenbau, Automotive. Wir bieten nicht nur den Service für Diebold Fabrikate sondern auch für Spindeln aller bekannten Europ?ischen Hersler. Diese Reparaturen beinhalten den Tausch der Lagerung, das überarbeiten des Werkzeugspannsystems, Nachschleifen des Aufnahmekegels, den Testlauf und die Dokumentation der Spindelreparatur. Wenn Ihre Spindel zum "Spindeldoktor" muss findet sie bei uns die besten Medikamente für Heilung. |
Diebold - Werkstatteinrichtung
Diebold bietet alles Zubeh?r für das Voreinslen, Messen, Lagern, Organisieren und Montieren von Werkzeugen an. Alle Produkte die wir für die Montage, die Lagerung oder Voreinslung von Werkzeugen anbieten sind von Praktikern für Praktiker gemacht. Dadurch werden Ihre wertvollen Werkzeuge geschont und gepflegt zum optimalen Nutzen Ihrer Investition. Stets Spitzenqualit?t auf h?chstem Niveau zu liefern ist unser wichtigstes Ziel.
Produktbild | Typ/Beschreibung | Info/Medien |
| | Werkstatteinrichtungen Zubeh?r für Spannwerkzeuge
Erg?nzend zu den Spannwerkzeugen bieten wir alles Zubeh?r für das Voreinslen, Messen, Lagern, Organisieren und Montieren von Werkzeughaltern. |
Price list
To replace price list 4.2010.
From 01.04.2011 until 31.12.2011.
Price recommendations from the manufacturer.
Price declarations:
per piece or per meter /kg /set in Euro, VAT
not included.
We reserve the right to change prices due to
changed cost situation or technical improvement.
We deliver according to our terms and conditions of sale.
Price conditions:
Ex works, plus packaging, postage and transportation insurance.
Minimum order values for EC countries:
Euro 100.00 or additional Euro 25.00 is charged for administration costs.
Minimum order values for non-EC countries:
Euro 200.00 or additional Euro 50.00 is charged for administration costs.
Exchange ratio for payment in british pound:
1EUR = t.b.d.
This list has not to be exchanged in case of
Edition 2011.04
Technical data subject to change. Duplication, even in parts, without permission from
M&C is not permitted.
M&C TechGroup GmbH
Rehhecke 79 * D-40885 Ratingen
Postfach 104224 * D-40853 Ratingen
.: (0)2102 / 935-0
.: (0)2102 / 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.de
http:// www.mc-techgroup.de
? M&C 04.2011
Page 1 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 10 2.0.1
Gas Sample Probes SP 10..
Gas sample probe type SP10 with an insitu stainless steel filter V10, diameter 46mm,
filter porosity 2μm, probe length 270mm. mounting flange DN65PN6B, material: SS316
1.209,00 01S1000 @
Gas sample probe type SP10–H, with insitu stainless steel filter V10, diameter: 46mm,
filter porosity: 2μm, max. temperature: 600°C. Total length: 270mm. Heated version
100–200°C, adjustable by an incorporated thermostat. Power: 230V/50Hz, mounting
flange: DN65 PN6B, Sample outlet: 1/8""FNPT. Material: SS316.
1.459,00 01S2000 @
Extra charge for SP10/21/ 22/23 H..–115V. Power: 115V/60Hz. 63,70 02S9035 @
Weather protection shield type 130 for SP10 and SP11H. Material: SS316. 235,00 01S9200 @
Extra charge for probe SP10/AB–SS protection plate for pre–filter V10 and V10–0 incl
sealing. Material: SS316.
297,00 01S9100 @
Extra charge for probe SP10/AB1–SS protection plate for prefilter V10–1 and V10–2
inclusive sealing. Material: SS316.
345,00 01S9105 @
Extra charge for SP10 with large insitu stainless steel filter type V10–1, with internal
volume displacer, length: 550mm, 60mm OD, filter porosity: 2μm. material: SS316.
(instead of V10)
766,00 01S9400 @
Extra charge for SP10 with large insitu stainless steel filter type V10–2, without
internal volume displacer length: 550mm, 60mm OD, filter porosity: 2μm. material:
SS316. (instead of V10)
518,00 01S9405 @
Extension tube SP10–Vo without volume displacer, incl. 1"–fitting and sealing for
additional 500mm insitu probe length (max. length total: 2m) material: SS 316.
125,00 01S9000 @
Extra charge for addional 500mm extention tube SP10–Vo, without volume displacer,
(max. length total: 2m). Material: SS316.
34,10 01S9005 @
Extension tube SP10–Vm with volume displacer, incl. 1"–fitting and sealing for
additional 500mm insitu probe length (max. length total: 2m) material: SS 316.
230,00 01S9010 @
Extra charge for addional 500mm extention tube SP10–Vm, with volume displacer,
(max. length total: 2m). Material: SS316.
50,30 01S9015 @
Extra charge for SP10 with Hasloy?–filter type V10/HC, without volume displacer,
max. temperature: 900°C, filter porosity: 2μm, length: 270mm, outer diameter: 46mm,
material: Hasloy–C. (instead of V10)
448,00 01S9500 @
Extra charge for SP10 with Hasloy?–filter type V10–0/HC, with volume displacer,
max. temperature: 900°C, filter porosity: 2μm, length: 270mm, outer diameter: 46mm.
Material: Hasloy–C. (instead of V10)
1.151,00 01S9520 @
Extension tube SP10–Vo without volume displacer, incl. 1"–fitting and sealing for
additional 500mm insitu probe length (max. length total: 1,5m) material: Hasloy?–C.
876,00 01S9510 @
Extra charge for additional 500mm extension tube SP10–Vo, without volume
displacer, (max. length total: 1,5m) Material: Hasloy?–C.
298,00 01S9515 @
Extension tube SP10–Vm with volume displacer, incl. 1"–fitting and sealing for
additional 500mm insitu probe length (max. length total: 1,5m) material: Hasloy?–C.
1.171,00 01S9525 @
Extra charge for additional 500mm extension tube SP10–Vm, with volume displacer,
(max. total length: 1,5m) Material: Hasloy?–C.
406,00 01S9530 @
Consumable Parts for Gas Sample Probes SP 10..
Insitu stainless steel filter type V10, without volume displacer. Filter porosity: 2μm,
Length: 225mm, 46mm OD, Material: SS316.
518,00 90S1005 @
Insitu Hasloy? filter type V10/HC, without volume displacer. Filter porosity: 2μm,
Length: 225mm, 46mm OD, Material: Hasloy–C.
965,00 90S1010 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
Technical Details Subject to Change, 4.2010
? M&C, Reproduction of this document or ist
content is not allowed without permission of M&C.
2.0.1 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 10 Page 2
Consumable Parts for Gas Sample Probes SP 10..
90S1012 Insitu Hasloy? filter type V10–0/HC, with volume displacer. Filter porosity: 2μm,
Length: 225mm, 46mm OD, Material: Hasloy–C.
90S1015 Insitu stainless steel filter type V10–1, with volume displacer. Filter porosity: 2μm,
Length: 550mm, 60mm OD, Material: SS316.
90S1016 Insitu Hasloy? filter type V10–1/HC, with volume displacer. Filter porosity: 2μm,
Length: 550mm, 60mm OD, Material: Hasloy–C.
90S1017 Insitu stainless steel filtertype V10–2, without volume displacer. Filter porosity:
2μm, Length: 550mm, 60mm OD, Material: SS316.
90S1018 Insitu Hasloy? filter type V10–2/HC, without volume displacer. Filter porosity:
2μm, Length: 550mm, 60mm OD, Material: Hasloy–C.
93S0018 Temperature resistant heat sink compound, 100g–tube. 30,90@
90S0005 Cartridge heater element for SP10/23H, SP23, Filter H/H0, L=130mm,
90S0006 Heating cartride for SP10–H/23H, filter H/HO, L=130mm, 115VAC/200W. 137,00@
90S1110 Insitu ceramic filter tube for SP10/11. Filter porosity 5μm, Length 1m. 225,00@
90S1115 Graphite packing for SP10/11, AO 30,90@
Recommended Spare Parts for Gas Sample Probes SP 10..
90S1020 Gasket 1" for SP10/11/21/31 V10. 10,30@
93S0018 Temperature resistant heat sink compound, 100g–tube. 30,90@
90S0005 Cartridge heater element for SP10/23H, SP23, Filter H/H0, L=130mm,
90S0006 Heating cartride for SP10–H/23H, filter H/HO, L=130mm, 115VAC/200W. 137,00@
90S0010 Thermostat 50–320°C for SP10–H und SP20–H up to model 1986, sensor
diameter 4mm.
90S0011 Thermostat 100–300°C for SP21–H/300 probe diameter 8mm. 265,00@
93S0060 Spare thermoelement Fe–CuNi for SP.../H320. 65,70@
90S0013 Over temperature switch setting to220°C for SP10–H until SP30–H, Filter
90S2077 Flange gasket DN65 PN6B (67). Material: Novapress. 13,40@
90S1105 Insitu ceramic filter tube for SP10/11 complete with bush end, Filter porosity 5μm,
Length 1m.
Spare Parts for Gas Sample Probes SP 10..
90S2075 Flange gasket set for DN65 PN6B consisting of gasket (67) and a set of screws
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 1 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Serie SP 210-H 2.1.01
Gas Sample Probes SP210-H
Gas sample probe type SP210–H. With external ceramic filter type S–2K (75mm).
Filter porosity: 2μm. External filter electrically heated up to 180°C with self–regulated
heating elements. Low temperature alarm with potential–free status–alarm contact at
–20°C below Tsetting. power: 110–240V/50–60Hz, 200W. Mounting flange: DN65PN6
with thread G3/4"i. Material: SS316, ceramic, Viton?.
1.193,00 02S1000 @
Gas sample probe type SP210–H/W. With external ceramic filter type S–2K (75mm).
Filter porosity: 2 μm, external filter electrically heated up to 180°C with self regulated
heating elements. Low temperature alarm with potential–free status–alarm contact at
–20°C below Tsetting. Incl. weather protection shield. power: 110–240V/50–60Hz,
200W. mounting flange: DN65PN6, with thread G3/4"i material: SS316, ceramic,
1.407,00 02S1010 @
Probe tube for SP210–H type SP210/SS length 1 meter, SS316, 12x1mm. 126,00 02S9200 @
Calibration flange for SP2100–H, DN65PN6 with 1/8"NPT connection inclusive flange
gasket and screw set M12x80.
241,00 10S9005 @
Weather cover for SP210. 215,00 02S9205 @
Filter Element for Gas Sample Probes SP210-H
Filter element type S–2K. Length: 75mm, material: ceramics, filter porosity: 2μm. 26,10 90S0015 @
Spare Parts for Gas Sample Probes SP210-H
Heating cartridge for SP210–H/SP2100–H. Length=100mm. 110VAC–230VAC/100W. 83,30 93S2110 @
Temperature resistant heat sink compound, 100g–tube. 30,90 93S0018 @
Flange gasket set for DN65 PN6B consisting of gasket (67) and a set of screws
41,20 90S2075 @
Flange gasket DN65 PN6B (67). Material: Novapress. 13,40 90S2077 @
Gasket 3/4" for spun glass cartridge FW, insitu probe tubes, pre–filter V20, extension
tubes. Material: Novapress.
9,18 90S2080 @
O–ring set for SP210–H. Material: Viton?. 10,10 93S0029 @
O–ring (94) for SP2100–H/SP210–H. Material: Viton?. 7,10 93S0028 @
Gasket (30) for filter element. Material: Viton?. 6,18 93S0045 @
Probe heat sealing plate for SP210–H. Material: Viton?. 18,20 93S0027 @
Filter housing lid compl. for SP210–H. Viton? o–rings and flat gasket made of viton. 444,00 93S0012 @
Plug–in adapter for SP210–H. Incl. Viton? O–rings. 81,90 93S0013 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Serie SP 210-H Page 2 2.1.01
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
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Page 1 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Serie SP 2100-H 2.1.0
Gas Sample Probes SP2100-H
Gas sample probe type SP2100–H. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter
porosity: 2μm, external filter electrically heated up to 180°C with self–regulated
heating elements. Low temperature alarm with potential–free status–alarm contact at
–20°C below Tsetting. power: 110–240V/50–60Hz, 200W. mounting flange:
DN65PN6, material: SS316, ceramic, PTFE, Viton?.
1.524,00 10S1100 @
Gas sample probe type SP2100–H. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter
porosity: 2μm, external filter electrically heated up to 180°C with self–regulated
heating elements. Low temperature alarm with potential–free status–alarm contact at
–20°C below Tsetting. power: 110–240V/50–60Hz, 200W. mounting flange:
DN65PN6, material: SS316, ceramic, PTFE, Viton?. Incl. probe tube 1m.
1.699,00 10S1000 @
Calibration flange for SP2100–H, DN65PN6 with 1/8"NPT connection inclusive flange
gasket and screw set M12x80.
241,00 10S9005 @
Calibration flange for SP2100–H, 3" 150lbs with 1/8"NPT connection inclusive flange
gasket and screw set M16x95.
322,00 10S9006 @
Filter Element for Gas Sample Probes SP2100-H
Filter element type S–2K150. Length: 150mm, material: ceramics, filter porosity: 2μm. 45,50 90S0020 @
Filter Element Gaskets
Gasket (30) for filter element. Material: Viton?. 6,18 93S0045 @
Lid Seals
O–ring (39) for SP2000 and CLF. Material: Viton?. 7,51 93S0020 @
O–ring (55) for SP2000. Material: Viton?. 8,75 93S0025 @
Flat Gaskets
Gasket 3/4" for spun glass cartridge FW, insitu probe tubes, pre–filter V20, extension
tubes. Material: Novapress.
9,18 90S2080 @
Flange gasket DN65 PN6B (67). Material: Novapress. 13,40 90S2077 @
Flange gasket set for DN65 PN6B consisting of gasket (67) and a set of screws
41,20 90S2075 @
Heater Components
Thermo switch 160°C for SP210–H/SP2100–H. 56,00 93S2105 @
Heating cartridge for SP210–H/SP2100–H. Length=100mm. 110VAC–230VAC/100W. 83,30 93S2110 @
Temperature resistant heat sink compound, 100g–tube. 30,90 93S0018 @
Filter Heads
Press–Screw M8 for filter housing lid SP2000/2100–H. 28,90 93S0085 @
Clamp LK 115 for filter housing lid SP2000H. 36,70 93S2125 @
Filter housig lid compl for SP2100, with Viton? gasket lid and clamp and holder. 704,00 93S2115 @
Filter screw M6 for SP2000, 1.4571. 61,70 93S2084 @
Fingerscrew M6 for SP2000 connection protection. 5,80 93S0090 @
Insitu probe tube type SP2000/SS. Connection thread: G3/4", length: 1m. Material:
SS316. Temperature: max. 600°C.
179,00 20S9065 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.1.0 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Serie SP 2100-H Page 2
Filter Heads
Sample Outlet Connection
09V2005 Male connector, SS 316 1/4"NPT – 6mm, SS6MO–1–4. 29,80@
09V2105 Male connector SS 316 1/4"NPT– 8mm, SS8MO–1–4. 34,80@
Helpfull for Tube Mounting
02B1010 Insert 4mm o.d. for PTFE hose 4/6mm, Material: SS316. 4,80@
02B1020 Insert 6mm o.d. for PTFE hose 6/8mm, Material: SS316. 5,69@
Stainless Steel 316 Male Connector
09V3115 Nut Swagelok? SS 6mm, SS 6M2–1. 6,93@
09V3215 Back ferrule, 6mm, material: SS316. 3,27@
09V3315 Front ferrule, 6mm, material: SS316. 3,56@
09V3120 Nut Swagelok?, 8mm SS–8M2–1. 9,45@
09V3220 Back ferrule, 8mm, material: SS316. 5,33@
09V3320 Front ferrule, 8mm, material: SS316. 5,48@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
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Page 1 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 2.1.1
Gas Sample Probes SP 2000 - 2200
Gas sample probe type SP2000, with external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter
porosity: 2μm, filter element seal and lid seal out of Viton?. mounting flange:
DN65PN6B with thread G3/4"i.ion material: SS316, Viton, ceramic.
1.381,00 20S1000 @
Gas sample probe type SP2000–H. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter
porosity: 2μm, with electrically heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an
incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and
low temp. alarm with potential–free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Incl.
weather protection shield with insulation. Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange:
DN65PN6B with thread G3/4"i. Sample gas OUT: 1/4"NPTi. Material: SS316, ceramic,
1.976,00 20S2000 @
Sample Probe type SP2000–H320/S. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter
porosity: 2μm, filter element seal and lid seal out of graphite. with electrically heated
external filter 0–320°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature
limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with potential free
status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. incl. weather protection shield with
insulation. mounting flange: DN65PN6B with thread G3/4"i, incl. flange gasket and
screws. Pre–separator out of glass/Hasloy? with peristaltic pump SR25.1, mounted
on a mounting plate out of aluminium, material: SS316, ceramic, graphit, glass, PVDF,
PTFE, Hasloy. Calibration gas connection: 6 mm tube with plug, sample outlet:
GL18–8 with PVDF connector for tube DN4/6. Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W.
5.354,00 20S5000 @
Sample Probe type SP2000–H320/S. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter
porosity: 2μm, filter element seal and lid seal out of graphite. with electrically heated
external filter 0–320°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature
limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with potential free
status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. incl. weather protection shield with
insulation. mounting flange: 3"ANSI with thread G3/4"i, incl. flange gasket and screws.
Pre–separator out of glass/Hasloy?, peristaltic pump SR25.1, mounted on a
mounting plate out of aluminium, material: SS316, ceramic, graphit, glass, PVDF,
PTFE. Calibration gas connection: 6 mm tube with plug, sample outlet: GL18–8 with
PVDF connector for tube DN4/6. power: 115V/60Hz, 800W.
5.354,00 20S5000a @
Sample Probe type SP2000–H320/S.2 With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter
porosity: 2μm, filter element seal and lid seal out of graphite. with electrically heated
external filter 0–320°C with pt100 sensor incl. weather protection shield with
insulation. Mounting flange: DN65PN6B with thread G3/4"i, incl. flange gasket and
screws. Pre–separator out of glass/Hasloy? separator heated to >180°C with
double–temperaturecontroller in a wall mounting enclosure IP54 mounted on a
mounting plate out of aluminium, material: SS316, ceramic, graphit, glass, PVDF,
PTFE,Hasloy Calibration gas connection: 6 mm tube with plug, sample outlet:
GL18–8 with PVDF connector for tube DN4/6. Power: 230V/50Hz, 1100W.
8.220,00 20S5010 @
Sample Probe type SP2000–H320/S.2 With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter
porosity: 2μm, filter element seal and lid seal out of graphite. with electrically heated
external filter 0–320°C with pt100 sensor incl. weather protection shield with
insulation. Mounting flange: 3"ANSI with thread G3/4"i, incl. flange gasket and screws.
Pre–separator out of glass/Hasloy? separator heated to >180°C with
double–temperaturecontroller in a wall mounting enclosure IP54 mounted on a
mounting plate out of aluminium, material: SS316, ceramic, graphit, glass, PVDF,
PTFE,Hasloy Calibration gas connection: 6 mm tube with plug, sample outlet:
GL18–8 with PVDF connector for tube DN4/6. Power: 115V/60Hz, 1100W.
8.220,00 20S5010A @
Gas sample probe type SP2200–H/C/I/BB. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150,
filter porosity: 2μm, with electrically heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an
incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and
low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. With
calibration–, isolation– and blowback valve. Incl. weather protection shield with
insulation. Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange: DN65 PN6B with thread
G3/4"i. Sample gas OUT: 1/4"NPTi. Material: SS316, ceramic, Viton?.
4.747,00 20S2010 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.1.1 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 Page 2
Gas Sample Probes SP 2000 - 2200
20S2015 Gas sample probe type SP2200–H/C/I/BB–F. With external ceramic filter type
S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm, with electrically heated external filter 0–180°C
adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key
at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm withpotential free status–alarm contact at
–30°C below Tsetting. With calibration–, isolation– and blowback valve for
blowback over the filter element. Incl. weather protection shield with insulation.
Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange:DN65 PN6B with thread G3/4"i.
Sample gas OUT: 1/4"NPTi. Material: SS316, ceramic, Viton?.
Gas Sample Probes SP 2300 - 2400
20S3000 Gas sample probe type SP2300–H. All gas bearing parts are made from PTFE.
With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter porosity: 2 μm, with electrically
heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over
temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low temperature alarm
with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Incl. weather
protection shield with insulation. Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange:
DN65PN6B with thread G3/4"i. Material: Viton?, ceramic, PTFE with fibre glass,
20S3500 Gas sample probe type SP2400–H. All gas bearing parts are made from Titanium.
With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter porosity: 2 μm, with electrically
heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over
temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low temperature alarm
with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Incl. weather
protection shield with insulation. Power: 230V/50Hz,800W. mounting flange:
DN65PN6B with thread G3/4"i. incl. flange sealing and screws. Material: Viton?,
ceramic, Titanium.
Gas Sample Probes SP 2500 - 2600
20S3510 Gas sample probe type SP2500–H. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150,
filter porosity: 2μm. Sample tube or pre–filter retractable through the sample
probe head. With electrically heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an
incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting
and low temperature alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C
below T–setting. Incl. weather protection shield with insulation. Sample gas outlet:
1/4" NPTi. Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange: DN65 PN6B. sample tube
connection G3/4"i, Material: SS316, Viton?, ceramic.
20S3510A Gas sample probe type SP2500–H. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150,
filter porosity: 2μm. Sample tube or pre–filter retractable through the sample
probe head. With electrically heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an
incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting
and low temperature alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C
below T–setting. Incl. weather protection shield with insulation. Sample gas outlet:
1/4" NPTi. Power: 115V/60Hz, 800W. mounting flange:3"150lbs sample tube
connection G3/4"i, Material: SS316, Viton?, ceramic.
20S3520 Gas sample probe type SP2500–H/C/I/BB. With external ceramic filter type
S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm. Sample tube or pre–filter retractable through the
sample probe head. With electrically heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by
an incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C
Tsetting and low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C
below Tsetting. With calibration–, isolation– and blowback valve. Incl. weather
protection shield with insulation. Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange:
DN65 PN6B. Sample tube connection G3/4"i, Sample gas outlet: 1/4" NPTi.
Material: SS316, Viton?, ceramic
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
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Page 3 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 2.1.1
Gas Sample Probes SP 2500 - 2600
Gas sample probe type SP2500–H/C/I/BB–F. With external ceramic filter type
S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm. Sample tube or pre–filter retractable through the sample
probe head. With electrically heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an
incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and
low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. With
calibration–, isolation– and blowback valve for blowback over the filter element. Incl.
weather protection shield with insulation. Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange:
DN65 PN6B. Sample tube connection G3/4"i, Sample gas outlet: 1/4" NPTi. mounting
flange: DN65 PN6B. Material: SS316, Viton?, ceramic.
5.576,00 20S3530 @
Gas sample probe type SP2500–H/C/I/BB–F. With external ceramic filter type
S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm. Sample tube or pre–filter retractable through the sample
probe head. With electrically heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an
incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and
low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. With
calibration–, isolation– and blowback valve for blowback over the filter element. Incl.
weather protection shield with insulation. Power: 115V/60Hz, 800W. mounting flange:
3" ANSI Sample tube connection G3/4"i, Sample gas outlet: 1/4" NPTi. Material:
SS316, Viton?, ceramic.
5.576,00 20S3530A @
Gas sample probe type SP2600–H/C/I/BB–F/1K190 With big external backflushable
ceramic filter element type S–1K190, filter porosity: 1μm. With electrically heated
external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature
limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with potential free
status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. With calibration–, isolation– and
blowback valve for blowback over the filter element. Incl. weather protection shield
with insulation. Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange: DN65 PN6B. Sample tube
connection G3/4"i, Sample gas outlet: 1/4" NPTi. mounting flange: DN65 PN6B.
Material: SS316, Viton?, ceramic.
5.482,00 20S3540 @
Gas sample probe SP2600–H/C/I/BB–F/ 0,1GF190 With big external backflushable
fibre–glass filter element type S–0,1GF190. filter porosity: 0,1μm. With electrically
heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over
temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with potential
free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. With calibration–, isolation– and
blowback valve for blowback over the filter element. Incl. weather protection shield
with insulation. Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange: DN65 PN6B. Sample tube
connection G3/4"i, Sample gas outlet: 1/4" NPTi. mounting flange: DN65 PN6B.
Material: SS316, Viton?, fibre–glass
5.409,00 20S3550 @
as sample probe type SP2600–H/BB–F/1K. With big external backflushable ceramic
filter element type S–1K190, filter porosity: 1μm. With electrically heated external filter
0–180°C With PT100, without temp. controller without weather protection With
calibration–, isolation– and blowback valve for blowback over the filter element.
Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange: DN65 PN6B. Sample tube connection
G3/4""i, Sample gas outlet: 1/4"" NPTi. mounting flange: DN65 PN6B. Material:
SS316, Viton?, ceramic.
3.662,00 20S3560 @
Options for Gas Sample Probes SP 2500 - SP2600
Extra charge for probe type SP2500H/C backflush –/calibration gas valve with
integrated filter. Opening pressure: 0,7bar. connection: tube 8mm. material: SS316,
623,00 20S9435 @
Supporting adapter for SP2500 type SP2500H/SA500 to support long probetubes and
prefilters with extention tube,. Flange DN65 PN6 with threaded bolt welded on both
sides for mountage on the probe SP2500H..., including flange gasket, material: 1.4571.
558,00 20S9433 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.1.1 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 Page 4
Dilution-Sample-Probe SP2000H/DIL
20S4002 Gas sample dilution probe type SP2000–H/DIL. With external ceramic filter type
S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm, with electrically heated external filter 0–180°C
adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key
at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm withpotential free status–alarm contact at
–30°C below Tsetting. Incl. weather protection shield with insulation. Power:
230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange: DN65PN6B with thread G3/4"i. Sample gas
OUT: tube 8mm. Material: SS316, ceramic, Viton?. # Dilution ratio to be indicated
with the order.
20S4002a Gas sample dilution probe type SP2000–H/DIL. With external ceramic filter type
S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm, with electrically heated external filter 0–180°C
adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key
at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm withpotential free status–alarm contact at
–30°C below Tsetting. Incl. weather protection shield with insulation. Power:
115V/60Hz, 800W. mounting flange: DN65PN6B with thread G3/4"i. Sample gas
OUT: tube 8mm. Material: SS316, ceramic, Viton?. # Dilution ratio to be indicated
with the order.
20S4005 Gas sample dilution probe type SP2000–H/DIL–VA, with integrated ball–valve.
With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm,with electrically
heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over
temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with
potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Incl. weather
protection shield with insulation. Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange:
DN65PN6B with thread G3/4"i. Sample gas OUT: tube 8mm. Material: SS316,
ceramic, Viton?. # Dilution ratio to be indicated with the order.
20S4022 Gas sample dilution probe type SP2000–H/DIL–B, with bypass–injector without
gas recirculation. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm,
with electrically heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an incorporated
thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low
temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Incl.
weather protection shield with insulation. Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting
flange: DN65PN6B with thread G3/4"i. Sample gas OUT: tube 8mm. Material:
SS316, ceramic, Viton?. # Dilution ratio to be indicated with the order.
20S4022a Gas sample dilution probe type SP2000–H/DIL–B, with bypass–injector without
gas recirculation. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm,
with electrically heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an incorporated
thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low
temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Incl.
weather protection shield with insulation. Power: 115V/60Hz, 800W. mounting
flange: 3" ANSI with thread G3/4"i. Sample gas OUT: tube 8mm. Material: SS316,
ceramic, Viton?. # Dilution ratio to be indicated with the order.
20S4023 Gas sample dilution probe type SP2000–H320/DIL–B, bypass–injector without
gas recirculation. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm,
with electrically heated external filter 0–320°C adjustable by an incorporated
thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low
temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Incl.
weather protection shield with insulation. Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting
flange: DN65PN6B with thread G3/4"i. Sample gas OUT: tube 8mm. Material:
SS316, ceramic, Viton?. # Dilution ratio to be indicated with the order.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 5 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 2.1.1
Dilution-Sample-Probe SP2000H/DIL
Gas sample dilution probe type SP2000–H320/DIL–B, bypass–injector without gas
recirculation. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm, with
electrically heated external filter 0–320°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostat,
over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with
potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Incl. weather protection
shield with insulation. Power: 115V/60Hz, 800W. mounting flange: 3" ANSI with thread
G3/4"i. Sample gas OUT: tube 3/8" Material: SS316, ceramic, Viton?. # Dilution ratio
to be indicated with the order.
6.726,00 20S4023A @
Gas sample dilution probe type SP2000–H/DIL–BR, with bypass–injector and gas
recirculation. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm, with
electrically heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostat,
over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with
potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Incl. weather protection
shield with insulation. Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange: DN65PN6B with
thread G3/4"i. Sample gas OUT: tube 8mm. Material: SS316, ceramic, Viton?. #
Dilution ratio to be indicated with the order.
6.396,00 20S4024 @
Gas sample dilution probe type SP2000–H/DIL–BR with bypass injector and gas
recirculation. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150 filter porosity: 2μm, with
electrically heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostate,
over temperature protector with reset key at +30°C Tsoll, low temperature alarm at
–30°C below Tsoll with voltage free status–alarm contact With 1/8" NPT thread for BR,
diameter of pitch circle 64mm. Power: 115V/60Hz, 800W. Mounting flange: 3"ANSI.
Gas outlet tube 3/8", all others 1/4". Material: SS316, Viton?, ceramic. Incl. weather
protection shield with insulation. # Dilution ratio to be indicated with order.
6.396,00 20S4024a @
Gas sample dilution probe type SP2000–H320/DIL–BR with bypass injector and gas
recirculation. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150 filter porosity: 2μm, with
electrically heated external filter 0–320°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostate,
over temperature protector with reset key at +30°C Tsoll, low temperature alarm at
–30°C below Tsoll with voltage free status–alarm contact Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W.
Mounting flange: DN65PN6 Gas outlet tube : 8mm. all others 6mm. Material: SS316,
ceramic, graphite. Incl. weather protection shield with insulation. # Dilution ratio to be #
indicated with order.
7.201,00 20S4025 @
Gas sample dilution probe type SP2000–H320/DIL–BR with bypass injector and gas
recirculation. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150 filter porosity: 2μm, with
electrically heated external filter 0–320°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostate,
over temperature protector with reset key at +30°C Tsoll, low temperature alarm at
–30°C below Tsoll with voltage free status–alarm contact Power: 115V/60Hz, 800W.
Mounting flange: 3"ANSI. Gas outlet tube 3/8", all others 1/4". Material: SS316,
ceramic, graphite. Incl. weather protection shield with insulation. # Dilution ratio to be #
indicated with order.
7.201,00 20S4025a @
Gas sample dilution probe type SP2000–H/DIL–VA/B, with integrated ball–valve and
bypass–injector without gas recirculation. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150,
filter porosity: 2μm, with electrically heated external filter 0–180°C adjustable by an
incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and
low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Incl.
weather protection shield with insulation. Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange:
DN65PN6B with thread G3/4"i. Sample gas OUT: tube 8mm. Material: SS316,
ceramic, Viton?. # Dilution ratio to be indicated with the order.
6.504,00 20S4026 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.1.1 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 Page 6
Dilution-Sample-Probe SP2000H/DIL
20S4030 Gas sample dilution probe type SP2000–H/DIL–VA/BV, with integrated ball–valve
and bypass needle valve with gas outlet connection. With external ceramic filter
type S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm, with electrically heated external filter 0–180°C
adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key
at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm withpotential free status–alarm contact at
–30°C below Tsetting. Incl. weather protection shield with insulation. Power:
230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange: DN65PN6B with thread G3/4"i. Sample gas
OUT: tube 8mm. Material: SS316, ceramic, Viton?. # Dilution ratio to be indicated
with the order.
20S4102 Gas sample dilution probe type SP2000–H320/DIL. With external ceramic filter
type S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm, with electrically heated external filter 0–320°C.
Thermo couple: Fe–CuNi. Filter element and lid seal out of graphite. Incl. weather
protection shield with insulation. Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange:
DN65PN6B with thread G3/4"i. Sample gas OUT: tube 8mm. Material: SS316,
ceramic, graphite. Dilution ratio to be indicated with the order.
20S4150 Gas sample dilution probe type SP2300–H/DIL, with Dil cross out of PEEK,
Viton?, Glass incl. cal–gas port, without check valve. With external ceramic filter
type S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm, with electrically heated external filter 0–180°C
adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key
at +30°C T–setting and low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact
at –30°C below Tsetting. Incl. weather protection shield with insulation. Power:
230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange: DN65PN6B with thread G3/4"i. Sample gas
OUT: tube 8mm. Material: PTFE, ceramic, Viton. # Dilution ratio to be indicated
with the order.
20S4200 Add–on–set type DIL–A for dilution probe SP2000–H/DIL, consisting of: 1
pressure regulator, 2 pressure gauges. Incl. mounting angle and mounting set,
with fittings for probe connections. Gas outlet: 8mm.
20S4210 Add on set type DIL–A1 for dilution probe SP2000–H/DIL–B with bypass–injector,
consisting of: 2 pressure regulator, 3 pressure gauges. Incl. mounting angle and
mounting set, with fittings for probe connections. Gas outlet: 8mm.
20S4250 Control panel type DIL–S for SP2000–H/DIL, consisting of: 1 pressure regulator, 2
pressure gauges, 1 flowmeter 15–150Nl/h, 2 shut–off valves. With fittings for
probe connections. Gas outlet: 8mm.
20S4260 Control panel type DIL–S1 for SP2000–H/DIL–Bwith bypass–injector, consisting
of: 2 pressure regulator, 3 pressuregauges, 1 flowmeter 15–150Nl/h, 2 shut–off
valves. With fittings for probe connections. Gas outlet: 8mm.
Dilution-Sample-Probe SP2006H/DIL
20S4424 Gas sample dilution probe SP2006–H/DIL–BR/2x/FRP with bypass–injector and
gas recirculation. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm,
with electrically heated external filter0–180°C without temp.–controller without
thermostat, with thermocouple type K Ni–CrNi, build in a diagonal FRP–housing.
incl. 2l storage buffer Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange: 3"150lbs with
thread G3/4"i. Sample gas OUT: tube 3/8"Material: SS316, ceramic, Viton?. #
Dilution ratio to be indicated with the order.
20S4424a Gas sample dilution probe SP2006–H/DIL–BR/2x/FRP with bypass–injector and
gas recirculation. With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm,
with electrically heated external filter0–180°C without temp.–controller without
thermostat, with thermocouple type K Ni–CrNi, build in a diagonal FRP–housing.
incl. 2l storage buffer Power: 115V/60Hz, 800W. mounting flange: 3"150lbs with
thread G3/4"i. Sample gas OUT: tube 3/8"Material: SS316, ceramic, Viton?. #
Dilution ratio to be indicated with the order.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 7 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 2.1.1
Dilution-Sample-Probe SP2006H/DIL
Gas sample dilution probe SP2006–H/DIL–B/2x/FRP with bypass–injector without gas
recirculation With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm, with
electrically heated external filter 0–180°C without temp.–controller without thermostat,
with thermocouple type K Ni–CrNi, build in a diagonal FRP–housing. incl. 2l storage
buffer Power: 230V/50Hz, 800W. mounting flange: 3"150lbs with thread G3/4"i.
Sample gas OUT: tube 3/8" Material: SS316, ceramic, Viton?. # Dilution ratio to be
indicated with the order.
Gas sample dilution probe SP2006–H/DIL–B/2x/FRP with bypass–injector without gas
recirculation With external ceramic filter type S–2K150, filter porosity: 2μm, with
electrically heated external filter 0–180°C without temp.–controller without thermostat,
with thermocouple type K Ni–CrNi build in a diagonal FRP–housing. incl. 2 l buffer
tank Power: 115V/60Hz, 800W. mounting flange: 3"150lbs with thread G3/4"i. Sample
gas OUT: tube 3/8" Material: SS316, ceramic, Viton?. # Dilution ratio to be indicated
with the order.
Extra charge for probe type SP2006/BB with backflush valve and integrated filter.
Opening pressure: 0,7bar. With storage buffer 0,75l and pneumatic toggle valve for
Blowback Connection: tube 3/8". Material: SS316, Viton.
Extra charge for probe series SP2006 Support for mounting the externen housing of
the temperature–contr. on the FRP housing of the probe.
Dilution unit complete for SP2006–H/DIL. DIL–ratio to be specified with the order. 93S4420
Bypass–unit complete for SP2006–H/DIL–BR. 93S4425
Dilution unit for SP2006–H/DIL 180°C/320°C empty, without any inserts Material
Bypass unit SP2006H/DIL 180°C/320°C empty, without any inserts Material SS316 93S4416
Injector complete unit SP2006–H/DIL incl. O–rings and sample outlet tube 93S4401
Injector complete unit SP2006–H/B incl. O–rings and sample outlet tube 93S4411
Gasket set for DIL unit of probe SP2006–H/DIL, Viton?. 93S4412
Gasket set for Bypass unit of probe SP2006–H/DIL, Viton?. 93S4413
Gasket set complete for probe SP2006-H/320/DIL/BR incl. top lid sealings Chemraz
615 16 ea.
Option for Dilution-Sample-Probe SP2000H/DIL
Extra charge for probe type SP2000–H/DIL 2x with 2nd sample outlet without dilution.
Connection: 1/4"NPTi.
666,00 20S9700 @
Complete set SP2000H/DIL critical orifice incl. 2x O–ring. Material: glass # please
indicate ratio with the order.
303,00 20S4300 @
Complete set SP2000H/320 DIL critical orifice incl. 4x graphitring,1x washer Material:
glass # please indicate ratio with the order.
371,00 20S4301 @
Extra charge for probe SP2000–H/DIL/320/C. Special excution with electrically heated
external filter 0–320°C, with thermostate, filter element seal and lid seal out of
graphite. O–rings of Dilution cross out of graphite Calibration gas connection: 6 mm
tube with plug. sample outlet: 6 mm tube.
1.502,00 20S9036 @
Gas Sample-Dilution Unit DIL-1
Dilution unit type DIL–1, unheated. Dilution rate: 30–40:1 (Standard). Consisting of:
Dilution part, 2 filter for sample gas and dilution gas, check–valve for calibration gas.
Installed on a mounting plate.
3.136,00 20S4900 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.1.1 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 Page 8
Gas Sample-Dilution Unit DIL-1
20S4905 Dilution unit type DIL–1/H. 2 filter for sample and dilution gas, check–valve for
calibration gas. Thermostate adjustable 0–180°C, over temperature limiter with
reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm
contact at –30°C below Tsetting. mounting panel with isolation cover. Power:
230V/50Hz, 800W. # Dilution ratio tobe indicated with the order.
20S4905a Dilution unit type DIL–1/H. 2 filter for sample and dilution gas, check–valve for
calibration gas. Thermostate adjustable 0–180°C, over temperature limiter with
reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm
contact at –30°C below Tsetting. mounting panel with isolation cover. Power:
115V/60Hz, 800W. # Dilution ratio tobe indicated with the order.
20S4205 Add on set type DIL–1/A consisting of: 1 ball valve 1 pressure regulator 2
pressure gauges incl. mounting set, with fittings for tube connection 6mm o.d.
20S4206 Add on set type DIL–1/A–FM consisting of: 2 ball valve 1 pressure regulator 2
pressure gauges 1 flowmeter for cal. gas incl. mounting set, with fittings for tube
connection 6mm o.d.
20S4215 Add on set type DIL–1/A1 consisting of: 1 ball valve 2 pressure regulator 3
pressure gauge incl. mountingset with fittings for tube connection 6mm o.d..
20S4216 Add on set type DIL–1/A1–FM consisting of: 2 ball valve 2 pressure regulator 3
pressure gauge 1 flowmeter for cal. gas incl. mounting set with fittings for tube
connection 6mm o.d..
20S4220 Add on set type DIL–2/A for dual dilution unit consisting of: 1 ball valve 1 pressure
regulator 2 low pressure gauges 1 pressure gauge incl. mountingset with fittings
for tube connection 6mm o.d..
20S4221 Add on set type DIL–2/A–FM consisting of: 2 ball valve 1 pressure regulator 3
pressure 1 flowmeter for cal. gas incl. mounting set with fittings for tube
connection 6mm o.d..
Options for Gas Sample-Dilution Unit DIL-1
20S4925 Option 1 for DIL–1/B, additional bypass injector to reduce the response time at
high high ratios.
20S4930 Option 2 for dilution unit DIL–1, additional sample gas outlet (undiluted). 74,60@
Options for Gas Sample Probes SP 2000 ...
20S9009 Extra charge for probe type SP3000/I with pneumatic bellow valve SP2000H/I,
mounted compley at the sample outlet of the probe. Material: SS316, PEEK.
20S9010 Extra charge for probe type SP2000/7aT. Filter housing lid with special PTFE
sealing rings instead of filter housing lid with O–rings out of Viton? and filter
element sealing out of PTFE.
20S9011 Extra charge for probe type SP2000/C with valve for calibration gas with
integrated filter. Opening pressure: 0,7bar. connection: tube 6mm. Material:
SS316, Viton?.
20S9012 Extra charge for SP2000 CC/ CC–F selection unit for Cal gas injection in front of
or behind the external filter
20S9015 Extra charge for probe type SP2000/2x. 2nd sample outlet, connection: 1/4"NPTi. 478,00@
20S9045 Extra charge for probe type SP2000/2500–R with gas valve for blowback or
calibration gas with integrated filter. Opening pressure: 0,7bar. connection: tube
6mm. Material: SS316, Viton?.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 9 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 2.1.1
Options for Gas Sample Probes SP 2000 ...
Extra charge for probe type SP3000/BB with backflush valve and integrated filter.
Opening pressure: 0,7bar. Connection: tube 8mm Material: SS316, Viton?.
838,00 20S9008 @
Extra charge for probe type SP3000/2020/BB–F with backflush valve and integrated
filter. Opening pressure: 0,7bar. Connection: tube 8mm Material: SS316, Viton?.
1.027,00 20S9006 @
Extra charge for probe type SP2000–H320/R backflush –/calibration gas valve
Opening pressure: 0,7bar. connection: tube 6mm. material: SS316, Viton?.
489,00 20S9044 @
Extra charge for probe SP2400/R–Ti Blow back/–calibration gas valve with integrated
protection filter out of Hasloy?. Opening pressure 0,7bar max. 500Nl/h Connection
1/4" NPT i. material: Titanium, Viton? Hasloy C.
936,00 20S9048 @
Extra charge for probe SP2.00/GVW1 gas pre–heater GVW1 out of stainless steel for
mounting on the probe the tube connection at backflush/cal. valve R/ is an option.
287,00 20S9058 @
Gas pre–heater twin type for mounting on the probe SP2000/GVW2. dwg–no.
2246–2.06.0. Material: SS 316.
350,00 20S9060 @
Extra charge for probe SP2000/GVW. Connection of the preheater with valve /R and
gas inlet with 6mm tube. At probe SP2200–H/C/I/BB the pre–heater is connected with
the blowback valve /BB. Material: SS 316.
224,00 20S9062 @
Extra charge for probe SP2000/GF150 special filterelement adapter and a ultrafine
glassfibre filter element 0,1GF150 filter porosity: 0,1μm filter element seal PTFE
glassfibre reinforced.
24,90 20S9020 @
Extra charge for probe type SP2000/HF. filter housing lid for high flowrate, with
filterelement 0,1GF.
138,00 20S9016 @
Extra charge for probe SP2000–H/FW with. Special filter housing lid with Viton?
o–rings and cartridge with Novapress gasket. Incl. spun–glass filling. # For diesel
generators or similar sooty applications.
291,00 20S9047 @
Extra charge for probe SP2000–H320/FW with Special filter housing lid with graphite
gaskets and cartridge. Incl spun–glass filling. # For diesel generators or similar sooty
291,00 20S9046 @
Extra charge for probe SP2000–H320/C. special excution with electrically heated
external filter to 320°C with thermocouple FeCuNi, filter element seal and lid seal out
of graphite. Calibration gas connection: 6 mm tube with plug. sample outlet: 6 mm
tube. (A temperature controller to be mounted externally is not included)
955,00 20S9022 @
Extra charge for probe SP2000–H320/C. Special excution with electrically heated
external filter 0–320°C, with thermostate, filter element seal and lid seal out of
graphite. Calibration gas connection: 6 mm tube with plug. sample outlet: 6 mm tube.
955,00 20S9021 @
Execution for probe SP2000–H/PT100 With PT100–sensor instead of thermostat. –
without temperature controller –
0,00 20S9025 @
Execution probe SP2000/FeCuNi, J–type with thermocouple instead of thermostat.
–without temperature controller–.
0,00 20S9027 @
Execution for probe SP2000/Ni–CrNi. With thermocouple type K instead of thermostat
– without temperature controller –
0,00 20S9028 @
Extra charge for additional PT100–sensor, for heated probes and sample tubes.
(without temperature controller).
194,00 20S9026 @
Extra charge for probes series SP2000/2xxx–H with power supply: 115V/60Hz.
(except of Ex–probes)
63,70 20S9030 @
Extra charge for probes series SP2000/2xxx–H with power supply: 380V/50Hz.
(except of Ex–probes)
166,00 20S9430 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.1.1 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 Page 10
Options for Gas Sample Probes SP 2000 ...
20S9031 Extra charge for SP2000/ST. Saftey separation according to VDE 106T101. #
Only in connection with thermostat control #
20S9033 Option for probe SP2000–H/D, Steam heated instead of thermostate, without
controller and valves.
20S9017 Extra charge for type SP2000/HP. incl. 2–way ball–valve. Max. pressure: 25bar,
flange: DN50 PN25.
20S9004 Extra charge for probe series SP2000 withadapter flange size DN ../PN.. or ANSI
../...lbs. With welded mounting screws. Material: SS316.
20S9005 extra charge for type SP 2000/So 1, with special mounting nipple of 2" NPT* or
G–ISO* instead of the mounting flange oron request mounting nippel of G 2" ISO
*) please specify with order.
Ball Valves for SP 2000
20S9050 Extra charge for probe SP2000–H/VA. integrated 2–way–ball valve for shut–off at
sample inlet, heatable up to max. 180°C, external operation per handle. Material:
SS316, PTFE.
20S9053 Extra charge for probe SP2000/VA320 with integrated 2–way ballvalve in the gas
inlet, heatable up to 320°C. Material: SS316, Inconel, Grafoil 17–4 pH.
20S9325 Extra charge for probe SP2000/3VA. Integrated 3–way ballvalve at sample inlet,
heatable up to 180°C, external operation per handle with 3 positions*. With
pre–heated coil made of stainless steelfor blowback–/ calibration gas.
Connection: tube 6mm. material: SS316, PTFE. # Please indicate with order the
function blowback or calibration
20S9330 Extra charge for probe SP2000/3VA320. Integrated 3–way–ball valve at sample
inlet, heatable up to 320°C, external operation per handle with 3 positions*. With
pre–heated coil made of stainless steelfor blowback–/ calibration gas.
Connection: tube 6mm. material: SS316,Inconel, Grafoil 17–4 pH. # Please
indicate with order the function blowback or calibration #
Pneumatic Drive for SP 2000
20S9055 Extra charge for probe SP2000/MS1 pneumatic drive MS1 with spring reverse, for
ball valves /VA + /3VA. Function: 2–way ball–valve /VA closed without pressure
(NC) or * on request open (NO) 3–way ball–valve /3VA closed without pressure
(NC) or * on request open (NO) and blowback (B) to the process or * calibration
gas (C). (* please specify with order)
20S9054 Extra charge for probe SP2000/MS1(3)/PI 2 switches for position indication 2 x
pot. free switchover contacts 250V AC/DC, 11A AC 0,25 A DC Protection class
IP65 Ambient temp. –25..+70°C Cable gland M20
20S9056 Extra charge for probe SP2000/VA/MS3 pneumatic drive MS for ball valve VA
320°C actuating pressure: 6bar closed without pressure NC or on request open
without pressure NO. * please specity with order.
20S9345 Solenoid valve unit 2 for Probe series SP2000 with 2 solenoid valves of
SS316/Viton? to control: pneumatic drive and blowback/calibration. Compley
mounted in a polyester housing. power: 230V/50Hz
20S9345a Solenoid valve unit 2 for Probe series SP2000 with 2 solenoid valves of
SS316/Viton? to control: pneumatic drive and blowback/calibration. Compley
mounted in a polyester housing. power: 115V/60Hz
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 11 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 2.1.1
Pneumatic Drive for SP 2000
Extra charge for probe SP2000/.VA/MS or SP2200/C/I/BB, control type 234B/ZR/00
integrated in the solenoid unit for automatically timed blowback with electronic
two–stage–cycler (pause–time max. 300h) and cycle timer for pulsed blowback.
Status contact delayed after blowback. Mounted in a polyester housing. Power:
230V/50Hz (24VDC on request)
763,00 20S9370 @
Electric drive SP2000/EA230 for probe with integr. ball–valve /VA (3VA). For 2
operating states (90°) (incl. feedback) via incorporated terminals for external control,
power: 230V/50Hz.
1.448,00 20S9342 @
Electric drive SP2000/EA115 for probe with integr. ball–valve /VA (3VA). For 2
operating states (90°) (incl. feedback) via incorporated terminals for external control,
power: 115V/60Hz.
1.486,00 20S9342a @
Electric drive SP2000/EA24 for probe with integr. ball–valve /VA (3VA). For 2
operating states (90°) (incl. feedback) via incorporated terminals for external control,
power: 24VDC.
1.496,00 20S9342d @
Two additional potential–free contacts of status OPEN/CLOSED for drives type /EA... 186,00 20S9343 @
Probe Tubes for Dust Loadings Up To 2g/m3 and up to 1400°C
Insitu probe tube type SP2000/SS. Connection thread: G3/4", length: 1m. Material:
SS316. Temperature: max. 600°C.
179,00 20S9065 @
Extra charge for further 500mm probe tube type SS. (max. tube length: 2,5m) 59,00 20S9066 @
Insitu probe tube type SP2000/SS–Vm. Connection thread: G3/4", length: 1m. With
volume displacer. Material: SS316. Temperature: max. 600°C.
235,00 20s9067 @
Extra charge for further 500mm probe tube type SS–Vm. (max. tube length: 2,5m) 54,70 20S9068 @
Insitu probe tube type SP2000/PV. Connection thread: G3/4", length: 1m. Material:
PVDF, PTFE–GV. Temperature: max. 90°C.
249,00 20S9070 @
Extra charge for further 500mm probe tube type PV. (max. tube length: 1,5m) 62,70 20S9071 @
Insitu probe tube type SP2000/T. Connection thread: G3/4", length: 0,5m Material:
PTFE–GV Temperature: max. 160°C.
448,00 20S9083 @
Insitu probe tube type SP2000/TI. Connection thread: G3/4", length: 1m. Material:
Titanium. Temperature: max. 400°C.
458,00 20S9075 @
Extra charge for further 500mm probe tube type TI. (max. tube length: 2,5m) 162,00 20s9076 @
Insitu probe tube type SP2000/HC. Connection thread: G3/4", length: 1m. Material:
Hasloy?–C. Temperature: max. 900°C.
803,00 20S9090 @
Extra charge for further 500mm probe tube type HC. (max. tube length: 2,5m) 244,00 20S9091 @
Insitu probe tube type SP2000/KA. Connection thread:G3/4"o, length: 1m. Material:
Kanthal?. Temperature: max. 1300°C.
637,00 20S9080 @
Extra charge for further 500mm probe tube type KA (max. tube length:1,5m) 214,00 20S9081 @
insitu probe tube for probe type SP2000/CR–2 with G 3/4"m–connection thread out of
HC, length 900mm material: Cr AL2 O3 operating temp: 1400°C.
1.987,00 20S9098 @
insitu probe tube for probe type SP2000/CR–20 with G 3/4"m–connection thread out
of HC, length 1200mm material: Cr AL2 O3 operating temp: 1400°C.
3.130,00 20S9099 @
Insitu probe tube type SP2000/IN Connection thread: G3/4", length: 1m. Material:
Inconel Temperature: max. 1100°C.
797,00 20S9077 @
Additional charge for further 500mm insitu probe tube type IN (max. length 2,5m)
Material: Inconel
241,00 20S9078 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.1.1 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 Page 12
Probe Tubes for Dust Loadings Up To 2g/m3 and up to 1400°C
20S9103 Insitu probe tube type SP2000/IC. Connection thread: G3/4", length: 1m. Material:
Alloy HR160 Temperature: max. 1200°C.
20S9104 Extra charge for further 500mm probe tube type IC. (max. tube length: 2m) 465,00@
Probe Tubes for Dust Loadings Up To 2g/m3 and up to 1800°C
20S9385 Insitu probe tube type SP2000/AO. length:1m. Material: ceramic AL–oxyd
Temperature: max. 1800°C. (Adapter 20S9395 is necessary for mounting to
probe SP2000–H).
20S9390 Extra charge for further 500mm probe tube type AO. (max. tube length: 1,5m) 318,00@
20S9395 Mounting adapter for insitu probe AO withG3/4" male connect. thread incl. gasket
and bush end with graphite seal, material: SS316.
20S9397 mounting adapter for insitu probe AO withG3/4" male connect. thread incl. gasket
and bush end with graphite seal, material: HC.
Pre-Filter V20 ... for Dust Loadings > 2g/m3
20S9085 Pre–filter type V20 for SP2000–H. Stainless steel filter without volume displacer.
Length: 220mm, 46mm OD. Filter porosity:2μm, temperature: max. 600°C.
Connection: G3/4". Material: SS316.
20S9095 Pre–filter type V20/HC for SP2000–H. Hasloy?filter without volume displacer.
Length: 220mm, 46mm OD. Filter porosity:2μm, temperature: max. 900°C.
Connection: G3/4". Material: Hasloy–C.
20S9105 Pre–filter type V20–0 for SP2000–H. Stainless steel filter with volume displacer.
Length: 220mm, 46mm OD. Filter porosity:2μm, temperature: max. 600°C.
Connection: G3/4". Material: SS316.
20S9115 Pre–filter type V20–0/HC for SP2000–H. Hasloy? filter with volume displacer.
Length: 220mm, 46mm OD. Filter porosity:2μm, temperature: max. 900°C.
Connection: G3/4". Material: Hasloy–X.
20S9125 Pre–filter type V20–2 for SP2000–H. Stainless steel filter without volume
displacer. Length: 520mm, 60mm OD. Filterporosity: 2μm, temperature: max.
600°C. Connection: G3/4". Material: SS316.
20S9135 Pre–filter type V20–2/HC for SP2000–H. Hasloy? filter without volume
displacer. Length: 520mm, 60mm OD. Filterporosity: 2μm, temperature: max.
900°C. Connection: G3/4". Material: Hasloy–X
20S9145 Pre–filter type V20–1 for SP2000–H. Stainless steel filter with volume displacer.
Length: 520mm, 60mm OD. Filter porosity:2μm, temperature: max. 600°C.
Connection: G3/4". Material: SS316.
20S9155 Pre–filter type V20–1/HC for SP2000–H. Hasloy? filter with volume displacer.
Length: 520mm, 60mm OD. Filter porosity:2μm, temperature: max. 900°C.
Connection: G3/4". Material: Hasloy–X
20S9290 Pre–filter type V20–4 for SP2000–H. Stainless steel filter without volume
displacer. Length: 300mm, 31mm OD. Filterporosity: 2μm, temperature: max.
600°C. Connection: G3/4". Material: SS316.
20S9300 Pre–filter type V20–3 for SP2000–H. Stainless steel filter with volume displacer.
Length: 300mm, 31mm OD. Filter porosity:2μm, temperature: max. 600°C.
Connection: G3/4". Material: SS316.
20S9310 extra charge for extension of insitu stainless steel filter V20–3 or V20–4 for each
100 mm further length (from standard length 300mm to .... mm), max. 1000 mm
total filter length. material: SS316.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 13 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 2.1.1
Pre-Filter V20 ... for Dust Loadings > 2g/m3
Pre–filter type V20–5 for SP2000–H. Stainless steel filter without volume displacer
with double–layer for high backflush efficiency Length: 220mm, 50mm OD. Filter
porosity: 3μm, temperature: max. 500°C. Connection: G3/4". Material: SS316.
856,00 20S9127 @
Pre–filter type V20–6 for SP2000–H. Stainless steel filter without volume displacer,
with double–layer for high backflush efficiency Length: 520mm, 60mm OD. Filter
porosity: 3μm, temperature: max. 500°C. Connection: G3/4". Material: SS316.
1.229,00 20S9128 @
Pre–filter type 20SS 150 for SP2000–H. Stainless steel filter with
Swagelok?–connector for mounting to the SS–sample tube, incl. protection shield.
Length: 150mm, 30mm OD. Filter porosity: 20μm, temperature: max. 600°C. Material:
510,00 20S9160 @
Heated adapter tube type AR–500–R to put up a pre–filter type V12–1. With mounting
flanges DN65 PN6B on both sides. Electrically heated 0–200°C adjustable by an
incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and
low temp. alarm with potential–free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Incl.
cover plate. Total length: 560mm. Material: SS316. Power: 230V/50Hz.
2.090,00 20S9398 @
Heated adapter tube type AR–500–R, to put up a pre–filter type V12–1. With mounting
flanges DN65 PN6B on both sides. Electrically heated 0–200°C adjustable by an
incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and
low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Incl.
cover plate. Material: SS316. Power: 115V/60Hz.
2.090,00 20S9398a @
Heated adapter tube type AR–500–R1 to put up a pre–filter V20 With mounting
flanges DN65 PN6B on both sides. Electrically heated 0–200°C adjustable by an
incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and
low temp. alarm with potential–free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Incl.
cover plate. Total length: 560mm. Material: SS316. Power: 230V/50Hz.
2.034,00 20S9317 @
Extention Tubes Vm
Extension tube for probe SP2000/Vm500mm with G 3/4" male connection thread and
internal volume displacer, length: 500mm, incl. gasket set. Temperature: max. 600°C.
Material: SS316. (for pre–filter V20).
206,00 20S9165 @
Extension tube for probe SP2000/Vm1000mm with G 3/4" male connection thread and
internal volume displacer, length: 1000mm, incl. gasket set. Temperature: max.
600°C. Material: SS316. (for pre–filter V20).
261,00 20S9170 @
Extension tube for probe SP2000/Vm1500mm with G 3/4" male connection thread and
internal volume displacer, length: 1500mm, incl. gasket set. Temperature: max.
600°C. Material: SS316. (for pre–filter V20).
316,00 20S9175 @
Extension tube for probe SP2000/Vm2000mm with G 3/4" male connection thread and
internal volume displacer, length: 2000mm, incl. gasket set. Temperature: max.
600°C. Material: SS316. (for pre–filter V20).
364,00 20S9176 @
Extension tube for probe SP2000/VmHC500mm with G 3/4" male connection thread
and internal volume displacer, length: 500mm, incl. gasket set. Temperature: max.
900°C. Material: Hasloy?–C. (for pre–filter V20).
1.028,00 20S9180 @
Extension tube for probe SP2000/VmHC1000mm with G 3/4" male connection thread
and internal volume displacer, length: 1000mm, incl. gasket set. Temperature: max.
900°C. Material: Hasloy?–C. (for pre–filter V20).
1.408,00 20S9185 @
Extension tube for probe SP2000/VmHC1500mm with G 3/4" male connection thread
and internal volume displacer, length: 1500mm, incl. gasket set. Temperature: max.
900°C. Material: Hasloy?–C. (for pre–filter V20).
1.791,00 20S9190 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.1.1 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 Page 14
Protection Shields forProcess Gas Velocities of > 4m/sec and Dust Loading >2g/m3
20S9250 Extra charge for probe SP2000/AB–SS shape protection plate for filters V20 and
V20–0 Material: SS316.
20S9255 Extra charge for probe SP2000/AB1–SS shape protection plate for filters V20–1
and V20–2. Material: SS316.
20S9260 Extra charge for probe type SP2000/AB–HC. Shape protection plate for filters
V20V20–0. Material: Hasloy?–C.
20S9265 Extra charge for probe SP2000/AB1–HC shape protection plate for filters V20–1
and V20–2. Material: Hasloy?–C.
20S9267 Extra charge for probe SP2000/AB1A–SS shape protection tube for filters
V12–1A Material: SS316.
Pre-Filter for Very High Dust Loading
20S9500 Pre–filter type V12–1 for SP2000–H. Large insitu ceramic filter tube in
double–layer version for high blow–back efficiency, without volume displacer.
Length: 500mm, 40mm OD. filter porosity: 1μm, temperature max. 1000°C.
mounting flange DN65 PN6B with 4 welded mounting screws, incl. gasket.
Material: ceramic, SS316.
20S9505 Pre–filter type V12–2 for SP2000–H. Large insitu ceramic filter tube without
volume displacer. Length: 1000mm, 60mm OD. filter porosity: 2μm, temperature
max. 1000°C. mounting flange DN65 PN6B with 4 welded mounting screws, incl.
gasket. Material: ceramic, SS316.
20S9510 Pre–filter type V12–3 for SP2000–H. Large insitu ceramic filter tube in
double–layer version for high blow–back efficiency, without volume displacer.
Length: 1000mm, 60mm OD. filter porosity: 1μm, temperature max. 1000°C.
mounting flange DN65 PN6B with 4 welded mounting screws, incl. gasket.
Material: ceramic, SS316.
20S9515 Volume displacer for pre filter V12–2/3 with G3/4" male connection for probe
flange mounting max 600°C. Material SS316.
20S9520 Volume displacer for pre filter V12–2/3 with G3/4" male connection for probe
flange mounting max 1000°C. Material Inconel.
20S9525 Pre–filter type V12–1/SS for SP2000–H. Large insitu ceramic filter tube in
double–layer version for high blow–back efficiency, without volume displacer.
Length: 500mm, 40mm OD. filter porosity:1μm, temperature: max. 600°C.
mounting flange DN65 PN6B with 4 welded mounting screws, incl. gasket.
Material: ceramic, SS316. Incl. protection tube for pre–filter V12–1 with 3
longitudinal slots.
20S9530 Pre–filter type V12–2/SS for SP2000–H. Large insitu ceramic filter tube, without
volume displacer. Length: 1000mm, 60mm OD. filter porosity: 2μm, temperature:
max. 600°C. mounting flange DN100PN6B with 4 welded mounting screws, incl.
gasket. Material: ceramic, SS316. Incl. protection tube for pre–filter V12–2 with 3
longitudinal slots.
20S9535 Pre–filter type V12–3/SS for SP2000–H. Large insitu ceramic filter tube in
double–layer version for high blow–back efficiency, without volume displacer.
Length: 1000mm, 60mm OD. filter porosity:1μm, temperature: max. 600°C.
mounting flange DN100PN6B with 4 welded mounting screws, incl. gasket.
Material: ceramic, SS316. Incl. protection tube for pre–filter V12–3 with 3
longitudinal slots.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 15 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 2.1.1
Pre-Filter for Very High Dust Loading
Pre–filter type V12–1/IC for SP2000–H. Large insitu ceramic filter tube in double–layer
version for high blow–back efficiency, without volume displacer. Length: 500mm,
40mm OD. filter porosity: 1μm, temperature: max. 1000°C. mounting flange DN65
PN6B with 4 welded mounting screws, incl. gasket. Material: Inconel, SS316, ceramic.
Incl. protection tube for pre–filter V12–1 with 3 longitudinal slots.
2.279,00 20S9540 @
Pre–filter type V12–2/IC for SP2000–H. Large insitu ceramic filter tube without volume
displacer. Length: 1000mm, 60mm OD. filter porosity: 2μm, temperature: max.
1000°C. mounting flange DN100PN6B with 4 welded mounting screws, incl. gasket.
Material: Inconel, SS316, ceramic. Incl. protection tube for pre–filter V12–2 with 3
longitudinal slots.
3.465,00 20S9545 @
Pre–filter type V12–3/IC for SP2000–H. Large insitu ceramic filter tube in double–layer
version for high blow–back efficiency, without volume displacer. Length: 1000mm,
60mm OD. filter porosity: 1μm, temperature: max. 1000°C. mounting flange
DN100PN6B with 4 welded mounting screws, incl. gasket. Material: Inconel, SS316,
ceramic. Incl. protection tube for pre–filter V12–3 with 3 longitudinal slots.
3.618,00 20S9550 @
Pre–filter type V12–1A for SP2000–H. Large insitu ceramic filter tube in double–layer
version for high blow–back efficiency, without volume displacer. Length: 500mm,
40mm OD. filter porosity: 1μm, temperature max. 1000°C. Connection: G3/4" Material:
ceramic, SS316.
1.132,00 20S9555 @
Pre–filter type V20–T for SP2000–H. backflushable hose pre–filter with internal
support tube. Length: 400mm, 40mm OD. Filter porosity: 3μm. Temperature: max.
200°C. Connection: G3/4". Material: PTFE, SS316.
584,00 20S9315 @
Gas Sampling After Wet Scrubbing Systems
Insitu probe tube SP32, with G3/4" male connector/adapter and demistor for gas
sampling of wet gases. length: 800mm. material: PVDF, PTFE glass–fibre reinforced.
Operating temperatures: max. 90°C.
667,00 20S9280 @
In Case of Dew Point Problems on the Process Side
Heated insitu probe tube type SP30–H1.1. Double tube construction electrical heated
to 0–320°C. Thermocouple Fe–CuNi, mounting flange DN65PN6B, incl. 4 welded
mounting bolts, flange gasket and nuts. with G3/4" coupling for mounting the insitu
probe tubes or pre–filter. Length: 0,6m. Operating temperatures: max. 550°C,
Material: 1.4539 Power: 115/230V, 50/60Hz, power consumption: 600W. (A
temperature controller to be mounted externally is not included)
2.575,00 02S9023 @
Heated insitu probe tube type SP30–H2. Double tube construction electrical heated to
0–200°C. Temperature sensor PT100. mounting flange DN65PN6B, incl. 4 welded
mounting bolts, flange gasket and nuts. with G3/4" coupling for mounting the insitu
probe tubes or pre–filter. Length: 0,6m. Operating temperatures: max. 200°C,
Material: 1.4539 Power: 115/230V, 50/60Hz, power consumption: 600W. (A
temperature controller to be mounted externally is not included)
2.575,00 02S9023P @
Heated insitu probe tube type SP30–H1.1. Double tube construction electrical heated
to 0–320°C. Thermocouple Fe–CuNi, mounting flange DN65PN6B, incl. 4 welded
mounting bolts, flange gasket and nuts. with G3/4" coupling for mounting the insitu
probe tubes or pre–filter. Length: 1m. Operating temperatures: max. 550°C, Material:
1.4539 Power: 115/230V, 50/60Hz, power consumption: 800W. (A temperature
controller to be mounted externally is not included)
2.786,00 02S9025 @
Heated insitu probe tube type SP30–H2. Double tube construction electrical heated to
0–200°C. Temperature sensor PT100. mounting flange DN65PN6B, incl. 4 welded
mounting bolts, flange gasket and nuts. with G3/4" coupling for mounting the insitu
probe tubes or pre–filter. Length: 1m. Operating temperatures: max. 200°C, Material:
1.4539 Power: 115/230V, 50/60Hz, power consumption: 800W. (A temperature
controller to be mounted externally is not included)
2.786,00 02S9025P @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.1.1 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 Page 16
In Case of Dew Point Problems on the Process Side
02S9026 Heated insitu probe tube type SP30–H1.1. Double tube construction electrical
heated to 0–320°C. Thermocouple Fe–CuNi,mounting flange DN65PN6B, incl. 4
welded mounting bolts, flange gasket and nuts.with G3/4" coupling for mounting
the insitu probe tubes or pre–filter. Length:1,5m. Operating temperatures: max.
550°C, Material: 1.4539 Power: 115/230V, 50/60Hz, power consumption: 1200W.
(A temperature controller to be mounted externally is not included)
02S9026P Heated insitu probe tube type SP30–H2. Double tube construction electrical
heated to 0–200°C. Temperature sensorPT100. mounting flange DN65PN6B,
incl. 4 welded mounting bolts, flange gasket and nuts. with G3/4" coupling for
mounting the insitu probe tubes or pre–filter. Length: 1,5m. Operating
temperatures: max. 200°C, Material: 1.4539 Power: 115/230V, 50/60Hz, power
consumption: 1200W. (A temperature controller to be mounted externally is not
02S9024 Heated insitu probe tube type SP30–H1.1. Double tube construction electrical
heated to 0–320°C. Thermocouple Fe–CuNi,mounting flange DN65PN6B, incl. 4
welded mounting bolts, flange gasket and nuts.with G3/4" coupling for mounting
the insitu probe tubes or pre–filter. Length: 2m. Operating temperatures: max.
550°C, Material: 1.4539 Power: 115/230V, 50/60Hz, power consumption: 1200W.
(A temperature controller to be mounted externally is not included)
02S9022 Heated insitu probe tube type SP30–H1.1. Double tube construction electrical
heated to 0–320°C. Thermocouple Fe–CuNi,mounting flange DN65PN6B, incl. 4
welded mounting bolts, flange gasket and nuts.with G3/4" coupling for mounting
the insitu probe tubes or pre–filter. Length:2,5m. Operating temperatures: max.
550°C, Material: SS316 Power: 115/230V, 50/60Hz, power consumption: 1400W
(A temperature controller to be mounted externally is not included)
02S9024P Heated insitu probe tube type SP30–H2. Double tube construction electrical
heated to 0–200°C. Temperature sensorPT100. mounting flange DN65PN6B,
incl. 4 welded mounting bolts, flange gasket and nuts. with G3/4" coupling for
mounting the insitu probe tubes or pre–filter. Length: 2m. Operating temperatures:
max. 200°C, Material: 1.4539 Power: 115/230V, 50/60Hz, power consumption:
1200W. (A temperature controller to be mounted externally is not included)
02S9037 Heated insitu probe tube type SP30–H1.1V, With pre–filter V20–2/30. Double
tube construction electrical heated to 0–320°C. Thermocouple Fe–CuNi,
mounting flange DN65PN6B, incl. 4 welded mounting bolts, flange gasket and
nuts. Length: 0,6m. Operating temperatures: max. 550°C, Material: SS316.
Power: 115/230V, 50/60Hz, power consumption: 600W. (A temperature controller
to be mounted externally is not included)
02S9038 Heated insitu probe tube type SP30–H1.1V, With pre–filter V20–2/30. Double
tube construction electrical heated to 0–320°C. Thermocouple Fe–CuNi,
mounting flange DN65PN6B, incl. 4 welded mounting bolts, flange gasket and
nuts. Length: 1m. Operating temperatures: max. 550°C, Material: SS316. Power:
115/230V, 50/60Hz, power consumption: 800W. (A temperature controller to be
mounted externally is not included)
In Case of Dew Point Problems on the Sample Connection Point
20S9320 Heated adaptor tube SP35/H1 to prevent cold spots at the sample point Double
tube construction electrical heated to0–320°C. Thermo couple: Fe–CuNi.
Mounting flange DN65 PN6B incl. 4 welded mounting bolts with flange gasket and
nuts. With G3/4"–connection for mounting the insitu probe tubes or pre–filter.
Length: 175mm. Operating temperatures: max. 550°C. Material: SS316. Power:
230V/50Hz, 400W. (A temperature controller to be mounted externally is not
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 17 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 2.1.1
In Case of Dew Point Problems on the Sample Connection Point
Heated adaptor tube SP35/H2 to prevent cold spots at the sample point Double tube
construction electrical heated to 0–200°C. Temperatur sensor: PT100. Mounting
flange DN65 PN6B incl. 4 welded mounting bolts with flange gasket and nuts. With
G3/4" coupling for mounting the insitu probe tubes or pre–filter. Length: 175mm.
Operating temperatures: max. 550°C, Material: SS316. Power: 230V/50Hz, 400W. (A
temperature controller to be mounted externally is not included)
1.922,00 20S9322 @
Extra charge for SP35. Power: 115V/60Hz. 214,00 02S9036 @
Filter Elements (Consumables)
Filter element type S–2K150. Length: 150mm, material: ceramics, filter porosity: 2μm. 45,50 90S0020 @
Filter element type F–0,1GF150. Length: 150mm, material: glass fiber, filter porosity:
41,10 90F0125 @
Special spun–glass hightemperature resistant for probes with /FW insert.
120,00 93S2083 @
Spare tube for tube pre–filter type SP2000–H/V20–T. 308,00 93S0115 @
Spare tube for special tube pre–filter type SP2000–H/V20–T 150mm diameter 40mm
length 150mm
101,00 93S0117 @
Filter element type F–0,05SIC. Length: 150mm, material: ceramics,. filter porosity:
267,00 90F0555 @
Filter element SP2600 type S–0,1GF190 material: glass fibre filter porosity: 0,1μm. 89,20 90S0035 @
Filter element SP2600 type S–1K190. Length: 190mm, OD 50mm material: ceramics,
filter porosity: 2μm.
171,00 90S0030 @
Filter Elements (Spares)
Spun glass cartridge element FW with Demister, stainless steel, without filling. 404,00 93S2096 @
Filter Elements (Recommended Spare Parts)
Demistor for SP31/SP32, Material: PTFE. 139,00 90S2015 @
Insitu ceramic filter tube V11–2, Filter porosity 2μm, Length: 1000mm, 60mm OD. 597,00 90S1022 @
Pre–filter for probe SP30–H1.1–V. Large stainless steel insitu filter V20–2/30. length:
520mm, 60mm a.d., filter porosity: 2μm operating temperatures max 550°C. Material:
1.095,00 20S9195 @
Insitu ceramic filter tube V12–1, filter porosity: 1μm, length: 500 mm, 40mm OD. 437,00 93S2300 @
Insitu ceramic filter tube V12–2, filter porosity: 2μm, length 1000mm, 60mm OD. 597,00 93S2305 @
Insitu ceramic filter tube V12–3, filter porosity: 1μm, length: 1000mm, 60mm OD. 749,00 93S2310 @
Adapter for pre filter V12–1a for probe SP2000H Connection: G3/4" Material: SS316. 689,00 20S9556 @
Filter Element Gaskets
Gasket (30) for filter element. Material: Viton?. 6,18 93S0045 @
Gasket (30) for filter element. Material: PTFE. 7,93 93S0046 @
Adaptor for probe filter element F–0,1GF150 Material PTFE. 14,50 93S0051 @
Adaptor for probe filter element F–0,1GF150 Material SS 316. 26,40 93S0053 @
Gasket (30) for filter element. Material: Graphite. 12,70 93S0055 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.1.1 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 Page 18
Filter Element Gaskets
93S2340 Sealing set for filter tube V12–1. 19,80@
93S2345 Sealing set for filter tube V12–2/3. 24,50@
93S0057 Gasket 1 1/2" for filter element SP2500 Material: Novapress. 10,40@
90S0050 PTFE–adapter for filterelement type S–1GF190 65,40@
90S0051 SP2600 Adaptor for filter element S–0,1GF190 Material SS 316. 109,00@
Lid Seal
93S0020 O–ring (39) for SP2000 and CLF. Material: Viton?. 7,51@
93S0025 O–ring (55) for SP2000. Material: Viton?. 8,75@
93S0035 Sealing spiral o–ring (39) for SP2000/7aT. Material: PTFE. 85,70@
93S0040 Sealing spiral o–ring (55) for SP2000/7aT. Material: PTFE. 99,10@
93S0030 Gasket (69) for SP2000–H320. Material: Graphite. 23,00@
93S2090 Filter housing lid compl. with Viton?–plate,filterholder. up to S–No.5031 785,00@
93S1000 O–ring (68) for SP2500. SP2600 Material: Viton?. 20,70@
93S1005 O–ring (86) for SP2500. SP2600 Material: Viton?. 25,00@
93S1010 O–ring (105) for SP2500. SP2600 Material: Viton?. 33,30@
93S0026 O–Ring (10) for SP2300–H, Material: Viton?. 3,41@
Flat Gaskets (Recommended Spare Parts)
90S2076 Gasket 1 1/2" for SP30–H/1.1V. 12,90@
90S2078 Fibre gasket 3/4" for SP2000 spun. Hasloy? insitu probe tubes, pre filter V20
and extension tubes Vm.
90S2080 Gasket 3/4" for spun glass cartridge FW, insitu probe tubes, pre–filter V20,
extension tubes. Material: Novapress.
90S2072 Gasket 3/4" for spun glass cartridge FW, insitu probe tubes, pre–filter V20,
extension tubes. Material: graphite.
90S1023 Gasket (60/74mm) for V11. Material: Graphite. 20,90@
90S1024 Gasket 1 1/4" for adapter KA–H/AO. material: Novapress 20,90@
90S1115 Graphite packing for SP10/11, AO 30,90@
90S2077 Flange gasket DN65 PN6B (67). Material: Novapress. 13,40@
90S2084 Flange seal DN65 PN6 Graphit (67). 61,70@
90S2081 Flange seal V11/G DN65 PN6 (40). 13,40@
90S2083 Flange seal type V11/G 40mm i Graphit. 61,70@
93S2350 Flange gasket 3" ANSI. 18,80@
Flat Gaskets (Spare Parts)
90S2075 Flange gasket set for DN65 PN6B consisting of gasket (67) and a set of screws
90S2082 Flange seal set V11 for DN65 PN6B, incl. seal (40) and screws. 27,10@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 19 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 2.1.1
Flat Gaskets (Spare Parts)
Heater Components (Recommended Spare Parts)
Thermostat (0–180°C), with over–temperature limiter and low–temperature alarm for
probe series SP.
123,00 93S0010 @
Thermostat (0–320°C), with over–temperature limiter and low–temperature alarm. for
probe series SP.
139,00 93S0011 @
Temperature resistant heat sink compound, 100g–tube. 30,90 93S0018 @
Heating cartridge for SP2000–H, L=160mm, 230V/800W. 85,70 93S0015 @
Heating cartridge for SP2000–H, L=160mm, 115VAC/800W. 85,70 93S0017 @
Heating cartridge for DIL–1/H, L=160mm, 230VAC/800W. 98,00 93S2355 @
Heating cartridge for DIL–1/H, L=160mm, 115VAC/600W. 99,00 93S2360 @
Heater Components (Spare Parts)
PT100 sensor for SP21–H. 151,00 90S2050 @
PT100 sensor for SP2000H. 151,00 93S0059 @
Ex–PT100 sensor for SP2000–H/Ex/SP21. SP3100, SP3110 501,00 90S2070 @
Spare thermoelement Fe–CuNi for SP.../H320. 65,70 93S0060 @
Spare thermoelement NiCr–Ni for SP. 65,70 93S0061 @
Aluminium body for heating cartridge SP2000H. 52,70 93S0019 @
Heater in Ex–version for SP2000–H/Ex. Power: 230V/50Hz/400W. 2.295,00 93S2100 @
Heater in Ex–version with alu–block for SP2000–H/Ex Power: 115V/60Hz, 400W. 2.295,00 93S2100a @
Filter Head (Spare Parts)
Clamp (fastener) for SP2000/SP21/SP22 Set with 4 pcs. 62,10 90S2079 @
Clamp clip NEW 04/04 SP2000. 37,90 93S0083 @
Press–Screw M8 for filter housing lid SP2000/2100–H. 28,90 93S0085 @
Clamp LK 115 for filter housing lid SP2000H. 36,70 93S2125 @
Mounting clip 1 1/4" for heated sample line and SP2000–H. 15,90 93S0065 @
Mounting clip 2" for heated sample line and SP2000–H. 16,20 93S0066 @
Silicon cap SP2000H/210 sample out Material: Silicon grey. 15,00 93S0073 @
Filter housing lid compl. for SP2000–H with Viton?–o–ring,filterholder and press
screw. up to S0283
547,00 93S2085 @
Filter housig lid compl for SP2000./7aT with PTFE gasket lid seal filter element clamp.
Up to S0283
798,00 93S2087 @
Filter housing lid compl. for SP2000–H/FW. Spun glass filter element without filling.
With Viton? o–rings and flat gasket made of Novapress up to SNo. 10283
840,00 93S2080 @
Filter housing lid compl. for SP2000–H320/FW with graphit sealing. Spun glass filter
element without filling. up to SNo. 10283
840,00 93S2081 @
Filter housing lid compl. for SP2000./320, with graphite gasket lid seal clamp. up to
SNo. 10283
691,00 93S2086 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.1.1 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 Page 20
Filter Head (Spare Parts)
93S2088 Filter housing lid compl for SP2300, with Viton? gasket lid and clamp until S–No
93S2089 Filter housing lid compl for SP2300 with Viton? gasket lid and clamp, from S–No
93S1980 Filter housing lid compl. for SP2000–H/FW.Spun glass filter element without
filling. With Viton? o–rings and flat gasket made of Novapress from S–0283
93S1981 Filter housing lid compl. for SP2000–H320/FW with graphit sealing. Spun glass
filter element without filling. from S–No. 10283
93S1985 Filter housing lid compl. with Viton?–o–ring,filterholder and press screw. From
S–No. 10283
93S1986 Filter housing lid compl. for SP2000./320, with graphite gasket lid seal clamp.
from S–0283
93S1987 Filter housig lid compl for SP2000./7aT withPTFE gasket lid seal filter element
clamp. From S–0283
93S1992 Filter housing lid compl. for SP2000H/SS304 with Viton?–o–ring,filterholder and
press screw. Ab S–No. 10283
93S1993 Filter housing lid compl. for SP2000–H320/SS304 with graphite gasket lid seal
clamp. from S–0283
93S0096 Thread adapter for SP2300 sample outlet 1/4" NPT. material PTFE–Ko. 77,20@
93S2084 Filter screw M6 for SP2000, 1.4571. 61,70@
93S0086 Ring with screw adaptor for filter housing lid SP2000/2100–H. 48,20@
93S0081 Toggel–fastener compl. for filter housing lid SP2000–H. From 4/04. 247,00@
93S0090 Fingerscrew M6 for SP2000 connection protection. 5,80@
93S0100 Blowback/calibration gas valve for probe type SP2XXX and SP3XXX with
integrated filter, Working pressure: 0,7bar, Connection: 1/4"NPT–DN4/6 Material:
SS316, Viton?.
93S0101 Blowback/calibration gas valve for SP2000H320/R with integrated filter, Working
pressure: 0,7bar, Connection: Swagelok? for tube 6mm od Material: SS316,
Viton?. Blowback valve SP2000H320/R tube 6mm o.d.
93S0102 Blowback/calibration gas valve for SP2000H320/R with integrated filter, Working
pressure: 0,7bar, Connection: Swagelok? for tube 1/4" od Material: SS316,
93S0103 Spare blowback valve /BB for SP2200–H. Working pressure 0,7bar, Connection:
6/8mm tube, incl. nut and ferrules Material: SS316, Viton?.
93S0135 Bellow isolation valve /I for SP2200/2020 complete. 558,00@
93S0070 Spare weather protection shield for SP2000–H and SP2000–H/DIL. 395,00@
93S0075 Weather protection shield for SP2000–H320 and SP2000–H320/DIL. 423,00@
93F0135 Quick clamping ring for seperator type SDH or probe SP2000/H320–So. material:
93S0105 Adapter SDH/SP2000H/320 flange version, material titan. 549,00@
93S0107 Adapter SDH/SP2000H/320 flange version, material hasoy 556,00@
93S0120 Spare stabilizer 2 for SP2000/V20–T. 204,00@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 21 Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 2.1.1
Filter Head (Recommended Spare Parts)
Filter clamp for SP2300–H, material: PEEK. 218,00 93S0095 @
Spare glass for SDH with glass–flange. 405,00 93F0130 @
O–ring (80x5mm) for glass vessel on electrically heated separator type SDH. Material:
26,10 93F0140 @
Volume displacer balls for separator SDH or SP2000–H320/S. material: glass.
61,20 93F0145 @
Spare clamp 3,4 for V20/T. 9,48 93S0125 @
Fittings for Sample Line Connection
Male connector, SS 316 1/4"NPT – 6mm, SS6MO–1–4. 29,80 09V2005 @
Male connector SS 316 1/4"NPT– 8mm, SS8MO–1–4. 34,80 09V2105 @
Inserts for Tube Connection
Insert 4mm o.d. for PTFE hose 4/6mm, Material: SS316. 4,80 02B1010 @
Insert 6mm o.d. for PTFE hose 6/8mm, Material: SS316. 5,69 02B1020 @
Spare Parts for Fittings
Nut Swagelok? SS 6mm, SS 6M2–1. 6,93 09V3115 @
Back ferrule, 6mm, material: SS316. 3,27 09V3215 @
Front ferrule, 6mm, material: SS316. 3,56 09V3315 @
Nut Swagelok?, 8mm SS–8M2–1. 9,45 09V3120 @
Back ferrule, 8mm, material: SS316. 5,33 09V3220 @
Front ferrule, 8mm, material: SS316. 5,48 09V3320 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Gas Sample Probes, Stationary Series SP 2000 Page 22 2.1.1
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Page 1 Explosion proof gas sample probes series SP, version SP3000-SP3200 2.1.5
Gas Sample Probes SP 3000 - SP 3200
Sample probe type SP3000/Ex. Incl. weather protection shield with insulation
Explosion–proof version for mounting in Ex–zone 1/2 and 21/22 sampling from
Ex–zone 20/21/22 with protection class according to ATEX. Ex II 1 D / 2 GD EXAM
BVS 04 ATEX H 045 X With filter element type S–3SS150 made of SS, filter porosity:
3μm, filter element seal out of graphit and lid seal out of graphit Flange DN 65 PN6. .
Ex–approval only with pre–filter series V12/V20 with integrated volume displacer. (not
included in standard version)
2.996,00 20S5500 @
Gas sample probe type SP3100V/Ex. with weather protection shield, Explosion–proof
version for mountage in Ex–Zone 1/2 and 21/22 sampling from Ex–Zone 0/1/2,
protection class according to ATEX. Ex II 1 G/ 2 GD EXAM BVS 04 ATEX H 045 X
With filter element type S–3SS150, filter porosity: 3μm, filter element seal graphit. lid
seal out of Viton?. Flange DN 65 PN 6.
2.895,00 20S5605 @
Gas sample probe type SP3100/Ex. With weather protection shield. Explosion–proof
version for mountage in Ex–Zone 1/2 and 21/22 and sampling from zone 0/1/2 with
protection class according to ATEX: Ex II 1 G/ 2 GD EXAM BVS 04 ATEX H 045 X.
With filter element type S–3SS150, filter porosity: 3μm, filter element seal and lid seal
out of grapiht. Flange: DN65 PN6.
2.895,00 20S5600 @
Gas sample probe type SP3110V/Ex. with weather protection shield, Explosion–proof
version for mountage in Ex–Zone 1/2 and 21/22 sampling from Ex–Zone 1/2,
protection class according to ATEX. Ex II 1 G/ 2 GD With filter element type
S–3SS150, filter porosity: 3μm, filter element seal out of graphit and lid seal out of
Viton?. Flange DN65 PN6.
2.951,00 20S5615 @
Gas sample probe type SP3110/Ex. with weather protection shield, Explosion–proof
version for mountage in Ex–Zone 1/2 and 21/22 sampling from Ex–Zone 1/2,
protection class according to ATEX. Ex II 1 G/ 2 GD With filter element type
S–3SS150, filter porosity: 3μm, filter element seal and lid seal out of graphite. Flange
DN65 PN6.
2.951,00 20S5610 @
Gas sample probe type SP3200V/Ex for zone 2. protection class ATEX II 3 G EEx n e
IIC T yy and FM and CSA ClassI, Div2 A/B/C/D T zz With external filter element type
S–3SS150 made of stainl. steel, filter porosity: 3μm, filter element seal out of graphit
and lid seal out of Viton?. Weather protection cover out of stainl. steel. Flange DN65
2.106,00 20S5705 @
Gas sample probe type SP3200/Ex for zone 2. protection class II 3G EEx n e IIC T yy
ClassI, Div2 A/B/C/D T zz With external filter element type S–3SS150 made of stainl.
steel, filter porosity: 3μm, filter element seal out of graphit and lid seal out of graphit
Weather protection cover out of stainl. steel. Flange DN65 PN6.
2.106,00 20S5700 @
Options for Gas Sample Probes SP 3000 - SP 3200
Extra charge for blowback in explosion–proof version according to ATEX Ex II 2 GD
EEx m II 135°C Blowback to zone 20 or 1. Blowback into zone 0 is not possible. Incl.
buffer storage 2l, solenoid valve, check valve and pressure relief valve Power:
2.156,00 20S5560 @
Extra charge for blowback Explosion–proof version according to ATEX. Ex II 2 GD
EEx m II 135°C for blow back into zone 20 or 1, blow back into zone 0 not possible.
Incl. buffer storage 2l, solenoid valve, check valve and pressure relief valve, Power:
2.156,00 20S5560A @
Extra charge for heating type HEX1–3. Explosion–proof version for Ex–Zone 1 with
protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx d e ib IIC T3. (T4 on request).
Temperature controller/ limiter unit type eBR6101 with low temperature alarm. In a
protection housing for mounting in non–hazardous area. Power: 230V/50Hz, 400W.
4.525,00 20S9037 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.1.5 Explosion proof gas sample probes series SP, version SP3000-SP3200 Page 2
Options for Gas Sample Probes SP 3000 - SP 3200
20S9037A Extra charge for heating type HEX1–3. Explosion–proof version for Ex–Zone 1
with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx d e ib IIC T3. (T4 on request).
Temperature controller/ limiter unit type ER/B–500A/K with low temperature
alarm. In a protection housing for mounting in non–hazardous area. Power:
115V/60Hz, 400W.
20S9038 Extra charge for heating type HEX1–1. Explosion–proof version for Ex–Zone 1
with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx d e ib IIC T3 (T4 on request).
Temperature controller/ limiter unit type ER/B–500A/K with low temperature
alarm. In a protection housing for mounting in hazardous area Ex 1. Power:
230V/50Hz, 400W.
20S9038A Extra charge for heating type HEX1–1. Explosion–proof version for Ex–Zone 1
incl. PT100 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx d e ib IIC T3 (T4
on request). Temperature controller/ limiter unit type ER/B–500A/K with low
temperature alarm. In a protection housing for mounting in hazardous area Ex–1.
Power: 115V/60Hz, 400W.
20S5510 Extra charge for heating type HEX4–135. Explosion proof version for mounting in
Ex–zone 1/2, 21/22 and onto the dividing wall to zone 0/20 with protection class
according to ATEX. EX II 2 G Ex e mb II T4 EX II 2 D EX tD A21 IP66 T 135°C
BVS 04 ATEX E 253 Self–regulated to 90°C at ambient 0°C. Maximum surface
temperature 135°C. Power: 115/230VAC, 400VA.
20S5520 Extra charge for heating type HEX4–180. Explosion proof version for mounting in
Ex–zone 1/2, 21/22 and onto the dividing wall to zone 0/20 with protection class
according to ATEX. EX II 2 G Ex e mb II T3 EX II 2 D EX tD A21 IP66 T180°C
BVS 04 ATEX E 253 Self–regulated to 120°C atambient 0°C. Maximum surface
temperature 180°C. Netz: 115/230VAC, 400VA.
20S9650 Extra charge for Ex–heater type HEX 5–1.08 Explosion–proof version for
Ex–Zone 2 with protection class according to ATEX: EXAM BVS 09 ATEX 107II 3
G Ex nA nC nL IIC T2...T5II 3D Ex tD A22 IP65 T 75 – 235°C andadditional acc.
to: FM Class I, DIV 2, A/B/C/D CSA. Temperature sensor PT100 and
temp.–controller 70304 in a housing. Max ambient temp. 50°C. Power:
240V,50/60Hz,830W.Please indicate the additional part number (20S9608 –
20S9618) for the temperature class T2 – T5 with the order.
20S9650A Extra charge for SP..H Ex–heater type HEX 5–1.08 Explosion–proof version for
Ex–Zone 2 with protection class according to ATEX: EXAM BVS 09 ATEX 107II 3
G Ex nA nC nL IIC T2...T5II 3D Ex tDA22 IP65 T 75 – 235°Cand additional acc.
To: FM Class I, DIV 2, A/B/C/D CSA. Temperature sensor PT100 and
temp.–controller 70304 in a housing. Max ambient temp. 50°C. Power:
120V,50/60Hz,800W. Please indicate the additional part number (20S9608 –
20S9618) for the temperature class T3 – T5 with the order.
20S9655 Extra charge for Ex–heater type HEX 5–2.08. Explosion–proof version for
Ex–Zone 2 with protection class according to ATEX: EXAM BVS 09 ATEX 107II 3
G Ex nA nC nL IIC T2...T5II 3D Ex tD A22 IP65 T 75 – 235°C and additional acc.
to: FM Class I, DIV 2, A/B/C/D CSA. Temperature sensor PT100 and
temp.–controller 70304 in a housing separate mounting. Max ambient temp.
50°C. Power: 240V,50/60Hz,830W.Please indicate the additional part number
(20S9608 – 20S9618) for the temperature class T2 – T5 with the order.
20S9655A Extra charge for Ex–heater type HEX 5–2.08 Explosion–proof version for
Ex–Zone 2 with protection class according to ATEX: EXAM BVS 09 ATEX 107II 3
G Ex nA nC nL IIC T2...T5II 3D Ex tD A22 IP65 T 75 – 235°C and additional acc.
to: FM Class I, DIV 2, A/B/C/D CSA. Temperature sensor PT100 and
temp.–controller 70304 in a housing for separate mounting. Max ambient temp.
50°C. Power: 120V,50/60Hz,800W.Please indicate the additional part number
(20S9608 – 20S9618) for the temperature class T2 – T5 with the order.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 3 Explosion proof gas sample probes series SP, version SP3000-SP3200 2.1.5
Options for Gas Sample Probes SP 3000 - SP 3200
Temperature code for HEX5–1/2, ATEX T2, 230°C FM/CSA T2, 230°C. 2,30 20S9608 @
Temperature code for HEX5–1/2, ATEX T2, 215°C FM/CSA T2A, 215°C. 2,30 20S9609 @
Temperature code for HEX5–1/2, ATEX T3, 185°C FM/CSA T2B, 185°C. 2,30 20S9610 @
Temperature code for HEX5–1/2, ATEX T3, 175°C. FM/CSA T2C, 175°C. 2,30 20S9611 @
Temperature code for HEX5–1/2, ATEX T3, 160°C. FM/CSA T2D, 160°C. 2,30 20S9612 @
Temperature code for HEX5–1/2, ATEX T3, 150°C. FM/CSA T3, 150°C. 2,30 20S9613 @
Temperature code for HEX5–1/2, ATEX T3, 135°C F/CSA T3A, 135°C. 2,30 20S9614 @
Temperature code for HEX5–1/2, ATEX T4, 120°C FM/CSA T3C 120°C. 2,30 20S9615 @
Temperature code for HEX5–1/2, ATEX T4, 95°C FM/CSA, T4 95°C. 2,30 20S9616 @
Temperature code for HEX5–1/2, ATEX T5, 85°C. FM/CSA T4A, 85°C. 2,30 20S9617 @
Temperature code for HEX5–1/2 ATEX T5, 70°C FM/CSA T5, 70°C. 2,30 20S9618 @
Further options noted in the data sheet see chapter 2.1.1 ! @
Filter Elements (Consumables)
Filter element type F–3SS150. Length: 150mm, material: SS316, filter porosity: 3μm. 189,00 90F0126 @
Filter element type S–2K150. Length: 150mm, material: ceramics, filter porosity: 2μm. 45,50 90S0020 @
Filter Element Gaskets
Gasket (30) for filter element. Material: Graphite. 12,70 93S0055 @
Lid Seal
O–ring (39) for SP2000 and CLF. Material: Viton?. 7,51 93S0020 @
O–ring (55) for SP2000. Material: Viton?. 8,75 93S0025 @
Gasket (69) for SP2000–H320. Material: Graphite. 23,00 93S0030 @
Flat Gaskets (Recommended Spare Parts)
Flange seal DN65 PN6 Graphit (67). 61,70 90S2084 @
Heater Components (Spare Parts)
Spare heaterelement for HEX4, 135°C 608,00 90S5050 @
Spare heaterelement for HEX4, 180°C 608,00 90S5055 @
Alarm switch for HEX4. 135°C 293,00 90S5060 @
Alarm switch for HEX4. 180°C 293,00 90S5065 @
Filter Head (Spare Parts)
Flow and pressure limiter valve type RD Connection 1/4" RT– 6mm Material: SS. 202,00 20S9019 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Explosion proof gas sample probes series SP, version SP3000-SP3200 Page 4 2.1.5
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Page 1 Gas Sample Probes, Portable Series PSP 4000 2.2.1
Basic Probe
Portable gas sample probe type PSP4000–H. With external ceramic filter type S–2K,
filter porosity: 2μm. Electrically heated external filter 100–180°C adjustable by an
incorporated thermostat. 7–pin plug with 4m connection cable and mains plug. Incl.
mounting clamp for heated sample line. Gas inlet: G3/8"i, gas outlet: G1/8"i with tube
connector 6mm. Power: 230V/50Hz, 200W. Material: SS316, ceramic, Viton?.
1.875,00 40S1000 @
Portable gas sample probe type PSP4000–H. With external ceramic filter type S–2K,
filter porosity: 2μm. Electrically heated external filter 100–180°C adjustable by an
incorporated thermostat. 7–pin plug with 4m connection cable and mains plug. Incl.
mounting clamp for heated sample line. Gas inlet: G3/8"i, gas outlet: G1/8"i with tube
connector 6mm. Power: 115V/60Hz, 200W. Material: SS316, ceramic, Viton?.
1.875,00 40S1000a @
Portable sample gas probe type PSP4000–H/C. Basic equipment with G3/8"i
(extraction) with outside ceramic filter element type S–2K filter porosity 2micron. With
electrical heating of the outside filter to 100–180°C adjustable at the incorporated.
Thermostat with an registration light which goes out after the operating temperature is
reached. With calibration port. With connecting clamp for connecting the heated line.
Gas connection Swagelok? 6mm. material of medium conducted parts: 1.4571,
ceramic, Viton?. Power 230V 50Hz via 7pole connector.
2.047,00 40S1005 @
Portable sample gas probe type PSP4000–H/C. Basic equipment with G3/8"i
(extraction) with outside ceramic filter element type SP–2K filter porosity 2micron. With
electrical heating of the outside filter to 100–180°C adjustable at the incorporated.
Thermostat with an registration light which goes out after the operating temperature is
reached. With calibration port. With connecting clamp for connecting the heated line.
Gas connection Swagelok? 6mm. material of medium conducted parts: 1.4571,
ceramic, Viton?. Power 115V 60Hz via 7pole connector.
2.047,00 40S1005a @
Portable sample gas probe type PSP4000–H/C/T. With ceramic filter element type
S–2K filter porosity 2micron. With electrical heating. of the outside filter to 180°C. Gas
outlet tube 6mm with connection clamp for fastebing the heated line. material: 1.4571,
ceramic, Viton?. Power 230V 50Hz. Integrated temperature measurement with.
Thermoelement Fe–Cu–Ni with plug, length 600mm max. temp. 600°C and with
calibration port. Adapter fitting with blind cap.
2.526,00 40S1015 @
Portable sample gas probe type PSP4000–H/C/T. With ceramic filter element type
S–2K filter porosity 2micron. With electrical heating. of the outside filter to 180°C. With
connecting clamp for the heated sample line. Gas outlet tube 6mm and connecting
clamp for fastening the heated line. material: 1.4571, ceramic, Viton?. Power 115V
50/60Hz. Integrated temperature measurement with. Thermoelement Fe–Cu–Ni with
plug, length 600mm max. temp. 600°C and with calibration port. Adapter fitting with
blind cap.
2.526,00 40S1015a @
Extra charge for PSP4000–H with sample outlet 8mm tube connector 52,80 40S9130 @
Spec. Filter for Diesel Exhaust Measurements
Extra charge for Spun glass filterholder type PSP4000–H/FW with spun glass, filter
S–2K be dropped Connection M12, Out of stainless steel.
140,00 40S9100 @
Sample Adapter with Variable Probe Tube Length
Connection fitting G3/8"–8mm with sealing out of PTFE. 74,60 40S9005 @
Adapter with adjustable sample probe length from 80–200mm. With With insertion
cone for holes of 10–20mm o.d.
224,00 40S9000 @
Probe tube 8mm with mark for extensible probe length of 190–300mm. 25,80 40S9010 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.2.1 Gas Sample Probes, Portable Series PSP 4000 Page 2
Fixed Probe Tubes
40S9020 Sample tube for PSP4000 type PSP4000/SS, incl. G3/8"a–connector and sealing.
Length: 1m, 6mm OD, material: SS316, max. 600°C.
40S9030 Sample tube for PSP4000 type PSP4000/SS, incl. G3/8"a–connector and sealing.
Length: 1m, 8mm OD, material: SS316, max. 600°C.
40S9040 Sample tube for PSP4000 type PSP4000/SS, incl. G3/8"a–connector and sealing.
Length: 1m, 10mm OD, material: SS316, max. 600°C.
40S9050 Sample tube for PSP4000 type PSP4000/SS, incl. G3/8"a–connector and sealing.
Length: 1m, 12mm OD, material: SS316, max. 600°C.
40S9112 Sample tube for PSP4000 type PSP4000/IC, incl. G3/8"a–connector and sealing.
Length: 1m, 12mm OD, material: Inconell? 625, max. 1200°C.
40S9106 Sample tube for PSP4000 type PSP4000/KA, incl. G3/8"a–connector and sealing.
Length: 1m, 15mm OD, material: Kanthal?, max. 1300°C.
40S9108 Sample tube for PSP4000 type PSP4000/Ti, incl. G3/8"a–connector and sealing.
Length: 1m, 6mm OD. material: Titan, max. 400°C.
40S9109 Sample tube for PSP4000 type PSP4000/HC, incl. G3/8"a–connector and sealing.
Length: 1m, DN6/8, material: Hasloy?–C, max. 900°C.
40S9110 Sample tube for PSP4000 type PSP4000/AO, incl. O–rings. Length: 1m, DN12/8,
Material: ceramic–aluminium–Oxyd, max. 1800°C. For mounting to PSP4000–H
the adapter 40S9111 is necessary.
40S9111 Support Tube adapter for probe PSP4000/AO incl. 3 Stk. O–rings. and 1 Stk
gasket Material: SS316.
Probe to Place Stationary
40S9060 Connection–adapter G3/4"a–3/8"i to 8mm asconnection for further adaptations
incl. sealings 3/4".
40S9070 Thread nipple R2" with inside thread G3/4"–3/8" for mountage of the probe in R2"
thread adapter. Material: 1.4571 (other thread sizes on request).
40S9080 Flange DN65 PN6 with G3/4" inside thread for mountage of the probe at the
flange nozzle. (other thread sizes on request).
90S2075 Flange gasket set for DN65 PN6B consisting of gasket (67) and a set of screws
In Case of Dew Point Problems on the Process Side
40S9115 Heated insitu probe tube SP34–H for probe PSP4000. Double tube construction
with 25mm diameter. Length: 1m, with G3/8" incl. sealing, tube connector and
coupling for connecting an additional insitu probe tube, Adjustable by an
incorporated termostat 100–180°C. Material: SS316. Power: 230V/50Hz, 400W.
Operating temperatures max. 200°C.
40S9115a Heated insitu probe tube SP34–H for probe PSP4000. Double tube construction
with 25mm diameter. Length: 1m, with G3/8" incl. sealing, tube connector and
coupling for connecting an additional insitu probe tube, Adjustable by an
incorporated termostat 100–180°C. Material: SS316. Power: 115V/60Hz, 400W.
Operating temperatures max. 200°C.
Heated Sample Line Following 4M 4/6 Specification (for PSP 4000)
01B4034 Connection type I for heated sample line type PSP 4M4/6. 1,5m connection cable
with 7–pin plug, incl. 3 extra leads as power supply for the probe.
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Page 3 Gas Sample Probes, Portable Series PSP 4000 2.2.1
Heated Sample Line Following 4M 4/6 Specification (for PSP 4000)
End–fitting type K for heated sample line type PSP 4M4/6. With tube piece. 0,5m
connection cable to the end, with 7–pin plug.
278,00 01B4037 @
Heated sample line type PSP 4M4/6 PTFE–tube DN 4/6mm interchangeable. With
special SS–tube piece adapted to probe. Max. temperature: 200°C. 230V/50Hz. Price
per meter.
209,00 01B4036 @
Connection type I for heated sample line type PSP4M4/6–W. 1,5m connection cable
with 7–pin plug, incl. 3 extra leads as power supply for the probe.
366,00 01B4034W @
End–fitting type K for heated sample line type PSP4M4/6–W. With tube piece. 0,5m
connection cable to the end, with 7–pin plug.
278,00 01B4037W @
Heated sample line type PSP4M4/6–W, PTFE–tube DN 4/6mm interchangeable. With
special SS–tube piece adapted to probe. Coated by corrugated tube Max.
temperature: 200°C. 230V/50Hz. Price per meter.
209,00 01B4036W @
Portable aluminium housing for the portable sample probe PSP4000–H and a sample
line, including accessories. Dimensions: 520x420x290mm
574,00 40S9090 @
Consumable Parts and Spare Parts
PSP4000–H PTFE disk 6 7,58 94S0028 @
Mounting clip 3/4" for heated sample line and PSP4000 15,90 94S0080 @
Filter element type S–2K. Length: 75mm, material: ceramics, filter porosity: 2μm. 26,10 90S0015 @
Spun glass filterholder type FW for PSP4000 out of stainless steel. 162,00 94S0005 @
Special spun–glass hightemperature resistant for probes with /FW insert.
120,00 93S2083 @
Filter Element Gaskets
Gasket (30) for filter element. Material: Viton?. 6,18 93S0045 @
Lid Seals
O–Ring (26) for filter head. Material: Viton?. 3,55 90F0040 @
Flat Gaskets
Flat seal Novapress 3/8", PSP4000. 5,03 94S0045 @
Fibre gasket 3/4" for SP2000 spun. Hasloy? insitu probe tubes, pre filter V20 and
extension tubes Vm.
9,61 90S2078 @
Gasket 3/4" for spun glass cartridge FW, insitu probe tubes, pre–filter V20, extension
tubes. Material: Novapress.
9,18 90S2080 @
Flange gasket DN65 PN6B (67). Material: Novapress. 13,40 90S2077 @
Heater Components
Thermostat 100–180°C for PSP4000, sensor diameter 6mm. 76,40 94S0050 @
Temperature resistant heat sink compound, 100g–tube. 30,90 93S0018 @
Heating cartridge for PSP4000–H. 115/230VAC, 100W. 91,60 94S0015 @
Power cable for PSP4000–H with plug and 7–pol coupling, length: 4m. 72,90 94S0055 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.2.1 Gas Sample Probes, Portable Series PSP 4000 Page 4
Options (Recommended Spare Parts)
94S0030 Viton?–o–ring type 3 for closing cap PSP4000. 2,99@
94S0035 PTFE cone seal temperature measuring PSP4000. 13,50@
94S0040 PTFE cone seal 8mm four fitting, PSP4000 (40S9005). 13,50@
Options (Spare Parts)
94S0020 Closing cap for calibrationgas–connection type C. 77,60@
94S0025 Tube connection 6mm for calibration gas type C. 37,00@
94S0060 Viton? O–ring set type 4 ceramictube PSP4000/AO. 9,09@
94S0026 PSP4000–H tube connection type C 225,00@
94S0027 PSP4000–H/C PTFE disk 20 7,58@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 1 Air Filters serie SP 52/53, SP1 2.4.1
Air Filter Series SP 52/53 and SP1
Ambient air filter type SP52–P–2GF with wall mounting flange and filter element
displacer out of Polyprobylene, glass–fibre filter element 2 μm, connection G 1/4"f ISO.
63,00 04S1000 @
Ambient air filter type SP52–PV–2GF with wall mounting flange and filter element
displacer out of PVDF, filter clamp PVDF, glass–fibre filter element 2 μm, connection
G1/4"f ISO.
94,80 04S1100 @
Ambient air filter type SP52–A/A–2GF with wall mounting flange, material anodized
aluminium, filter element displacer out of Aluminium, glass–fibre filter element 2 μm,
connection G 1/4"f ISO.
91,10 04S2000 @
Ambient air filter type SP52–T–2GF with wall mounting flange and filter element
displacer out of PTFE, glass–fibre filter element 2 μm, connection G 1/4"f ISO.
101,00 04S3000 @
Ambient air filter type SP52–SS–20T with wall mounting flange and filter element
displacer out of SS, PTFE filter element 20μm connection G1/4"f ISO.
287,00 04S4000 @
Ambient air filter type SP53–PP–2GF with wall mounting flange and filter element
displacer out of Polyprobylene, glass–fibre filter element 2 μm, and protection shield,
connection G 1/4"f ISO.
77,70 04S6000 @
Protection cover for airfilter SP 53. 25,40 90S4000 @
Ambient air filter type SP53–T–2GF with wall mounting flange and filter element holder
made of PTFE, glass–fibre filter element 2μm and protection shield, connection:
G1/4"f ISO.
116,00 04S6100 @
Ambient air filter type SP53–T–2T with wall mounting flange and filter element holder
made of PTFE, PTFE–filter element 2μm, with protection shield, connection: G1/4"f
133,00 04S6200 @
Gas filter SP1/SS3, 30 mm OD, length: 150 mm, filter porosity 3 μm, connection: 1/4"
NPT, material: stainless steel 316. Drawing No. 2058–1.0.
320,00 04S5000 @
Ambient air filter type SP53–PP–2T with wall mounting flange and filter element clamp
out of Polyprobylene, PTFE filterelement 2 μm and protection shield, connection G
1/4"f ISO.
94,50 04S6050 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Air Filters serie SP 52/53, SP1 Page 2 2.4.1
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Page 1 Temperature Controllers 2.5.1
Electronic Temperature Controller
Temperature controller 701 for PT100–sensor in a rail–mounting enclosure. Control
range: 0–200°C. contact rating: 10A/250V. Power: 230V/50Hz.
239,00 01B8240 @
Temperature controller 701 for PT100–sensor in a rail–mounting enclosure. Control
range: 0–200°C. contact rating: 10A/250V. Power: 115V/60Hz.
357,00 01B8240a @
Electron. PID–temperature controller type 70304 with LED indication, in a front
mounting housing sensor input resistance thermometer thermocouple controlling
outlet: 12VDC to an external solid–state relais. Status signal outlet: 1 voltage–free
contact NO for high– and low alarm, capacity: 250VAC, 3A. Dimensions: 48x48x100.
Power: 230/115V 50/60 Hz.
342,00 01B8401 @
Temperature controller type 70304G in a wall mounting enclosure IP54 with a front
window, solid–state relais with a switch capacity of 15A, with thermocouple Fe–CuNi
compensation terminals, In case of others please indicate. cable glands, compl.
mounted and fully wired. standard sensor PT100 Fe–CuNi type J Status signal outlet:
1 voltage–free contact NO for high– and low alarm, capacity: 250VAC, 3A. With
special safety control function for thermoelement use Dimensions: 150x200x120.
Power: 230V 50Hz. Over temperature limiter with reset
822,00 01B8451 @
Temperature controller type 70304G in a wall mounting enclosure IP54 with a front
window, solid–state relais with a switch capacity of 15A, with thermocouple Fe–CuNi
compensation terminals, In case of other thermocouple please indicate. cable glands,
compl. mounted and fully wired. standard sensor PT 100, Fe–CuNi type J Status
signal outlet: 1 voltage–free contact NO for high– and low alarm, capacity: 250VAC,
3A. Dimensions: 150x200x120. Power: 115V 60Hz. With special safety control for
thermoelement use Over temperature limiter with reset
822,00 01B8451A @
Spare Parts for Temperature Controllers 703G and double temperature controller 703G
Solid state relay 25A, inlet 8/18VDC, outlet 264VAC, 25A. 59,00 95A9015 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Temperature Controllers Page 2 2.5.1
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Page 1 Heated Sample Lines with Temperature Controller 2.6.1
Beginning Connection Part A-E incl. PT100, 1,5m Cable with Plug
Connection type A for heated sample line type 4, DN 4/6mm. With gland PG36. Incl.
PT100 and plug to the front.
Connection type B for heated sample line type 4, DN 4/6mm. With gland PG36. Incl.
PT100 and plug to the end.
Connection type C for heated sample line type 4, DN 4/6mm. With tube piece. Incl.
PT100 and plug to the end.
Connection type D for heated sample line type 3, DN 4/6mm. With tube piece. Incl.
PT100 and plug to the end.
Connection type E for heated sample line type 5, DN 4/6mm. With tube piece. Incl.
PT100 and plug to the end.
Connection type A for heated sample line type 4, DN 6/8mm. With gland PG36. Incl.
PT100 and plug to the front.
Connection type B for heated sample line type 4, DN 6/8mm. With gland PG36. Incl.
PT100 and plug to the end.
Connection type C for heated sample line type 4, DN 6/8mm. With tube piece. Incl.
PT100 and plug to the end.
Connection type D for heated sample line type 3, DN 6/8mm. With tube piece. Incl.
PT100 and plug to the end.
Connection type E for heated sample line type 5, DN 6/8mm. With tube piece. Incl.
PT100 and plug to the end.
Connection type C/Ex for heated sample line type 4, DN 4/6mm. With tube piece. In
Ex–version, incl. 2x PT100 for intrinsically safe.
Connection type D/Ex for heated sample line type 3, DN 4/6mm. With tube piece. In
Ex–version, incl. 2x PT100 for intrinsically safe.
Connection type E/Ex for heated sample line type 5, DN 4/6mm. With tube piece. In
Ex–version, incl. 2x PT100 for intrinsically safe.
Connection type C/Ex for heated sample line type 4, DN 6/8mm. With tube piece. In
Ex–version, incl. 2x PT100 for intrinsically safe.
Connection type D/Ex for heated sample line type 3, DN 6/8mm. With tube piece. In
Ex–version, incl. 2x PT100 for intrinsically safe.
Connection type E/Ex for heated sample line type 5, DN 6/8mm. With tube piece. In
Ex–version, incl. 2x PT100 for intrinsically safe.
Connection type C/Ex for heated sample line type 4, DN 6/8mm. With tube piece. In
Ex–version, incl. 2x PT100 for intrinsically safe.
Connection type D/Ex for heated sample line type 3, DN8/10mm. With tube piece. In
Ex–version, incl. 2x PT100 for intrinsically safe.
Connections type DZ–S for heated sample line type 3N,M4/6–S Incl. PT100 and with
silicon caps cable length: 1.5m
223,00 04B1000 @
Connections type CY–S for heated sample line type 4N,M4/6–S Incl. PT100 and with
silicon caps cable length: 1.5m
234,00 04B1100 @
Connections type DZ–S for heated sample line type 3N,M6/8–S Incl. PT100 and with
silicon caps cable length: 1.5m
223,00 04B1010 @
Connections type CY–S for heated sample line type 4N,M6/8–S Incl. PT100 and with
silicon caps cable length: 1.5m
234,00 04B1110 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.6.1 Heated Sample Lines with Temperature Controller Page 2
End Connection Part X-W
03B2000 End–fitting type X for heated sample line type 4, DN 4/6mm. With gland PG36.
03B2010 End–fitting type Y for heated sample line type 4, DN 4/6mm. With tube piece.
03B2020 End–fitting type Z for heated sample line type 3, DN 4/6mm. With tube piece.
03B2030 End–fitting type W for heated sample line type 5, DN 4/6mm. With tube piece.
03B2040 End–fitting type X for heated sample line type 4, DN 6/8mm. With gland PG36.
03B2050 End–fitting type Y for heated sample line type 4, DN 6/8mm. With tube piece.
03B2060 End–fitting type Z for heated sample line type 3, DN 6/8mm. With tube piece.
03B2070 End–fitting type W for heated sample line type 5, DN 6/8mm. With tube piece.
03B2510 End–fitting type Y/Ex for heated sample line type 4, DN 4/6mm. With tube piece.
In Ex–version.
03B2520 End–fitting type Z/Ex for heated sample line type 3, DN 4/6mm. With tube piece.
In Ex–version.
03B2530 End–fitting type W/Ex for heated sample line type 5, DN 4/6mm. With tube piece.
In Ex–version.
03B2550 End–fitting type Y/Ex for heated sample line type 4, DN 6/8mm. With tube piece.
In Ex–version.
03B2560 End–fitting type Z/Ex for heated sample line type 3, DN 6/8mm. With tube piece.
In Ex–version.
03B2570 End–fitting type W/Ex for heated sample line type 5, DN 6/8mm. With tube piece.
In Ex–version.
03B2555 End–fitting type Y/Ex for heated sample line type 4, DN 6/8mm. With tube piece.
In Ex–version.
03B2565 End–fitting type Z/Ex for heated sample line type 3, DN8/10mm. With tube piece.
In Ex–version.
Electrically Heated Sample Line Type3 with Non-Interchangeable PTFE?-Tube
03B3000W Heated sample line type 3N4/6–W. Inner tube: DN4/6 PTFE
non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max.
temperature: 100°C. Price per meter.
03B3010W Heated sample line type 3M4/6–W. Inner tube: DN4/6 PTFE
non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max.
temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
03B3020W Heated sample line type 3H4/6–W. Inner tube: DN4/6 PTFE
non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max.
temperature: 250°C. Price per meter.
03B3030W Heated sample line type 3N6/8–W. Inner tube: DN6/8 PTFE
non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max.
temperature: 100°C. Price per meter.
03B3040W Heated sample line type 3M6/8–W. Inner tube: DN6/8 PTFE
non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max.
temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
03B3050W Heated sample line type 3H6/8–W. Inner tube: DN6/8 PTFE
non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max.
temperature: 250°C. Price per meter.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 3 Heated Sample Lines with Temperature Controller 2.6.1
Electrically Heated Sample Line Type3 with Non-Interchangeable PTFE?-Tube
Heated sample line type 3M8/10–W. Inner tube: DN8/10 PTFE non–interchangeable,
outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 200°C. Price
per meter.
Heated sample line type 3M10/12–W. Inner tube: DN10/12 PTFE
non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max.
temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
Heated sample line type 3N4/6–S for rigid mounting with PTFE–tube DN 4/6mm, VDE
protective insulation class II, DIN 61140 Outer protection: silicone foam hose with
nylon brading 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 100°C. Price per meter.
112,00 04B3000 @
Heated sample line type 3M4/6–S for rigid mounting with PTFE–tube DN 4/6mm, VDE
protective insulation class II, DIN 61140 Outer protection: silicone foam hose with
nylon brading 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
112,00 04B3010 @
Heated sample line type 3N6/8–S for rigid mounting with PTFE–tube DN 4/6mm, VDE
protective insulation class II, DIN 61140 Outer protection: silicone foam hose with
nylon brading 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 100°C. Price per meter.
112,00 04B3030 @
Heated sample line type 3M6/8–S for rigid mounting with PTFE–tube DN 6/8mm, VDE
protective insulation class II, DIN 61140 Outer protection: silicone foam hose with
nylon brading 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
112,00 04B3040 @
Electrically Heated Sample Line Type 4 with Interchangeable PTFE-Tube
Heated sample line type 4N4/6–W. Inner tube: DN4/6 PTFE interchangeable, outer
shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 100°C. Price per
Heated sample line type 4M4/6–W. Inner tube: DN4/6 PTFE interchangeable, outer
shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 200°C. Price per
Heated sample line type 4H4/6–W. Inner tube: DN4/6 PTFE interchangeable, outer
shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 250°C. Price per
Heated sample line type 4N6/8–W. Inner tube: DN6/8 PTFE interchangeable, outer
shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 100°C. Price per
Heated sample line type 4M6/8–W. Inner tube: DN6/8 PTFE interchangeable, outer
shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 200°C. Price per
Heated sample line type 4H6/8–W. Inner tube: DN6/8 PTFE interchangeable, outer
shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 250°C. Price per
Heated sample line type 4M8/10–W. Inner tube: DN8/10 PTFE interchangeable, outer
shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 200°C. Price per
Heated sample line type 4N4/6–S for rigid mounting with PTFE–tube DN 4/6mm,
interchangeble VDE protective insulation class II, DIN 61140 Outer protection: silicone
foam hose with nylon brading 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 100°C. Price per meter.
117,00 04B4000 @
Heated sample line type 4M4/6–S for rigid mounting with PTFE–tube DN 4/6mm,
interchangeble VDE protective insulation class II, DIN 61140 Outer protection: silicone
foam hose with nylon brading 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
117,00 04B4010 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.6.1 Heated Sample Lines with Temperature Controller Page 4
Electrically Heated Sample Line Type 4 with Interchangeable PTFE-Tube
04B4030 Heated sample line type 4N6/8–S for rigid mounting with PTFE–tube DN 6/8mm,
interchangeble VDE protective insulation class II, DIN 61140 Outer protection:
silicone foam hose with nylon brading 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 100°C.
Price per meter.
04B4040 Heated sample line type 4M6/8–S for rigid mounting with PTFE–tube DN 6/8mm,
interchangeble VDE protective insulation class II, DIN 61140 Outer protection:
silicone foam hose with nylon brading 230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 200°C.
Price per meter.
Electrically Heated Sample Line Type 5 with Non-Interchangeable Stainless-Steel-Tube
03B5000W Heated sample line type 5N4/6–W. Inner tube: DN4/6 SS316
non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max.
temperature: 100°C. Price per meter.
03B5010W Heated sample line type 5M4/6–W. Inner tube: DN4/6 SS316
non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max.
temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
03B5020W Heated sample line type 5H4/6–W. Inner tube: DN4/6 SS316
non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max.
temperature: 250°C. Price per meter.
03B5030W Heated sample line type 5N6/8–W. Inner tube: DN6/8 SS316
non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max.
temperature: 100°C. Price per meter.
03B5040W Heated sample line type 5M6/8–W. Inner tube: DN6/8 SS316
non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max.
temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
03B5050W Heated sample line type 5H6/8–W. Inner tube: DN6/8 SS316
non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max.
temperature: 250°C. Price per meter.
Electrically Heated Sample Lines
03B3510W Heated sample line type 3M4/6Ex–W. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone
1/21 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e i II T3. Inner tube:
DN4/6 PTFE non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
03B3540W Heated sample line type 3M6/8Ex–W. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone
1/21 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e i II T3. inner tube:
DN6/8 PTFE non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
03B3570W Heated sample line type 3M8/10Ex–W. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone
1/21 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e i II T3. Inner tube:
DN8/10PTFE non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
03B4510W Heated sample line type 4M4/6–W. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1/21
with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e i II T3. Inner tube: DN4/6
PTFE interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz.
Max. temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
03B4540W Heated sample line type 4M6/8Ex–W. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone
1/21 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e i II T3. Inner tube:
DN6/8 PTFE interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Max. temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 5 Heated Sample Lines with Temperature Controller 2.6.1
Electrically Heated Sample Lines
Heated sample line type 4M8/10Ex–W. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1/21
with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e i II T3. Inner tube:
DN8/10PTFE interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz.
Max. temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
Heated sample line type 5M4/6–W. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1/21 with
protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e i II T3. Inner tube: DN4/6 SS316
non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max.
temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
Heated sample line type 5M6/8–W. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1/21 with
protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e i II T3. Inner tube: DN6/8 SS316
non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Max.
temperature: 200°C. Price per meter.
Options for Electrically Heated Sample Line
Extra charge for additional heating circuit for heated sample line. 90B0017
Extra charge for additional PT100–sensor for heated sample line. 90B0018
Heated sample line with thermo couple Fe–CuNi type J instead of PT100. 0,00 90B0030 @
Heated sample line with thermo couple NiCr–Ni type K instead of PT100. 0,00 90B0035 @
Extra charge for sample lines with PT100 in explosion proofed version II 2GD EEx e II
T6..T2 IP65 Tx
Extra charge for additional heating circuit for heated sample line in Ex–version incl. 2x
PT100 for intrinsically safe and plug to the end.
Electrically heated sample line with power 115VAC instead of 230VAC 03B9999
Additional Parts for Heated Sample Line
Temperature controller type TR–N for PT100–sensor in a wall–mounting enclosure.
Control range: 0–100°C. contact rating: 10A/250V. Power: 230V/50Hz.
413,00 03B7000 @
Temperature controller type TR–M for PT100–sensor in a wall–mounting enclosure.
Control range: 0–200°C. contact rating: 10A/250V. Power: 230V/50Hz.
413,00 03B7010 @
Temperature controller type TR–H for PT100–sensor in a wall–mounting enclosure.
Control range: 0–250°C. contact rating: 10A/250V. Power: 230V/50Hz.
413,00 03B7020 @
Temperature controller type TR–N/20 for PT100–sensor in a wall–mounting enclosure.
Control range: 0–100°C. contact rating: 20A/250V. Power: 230V/50Hz.
510,00 03B7030 @
Temperature controller type TR–M/20 for PT100–sensor in a wall–mounting
enclosure. Control range: 0–200°C. contact rating: 20A/250V. Power: 230V/50Hz.
459,00 03B7040 @
Temperature controller type TR–H/20 for PT100–sensor in a wall–mounting enclosure.
Control range: 0–250°C. contact rating: 20A/250V. Power: 230V/50Hz.
459,00 03B7050 @
Extra charge for extension of connection cable. Price per meter. 11,70 90B0015 @
Extra charge for extension of PT100position. Price per meter (Standard position 0,25m
from the beginning connection part)
11,40 90B0016 @
Temperature–controller and temperature–limiter with external control panel
Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1 and 11 protection class according to ATEX:
for controller and limiter II 2 GD E Ex em IIC T4 IP65 T100, for controller unit II 2 GD
E Ex ib IIC T4 IP65 T100, For heated Ex–sample line with 2x PT100–sensor. PT100
input intrinsically safe. Reset for limiter with the external control unit Measure– and
control range: –40 up to 300°C capacity: 16A, Power: 230V/50Hz. Ambient
temperature: –32 up to 65°C
3.193,00 03B8000 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.6.1 Heated Sample Lines with Temperature Controller Page 6
Additional Parts for Heated Sample Line
03B7011 Temperature controller type TR–M/SSRfor PT100–sensor in a wall–mounting
enclosure. Control range: 0–200°C. contact rating: 10A/250V. with SSR Relais
Power: 230V/50Hz.
Spare Parts for Heated Sample Line
02B1000 PTFE tube, DN 4/6mm. Price per meter. 7,99@
02B2000 PTFE tube, DN 6/8mm. Price per meter. 10,30@
02B1010 Insert 4mm o.d. for PTFE hose 4/6mm, Material: SS316. 4,80@
02B1020 Insert 6mm o.d. for PTFE hose 6/8mm, Material: SS316. 5,69@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Heated Sample Lines with self-regulating Heating Tapes 2.6.3
Seal Connection Sets
Beginning and end fitting treated in the factory for self–regulated heated sample line.
Type: 3 to 5, Temperature: 5/30/50°C PTFE–tube: DN4/6–6/8.
Beginning and end fitting treated in the factory for self–regulated heated sample line
type 3 to 5. Temperature: 80/100°C, PTFE–tube: DN4/6–6/8.
Beginning and end fitting treated in the factory for self–regulated heated sample line.
Typ 3 to 5, Temperature: 120°C, PTFE–tube: DN4/6–6/8.
Beginning and end fitting to fix by the customer for self–regulated heated sample line
type 3 to 5, Temperature: 5–120°C, PTFE–tube: DN4/6–6/8.
Extra charge for DN6/8 of beginning and end fitting of self–regulated heated sample
line type 3/4/5 (+Ex) to be fixed by the customer or at factory.
Extra charge for DN8/10 of beginning and end fitting of self–regulated heated sample
line type 3/4/5 (+Ex) to be fixed by the customer or at factory.
Heated Sample Line self-regulating 3,with Non-Interchangeable PTFE-Tube
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/5–4 with PTFE–tube DN4/6 and corrugated
tube outside. Power consumption: 11,5W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +5°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/30–4 with PTFE–tube DN4/6 and corrugated
tube outside. Power consumption: 32W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +30°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/50–4 with PTFE–tube DN4/6 and corrugated
tube outside. Power consumption: 38W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +50°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/80–4 with PTFE–tube DN4/6 and corrugated
tube outside. Power consumption: 47W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +80°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/100–4 with PTFE–tube DN4/6 and
corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 47W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature:
+100°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/120–4 with PTFE–tube DN4/6 and
corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 63W/m at +10°C. Holding temp.:
+120°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/5–6 with PTFE–tube DN6/8 and corrugated
tube outside. Power consumption: 11,5W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +5°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/30–6 with PTFE–tube DN6/8 and corrugated
tube outside. Power consumption: 32W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +30°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/50–6 with PTFE–tube DN6/8 and corrugated
tube outside. Power consumption: 38W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +50°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/80–6 with PTFE–tube DN6/8 and corrugated
tube outside. Power consumption: 47W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +80°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/100–6 with PTFE–tube DN6/8 and
corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 47W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature:
+100°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.6.3 Heated Sample Lines with self-regulating Heating Tapes Page 2
Heated Sample Line self-regulating 3,with Non-Interchangeable PTFE-Tube
01B6375 Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/120–6 with PTFE–tube DN6/8 and
corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 63W/m at +10°C. Holding temp.:
+120°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6367 Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/80–8 with PTFE–tube DN8/10 and
corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 47W/m at +10°C. Holding
temperature: +80°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6380 Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/120–8 with PTFE–tube DN8/10 and
corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 63W/m at +10°C. Holding temp.:
+120°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Heated Sample Line self-regulating 4, with Interchangeable PTFE-Tube
01B6400 Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/5–4 with intechangeble PTFE–tube
DN4/6 and corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 11,5W/m at +10°C.
Holding temperature: +5°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6405 Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/30–4 with intechangeble PTFE–tube
DN4/6 and corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 32W/m at +10°C.
Holding temperature: +30°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6410 Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/50–4 with intechangeble PTFE–tube
DN4/6 and corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 38W/m at +10°C.
Holding temperature: +50°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6490EX Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/50–10Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner
tube: DN10/12 PTFE interchangeable, outershell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 36W/m at +10°C. holding temperature: +50°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6415 Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/80–4 with intechangeble PTFE–tube
DN4/6 and corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 47W/m at +10°C.
Holding temperature: +80°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6420 Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/100–4 with interchangeble PTFE–tube
DN4/6 and corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 47W/m at +10°C.
Holding temperature: 100°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6425 Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/120–4 with interchangeble PTFE–tube
DN4/6 and corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 63W/m at +10°C.
Holding temperature: 120°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6450 Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/5–6 with intechangeble PTFE–tube
DN6/8 and corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 11,5W/m at +10°C.
Holding temperature: +5°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6455 Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/30–6 with intechangeble PTFE–tube
DN6/8 and corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 32W/m at +10°C.
Holding temperature: +30°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6460 Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/50–6 with intechangeble PTFE–tube
DN6/8 and corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 38W/m at +10°C.
Holding temperature: +50°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6465 Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/80–6 with intechangeble PTFE–tube
DN6/8 and corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 47W/m at +10°C.
Holding temperature: +80°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6470 Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/100–6 with interchangeble PTFE–tube
DN6/8 and corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 47W/m at +10°C.
Holding temperature: 100°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 3 Heated Sample Lines with self-regulating Heating Tapes 2.6.3
Heated Sample Line self-regulating 4, with Interchangeable PTFE-Tube
Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/120–6 with interchangeble PTFE–tube
DN6/8 and corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 63W/m at +10°C. Holding
temperature: 120°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/80–8 with intechangeble PTFE–tube DN8/10
and corrugated tube outside. Power consumption: 47W/m at +10°C. Holding
temperature: +80°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Heated Sample Line self-regulating 5, with Non-Interchangeable Stainless-Steel-Tube
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/5–4 with SS–tube D6 and corrugated tube
outside. Power consumption: 11,5W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +5°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/30–4 with SS–tube D6 and corrugated tube
outside. Power consumption: 32W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +30°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/50–4 with SS–tube D6 and corrugated tube
outside. Power consumption: 38W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +50°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/80–4 with SS–tube D6 and corrugated tube
outside. Power consumption: 47W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +80°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/100–4 with SS–tube D6 and corrugated tube
outside. Power consumption: 47W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +100°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/120–4 with SS–tube D6 and corrugated tube
outside. Power consumption: 63W/m at +10°C. Holding temp.: +120°C at ambient
–20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/5–6 with SS–tube D8 and corrugated tube
outside. Power consumption: 11,5W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +5°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/30–6 with SS–tube D8 and corrugated tube
outside. Power consumption: 32W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +30°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/50–6 with SS–tube D8 and corrugated tube
outside. Power consumption: 38W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +50°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/80–6 with SS–tube D8 and corrugated tube
outside. Power consumption: 47W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +80°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/100–6 with SS–tube D8 and corrugated tube
outside. Power consumption: 47W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +100°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/120–6 with SS–tube D8 and corrugated tube
outside. Power consumption: 63W/m at +10°C. Holding temp.: +120°C at ambient
–20°C. Price per meter.
Seal Connection Sets EX
Beginning and end fitting treated in the factory for self–regulated heated sample line
for type 3 to 5: 5–4Ex, 30–4Ex. Seal beginning and end type 3–5: 5–4Ex, 30–4Ex
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.6.3 Heated Sample Lines with self-regulating Heating Tapes Page 4
Seal Connection Sets EX
01B7065Ex Beginning and end fitting treated in the factory for self–regulated heated sample
line type 3 to 5: 50–4Ex.
01B7080EX Beginning and end fitting treated in the factory for self–regulated heated sample
line type 3 to 5: 50–10Ex.
01B7055Ex Beginning and end fitting treated in the factory for self–regulated heated sample
line type 3 to 5: 80–4Ex, 100–4Ex.
01B7060Ex Beginning and end fitting treated in the factory for self–regulated heated sample
line type 3 bis 5: 120–4,6Ex.
01B7100Ex Beginning and end fitting to treat by the customer for self–regulated heated
sample line Incl. EEx Connection box, Type 3 to 5 Ex NW4.
01B7570 Extra charge for DN6/8 of beginning and end fitting of self–regulated heated
sample line type 3/4/5 (+Ex) to be fixed by the customer or at factory.
01B7580 Extra charge for DN8/10 of beginning and end fitting of self–regulated heated
sample line type 3/4/5 (+Ex) to be fixed by the customer or at factory.
01B7590 Extra charge for DN10/12 of beginning and end fitting of self–regulated heated
sample line type 3/4/5 (+Ex) to be fixed by the customer or at factory.
Heated Sample Line self-regulating 3 EX, with Non-Interchangeable PTFE-Tube
01B6300Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/5–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T6 Inner
tube: DN4/6 PTFE non–interchangeable, outershell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 10W/m at +10°C. holding temperature: +5°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6305Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/30–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T6 Inner
tube: DN4/6 PTFE non–interchangeable, outershell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 30W/m at+10°C. Holding temperature: +30°C
at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6310Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/50–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner
tube: DN4/6 PTFE non–interchangeable, outershell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 36W/m at +10°C. Holding temp.: +50°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6315Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/80–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner
tube: DN4/6 PTFE non–interchangeable, outershell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 45W/m at+10°C. Holding temperature: +80°C
at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6320Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/100–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3. Inner
tube: DN4/6 PTFE non–interchangeable, outershell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 45W/m at +10°C. Holding temp.: +100°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6325Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/120–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T2 Inner
tube: DN4/6 PTFE non–interchangeable, outershell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 63W/m at +10°C. Holding temp.: +120°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 5 Heated Sample Lines with self-regulating Heating Tapes 2.6.3
Heated Sample Line self-regulating 3 EX, with Non-Interchangeable PTFE-Tube
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/5–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T6 Inner tube:
DN6/8 PTFE non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 10W/m at +10°C. holding temperature: +5°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/30–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T6 Inner tube:
DN6/8 PTFE non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 30W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +30°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/50–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner tube:
DN6/8 PTFE non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 36W/m at +10°C. Holding temp.: +50°C at ambient
–20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/80–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner tube:
DN6/8 PTFE non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 45W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +80°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/100–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3. Inner tube:
DN6/8 PTFE non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 45W/m at +10°C. Holding temp.: +100°C at ambient
–20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 3/120–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T2 Inner tube:
DN6/8 PTFE non–interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 63W/m at +10°C. Holding temp.: +120°C at ambient
–20°C. Price per meter.
Heated Sample Line self-regulating 4 EX, with Interchangeable PTFE-Tube
Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/5–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T6 Inner tube:
DN4/6 PTFE interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz.
Power consumption: 10W/m at +10°C. holding temperature: +5°C at ambient –20°C.
Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/30–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T6 Inner tube:
DN4/6 PTFE interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz.
Power consumption: 30W/m at +10°C. holding temperature: +30°C at ambient –20°C.
Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/50–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner tube:
DN4/6 PTFE interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz.
Power consumption: 36W/m at +10°C. holding temperature: +50°C at ambient –20°C.
Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/80–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner tube:
DN4/6 PTFE interchangeable, outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz.
Power consumption: 45W/m at +10°C. holding temperature: +80°C at ambient –20°C.
Price per meter.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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2.6.3 Heated Sample Lines with self-regulating Heating Tapes Page 6
Heated Sample Line self-regulating 4 EX, with Interchangeable PTFE-Tube
01B6420Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/100–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner
tube: DN4/6 PTFE interchangeable, outershell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 45W/m at+10°C. holding temperature: +100°C
at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6425Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/120–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T2 Inner
tube: DN4/6 PTFE interchangeable, outershell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 63W/m at+10°C. holding temperature: +120°C
at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6450Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/5–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T6 Inner
tube: DN6/8 PTFE interchangeable, outershell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 10W/m at +10°C. holding temperature: +5°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6455Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/30–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T6 Inner
tube: DN6/8 PTFE interchangeable, outershell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 30W/m at +10°C. holding temperature: +30°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6460Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/50–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner
tube: DN6/8 PTFE interchangeable, outershell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 36W/m at +10°C. holding temperature: +50°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6465Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/80–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner
tube: DN6/8 PTFE interchangeable, outershell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 45W/m at +10°C. holding temperature: +80°C at
ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6470Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/100–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner
tube: DN6/8 PTFE interchangeable, outershell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 45W/m at+10°C. holding temperature: +100°C
at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
01B6475Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 4/120–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T2 Inner
tube: DN6/8 PTFE interchangeable, outershell: PA–corrugated hose. Power:
230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 63W/m at+10°C. holding temperature: +120°C
at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Heated Sample Line self-regulating 5 EX, with Non-Interchangeable Stainless-Steel-Tube
01B6500Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/5–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T6 Inner
tube: D6 SS outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Power
consumption: 10W/m at +10°C. holding temperature: +5°C at ambient –20°C.
Price per meter.
01B6505Ex Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/30–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T6 Inner
tube: D6 SS outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Power
consumption: 30W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +30°C at ambient –20°C.
Price per meter.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 7 Heated Sample Lines with self-regulating Heating Tapes 2.6.3
Heated Sample Line self-regulating 5 EX, with Non-Interchangeable Stainless-Steel-Tube
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/50–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner tube: D6
SS outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 36W/m
at +10°C. Holding temp.: +50°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/80–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner tube: D6
SS outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 45W/m
at +10°C. Holding temperature: +80°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/100–4Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner tube: D6
SS outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 45W/m
at +10°C. Holding temp.: +100°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/120–4 with SS–tube D6 and corrugated tube
outside. Power consumption: 63W/m at +10°C. Holding temp.: +120°C at ambient
–20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/5–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T6 Inner tube: D8
SS outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 10W/m
at +10°C. holding temperature: +5°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/30–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T6 Inner tube: D8
SS outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 30W/m
at +10°C. Holding temperature: +30°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/50–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner tube: D8
SS outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 36W/m
at +10°C. Holding temp.: +50°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/80–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner tube: D8
SS outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 45W/m
at +10°C. Holding temperature: +80°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/100–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T3 Inner tube: D8
SS outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 45W/m
at +10°C. Holding temp.: +100°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/120–6Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T2 Inner tube: D8
SS outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Power consumption: 63W/m
at +10°C. Holding temp.: +120°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/30–8Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T6 Inner tube:
D10 SS outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Power consumption:
30W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +30°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
Self–regulated heated sample line type 5/30–10Ex. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 GD EEx e II T6 Inner tube:
D12 SS outer shell: PA–corrugated hose. Power: 230V/50Hz. Power consumption:
30W/m at +10°C. Holding temperature: +30°C at ambient –20°C. Price per meter.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Heated Sample Lines with self-regulating Heating Tapes Page 8 2.6.3
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Air Pre-Cooler and Water Cooler 3.0.1
Air Pre-Cooler VC..
Pre–cooling unit type VC–1 consisting of an aluminium cooling block, equipped with
one Jet–stream heat exchanger type EC–G for wall mounting.
596,00 03K1000 @
Pre–cooling unit type VC–1–SL consisting of an aluminium cooling block, equipped
with 1 jet stream heat exchanger type EC–G. 1 fan under the heat exchanger mounted
on a plate inincluding peristaltic pump SR25 in housing for condensate disposal with
deflector for air cooling. Power 230V 50Hz.
1.421,00 03K3000 @
Pre–cooling unit VC–1–SL, wall mounting of an aluminium cooling block equipped with
1 jet stream heat exchanger EC–G out of Duran? glass with GL connector, sample
gas in/out GL18–6 mm, Condensate out GL25–12 mm and 1 fan under the heat
exchanger with deflector for air cooling, inkl. peristaltic pump SR25 in housing for
condensate removal mounted on a plate. Power 115V/60Hz.
1.421,00 03K3000a @
Pre–cooling unit type VC–2–L consisting of an aluminium cooling block, equipped with
2 jet stream heat exchanger type EC–G. 1 fan under the heat exchanger mounted on
a plate for wall mounting. Power 230V 50Hz.
1.678,00 03K4000 @
Pre–cooling unit type VC–2–SL consisting of an aluminium cooling block equipped
with 2 jet–stream heat–exchanger type EC–G and 1 fan mounted below. Including 2
peristaltic pumps SR25.1 with housing for condensate removal. Power: 230V/50Hz.
2.359,00 03K5000 @
Pre–cooling unit type VC–2–SL consisting of an aluminium cooling block, equipped
with 2 jet stream heat exchanger type EC–G and 1 fan under the heat exchanger,
mounted on a plate including 2 peristaltic pumps SR25 in a housing for disposal.
Power 115V/60Hz.
2.359,00 03K5000a @
Water Cooler Series L...
Gas cooler type LGC–1 with a cooling spiral consisting of a 6mm stainless steel tube
and separating section as well as thermometer 0–60°C. Coolant water pressure max
10bars, cooling capacity 900KJ/h. material stainless steel 316.
735,00 04K1000 @
Gas cooler type LGC–1S with a cooling spiral consisting of a 6mm stainless steel tube
and separating section as well as thermometer 0–60°C. Coolant water pressure max
20bars, cooling capacity 1600KJ/h. Material stainless steel 316
834,00 04K1500 @
Liquid cooler type LC–1 with a cooling spiral, consisting of a 6mm stainless steel tube
and thermometer 0–60°C. coolant water connections cooling water G 3/8"f ISO,
medium tube 4/6mm i./o.d., pressure cooling water max 10bar, medium max 50bar,
cooling capacity 900KJ/h. material stainless steel 316.
698,00 04K2000 @
liquid cooler type LC–1S with a cooling spiral consisting of a 6mm stainless steel tube
and thermometer 0–60°C. Coolant water connections cooling water: G 3/8"f ISO,
medium tube 4/6mm i./o.d., pressure cooling water max 10bar, medium max 50bar,
cooling capacity 1600KJ/h. material stainless steel 316.
798,00 04K2500 @
Liquid pipe cooler type LTC–1 with a bank of tubes (9) of stainless steel tube 8mm.
With thermostate 0–60°C. Coolant water cooling capacity 4000KJ/h, water max 10bar,
medium max 10bar. material stainless steel 316.
1.161,00 04K3000 @
gas pipe cooler type LGT–2 with a bank of tubes (9) of 8mm stainstainless steel tube
and separating section as well as thermometer 0–60°C, coolant water cooling capacity
4000KJ/h water max 10bar medium max 10bar material stainless steel 316.
1.342,00 04K4000 @
Extra charge for LTC/LGC in PN40 pressure version with works certificate. 527,00 04K9000 @
Extra charge for cooler version LTC/LGT–12 with 10/12mm tubes instead 6/8mm. 426,00 04K9010 @
Extra charge for cooler in version LTC–1–1/4" water connection G1/4". 31,30 04K9015 @
Extra charge for cooler in version LTC–1–G1/2 water connection G1/2". 37,20 04K9020 @
Extra charge for cooler in version LTC–1–G3/8 sample connection G3/8". 31,30 04K9025 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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3.0.1 Air Pre-Cooler and Water Cooler Page 2
Water Cooler Series L...
04K9030 Extra charge for cooler in version LTC–1–G1/2" sample connection G1/2". 37,20@
04K9035 Extra charge for cooler in version LGT–2–G1/4", water connection G1/4", sample
connection G1/4", condensat connection G1/4".
04K9040 Extra charge for cooler in version LGT–2–G1/2", water connection G1/2", sample
connection G1/2", condensat connection G1/2"i.
Spare Parts for Water Cooler Series L...
94K0005 Thermometer 0–60°C, connection: G1/4" o,max. pressure 20bar, material SS. 82,10@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Peltier Gas Cooler Series ECP 1000 / 2000 / 3000 3.1.1
Electro-Gas Cooler Series ECP 1000 / 2000 / 3000
Electro–gas cooler type ECP1000–G. With peltier element, electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat
exchanger out of Duran? glass for 1x 150Nl/h, connections: sample gas: GL18–6mm,
condensate: GL25–12mm. Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch over.
1.785,00 01K1000 @
Electro–gas cooler type ECP1000–SS. With peltier element, electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat
exchanger out of SS316 for 1x 150Nl/h, connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate:
G3/8"i, Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch over.
1.861,00 01K2000 @
Electro–gas cooler type ECP1000–PV. With peltier element, electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat
exchanger out of PVDF for 1x 150Nl/h, connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate:
G3/8"i, Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch over.
1.902,00 01K3000 @
Electro–gas cooler type ECP2000–G. With peltier element, electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover contacts, 2 Jet–stream heat
exchanger out of Duran? glass for 150Nl/h each, connections: sample gas:
GL18–6mm, condensate: GL25–12mm. Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch
2.818,00 01K2100 @
Electro–gas cooler type ECP2000–SS. With peltier element, electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover contacts, 2 Jet–stream heat
exchanger out of SS316 for 150Nl/h each, connections: sample gas: G1/4"i,
condensate: G3/8"i, Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch over.
3.038,00 01K2200 @
Electro–gas cooler type ECP2000–PV. With peltier element, electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover contacts, 2 Jet–stream heat
exchanger out of PVDF for 150Nl/h each, connections: sample gas: G1/4"i,
condensate: G3/8"i, Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch over.
3.053,00 01K2300 @
Electro–gas cooler type ECP3000–G. With peltier element, electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat
exchanger out of Duran? for 1x 350Nl/h, connections: sample gas: GL18–6mm,
condensate: GL25–12mm. Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch over.
2.648,00 01K3100 @
Electro–gas cooler type ECP3000–SS. With peltier element, electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat
exchanger out of SS316 for 1x 350Nl/h, connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate:
G3/8"i, Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch over.
2.797,00 01K3200 @
Electro–gas cooler type ECP3000–PV. With peltier element, electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat
exchanger out of PVDF for 1x 350Nl/h, connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate:
G3/8"i, Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch over.
2.811,00 01K3300 @
Consumable Parts for ECP 1000 / 2000 / 3000
ECP1000, 2000, 3000 fan. 133,00 93K0010 @
Recommended Spare Parts for ECP 1000 / 2000 / 3000
Jet stream heat exchanger, type ECP1000G, material Duran? glass, connections:
sample gas GL18–6/6mm, condensate GL25–12mm.
266,00 93K0100 @
Jet stream heat exchanger type ECP–1000G 90°, Material: Duran? glass.
Connections: sample gas GL18–6mm, condensate GL25–12mm.
289,00 93K0130 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/ECC–1. Material:
Duran? glass. Connections: sample gas GL18–6mm, condensate GL25–12mm.
352,00 93K0140 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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3.1.1 Peltier Gas Cooler Series ECP 1000 / 2000 / 3000 Page 2
Recommended Spare Parts for ECP 1000 / 2000 / 3000
93K0150 Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/ECC–1. Material:
Duran? glass. Connections: sample gas GL18–6/6mm, 90°angel condensat
90K0114 Thermal conductivity paste, –20 to +140°C, silicon free, 5gr. 2,70@
90K0115 Thermal conductivity paste, –20 to +140°C, silicon free, 50gr. 25,10@
93K0030 Fine fuse 0,8AT 5x20, (F1/F2) ECP1000. by 94 2,49@
93K0540 Fine fuse 1,6AT 5x20, (F1/F2),from 1995 ECP1000/ECP2000/ECP3000 2,50@
90K2020 Power transistor BUZ11 for cooler type ECP20, ECP1000–3000. 13,20@
93K0040X PT–100 temperature sensor for ECP1000–3000 and ECM 50,50@
Spare Parts for ECP 1000 / 2000 / 3000
93K0110 Jet stream heat exchanger, type ECP1000SS,material: stainless steel 1.4571,
connections: sample gas G1/4"i, condensate G3/8"i.
93K0111 Jet stream heat exchanger type ECP1000SS NPT material stainless steel 1.4571,
connections: sample gas: 1/4" NPT i, condensate: 3/8" NPT i.
93K0120 Jet stream heat exchanger, type ECP–1000 PV, Material PVDF. Connections:
sample gas G 1/4"i, condensate G 3/8"i.
93K0160 Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/SCC–1. Material:
SS316. Connections: sample gasG1/4"i, condensate G3/8"i.
93K0160n Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/ECC–1. Material:
SS316. Connections: sample gas 1/4"NPT, condensate 3/8"NPT.
93K0170 Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/ECC–1. Material:
PVDF. Connections: sample gasG1/4"i, condensate G3/8"i.
93K0020 Control electronic board for ECP20,ECP1000–3000 from Series no. 95xxxx. 285,00@
93K0530 Power supply board compl. for ECP1000–3000 (replacement for 93K0025) 261,00@
93K0035 Rectifier for cooler type ECP1000,only 1995 (Schottky–Diode FST3090 or
93K0036 Rectifier for cooler type ECP1000 from 1.94 (type BY 500–200). 2,49@
90K2010 Rectifier for cooler type ECP20, ECP1000–3000. 18,30@
93K0045 ECP–1000 Peltier element up to serial no. 94xxxx 159,00@
93K0047 Peltier element ECP1000, from serial number 95xxxx. 159,00@
93K0048 Peltierelement ECP1000, for ambient temperature 50°C. 515,00@
93K0520 Peltier element for ECP2000/3000, 6x6. 451,00@
90K0145 ECP1/1000/20 alarm relay DSP1. 20,10@
93K0525 Transformer for ECP1000/2000/3000, 115/230V, 115VA. 154,00@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Peltier Gas Cooler ECP 20 3.1.10
Electro-Gas Cooler Serie ECP 20...
Electro–gas cooler type ECP20–2G. With peltier element, electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover contacts, 2 Jet–stream heat
exchanger out of Duran? glass as pre– and main cooler for 1x 500Nl/h. connections:
sample gas: GL18–6mm, condensate: GL25–12mm. Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz
to switch over.
3.452,00 01K8100 @
Electro–gas cooler type ECP20–2SS. With peltier element, electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover contacts, 2 Jet–stream heat
exchanger out of SS316 as pre– and main cooler for 1x 500Nl/h. Wall mounting,
connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate: G3/8"i, Power: 230V/50Hz or
115V/60Hz to switch over.
3.754,00 01K8120 @
Electro–gas cooler type ECP20–2PV. With peltier element, electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover contacts, 2 Jet–stream heat
exchanger out of PVDF as pre– and main cooler for 1x 500Nl/h. connections: sample
gas: G1/4"i, condensate: G3/8"i, Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch over.
3.784,00 01K8140 @
Consumable Parts for ECP 20...
Fan ECP/ECP20/EC–F, 115V 60Hz. 137,00 90K0040 @
Recommended Spare Parts for ECP 20...
Jet–stream heat exchanger type EC–G. Material: Duran?–glass. Connections:
Sample gas: 2x GL18–6mm, Condensate: 1x GL25–12mm
317,00 02K9100 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger type EC–G/90°, with 90° bend at the gas connectors.
Material: Duran?–glass. Connections: Sample gas: 2x GL18–6mm, Condensate: 1x
346,00 02K9150 @
Thermal conductivity paste, –20 to +140°C, silicon free, 5gr. 2,70 90K0114 @
Thermal conductivity paste, –20 to +140°C, silicon free, 50gr. 25,10 90K0115 @
Fine fuse 4AT 5x20, ECP–20. 1,71 90K6030 @
Power transistor BUZ11 for cooler type ECP20, ECP1000–3000. 13,20 90K2020 @
ECP20 temperature sensor PT100 with screw and spring, from serial no.: 95xxxx. 102,00 90K2090 @
Spare Parts for ECP 20...
Jet–stream heat exchanger type EC–SS. Material: SS316. Connections: sample gas:
2x G1/4"i, condensate: 1x G3/8"i.
464,00 02K9200 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger type EC–SS/NPT. Material: SS316. Connections: sample
gas: 2x 1/4"NPT, condensate: 1x 3/8"NPT.
498,00 02K9250 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger type EC–PV. Material:PVDF. Connections: sample gas: 2x
G1/4"i, condensate: 1x G3/8"i.
478,00 02K9300 @
ECP20 control electronic, complete. up to S.No.: 95 287,00 90K2000 @
Control electronic board for ECP20, ECP1000–3000 from Series no. 95xxxx. 285,00 93K0020 @
fan connection cable with plug. 14,50 90K0045 @
Rectifier for cooler type ECP20, ECP1000–3000. 18,30 90K2010 @
ECP20/1 transformer, 115/230V, 125VA. 155,00 90K2030 @
ECP20/2 transformer 115/230V, 220VA. 301,00 90K2040 @
Peltier element ECP20 Set with 2 pcs. 297,00 90K0077 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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3.1.10 Peltier Gas Cooler ECP 20 Page 2
Spare Parts for ECP 20...
90K2050 ECP20/1 heat insulation, complete. 80,20@
90K2060 ECP20/2 heat insulation. 108,00@
90K0145 ECP1/1000/20 alarm relay DSP1. 20,10@
90K2070 ECP20 Mainboard, from S.No.: 95xxxx. 120,00@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 1 Consumable Parts and Spare Parts 3.1.22
Consumable Parts for ECP/ECP-1
ECP–1, EC–FD fan 230V 50Hz. 112,00 90K0035 @
Fan ECP/ECP20/EC–F, 115V 60Hz. 137,00 90K0040 @
Recommended Spare Parts For ECP/ECP-1
Jet–stream heat exchanger type ECP1–G. Material: Duran?–glass. Old version:
16mm OD.
113,00 90K0005 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger type ECP1–G. Material: Duran?–glass. 25mm OD. 164,00 90K0020 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger type ECP1–GL. Material: Duran?–glass. 25mm OD. With
GL–connections: Sample IN/OUT: GL18–6–6, Condensate: GL25–12.
227,00 90K0021 @
Thermal conductivity paste, –20 to +140°C, silicon free, 5gr. 2,70 90K0114 @
Thermal conductivity paste, –20 to +140°C, silicon free, 50gr. 25,10 90K0115 @
fine fuse 5 x 20, 0,5A (230 V). 1,71 90K0050 @
fine Fuse 5 x 20, 1,0A (110 V). 1,71 90K0055 @
Power transistor. TIP 130 10,50 90K0065 @
Spare Parts for ECP/ECP-1
ECP–SS jet–stream heat exchanger, material: SS316 Old version: 16mm OD. 177,00 90K0010 @
ECP–PV jet stream heat exchanger, material PVDF. Old version: 16mm OD. 271,00 90K0015 @
ECP–SS jet–stream heat exchanger, material: SS316 25mm OD. 229,00 90K0025 @
ECP–PV jet stream heat exchanger, material PVDF. 25mm OD. 318,00 90K0030 @
fan connection cable with plug. 14,50 90K0045 @
Rectifier ECP1. 15,70 90K0060 @
ECP/1 transformer, 115/230V, 60/50Hz. 93,20 90K0070 @
Peltier element ECP1. 159,00 90K0075 @
ECP–1 control electronics. 241,00 90K0085 @
ECP–1 relay–card complete. 56,10 90K0090 @
ECP1/1000/20 alarm relay DSP1. 20,10 90K0145 @
ECP heat insulation complete. 59,10 90K0100 @
ECP–1 heat insulation complete. 75,10 90K0105 @
Temperature sensor KTY for cooler type ECP1 and ECP20. 36,10 90K0110 @
ECP–1 air fin cooling block, right side. 138,00 90K0120 @
ECP–1 air fin cooling block–left side. 138,00 90K0121 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Consumable Parts and Spare Parts Page 2 3.1.22
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Page 1 Electro-Gas Cooler Series ECM 3.3.0
Electro gas cooler type ECM
Compressor gas cooler type ECM–1. In panel version. depth of housing: 260mm.
Prepared for one Jet–stream heat exchanger with 250Nl/h. electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm range and sample outlet dew point adjustable by
incorporated electronic controller, temperature adjusted at +5°C, with 1 changeover
contact, Thermometer with digital display: –10/+50°C. Power: 230V/50Hz. CSA us
2.022,00 02k7500x @
Compressor gas cooler type ECM–1. In panel version. depth of housing: 260mm.
Prepared for one Jet–stream heat exchanger with 250Nl/h. electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm range and sample outlet dew point adjustable by
incorporated electronic controller, temperature adjusted at +5°C, with 1 changeover
contact, Thermometer with digital display: –10/+50°C. Power: 115V/60Hz. CSA us
2.151,00 02k7500xa @
Compressor gas cooler type ECM–2. In panel version. depth of housing: 260mm.
Prepared for two Jet–stream heat exchanger with 150Nl/h each. electronical controlled
at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm range and sample outlet dew point adjustable by
incorporated electronic controller, with changeover contact. Thermometer with digital
display: –10/+50°C. Power: 230V/50Hz. CSA us
2.022,00 02k7510x @
Compressor gas cooler type ECM–2. In panel version. depth of housing: 260mm.
Prepared for two Jet–stream heat exchanger with 150Nl/h each. electronical controlled
at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm range and sample outlet dew point adjustable by
incorporated electronic controller, with changeover contact. Thermometer with digital
display: –10/+50°C. Power: 115V/60Hz. CSA us
2.151,00 02k7510xa @
Compressor gas cooler type ECM–Ex2–1. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 2
with protection class according to ATEX: II 3 G EEx nAC IIC T4 and additional
according to CSA class I, DIV 2, Groups A, B, C, D. In panel version. depth of
housing: 260mm. Prepared for one Jet–stream heat exchanger with 250Nl/h.
electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm range and sample outlet
dew point adjustable by incorporated electronic controller, temperature adjusted at
+5°C, with 1 changeover contact, Thermometer with digital display: –10/+50°C.
Power: 230V/50Hz.
3.148,00 02K7600x @
Compressor gas cooler type ECM–Ex2–1. Explosion–proof version for Ex–Zone 2 with
protection class according to ATEX: II 3 G EEx nAC IIC T4 and additional according to
FM/CSA class I, DIV 2, Groups A, B, C, D. In panel version. depth of housing: 260mm.
Prepared for one Jet–stream heat exchanger with 250Nl/h. electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm range and sample outlet dew point adjustable by
incorporated electronic controller, temperature adjusted at +5°C, with 1 changeover
contact, Thermometer with digital display: –10/+50°C. Power: 115V/60Hz.
3.183,00 02K7600xa @
Compressor gas cooler type ECM–Ex2–2. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 2
with protection class according to ATEX: II 3 G EEx nAC IIC T4 and additional
according to FM class I, DIV 2, Groups A, B, C, D. In panel version. depth of housing:
260mm. Prepared for two Jet–stream heat exchanger with 150Nl/h each. electronical
controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm range and sample outlet dew point
adjustable by incorporated electronic controller, with changeover contact.
Thermometer with digital display: –10/+50°C. Power: 230V/50Hz.
3.183,00 02K7610x @
Compressor gas cooler type ECM–Ex2–2. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 2
with protection class according to ATEX: II 3 G EEx nAC IIC T4 and additional
according to FM/CSA class I, DIV 2, Groups A, B, C, D. In panel version. depth of
housing: 260mm. Prepared for two Jet–stream heat exchanger with 150Nl/h each.
electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm range and sample outlet
dew point adjustable by incorporated electronic controller, with changeover contact.
Thermometer with digital display: –10/+50°C. Power: 115V/60Hz.
3.183,00 02K7610xa @
Additional Options for Electro Gas Cooler Series ECM-1
Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/ECC–1. Material:
Duran? glass. Connections: sample gas GL18–6mm, condensate GL25–12mm.
352,00 93K0140 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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3.3.0 Electro-Gas Cooler Series ECM Page 2
Additional Options for Electro Gas Cooler Series ECM-1
93K0170 Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/ECC–1. Material:
PVDF. Connections: sample gasG1/4"i, condensate G3/8"i.
93K0160 Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/SCC–1. Material:
SS316. Connections: sample gasG1/4"i, condensate G3/8"i.
01P9125 Extra charge for one peristaltic pump type SR25.2 mounted inside the cooler
ECM with pump head outside. Incl. complete wiring and tubing. Material:
Novoprene?, PP. Condensate outlet: 4/6mm.
01P9126 Mounting set incl. one peristaltic pump type SR 25.2 for the gas cooler ECM.
Material: Novoprene, PP.
Additional Options for Electro Gas Cooler Series ECM-2
97K0100 Jet stream heat exchanger, type ECM–2G, material Duran? glass, connections:
sample gas GL18–6/6mm, condensate GL25–12mm.
97K0110 Jet stream heat exchanger, type ECM–2PV,material PVDF, connections: sample
gas 6mm condensate G3/8"i.
97K0115 Jet stream heat exchanger, type ECM–2SS,material SS316, connections: sample
gas 6 mm condensate G3/8"i.
01P9125 Extra charge for one peristaltic pump type SR25.2 mounted inside the cooler
ECM with pump head outside. Incl. complete wiring and tubing. Material:
Novoprene?, PP. Condensate outlet: 4/6mm.
01P9126 Mounting set incl. one peristaltic pump type SR 25.2 for the gas cooler ECM.
Material: Novoprene, PP.
Spare Parts for Gas Cooler Type ECM
97K0010 Transformator ECM 115/230V 230VA 142,00@
01B8360 Electron. PID–temperature controller type with LED indication, in a front mounting
housing standard control ranges: PT100, 0–200°C, Fe–CuNi 0–400/0–800°C
controlling outlet: 12V DC to an external solid state relais status signal outlet: 1
voltage free contact NO for high and low alarm switch capacity 250VAC,3A power
230/115V 50/60 Hz.
01B8365 Electron. PID–temperature controller for ECM–ExII power 230/115V 50/60 Hz. 323,00@
01P1300 Peristaltic pump SR25.2, for panel mounting Wall thickness max.1,5mm capacity
of 0,30 l/hr, pressure range 200mbar up to 2,2bar abs. Material: Novopren?,
PVDF, connections for tube DN 4/6mm, power: 230V/50Hz.
93K0040 Temperature sensor PT100 incl. screw and spring for cooler ECP1000–3000 102,00@
97K0230 Compressor thermo switch Klixon 230V, ECM type LYDN96X 45,90@
97K0235 Compressor thermoswitch Klixon 230V, ECM Zone 2, DIV II. 160,00@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Electro gas cooler compact 3.3.1
Recommended Spare Parts for Gas Cooler Type ECC
Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/ECC–1. Material:
Duran? glass. Connections: sample gas GL18–6mm, condensate GL25–12mm.
352,00 93K0140 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger type ECC–2G. material: Duran? glass, connections:
sample gas: GL18–6/6mm, condensate: GL25–12mm.
310,00 98K0100 @
Spare Parts for Gas Cooler Type ECC
Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/SCC–1. Material:
SS316. Connections: sample gas G1/4"i, condensate G3/8"i.
500,00 93K0160 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/ECC–1. Material:
SS316. Connections: sample gas 1/4"NPT, condensate 3/8"NPT.
551,00 93K0160n @
Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/ECC–1. Material: PVDF.
Connections: sample gas G1/4"i, condensate G3/8"i.
514,00 93K0170 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger type ECC–2SS. material: SS316, connections: sample
gas: G1/4"i, condensate: G3/8"i.
386,00 98K0110 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger type ECC–2SS. material: SS316, connections: sample
gas: 1/4"i,NPT condensate: 3/8"i,NPT.
448,00 98K0110n @
Jet–stream heat exchanger exchanger type ECC–2PV. material: PVDF, connections:
sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate: G3/8"i.
394,00 98K0120 @
Temperatur switch for ECC 41,90 98k4000 @
Thermometer –10 – +50°C for cooler ECC. 43,10 98K4005 @
ECP–1, EC–FD fan 230V 50Hz. 112,00 90K0035 @
Fan ECP/ECP20/EC–F, 115V 60Hz. 137,00 90K0040 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Electro gas cooler compact Page 2 3.3.1
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Electro-Gas Cooler Series EC 3.4.1
Electro Gas Cooler Series EC...
Compressor gas cooler type EC–1G. In panel version or on request in 19""–version.
depth of housing: 450mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm
with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of Duran? glass for 1x
250Nl/h (max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: GL18–6mm, condensate:
GL25–12mm. Power: 230V/50Hz.
3.090,00 02K1000 @
Compressor gas cooler type EC–1G. In panel version or on request in 19"–version.
depth of housing: 450mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm
with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of Duran? glass for 1x
250Nl/h (max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: GL18–6mm, condensate:
GL25–12mm. Power: 115V/60Hz.
3.191,00 02K1000a @
Compressor gas cooler type EC–1SS. In panel version or on request in 19"–version.
depth of housing: 450mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm
with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of SS316 for 1x 250Nl/h
(max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate: G3/8"i. Power: 230V/50Hz.
3.233,00 02K2000 @
Compressor gas cooler type EC–1SS. In panel version or on request in 19"–version.
depth of housing: 450mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm
with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of SS316 for 1x 250Nl/h
(max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate: G3/8"i. Power: 115V/60Hz.
3.336,00 02k2000a @
Compressor gas cooler type EC–1PV. In panel version or on request in 19"–version.
depth of housing: 450mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm
with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of PVDF for 1x 250Nl/h
(max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate: G3/8"i. Power: 230V/50Hz.
3.246,00 02K3000 @
Compressor gas cooler type EC–1PV. In panel version or on request in 19"–version.
depth of housing: 450mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm
with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of PVDF for 1x 250Nl/h
(max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate: G3/8"i. Power: 115V/60Hz.
3.350,00 02K3000a @
Electro Gas Cooler Series ECS...
Compressor gas cooler type ECS–1G. In panel version or on request in 19"–version.
depth of housing: 360mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm
with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of Duran? glass for 1x
250Nl/h (max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: GL18–6mm, condensate:
GL25–12mm. Power: 230V/50Hz.
3.090,00 02K1500 @
Compressor gas cooler type ECS–1G. In panel version or on request in 19"–version.
depth of housing: 360mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm
with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of Duran? glass for 1x
250Nl/h (max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: GL18–6mm, condensate:
GL25–12mm. Power: 115V/60Hz.
3.191,00 02K1500a @
Compressor gas cooler type ECS–1SS. In panel version or on request in 19"–version.
depth of housing: 360mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm
with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of SS316 for 1x 250Nl/h
(max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate: G3/8"i. Power: 230V/50Hz.
3.233,00 02K2500 @
Compressor gas cooler type ECS–1SS. In panel version or on request in 19"–version.
depth of housing: 360mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm
with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of SS316 for 1x 250Nl/h
(max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate: G3/8"i. Power: 115V/60Hz.
3.336,00 02K2500a @
Compressor gas cooler type ECS–1PV. In panel version or on request in 19"–version.
depth of housing: 360mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm
with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of PVDF for 1x 250Nl/h
(max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate: G3/8"i. Power: 230V/50Hz.
3.246,00 02K3500 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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3.4.1 Electro-Gas Cooler Series EC Page 2
Electro Gas Cooler Series ECS...
02K3500a Compressor gas cooler type ECS–1PV.In panel version or on request in
19"–version. depth of housing:360mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low
temperature alarm with 2 changeover contacts, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of
PVDF for 1x 250Nl/h (max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate:
G3/8"i. Power: 115V/60Hz.
Electro Gas Cooler Series EC-L
02K4000x Compressor gas cooler type EC–L/2 In panel version. Prepared for two
Jet–stream heat exchanger with 250Nl/h. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low
temperature alarm range and sample outlet dew point adjustable by incorporated
electronic controller, temperature adjusted at +5°C, with 1 changeover contact,
Thermometer with digital display: –10/+50°C. Power: 230V/50Hz.
02K4000xa Compressor gas cooler type EC–L/2 In panel version. Prepared for two
Jet–stream heat exchanger with 250Nl/h. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low
temperature alarm range and sample outlet dew point adjustable by incorporated
electronic controller, temperature adjusted at +5°C, with 1 changeover contact,
Thermometer with digital display: –10/+50°C. Power: 115V/50–60Hz
Electro Gas Cooler Series EC-EX...
02K5000 Compressor gas cooler type EC–Ex–1G. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone
1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx p e d q (ib) IIC T4
KEMA03ATEX2113. In panel version or on request 19"–rack version. depth of
housing: 450mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm with
1 changeover contact, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of Duran? glass for 1x
250Nl/h (max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: GL18–6mm, condensate:
GL25–12mm. Power: 230V/50Hz.
02K5000a Compressor gas cooler type EC–Ex–1G. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone
1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx p e d q (ib) IIC T4
KEMA03ATEX2113. In panel version or on request in 19"–rack version. depth of
housing: 450mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm with
1 changeover contact, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of Duran? glass for 1x
250Nl/h (max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: GL18–6mm, condensate:
GL25–12mm. Power: 115V/50–60Hz
02K5010 Compressor gas cooler type EC–Ex–1SS. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx p e d q (ib) IIC T4
KEMA03ATEX2113. In panel version or on request in 19"–rack version. depth of
housing: 450mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm with
1 changeover contact, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of SS316 for 1x 250Nl/h
(max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate: G3/8"i. Power:
02K5010a Compressor gas cooler type EC–Ex–1SS. Explosion–proofed version for
Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx p e d q (ib) IIC T4
KEMA03ATEX2113. In panel version or on request in 19"–rack version. depth of
housing: 450mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm with
1 changeover contact, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of SS316 for 1x 250Nl/h
(max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate: G3/8"i. Power:
02K5020 Compressor gas cooler type EC–Ex–1PV.Degree of protection according to
ATEX: II 2 G EEx p e d q (ib) IIC T4 KEMA03ATEX2113. In panel version or on
request in 19"–rack version. depth of housing: 450mm. electronical controlled at
+5°C, high/low temperature alarm with1 changeover contact, Jet–stream heat
exchanger out of PVDF for 1x 250Nl/h (max. 4pcs.). connections: sample gas:
G1/4"i, condensate: G3/8"i. Power: 230V/50Hz.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 3 Electro-Gas Cooler Series EC 3.4.1
Electro Gas Cooler Series EC-EX...
Compressor gas cooler type EC–Ex–1PV. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1
with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx p e d q (ib) IIC T4
KEMA03ATEX2113. In panel version or on request in 19"–rack version. depth of
housing: 450mm. electronical controlled at +5°C, high/low temperature alarm with 1
changeover contact, Jet–stream heat exchanger out of PVDF for 1x 250Nl/h (max.
4pcs.). connections: sample gas: G1/4"i, condensate: G3/8"i. Power: 115V/50–60Hz.
6.134,00 02K5020a @
Additional Options for Electro Gas Cooler Series EC, ECS, EC-EX
Jet–stream heat exchanger type EC–G. Material: Duran?–glass. Connections:
Sample gas: 2x GL18–6mm, Condensate: 1x GL25–12mm
317,00 02K9100 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger type EC–G/90°, with 90° bend at the gas connectors.
Material: Duran?–glass. Connections: Sample gas: 2x GL18–6mm, Condensate: 1x
346,00 02K9150 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger type EC–SS. Material: SS316. Connections: sample gas:
2x G1/4"i, condensate: 1x G3/8"i.
464,00 02K9200 @
Nipple 1/2"NPT – G3/8", material: 1.4571. 32,20 FF11000 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger type EC–SS/NPT. Material: SS316. Connections: sample
gas: 2x 1/4"NPT, condensate: 1x 3/8"NPT.
498,00 02K9250 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger type EC–PV. Material:PVDF. Connections: sample gas: 2x
G1/4"i, condensate: 1x G3/8"i.
478,00 02K9300 @
Extra charge for PT100 sensor built into cooling block of cooler EC/ECS. 84,30 02K9500 @
Extra charge for digital temperature display in the front of the cooler type EC/ECS,
from S.No.: 95....
249,00 02K9521 @
Extra charge for temperature indicator in the front of the surface mounting cooler type
EC–Ex, range: 0–50°C.
211,00 02K9523 @
Extra charge for one peristaltic pump type SR25.2 mounted inside the cooler EC/ECS
with pump head outside. Incl. complete wiring and tubing. Material: Novoprene?, PP.
Condensate outlet: 4/6mm.
397,00 01P9140 @
For Ambient Temperature +5 to +50°C
Extra charge for universal unit type EC–F. In panel/19"–rack version for mounting
under EC/ECS–cooler, with 2x fan and dust filter drawer, Power: 230V/50Hz.
461,00 02K9530 @
For Automatic Condensate Removal
Extra charge for universal unit type EC–D/Ex in 19"–rack version. For mounting below
the EC/ECS EX–cooler. With 1ea. Peristaltic pump type SR25.1Ex (max.4pcs.) for
automatic removal of condensate. Incl. Dust filter drawer. Compley connected to the
cooler with tubing in Novoprene?/PVDF. Condensate outlet: DN4/6. Power:
1.647,00 02K9550 @
Extra charge for universal unit type EC–D/Ex in 19"–rack version. For mounting below
the EC/ECS EX–cooler. With 1ea. Peristaltic pump type SR25.1Ex (max.4pcs.) for
automatic removal of condensate. Incl. Dust filter drawer. Compley connected to the
cooler with tubing in Novoprene?/PVDF. Condensate outlet: DN4/6. Power:
1.647,00 02K9550a @
Extra charge for mounting a peristaltic pump type SR25.1(/Ex) inside universal unit
type EC–/FD/D/D–Ex. Incl. Complete wiring and tubing. Material: PVDF, Novoprene?,
PP. Condensate outlet: 4/6mm.
84,10 01P9100 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
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3.4.1 Electro-Gas Cooler Series EC Page 4
Recommended Spare Parts for Series EC, ECS, EC30
90K0114 Thermal conductivity paste, –20 to +140°C, silicon free, 5gr. 2,70@
90K0115 Thermal conductivity paste, –20 to +140°C, silicon free, 50gr. 25,10@
90K1009 Relay RE2 up to 2.89, type V23127–B2–A201, 12V. 13,80@
Spare Parts for Series EC, ECS, EC30
90K1000 Temperature sensor KTY for EC cooler until S–No.94xx. 62,50@
90K1002 Temperature sensor PT100 EC cooler. 62,50@
90K1005 Control electronics EC/ECS/EC30, 230V/50Hz, until S–No.94xx. 299,00@
90K1005a Control electronics EC/ECS/EC30, 115V/60Hz, until S–No.94xx. 299,00@
90K1007 EC–control electronic from series No. 95xxxx, 230V. 357,00@
90K1007a EC–control electronic from Serien Number 95xxxx, 115V. 357,00@
90K1010 EC–LED display unit with connecting cable. 88,20@
90K1015 EC–cooling unit complete with compressor, vaporizer and condensor, power:
90K1016 EC–cooling unit complete with compressor, vaporizer and condensor, power
115V 60Hz.
90K1014 Cooling unit complete for EC/ECS/EC30 with compressor, vaporizer and
condensator for fan operating. Power: 230V/50Hz.
90K1014a EC–cooling unit complete with compressor, vaporizer and condensor, for
operating with fan. Power: 115V/60Hz.
90K1035 Solid state relais RE2 from EC 3.89 type A5P–204 and CG. 39,00@
90K1045 Starter–relay for compressor, 230V, 9660B 451 111. until 58,10@
90K1050 Starter–relay for compressor, 115V, 9660B 451145. until 1994 62,10@
90K1046 Compressor thermo switch Klixon 230V, MRP 380 AMK–3007. until 2000 40,20@
90K1051 Compressor thermo switch Klixon 115V, MRT 22 APK–3007. until 2000 40,20@
90K1047 Compressor thermo switch Klixon 230V, MRP 390 HZ3240 for 4414Y starting
90K1052 Compressor thermo switch Klixon 115V, MRP 40ALK3240 for 4414Y starting 2000 40,20@
90K1055 Capacitor for compressor unit 80μF–230V. 98,90@
90K1060 capacitor for compressor unit, 160μF–115V. 112,00@
90K0042 Fan EC, 230V 50/60Hz. 98,00@
90K0042a EC fan, 115V 50/60Hz. 98,00@
Spare Parts for Series EC, ECS, EC30
90K5010 Temperature sensor R51 for control of cooler type EC–Ex. 93,80@
90K5015 Temperature contact S1 for cooler type EC–Ex. 69,20@
90K5026 EC–EX fuse F1–63mA, 5X20 F 19194. 3,55@
90K1010 EC–LED display unit with connecting cable. 88,20@
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Page 5 Electro-Gas Cooler Series EC 3.4.1
Spare Parts for Series EC, ECS, EC30
Cooling unit type EC–Ex. Complete with compressor, vaporizer and condenser.
Power: 230V/50Hz.
2.448,00 90K5035 @
Cooling unit type EC–Ex. complete with compressor, vaporizer and condenser. Power:
2.560,00 90K5040 @
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Electro-Gas Cooler Series EC Page 6 3.4.1
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Page 1 Ultra Low Gas Coolers 3.4.20
Cooler without Automatic Condensate Removal
Compressor gas cooler type EC30. In panel version or on request in 19"–rack version.
depth of housing: 360mm. high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover contacts, 3
Jet–stream heat exchangers out of Duran? glass for 1x250l/h, The cooler is a two
stage combination of compressor and peltier cooler with automatic defrosting of the
dual deep freezer unit. First stage is controlled to +2°C, second stage to –30°C.
cooling electronically adjusted. With universal unit type EC–F. Incl. 2 fans and dust
filter for ventilation, internal tubing out of PTFE/PVDF. connections: sample gas:
DN4/6, condensate: GL25–12mm. Power: 230V/50Hz. (The condensate draining must
be done externally)
6.670,00 02K6000 @
Compressor gas cooler type EC30. In panel version or on request in 19"–rack version.
depth of housing: 360mm. high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover contacts, 3
Jet–stream heat exchangers out of Duran? glass for 1x250l/h, The cooler is a two
stage combination of compressor and peltier cooler with automatic defrosting of the
dual deep freezer unit. First stage is controlled to +2°C, second stage to –30°C.
cooling electronically adjusted. With universal unit type EC–F. Incl. 2 fans and dust
filter for ventilation, internal tubing out of PTFE/PVDF. connections: sample gas:
DN4/6, condensate: GL25–12mm. Power: 115V/60Hz. (The condensate draining must
be done externally)
6.821,00 02K6000a @
Cooler with Automatic Condensate Removal
Compressor gas cooler type EC30/FD. In panel version or on request in 19"–rack
version. depth of housing: 360mm. high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover
contacts, 3 Jet–stream heat exchangers out of Duran? glass for 1x250l/h. The cooler
is a two stage combination of compressor and peltier cooler with automatic defrosting
of the dual deep freezer unit. First stage is controlled to +2°C, second stage to –30°C,
both are electronical controlled. With universal unit type EC–FD. Incl. 2 fans, dust filter
for ventilation and 3 peristaltic pumps SR25.1, tubing out of PTFE/PVDF. connections:
sample gas: DN4/6, condensate: DN4/6 Power: 230V/50Hz.
8.156,00 02K6010 @
Compressor gas cooler type EC30/FD. In panel version or on request in 19"–rack
version. depth of housing: 360mm. high/low temperature alarm with 2 changeover
contacts, 3 Jet–stream heat exchangers out of Duran? glass for 1x250l/h. The cooler
is a two stage combination of compressor and peltier cooler with automatic defrosting
of the dual deep freezer unit. First stage is controlled to +2°C, second stage to –30°C,
both are electronical controlled. With universal unit type EC–FD. Incl. 2 fans, dust filter
for ventilation and 3 peristaltic pumps SR25.1, tubing out of PTFE/PVDF. connections:
sample gas: DN4/6, condensate: DN4/6 Power: 115V/60Hz.
8.309,00 02K6010a @
Consumable Parts for EC-30...
Filter cloth EC–F. 13,80 90K0130 @
Filter cloth EC–FD. 17,50 90K0135 @
ECP–1, EC–FD fan 230V 50Hz. 112,00 90K0035 @
Fan ECP/ECP20/EC–F, 115V 60Hz. 137,00 90K0040 @
Fan 80 for EC30, CG. 94,30 90K6045 @
Recommended Spare Parts for EC-30...
Jet stream heat exchanger type EC–G30 for deep cooling stage, material: Duran?
328,00 90K6001 @
Heat exchanger EC30–PV for the deep cooling stage. 499,00 90K6003 @
Spare heat exchanger EC–G pre–cooling stage EC30 with GL connections, Material:
Duran? glass Connections: Sample gas: 2x GL18–8mm, Condensate: 1x
GL25–12mmincl. heat–conductive paste 5g.
317,00 02K9105 @
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3.4.20 Ultra Low Gas Coolers Page 2
Recommended Spare Parts for EC-30...
90K0114 Thermal conductivity paste, –20 to +140°C, silicon free, 5gr. 2,70@
90K0115 Thermal conductivity paste, –20 to +140°C, silicon free, 50gr. 25,10@
90K6030 Fine fuse 4AT 5x20, ECP–20. 1,71@
90K6035 Peltier element EC30. 159,00@
90K6040 2/3–way solenoid valve, G1/4", PVDF–Viton?, 230V. 356,00@
90K6041 2/3–way Solenoid Valve, G1/4", PVDF–Viton?, 115V. 366,00@
90K6055 Temperature sensor for EC30 deep cooling stage. 62,50@
90K1002 Temperature sensor PT100 EC cooler. 62,50@
Spare Parts for EC-30...
90K6020 EC30–control electronic complete. 1.182,00@
90K6050 Transformer power supply, 2x115V, 2x12V, 50VA. 85,10@
90K6065 Accumulator 6V for EC–30 circuit board. 22,00@
90K1014 Cooling unit complete for EC/ECS/EC30 with compressor, vaporizer and
condensator for fan operating. Power: 230V/50Hz.
90K1014a EC–cooling unit complete with compressor, vaporizer and condensor, for
operating with fan. Power: 115V/60Hz.
Spare Parts for Reaction Tube EC-30-NCR
90F3000 Cartridge heater element for filter H1/H2 L=100mm, 230VAC/350W. 72,00@
90F3010 Heating cartridge for filter H1/H2, L=100mm, 115VAC/350W. 132,00@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 1 Special Fittings for "GL" (Glass) and Tube Connections 3.5.1
Special Fittings for "GL" (Glass)
Sealing ring GL14–6mm, material: PTFE. 7,58 91F1003 @
Sealing ring GL18–6mm, material: PTFE. 7,58 91F1010 @
Sealing ring GL18–8mm, material: PTFE. 7,58 91F1015 @
Sealing ring GL18–10mm, material: PTFE. 7,58 91F1020 @
Sealing ring GL25–8mm, material: PTFE. 7,82 90F0035 @
Sealing ring GL25–10mm, material: PTFE. 7,82 90F0030 @
Sealing ring GL25–12mm, material: PTFE. 7,82 90F0025 @
Spare union nut GL14. 4,97 91F1000 @
Spare union nut GL14/102. 7,34 91F1002 @
Spare union nut GL18. 4,97 91F1005 @
Spare union nut GL18/14. 7,34 91F1007 @
Union nut GL25. 5,31 90F0020 @
Union nut GL25/18. 7,78 90F0022 @
Sealing ring GL14–6mm, conglutinated material: PTFE. 11,00 91F1200 @
Sealing ring GL18–6mm, conglutinated material: PTFE. 11,00 91F1205 @
Sealing ring GL18–8mm, conglutinated material: PTFE. 9,64 91F1210 @
Sealing ring GL18–10mm, conglutinated material: PTFE. 10,10 91F1215 @
Sealing ring GL25–8mm, conglutinated material: PTFE. 15,40 91F1220 @
Sealing ring GL25–10mm, congluitinated material: PTFE. 15,40 90F1225 @
Sealing ring GL25–12mm, conglutinated material: PTFE. 15,40 91F1225 @
Special fittings for GL (glass) connections connector/adaptor GL14 DN4/6 PV. – 6mm 13,40 09F9450 @
Special fittings for GL (glass) connections connector/adaptor GL14 DN4/6 PV. – 8mm 13,40 09F9455 @
Connector/adaptor GL18 DN4/6 PV. 12,30 09F9500 @
Connector/Adaptor GL18 DN6/8 PV. 13,50 09F9510 @
Connector/adaptor GL25 DN4/6 PV. 15,80 09F9520 @
Connector/adaptor GL25 DN6/8 PV. 16,00 09F9525 @
Connector/adaptor GL25 DN10/12 PV. 16,30 09F9530 @
Connector/nipple GL25 10–12mm PV. 15,70 09F9540 @
Elbow connector 6mm–DN4/6 PP. 2,68 05V6000 @
Elbow connector 8mm–DN4/6 PP. 3,37 05V6001 @
Adjustable connector 8mm/DN6/8 PP. 2,87 05V6003 @
Adjustable connector 12mm/DN10/12 PP. 22,70 05V6005 @
Elbow connector 6mm–DN4/6 PV. 6,57 05V6010 @
Adjustable connector 8mm/DN4/6 PV. 9,64 05V6011 @
Adjustable connector 8mm/DN6/8 PV. 8,17 05V6025 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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3.5.1 Special Fittings for "GL" (Glass) and Tube Connections Page 2
Special Fittings for "GL" (Glass)
05V6015 Adjustable connector 12mm/DN10/12 PV. 25,70@
05V6035 Elbow connector/adaptor GL25 DN4/6 PV. 29,80@
05V6030 Elbow connector/adaptor GL25 DN6/8 PV. 30,40@
Special Fittings for Tube Connections
05V3130 Union DN4/6–D6, material PP. 3,78@
05V3140 Union DN10/12–D12, material PP. 14,30@
05V3150 Union DN4/6–D12, material PP. 18,00@
05V3115 Union DN4/6 – D6, material PVDF. 24,40@
05V3190 Union DN6/8–D6, material PVDF. 32,10@
05V3125 Union DN10/12–D12, material PVDF. 53,40@
05V3128 Union DN4/6–D12, material PVDF. 58,50@
06V1000 Union tube connector PTFE VS 6mm tube. 33,50@
05V3160 Union elbow DN4/6–D6, material PP. 4,48@
05V3165 Union elbow DN4/6–D12, material PP. 34,70@
05V3180 Union elbow DN4/6–D6, material: PVDF. 36,20@
05V3185 Union elbow DN4/6–D12, material PVDF. 67,70@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 1 Separators, Condensate Traps, Condensate Receptacle 3.6.1
Separators - PVDF, Stainless Steel
Universal condensate separator type FP–D material: PVDF, Viton?, glass. 206,00 50F1000 @
Universal condensate separator type FT–D material: PTFE, glass. 401,00 50F2000 @
Universal condensate separator type FT–H–D can be heated to 180°C material:
PTFE–coal reinforced, Viton?, glass.
495,00 50F3500 @
Universal condensate separator type FS–D material: SS 316, glass. 274,00 50F2500 @
universal condensate separator type FSS–D with G 1/4"–f connection at the bottom
material: SS 316, Viton?.
458,00 50f3000 @
Separators, Condensate traps
Automatic condensate trap with float type AD–P material: PP, glass, Viton?. 350,00 09K1000 @
Automatic condensate trap with float type AD–T material: PTFE, PVDF, glass. 575,00 09K2000 @
Automatic condensate trap with float type AD–SS. Condensate–IN: 1/2"NPTi,
Condensate–OUT: 1/2"NPTi. Material: stainl. steel.
394,00 09K3000 @
Mounting clip AD–SS for wall mounting. 7,99 90k3010 @
Nipple 1/2"NPT – G3/8", material: 1.4571. 32,20 FF11000 @
Separator with automatic condensat trap with float type ADS–P material: PP, Viton?,
397,00 09K6000 @
Separator with automatic condensate trap with float type ADS–T IN: 2x G1/4"i OUT:
1x G1/4"a material: PTFE, PVDF, FEP, glass.
616,00 09K7000 @
Separator with automatic condensate trap with float type ADS–SS. sample–IN:
G1/4"i, sample–OUT: 1/2"NPTi, condensate–OUT: 1/2"NPTi, material: stainl. steel.
509,00 09k8000 @
Spare Parts for Separators and Condensate Traps
Spare outlet valve for AD–P and AD–T. 118,00 92K0015 @
Liquid drainer head complete, ADS–P. 113,00 92K0030 @
Liquid drainer head complete, ADS–T. 258,00 92K0035 @
Recommended Spare Parts
Spare filter glass type F–120G–D with condensate connection thread GL25 (for
standard filter elements).
72,00 90F0015 @
Spare float for AD–P, material PP. 86,80 92K0005 @
Spare float for AD–T, material PVDF. 131,00 92K0010 @
Union nut GL25. 5,31 90F0020 @
O–Ring (26) for filter head. Material: Viton?. 3,55 90F0040 @
O–ring (26) for filter head. Material: FEP. 34,30 90F0045 @
O–Ring (17) for BA and AD–P. Material: Viton?. 3,35 90F0050 @
O–ring (17). Material: FEP. 33,40 90F0055 @
Condensate Receptacle
Condensate pot type TG–10 with outlet cock and PVC wall mounting device. Contents
approx. 1 liter. Material: Duran? glass.
354,00 09K4050 @
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Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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3.6.1 Separators, Condensate Traps, Condensate Receptacle Page 2
Condensate Receptacle
09K4000 Condensate pot type TG–1 with outlet cock,connection for liquid alarm sensor
and PVC wall mounting device, contents approx. 1 liter. Material: Duran? glass.
09K4100 Condensate pot type TG1/LA1, with outlet cock and PVC wall mounting device.
Complete with liquid alarm sensor type LA1S and electronic controller type LA1.1.
Contents: approx. 1 ltr. Material: Duran?–glass. Power: 115/230V 50/60Hz
09K4250 Condensate pot type TK10 with outlet cock,contents approx. 1 liter, incl. wall
mounting bracket. connections: 2x G1/4"f ISO 1x G3/8"f ISO.
09K4200 Condensate pot type TK11 with outlet cock,contents approx. 1 liter with drilled
hole, special connection 1 x M28x1,5 1 x G 3/8"–f ISO, material:PVC–transparent.
09K4300 Condensate pot type TK12/LA5 with outlet cock and float switch, contents approx.
1 liter, connections: 1x G3/8"f, 1x G1/4"f ISO, material:PVC–transparent.
09K4310 Condensate pot TK13 with outlet cock, contents approx. 10 litres, 310 mm high,
diameter 235 mm, with 3 tube connections4/6mm, handle. material: PE, PPH.
09K4320 Condensate pot TK13/LA5 with level switchand outlet cock. contents: Content: 10
liter. Height: 310mm. Diameter: 235mm. With 2 tube connections (4/6mm) and a
handle. Material: PE, PPH.
03E1400 Float switch type LA5. material: PVC. 82,20@
09K8500 Condensate pot type SD–P, inlet: G1/2"fISO, outlet: GL25–12 mm, contents:
approx 70 ml. Material: PP, Viton?, glass.
09K8600 Condensate pot type SD–T, inlet: G1/2"fISO, outlet: GL25–12 mm, contents:
approx. 70 ml, material: PTFE, FEP, glass.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 1 Peristaltic Pump series SR 25 3.7.1
Peristaltic Pump SR 25.1 and SR25.2
Peristaltic pump SR25.1. capacity: 0,30l/h, pressure range: 200mbar up to 2,2bar abs.
connections: DN 4/6, Material: Novopren?, PVDF. Power: 230/115V, 50/60Hz.
319,00 01P1000 @
Peristaltic pump SR25.4. capacity: 0,30l/h, pressure range: 200mbar up to 2,2bar abs.
connections: DN 6/8, Material: Novopren?, PVDF. Power: 230/115V, 50/60Hz.
347,00 01P1020 @
Peristaltic pump type SR25.2–G with housing, dimension: 105x105x107mm. Capacity:
0,3l/h, pressure range: 200mbar – 2,2bar abs., material: Novoprene?, PVDF, housing
out of PVC. connection: DN4/6. power: 230/115V, 50/60Hz.
406,00 01P1120 @
Extra charge for mounting a peristaltic pump type SR25.1(/Ex) inside universal unit
type EC–/FD/D/D–Ex. Incl. Complete wiring and tubing. Material: PVDF, Novoprene?,
PP. Condensate outlet: 4/6mm.
84,10 01P9100 @
Mounting set for one peristaltic pump type SR25.1 mounted inside the gas cooler type
EC. Material: Novopren?, PP.
48,70 01P9200 @
Mounting set incl. one peristaltic pump type SR 25.2 for the gas cooler ECM. Material:
Novoprene, PP.
397,00 01P9126 @
Peristaltic pump type SR25.1/Ex. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1 with
protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx m II T5, KEMA Nr.: 03ATEX2218x.
Capacity: 0,3l/h, pressure range: 200mbar – 2,2bar abs. Material: Novopren?, PVDF.
Connection: DN4/6. With cord 600mm long incl cable gland M12x1,5. Power:
115/230V, 50/60Hz.
898,00 01P1201 @
Peristaltic pump type SR25.1/Ex–G in steel protection housing, dimensions:
200x200x120 (hxd). Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1 with protection class
according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx m II T5, KEMA Nr.: 03ATEX2218x. Capacity: 0,3l/h,
pressure range: 200mbar – 2,2bar abs. Material: Novopren?, PVDF. Connection:
DN4/6. With Ex–terminal box cable gland M20x1,5. Power: 115/230V, 50/60Hz.
1.212,00 01P1250 @
Peristaltic pump (2 pcs.) type SR25.1/Ex–G in steel protection housing, dimensions:
200x400x120mm (hxd). Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1 with protection
class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx m II T5, KEMA Nr.: 03ATEX2218x. Capacity:
0,3l/h, pressure range: 200mbar – 2,2bar abs. Material: Novopren?, PVDF.
Connection: DN4/6. with Ex–terminal box cable gland M20x1,5. Power: 115/230V,
2.326,00 01P1260 @
Peristaltic pump (3 pcs.) type SR25.1/Ex–G in steel protection housing, dimensions:
200x400x120mm (hxd) Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1 with protection
class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx m II T5, KEMA Nr.: 03ATEX2218x. Capacity:
0,3l/h, pressure range: 200mbar – 2,2bar abs. Material: Novopren?, PVDF.
Connection: DN4/6. With Ex–terminal box cable gland M20x1,5. Power: 115/230V,
3.322,00 01P1270 @
Peristaltic pump 4 pcs. type SR25.1/Ex–G in steel protection housing, dimensions:
200x400x120mm (hxd). Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1 with protection
class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx m II T5, KEMA Nr.: 03ATEX2218x. Capacity:
0,3l/h, pressure range: 200mbar – 2,2bar abs. Material: Novopren?, PVDF.
Connection: DN4/6. With Ex–terminal box cable gland M20x1,5. Power: 115/230V,
4.313,00 01P1280 @
Connection box EEx for one peristaltic pump type SR25.1/Ex. Dimensions:
75x80x55mm. Protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx e II T5.
98,50 01P9400 @
Connection box EEx for max. 4 peristaltic pumps type SR25.1/Ex. Dimensions:
160x75x55mm. Protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx e II T5.
182,00 01P9405 @
Housing for mounting of one peristaltic pump type SR25.1/Ex. incl. connection box
EExe Protection class according to ATEX: Dimensions: 200x200x120 (HxD), RAL
7032 II 2 G EEx e II T5.
342,00 01P9401 @
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3.7.1 Peristaltic Pump series SR 25 Page 2
Consumable Parts for SR 25.1
90P1007 Tube Set for peristaltic pump SR25 with PVDF tube connection 4/6mm. 23,90@
90P1005 Tube Set for peristaltic pump SR25 with PVDF tube connection 6/8mm. 50,50@
90P1006 Tube Set for peristaltic pump SR25.1 with PVDF tube nipples 6mm. 23,90@
90P1008 Tube Set for peristaltic pump SR25.1 with PVDF connectors 1/4". Material:
Novoprene?, 3,2 x 6,4mm. Capacity: 0,30l/h.
Recommended Spare Parts for SR 25.1
90P1010 1 set contact spring for driver of peristaltic pump R25.1, (set = 4 pcs.) 9,45@
Spare Parts For SR 25.1
90P1020 Driver complete for peristaltic pump SR25.1 55,00@
90P1045 Contact pulley(1 pc.) for peristaltic pump SR25.1, (2 pcs./pump required). 3,18@
90P1050 Conveying belt for peristaltic pump SR25.1 6,57@
90P1025 S–bolt for peristaltic pump SR25.1 7,04@
90P1030 Pump head complete for peristaltic pump SR25.1, without motor and gear. 195,00@
90P1035 Motor with gear and rubberdisk, mountingbracket, terminal for SR25.1 230/115V
90P1080 Driver plate for peristaltic pump SR25.1. 15,20@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Compact Conditioning Units 4.1.1
19"-Compact Conditioning Units CSS
19"–conditioning unit type CSS for 140 Nl/h. in a 19"–rack housing consisting of: gas
cooler ECP1000–G, sample gas pump N3KPE, peristaltic pump SR25.1, fine filter
FPF–0,1–GF, liquid alarm LA 1S, 2x flowmeter FM40 with needle valve 7–70Nl/h, flow
alarm FA1bi, solenoid valve for external or manual switch over from sample to 2x test
gases, status alarm with LEDindication and contact, tubing out of PTFE/PVDF.
connections (G1/4"i): sample: 1x in, 2x out, testgas: 2x in. dimensions: 84 HP, 6 U,
depth 350mm. power: 230V/50Hz, 150VA. # The sample gas pump starts
automatically when gas cooler remains under +8°C.
6.597,00 03G1000 @
19"–conditioning unit type CSS – 115V for 140l/h rack housing consisting of: gas
cooler ECP1000, sample gas pump N3KPE, peristaltic pump SR25, fine filter FPF 0,1
GF, filter porosity 0,1μm, liquid alarm LA 1S, 2x flowmeter with needle valve FM40 –
70l/h, flow alarm FA1bi, solenoid valve 124C3/2011 for external or manual switch over
from sample to 2x test gases status alarm with LEDindication and contact tubing out of
PTFE, PVDF 1x sample in, 2x sample out, 2x testgas in connections G1/4"i
dimensions:84HP, 6U, depth 350mm. color RAL7032, power 115V 60Hz, 150VA. The
sample gas comes on automatically when gas cooler reaches +8°C.
6.597,00 03G1000a @
19"–conditioning unit type CSS–3 for 350 Nl/h. in a 19"–rack housing consisting of:
gas cooler ECP3000–G, sample gas pump N9KPE, peristaltic pump SR25.1, fine filter
FPF–0,1–GF, liquid alarm LA 1S, 2x flowmeter FM40 with needle valve 25–250Nl/h,
flow alarm FA1bi, solenoid valve for external or manual switch over from sample to 2x
test gases, status alarm with LEDindication and contact, tubing out of PTFE/PVDF.
connections (G1/4"i): sample: 1x in, 2x out, testgas: 2x in. dimensions: 84 HP, 6 U,
depth 350mm. power: 230V/50Hz, 250VA. # The sample gas pump starts
automatically when gas cooler remains under +8°C.
7.745,00 03G3000 @
19"–conditioning unit type CSS–3 for 350 Nl/h. in a 19"–rack housing consisting of:
gas cooler ECP3000–G, sample gas pump N9KPE, peristaltic pump SR25.1, fine filter
FPF–0,1–GF, liquid alarm LA 1S, 2x flowmeter FM40 with needle valve 25–250Nl/h,
flow alarm FA1bi, solenoid valve for external or manual switch over from sample to 2x
test gases, status alarm with LEDindication and contact, tubing out of PTFE/PVDF.
connections (G1/4"i): sample: 1x in, 2x out, testgas: 2x in. dimensions: 84 HP, 6 U,
depth 350mm. power: 115V/60Hz, 250VA. # The sample gas pump starts
automatically when gas cooler remains under +8°C.
7.745,00 03G3000a @
Extra charge for one additional Check Gas solenoid valve, power: 230V/50Hz. 536,00 03G9020 @
Extra charge for one additional Check Gas solenoid valve, power: 115V/60Hz. 536,00 03G9020a @
Extra charge for two additional check gas solenoid valves, power: 230V/50Hz. 755,00 03G9025 @
Extra charge for two additional check gas solenoid valves, power: 115V/60Hz. 755,00 03G9025a @
Extra charge for three additional Check Gas solenoid valves, power: 230V/50Hz. 974,00 03G9030 @
Extra charge for three additional Check Gas solenoid valves, power: 115V/60Hz. 974,00 03G9030a @
Extra charge for electronic temperature controller Typ 703, for PT100/Fe–CuNi in a
front mounting housing. with LED–display. Control range 0–200°C. Power: 230/115V,
50/60Hz. Capacity: max. 10A/250VAC potentional–free status signal outlet. parameter
free adjustable
667,00 03G9000 @
Wall Mounting-Compact Conditioning Units CSS-V
Gas conditioning unit type CSS–V1 prepared for 1 Jet stream heat exchanger in a
compact sheet steel case, consisting of: compressor gas cooler, electronical
controlled at +5°C power: 230V/50Hz
2.183,00 01G6010 @
Gas conditioning unit type CSS–V2 prepared for 2 Jet stream heat exchangers in a
compact sheet steel case, consisting of: compressor gas cooler, electronical
controlled at +5°C power: 230V/50Hz
2.183,00 01G6020 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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4.1.1 Compact Conditioning Units Page 2
Wall Mounting-Compact Conditioning Units CSS-V
01G6160 Extra price CSS–V 115V 60Hz 130,00@
93K0140 Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/ECC–1. Material:
Duran? glass. Connections: sample gas GL18–6mm, condensate GL25–12mm.
93K0160 Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/SCC–1. Material:
SS316. Connections: sample gasG1/4"i, condensate G3/8"i.
93K0170 Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/ECC–1. Material:
PVDF. Connections: sample gasG1/4"i, condensate G3/8"i.
97K0100 Jet stream heat exchanger, type ECM–2G, material Duran? glass, connections:
sample gas GL18–6/6mm, condensate GL25–12mm.
97K0115 Jet stream heat exchanger, type ECM–2SS,material SS316, connections: sample
gas 6 mm condensate G3/8"i.
97K0110 Jet stream heat exchanger, type ECM–2PV,material PVDF, connections: sample
gas 6mm condensate G3/8"i.
01G6125 extra charge for mounting a pump type N3 in the gas conditioning unit CSS–V 339,00@
01G6130 extra charge for mounting a pump type N5 in the gas conditioning unit CSS–V 359,00@
01G6135 extra charge for mounting a pump type N9 in the gas conditioning unit CSS–V 387,00@
01G6120 extra charge for mounting a sample gas filter FPF–2–0,3GF with integrated liquid
alarm sensor in CSS–V
09F4000 Flowmeter type FM–40/70, for panel mounting. With needle valve. measuring
range: 7–70Nl/h air. connection: DN4/6. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass.
09F4005 Flowmeter type FM–40/150, for panel mounting. With needle valve. measuring
range: 15–150Nl/h air. connection: DN4/6. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass.
09F4010 Flowmeter type FM–40/250, for panel mounting. With needle valve. measuring
range: 25–250Nl/h air. connection: DN4/6. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass.
02E3500 Photoelectric monostable clamp–on. Optical flow sensor type FA20 mo For tube
site 5–14mm
01G6150 extra charge for mounting an electronic controller in CSS–V, for max. 2 liquid
alarm sensors and 2 flow alarm sensors
01P9125 Extra charge for one peristaltic pump type SR25.2 mounted inside the cooler
ECM with pump head outside. Incl. complete wiring and tubing. Material:
Novoprene?, PP. Condensate outlet: 4/6mm.
Wall Mounting-Compact Conditioning Units CSS-M/W
01G2500 Gas conditioning system type CSS–M/W for 70Nl/h. In a steel–sheet housing, for
wallmounting consisting of: Peltier gas cooler ECP regulated to 5°C, fine filter
FPF–2 with liquid alarm, sample gaspump N3KPE, peristaltic pump SR25.2 and
flowmeter FM40. Power: 230V/50Hz. # The sample gas pump starts automatically
when gas cooler remains under +8°C.
01G2500A Gas conditioning system type CSS–M/W for 70Nl/h. In a steel–sheet housing, for
wallmounting consisting of: Peltier gas cooler ECP regulated to 5°C, fine filter
FPF–2 with liquid alarm, sample gaspump N3KPE, peristaltic pump SR25.2 and
flowmeter FM40. Power: 115V/60Hz. # The sample gas pump starts automatically
when gas cooler remains under +8°C.
01G9805 Extra charge for CSS–M/W with flow control. 199,00@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 3 Compact Conditioning Units 4.1.1
Portable-Compact Conditioning Units CSS-M
Portable gas conditioning system type CSS–M for 70Nl/h. In a steel–sheet housing,
consisting of: Peltier gas cooler ECP regulated to 5°C, fine filter FPF–2 with liquid
alarm, sample gas pump N3KPE, peristaltic pump SR25.2 and flowmeter FM40.
Power: 230V/50Hz. # The sample gas pump starts automatically when gas cooler
remains under +8°C.
2.579,00 01G2000 @
Portable gas conditioning system type CSS–M for 70Nl/h. In a steel–sheet housing,
consisting of: Peltier gas cooler ECP regulated to 5°C, fine filter FPF–2 with liquid
alarm, sample gas pump N3KPE, peristaltic pump SR25.2 and flowmeter FM40.
Power: 115V/60Hz. # The sample gas pump starts automatically when gas cooler
remains under +8°C.
2.579,00 01G2000A @
Spare Parts for Cooler ECP-1000/2000, ECP-3000
Jet stream heat exchanger type ECP–1000G 90°, Material: Duran? glass.
Connections: sample gas GL18–6mm, condensate GL25–12mm.
289,00 93K0130 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/ECC–1. Material:
Duran? glass. Connections: sample gas GL18–6/6mm, 90°angel condensat
352,00 93K0150 @
Thermal conductivity paste, –20 to +140°C, silicon free, 5gr. 2,70 90K0114 @
Thermal conductivity paste, –20 to +140°C, silicon free, 50gr. 25,10 90K0115 @
Fine fuse 0,8AT 5x20, (F1/F2) ECP1000. by 94 2,49 93K0030 @
Fine fuse 1,6AT 5x20, (F1/F2), from 1995 ECP1000/ECP2000/ECP3000 2,50 93K0540 @
ECP1000, 2000, 3000 fan. 133,00 93K0010 @
Spare Parts for Peristaltic Pump SR25.1
Tube Set for peristaltic pump SR25 with PVDF tube connection 4/6mm. 23,90 90P1007 @
Driver complete for peristaltic pump SR25.1 55,00 90P1020 @
1 set contact spring for driver of peristaltic pump R25.1, (set = 4 pcs.) 9,45 90P1010 @
Contact pulley(1 pc.) for peristaltic pump SR25.1, (2 pcs./pump required). 3,18 90P1045 @
Conveying belt for peristaltic pump SR25.1 6,57 90P1050 @
Spare Parts for Diaphragm Pump N73-79KPE, N3-9KPE
Diaphragm type S3, for N3–N5 KPE, material: Viton?/PTFE. 39,10 90P2120 @
Valve reed type V3, for N3–N5 KPE, 1 pc, material: Viton?. 9,09 90P2110 @
O–ring type O3, for N3–N5 KPE, 1pc., material: Viton?. 8,07 90P2115 @
Diaphragm type S9, for N9 KPE, material: Viton?/PTFE. 66,70 90P2220 @
Spare Parts for Fine Filter FPF-0,1
Filter element type F–0,1GF50. Length: 50mm, material: glass fiber, filter porosity:
20,90 90F0009 @
Spare filter glass F–45. 64,60 90F0118 @
O–Ring (35) for FPF. Material: Viton?. 3,61 90F0044 @
Filter element clamp type FPF for filter elements 50mm. Material: PVDF. 33,80 90F0095 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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4.1.1 Compact Conditioning Units Page 4
90F0160 Filter element type FPF–2–0,3GF material: Glass fibre filter porosity: 0,3μm
90f0165 O–ring for FPF–2/3 Material Viton?. 5,72@
90f0166 O–ring, for FPF–2/45 Material: Viton?. 8,56@
90f0167 O–ring, for FPF–2/54 Material: Viton?. 8,90@
Spare Parts for Flowmeter FM40
90A0015 Flowmeter glass for FM40. Standard measuring range: 7–70 Nl/h air. 113,00@
94F0015 Flowmeter glass for FM40. Standard measuring range: 25–250 Nl/h air. 113,00@
90A0018 O–Ring (9) for FM40 and PMA. Werkstoff: Viton?. 3,43@
Spare Parts for Liquid Sensor LA 1S
90E1000 O–ring (14) for LS/LA and CG. Material: Viton?. 3,61@
90E1010 PVDF–ring for LA 1S, LA1, 16. 4,80@
Spare Parts for Solenoid Valves
90K6040 2/3–way solenoid valve, G1/4", PVDF–Viton?, 230V. 356,00@
90K6041 2/3–way Solenoid Valve, G1/4", PVDF–Viton?, 115V. 366,00@
90G3000 2/2 way solenoid valve 6011 for CSS 230V 50Hz. incl. plug 219,00@
90G3005 Solenoid valve 2/2–way 6011 for CSS 115V 60Hz. incl. plug 219,00@
90G3010 Fuse 2AT for CSS, ECM 1,86@
05V6600 Ferrule DN4/6, material: PVDF. 0,51@
05V6605 Spare parts union nut M10–4/6, material PVDF. 0,78@
02B1000 PTFE tube, DN 4/6mm. Price per meter. 7,99@
10T1000 Hose cutter. 17,80@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Portable Gas Conditioning System 4.2.1
Portable Gas Conditioning Systems PSS-5, PSS-5/3, PSS-10/1
Portable gas conditioning system type PSS–5 for 150Nl/h. in an aluminium housing,
consisting of: 0,5m SS–probe tube 6mm, 3m PVC tube DN4/6, gas cooler
ECP1000–G, universal filter FP–2T, sample gas pump N3KPE, peristaltic pump
SR25.1 with pre–filter PF2. power: 230V/50Hz. tubing: PTFE, PP. # The sample gas
pump starts automatically when gas cooler remains under +8°C.
3.469,00 01G1100 @
Portable gas conditioning system type PSS–5 for 150Nl/h. In an aluminium housing,
consisting of: 0,5m SS–probe tube 6mm, 3m PVC tube DN4/6, gas cooler
ECP1000–G, universal filter FP–2T, sample gas pump N3KPE, peristaltic pump
SR25.1 with pre–filter PF2. power: 115V/60Hz. tubing: PTFE, PP. # The sample gas
pump starts automatically when gas cooler remains under +8°C.
3.469,00 01G1100a @
Portable gas conditioning system type PSS–5/3 for 350Nl/h. In an aluminium housing,
consisting of: 0,5m SS–probe tube 6mm, 3m PVC tube DN4/6, gas cooler
ECP3000–G, universal filter FP–2T, sample gas pump N9KPE, peristaltic pump
SR25.1 with pre–filter PF2. power: 230V/50Hz. tubing: PTFE, PP. # The sample gas
pump starts automatically when gas cooler remains under +8°C.
4.712,00 01G1500 @
Portable gas conditioning system type PSS–5/3 for 350Nl/h. In an aluminium housing,
consisting of: 0,5m SS–probe tube 6mm, 3m PVC tube DN4/6, gas cooler
ECP3000–G, universal filter FP–2T, sample gas pump N9KPE, peristaltic pump
SR25.1 with pre–filter PF2. power: 115V/60Hz. tubing: PTFE, PP. # The sample gas
pump starts automatically when gas cooler remains under +8°C.
4.712,00 01G1500a @
Portable gas conditioning system type PSS–10/1 for 480 l/h. in an aluminium housing,
consisting of: 0,5m SS–probe tube 6mm, 3m Viton? tube DN4/6, gas cooler
ECP20–2G, universal–filter FP–2T, sample gas pump N9KPE, peristaltic pumps
SR25.1 with pre filter PF2. power: 230V/50Hz. tubing: Viton, Noveprene, PVDF. # The
sample gas pump starts automatically when gas cooler remains under +8°C.
6.491,00 01G5000 @
Portable gas conditioning system type PSS–10/1 for 480Nl/h. in an aluminium
housing, consisting of: 0,5m SS–probe tube 6mm, 3m Viton? tube DN4/6, gas cooler
ECP20–2G, universal–filter FP–2T, sample gas pump N9KPE, peristaltic pumps
SR25.1 with pre–filter PF2. power: 115V/60Hz. tubing: Viton, Noveprene, PVDF. #
The sample gas pump starts automatically when gas cooler remains under +8°C.
6.491,00 01G5000a @
Options for Portable Gas ConditioningSystems PSS-5, PSS-5/3, PSS-10/1
Extra charge for conditioning unit type PSS/SS with flowmeter type FM40 (incl. needle
valve), Range: 7–70Nl/h.
245,00 01G9070 @
Extra charge for conditioning units type PSS/SS with flowmeter type FM40 (incl.
needle valve), Range: 15–150Nl/h.
245,00 01G9075 @
Extra charge for conditioning units type PSS/SS with flowmeter type FM40 (incl.
needle valve), Range: 25–250Nl/h.
245,00 01G9080 @
Extra charge for conditioning units type PSS/SS with flowmeter type FM40 (incl.
needle valve), Range: 50–500Nl/h.
245,00 01G9085 @
Extra charge for conditioning unit type PSS/SS with all connectors made of PVDF.
Incl. 3m Viton? tube DN4/6
125,00 01G9025 @
1m Kanthal? probe tube, 6mm, length: 1m. temperature: max 1300°C. 101,00 01G9030 @
Extra charge for conditioning unit type PSS/SS with liquid alarm LA 1s/1.4, consisting
of: liquid sensor LA1s, controller LA1.4, filter glass F120G–D with GL–connection. incl.
mountage/wiring. # Automatic switch–off of sample pump at condensate inrush.
515,00 01G9035 @
Extra charge for conditioning unit type PSS/SS with 3–way ball–valve mounted in the
gas inlet for calibration gas or multi point sample selection. Incl. PVDF connectors,
mounting bracket and installation.
578,00 01G9046 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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4.2.1 Portable Gas Conditioning System Page 2
Options for Portable Gas ConditioningSystems PSS-5, PSS-5/3, PSS-10/1
01G9045 Extra charge for conditioning unit type PSS/SS with 5–way ball valve mounted in
the gas inlet for calibration gas or multi point sample selection. Incl. PVDF
connectors, mounting bracket and installation.
01G9055 Extra charge for conditioning unit type PSS/SS with temperature contr. 701.
Range: 0–200°C. Sensor: PT100. Capacity: 250VAC/max.10A. Power:
230V/50Hz. Type PSS with 7–pin plug for max. 12m heated sample line. Type SS
with terminal connection for max. 20m heated sample line.
01G9065 Extra charge for conditioning unit type PSS/SS with additional sample outlet DN
4/6. Material: PVDF.
01G9060 Extra charge for conditioning unit type PSS/SS with connecting adapter and
bending protection for rigid mountage of heated sample lines with
interchangeable PTFE–tube DN4/6, consisting of: reinforced sheet at the sample
gas inlet with tube nozzle, Swagelok? fitting and nut, incl. 4mm cartridge.
Material: SS316.
01G9061 Extra charge for conditioning unit type PSS/SS with connecting adapter and
bending protection for rigid mountage of heated sample lines with
interchangeable PTFE–tube DN6/8, consisting of: reinforced sheet at the sample
gas inlet with tube nozzle, Swagelok? fitting and nut, incl. 6mm cartridge.
Material: SS316.
01G9062 Extra charge for conditioning unit type PSS10–1 with connecting adapter and
bending protection for rigid mountage of heated sample lines with
interchangeable PTFE–tube DN4/6, consisting of: stiffening plate, reinforced
sheet at the sample gas inlet with tube nozzle, Swagelok? fitting and nut, incl.
4mm cartridge. Material: SS316.
01G9063 Extra charge for conditioning unit type PSS10–1 with connecting adapter and
bending protection for rigid mountage of heated sample lines with
interchangeable PTFE–tube DN6/8, consisting of: stiffening plate, reinforced
sheet at the sample gas inlet with tube nozzle, Swagelok? fitting and nut, incl.
6mm cartridge. Material: SS316.
01G9020 Extra charge for conditioning unit type PSS10–1 with flowmeter type DK800R
(incl. needle valve), Range: 10–100Nl/h.
01G9021 Extra charge for conditioning unit type PSS10–1 with flowmeter type DK800R
(incl. needle valve), Range: 25–250Nl/h.
01G9022 Extra charge for conditioning unit type PSS10–1 with flowmeter type DK800R
(incl. needle valve), Range: 50–500Nl/h.
Fine Filter FP-2T
90F0002 Filter element type F–2T. Length: 75mm, material: PTFE, filter porosity: 2μm. 21,70@
90F0040 O–Ring (26) for filter head. Material: Viton?. 3,55@
90F0056 PVDF filter element clamp type F–P for deep filtering elements. 21,90@
90F0012 Spare filter glass type F–120G (standard). 58,40@
Fine Filter FP-2T with Option LA 1S
90F0015 Spare filter glass type F–120G–D withcondensate connection thread GL25 (for
standard filter elements).
90F0020 Union nut GL25. 5,31@
90F0025 Sealing ring GL25–12mm, material: PTFE. 7,82@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 3 Portable Gas Conditioning System 4.2.1
Fine Filter FP-2T with Option LA 1S
Blind cap GL25 including seal. 9,99 90F0038 @
Seal for blind cap GL25. 4,82 90F0039 @
Cooler ECP-1000 / PSS5; ECP-3000 / PSS5/3; ECP20 / PSS10/1
Jet stream heat exchanger, type ECP1000G, material Duran? glass, connections:
sample gas GL18–6/6mm, condensate GL25–12mm.
266,00 93K0100 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/ECC–1. Material:
Duran? glass. Connections: sample gas GL18–6/6mm, 90°angel condensat
352,00 93K0150 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger for cooler type ECP3000/ECM–1/ECC–1. Material:
Duran? glass. Connections: sample gas GL18–6mm, condensate GL25–12mm.
352,00 93K0140 @
Jet–stream heat exchanger type EC–G. Material: Duran?–glass. Connections:
Sample gas: 2x GL18–6mm, Condensate: 1x GL25–12mm
317,00 02K9100 @
Thermal conductivity paste, –20 to +140°C, silicon free, 5gr. 2,70 90K0114 @
Thermal conductivity paste, –20 to +140°C, silicon free, 50gr. 25,10 90K0115 @
Fine fuse 0,8AT 5x20, (F1/F2) ECP1000. by 94 2,49 93K0030 @
Fine fuse 1,6AT 5x20, (F1/F2), from 1995 ECP1000/ECP2000/ECP3000 2,50 93K0540 @
Fine fuse 4AT 5x20, ECP–20. 1,71 90K6030 @
ECP1000, 2000, 3000 fan. 133,00 93K0010 @
Fan ECP/ECP20/EC–F, 115V 60Hz. 137,00 90K0040 @
Peristaltic Pump SR25.1
Tube Set for peristaltic pump SR25 with PVDF tube connection 4/6mm. 23,90 90P1007 @
Driver complete for peristaltic pump SR25.1 55,00 90P1020 @
1 set contact spring for driver of peristaltic pump R25.1, (set = 4 pcs.) 9,45 90P1010 @
Contact pulley(1 pc.) for peristaltic pump SR25.1, (2 pcs./pump required). 3,18 90P1045 @
Conveying belt for peristaltic pump SR25.1 6,57 90P1050 @
Diaphragm Pump N73-79KPE, N3-9KPE / PSS5, PSS5/3, PSS10/1
Diaphragm type S3, for N3–N5 KPE, material: Viton?/PTFE. 39,10 90P2120 @
Valve reed type V3, for N3–N5 KPE, 1 pc, material: Viton?. 9,09 90P2110 @
O–ring type O3, for N3–N5 KPE, 1pc., material: Viton?. 8,07 90P2115 @
Diaphragm type S9, for N9 KPE, material: Viton?/PTFE. 66,70 90P2220 @
Option Flowmeter FM40
Flowmeter glass for FM40. Standard measuring range: 7–70 Nl/h air. 113,00 90A0015 @
Flowmeter glass for FM40. Standard measuring range: 15–150 Nl/h air. 113,00 94F0010 @
Flowmeter glass for FM40. Standard measuring range: 25–250 Nl/h air. 113,00 94F0015 @
Flowmeter glass for FM40. Standard measuring range: 50–500 Nl/h air. 113,00 94F0020 @
O–Ring (9) for FM40 and PMA. Werkstoff: Viton?. 3,43 90A0018 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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4.2.1 Portable Gas Conditioning System Page 4
Consumable Parts
90G0005 coarse filter type PF 10 (in gas inlet for PSS1). 6,99@
90G0006 Preliminary filter type PF2 for peristaltic pump SR25.1, porosity: 25μm. 14,50@
Recommended Spare Parts
90K6030 Fine fuse 4AT 5x20, ECP–20. 1,71@
90G0020 Fine fuse 10 AT 5x20 1,71@
05V3230 Bulkhead union DN4/6, material: PP. 3,78@
05V3215 Bulkhead union DN4/6, material: PVDF. 12,90@
05V6500 Ferrule DN4/6, material: PP. 0,34@
05V6600 Ferrule DN4/6, material: PVDF. 0,51@
05V6505 Spare parts union nut M10–4/6, material PP. 0,40@
05V6605 Spare parts union nut M10–4/6, material PVDF. 0,78@
01T1000 Viton? tube, DN 4/6mm. Price per meter. 16,50@
01T2000 Novoprene? tube, DN 3,2/6,4mm. Price per meter. 15,50@
Spare Parts
02B1000 PTFE tube, DN 4/6mm. Price per meter. 7,99@
10T1000 Hose cutter. 17,80@
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Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 1 Gas Conditioning Systems (Options see cap. 4.2.1 ) 4.3.1
Gas Conditioning System SS-5, SS-5/3
Gas conditioning system type SS–5 for 150Nl/h on a mounting plate, consisting of: gas
cooler ECP1000–G, universal filter FP–2T, sample gas pump N3KPE, peristaltic pump
SR25.1 with pre–filter PF2. power: 230V/50Hz. tubing: PTFE, PP. # The sample gas
pump starts automatically when gas cooler remains under +8°C.
3.059,00 03G5000 @
Gas conditioning system type SS–5 for 150Nl/h on a mounting plate, consisting of: gas
cooler ECP1000–G, universal filter FP–2T, sample gas pump N3KPE, peristaltic pump
SR25.1 with pre–filter PF2. power: 115V/60Hz. tubing: PTFE, PP. # The sample gas
pump starts automatically when gas cooler remains under +8°C.
3.059,00 03G5000a @
Gas conditioning system type SS–5/3 for 350Nl/h on a mounting plate, consisting of:
gas cooler ECP3000–G, universal filter FP–2T, sample gas pump N9KPE, peristaltic
pump SR25.1 with pre–filter PF2. power: 230V/50Hz. tubing: PTFE, PP. # The sample
gas pump starts automatically when gas cooler remains under +8°C.
4.301,00 03G5500 @
Gas conditioning system type SS–5/3 for 350Nl/h on a mounting plate, consisting of:
gas cooler ECP3000–G, universal filter FP–2T, sample gas pump N9KPE, peristaltic
pump SR25.1 with pre–filter PF2. power: 115V/60Hz. tubing: PTFE, PP. # The sample
gas pump starts automatically when gas cooler remains under +8°C.
4.301,00 03G5500a @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Gas Conditioning Systems (Options see cap. 4.2.1 ) Page 2 4.3.1
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Page 1 Panel Filters 5.0.1
Panel Filter FPF
Universal filter type FPF–0,1GF for flush panel mounting with ultrafine glassfibre
filterelement filter porosity 0,1μm, material: PTFE, Viton?, glass,PVDF.
194,00 04F1000 @
Consumable Parts for Panel Filter
Filter element type F–0,1GF50. Length: 50mm, material: glass fiber, filter porosity:
20,90 90F0009 @
Filter element type F–2GF50. Length: 50mm, material: glass fiber, filter porosity: 2μm. 6,72 90F0097 @
Filterelement for FPF type F–3SS50 stainless steel: 3 micron 76,90 90F0096 @
Recommended Spare Parts for Panel Filter
Spare filter glass F–45. 64,60 90F0118 @
O–Ring (41) for FPF (old) Material: Viton?. 3,61 90F0043 @
O–Ring (35) for FPF. Material: Viton?. 3,61 90F0044 @
Spare Parts for Panel Filter
Filter element clamp type FPF for filter elements 50mm. Material: PVDF. 33,80 90F0095 @
Front ring aluminium for FPF filter. 9,99 90F0098 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Panel Filters Page 2 5.0.1
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Page 1 Universal Filter F.. 5.1.1
PVDF Filters without Condensate Separator
Universal filter type FP–2T, with filter element made of PTFE, filter porosity: 2μm.
Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass, PTFE.
189,00 01F1200 @
Universal filter type FP–20T, with filter element made of PTFE, filter porosity: 20μm.
Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass, PTFE.
189,00 01F1400 @
Universal filter type FP–50T with PTFE deep filtering element filter porosity 50μm.
Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass, PTFE.
189,00 01F1410 @
Universal filter type FP–2GF, with glass–fiber filter element, filter porosity: 2μm.
Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass.
189,00 01F1900 @
Universal filter type FP–0.1GF, with ultra–fine glass–fiber filter element, filter porosity:
0,1μm. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass.
216,00 01F1500 @
Universal filter type FP–2K, with filter element made of ceramics, filter porosity: 2μm.
Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass, ceramics.
197,00 01F1000 @
Universal filter type FP–20K, with filter element made of ceramics, filter porosity:
20μm. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass, ceramics.
197,00 01F1100 @
Universal filter type FP–3SS with stainless steel deep filtering element, filter porosity
3μm. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass, stainless steel SS316.
278,00 01F1600 @
Universal filter type FP–20SS, with filter element made of stainless steel, filter porosity:
20μm. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass, SS316.
278,00 01F1800 @
Universal filter type FP–3G with glass deep filtering element filter porosity 3μm.
Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass.
206,00 01F1850 @
PVDF Filters with Condensate Separator FP-...D
Universal filter type FP–2T–D, with GL25–condensate outlet in the glass body and
filter element made of PTFE, filter porosity: 2μm. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass, PTFE.
220,00 02F1000 @
Universal filter type FP–20T–D, with GL25–condensate outlet in the glass body and
filter element made of PTFE, filter porosity: 20μm. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass,
220,00 02F1200 @
Universal filter type FP–2GF–D, with GL25–condensate outlet in the glass body and
glass–fiber filter element, filter porosity: 2μm. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass.
219,00 02F1490 @
Universal filter type FP–0.1GF–D, with GL25–condensate outlet in the glass body and
ultra–fine glass–fiber filter element, filter porosity: 0,1μm. Material: PVDF, Viton?,
247,00 02F1500 @
Universal filter type FP–2K–D, with GL25–condensate outlet in the glass body and
filter element made of ceramics, filter porosity: 2μm. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass,
228,00 02F1300 @
Universal filter type FP–20K–D, with GL25–condensate outlet in the glass body and
filter element made of ceramics, filter porosity: 20μm. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass,
228,00 02F1310 @
PVDF Filters with Liquid Alarm
Universal filter type FP–2T/LA1 with liquid alarm sensor type LA1S for conductive
media and eletronic controller type LA1.1 06 in a wall mounting rack. Incl. filter
element made of PTFE, filter porosity: 2μm. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass, platinum,
PTFE. Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch over.
534,00 02F3000 @
Universal filter type FP–0.1GF/LA1.1, with liquid alarm sensor type LA1S for
conductive media and eletronic controller type LA1.1 in a wall mounting rack. Incl. filter
element made of glass–fibre. filter porosity: 0,1μm. Material: PVDF, glass, platinum,
glass–fibre, Viton?. Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch over.
562,00 02F3300 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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5.1.1 Universal Filter F.. Page 2
PVDF Filters with Liquid Alarm
02F3200 Universal filter type FP–2K/LA 1, withliquid alarm sensor type LA1S for
conductive media and eletronic controller type LA1.1 06 in a wall mounting rack.
Incl. filter element made of PTFE, filterporosity: 2μm. Material: PVDF, Viton?,
glass, platinum, ceramic. Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch over.
02F3201 Universal filter type FP–2K/LA1.4, withliquid alarm sensor type LA1s for
conductive media and eletronic controller type LA1.4 in a rail mounting rack. Incl.
filter element made of ceramics. filter porosity: 2μm. Material: PVDF, Viton?,
glass, platinum, ceramic. Power: 230V/50Hz
02F3001 Universal filter type FP–2T/LA1.4, withliquid alarm sensor type LA1S for
conductive media and eletronic controller type LA1.4 in a rail mounting rack. Incl.
filter element made of PTFE, filter porosity: 2μm. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass,
platinum, PTFE. Power: 230V/50Hz.
02F3301 Universal filter type FP–0.1GF/LA1.4, with liquid alarm sensor type LA1S for
conductive media and eletronic controller type LA1.4 in a rail mounting rack. Incl.
filter element made of glass–fibre. filter porosity: 0,1μm. Material: PVDF, glass,
platinum, glass–fibre, Viton?. Power: 230V/50Hz
02F3301a Universal filter type FP–0.1GF/LA1.4, with liquid alarm sensor type LA1S for
conductive media and eletronic controller type LA1.4 in a rail mounting rack. Incl.
filter element made of glass–fibre. filter porosity: 0,1μm. Material: PVDF, glass,
platinum, glass–fibre, Viton?. Power: 115V/50(60)Hz
PTFE? Filters without Condensate Separator FT
01F2200 Universal filter type FT–2T with PTFE deep filtering element filter prosity 2μm.
Material: PTFE, FEP, glass.
01F2400 universal filter type FT–20T with PTFE deep filtering element filter porosity 20μm.
Material: PTFE, FEP, glass.
01F2900 Universal filter type FT–2GF with glassfibre filter element, filter porosity 2μm.
Material: PTFE, FEP, glass.
01F2950 Universal filter type FT–0,1GF with glassfibre filter element filter porosity 0,1μm.
Material: PTFE, FEP, glass.
01F2000 Universal filter type FT–2K with ceramic deep filtering element filter porosity 2μm.
Material: PTFE, FEP, glass, ceramics.
01F2100 Universal filter type FT–20K with ceramic deep filtering element filter porosity
20μm. Material: PTFE, FEP, glass, ceramics.
01F2600 Universal filter type FT–3SS with stainless steel deep filtering element, filter
porosity 3μm. Material: PTFE, FEP, glass, SS316L.
01F2800 Universal filter type FT–20SS with stainless steel deep filtering element, filter
porosity 20μm. Material: PTFE, FEP, glass, SS316L.
01F2850 Universal filter type FT–3G with glass deep filtering element, filter porosity 3μm.
Material: PTFE, FEP, glass.
01F3101 Universal filter type FT/H–2K can be heated to 180°C with ceramic deep filtering
element filter porosity 2μm. Material: PTFE–KO Viton?, glass.
PTFE? Filters with Condensate Separator FT-...D
02F2000 Universal filter type FT–2T–D with condensate separator with PTFE deep filtering
element, filter porosity 2μm. Material: PTFE, FEP, glass.
02F2200 Universal filter type FT–20T–D withcondensate separator with PTFE deep
filtering element, filter porosity 2μm. Material: PTFE, FEP, glass.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 3 Universal Filter F.. 5.1.1
PTFE? Filters with Condensate Separator FT-...D
Universal filter type FT–2 GF–D with condensate separator with glass fibre filter
element, filter porosity 2μm. Material: PTFE, FEP, glass.
417,00 02F2100 @
Universal filter type FT–0,1 GF–D with condensate separator with glass fibre filter
element, filter porosity 0,1μm. Material: PTFE, FEP, glass.
436,00 02F2400 @
Universal filter type FT–2K–D with condensate separator with ceramic deep bed filter
element, filter porosity 2μm. Material: PTFE, FEP, glass, ceramics.
417,00 02F2300 @
Universal filter type FT–20K–D with condensate separator with ceramic deep bed filter
element, filter porosity 20μm. Material: PTFE, FEP, glass, ceramics.
417,00 02F2310 @
Universal filter type FT–3SS–D with condensate separator with stainless steel deep
filtering element, filter porosity 3μm. Material: PTFE, FEP, glass, SS316.
501,00 02F2600 @
Universal filter type FT–20SS–D with condensate separator with stainless steel deep
filtering element, filter porosity 20μm. Material: PTFE, FEP, glass, SS316.
501,00 02F2500 @
PTFE? Filters with Liquid Alarm
Universal filter type FT–2T/LA1, with liquid alarm sensor type LA1S for conductive
media and eletronic controller type LA1.1 in a wall mounting rack. Incl. filter element
made of PTFE. filter porosity: 2μm. Material: Glass, platinum, PTFE, Viton?. Power:
230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch over.
730,00 02F4000 @
Universal filter type FT–2K/LA1, with liquid alarm sensor type LA1S for conductive
media and eletronic controller type LA1.1 in a wall mounting rack. Incl. filter element
made of ceramics. filter porosity: 2μm. Material: Glass, platinum, PTFE, Viton?,
ceramics. Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch over.
739,00 02F4200 @
Universal filter type FT–3SS/LA1, with liquid alarm sensor type LA1S for conductive
media and eletronic controller type LA1.1 in a wall mounting rack. Incl. filter element
made of stainless steel. filter porosity: 3μm. Material: Glass, platinum, PTFE, Viton?,
SS316. Power: 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz to switch over.
824,00 02F4300 @
Filters without Condensate Separator
Universal filter type FS–2T with stainless steel filter head and adapter, PTFE deep
filtering element. Filter porosity 2μm. Material: SS316, Viton?, glass, PTFE.
339,00 01F4000 @
Universal filter type FS–20T with stainless steel filter head and adapter, PTFE deep
filtering element, Filter porosity 20μm. Material: SS316, Viton?, glass, PTFE.
339,00 01F4100 @
Universal filter type FS–2K with stainless steel filter head and adapter, ceramic deep
filtering element, Filter porosity 2μm. Material: SS316, Viton?, glass, ceramics.
348,00 01F5000 @
Universal filter type FS–20K with stainless steel filter head and adapter, ceramic deep
filtering element. Filter porosity 20μm. Material: SS316, Viton?, glass, ceramics.
348,00 01F5100 @
Universal filter type FS–3SS with stainless steel filter head and adapter, stainless steel
deep filtering element. filter porosity 3μm. Material: stainless steel 316, Viton?, glass.
433,00 01F6000 @
Universal filter type FS–2GF out of stainless steel with glass fibre element and PTFE
adapter. Filter porosity 2μm. Material: stainless steel 316, Viton?, glass PTFE.
316,00 01F6600 @
Filters with Condensate Separator FS-...D
Universal filter type FS–2T–D with condensate separator with PTFE deep filtering
element, filter porosity 2μm. Material: SS316, Viton?, PTFE.
353,00 02F2650 @
Universal filter type FS–20T–D with condensate separator with PTFE deep filtering
element, filter porosity 20μm. Material: SS316, Viton?, PTFE.
353,00 02F2660 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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5.1.1 Universal Filter F.. Page 4
Filters with Condensate Separator FS-...D
02F2550 Universal filter type FS–2K–D with condensate separator with ceramic deep
filtering element, filter porosity 2μm. Material: SS316, Viton?, ceramic.
02F2560 Universal filter type FS–20K–D with condensate separator with ceramic deep
filtering element, filter porosity 20μm. Material: SS316, Viton?, ceramic.
02F2710 Universal filter type FS–0,1GF–D withcondensate separator and glass fibre
filtering element, filter porosity 0,1μm. connection: G1/4"i, Material: SS316,
Viton?, glass fibre.
Stainless Steel Filters FSS without Condensate Separator
01F7100 Universal filter type FSS–2T compleyout of stainless steel with PTFE deep
filtering element. Filter porosity 2μm. Material: stainless steel 316, Viton?, PTFE.
01F7250 Universal filter type FSS–20T compleyout of stainless steel with PTFE deep
filtering element. Filter porosity 20μm Material: stainless steel 316, Viton?, PTFE.
01F7200 Universal filter type FSS–2GF out of stainless steel with glass fibre element and
PTFE adapter. Filter porosity 2μm. Material: stainless steel 316, Viton?, glassfibre.
01F7150 Universal filter type FSS–0,1GF out of stainless steel with glass fibre element and
PTFE adapter. Filter porosity 0,1μm. Material: stainless steel 316, Viton?,
01F7050 Universal filter type FSS–2K compley out of stainless steel with ceramic deep
filtering element. Filter porosity 2μm. Material: stainless steel 316, Viton?,
01F7060 Universal filter type FSS–20K compley out of stainless steel with ceramic deep
filtering element. Filter porosity 20μm. Material: stainless steel 316, Viton?,
01F7160 Universal filter type FSS–2K150 compleyout of stainless steel with ceramic
deep filtering element 150mm long. filter porosity 2μm. Material: stainless steel
316, Viton?, ceramics.
01F7000 Universal filter type FSS–3SS compley out of stainless steeland stainless steel
deep filtering element. Filter porosity 3μm.Material: stainless steel 316, Viton?.
01F7010 Universal filter type FSS–20SS compley out of stainless steel and stainless
steel deep filtering element. Filter porosity 20μm. Material: stainless steel 316,
01F7170 Universal filter type FSS–20SS150 compley out of stainless steel with deep
filtering element 150mm long. Filter porosity 20μm. Material: stainless steel
SS316, Viton?.
01F7300 Universal filter type FSS–3G compleyout of stainless steel with glass deep
filtering element. Filter porosity 3μm. Material: stainless steel 316, Viton?, glass.
01F7015 Universal filter type FSS–100SSG compley out of stainless steel and stainless
steel filtering element. Filter porosity 100μm. Material: stainless steel SS316,
01F7020 Universal filter type FSS–250SSG compley out of stainless steel and stainless
steel filtering element filter porosity 250μm Material: stainless steel SS316, Viton?.
Stainless Steel Filters FSS-...D with Condensate Separator
02F2665 Universal filter type FSS–2T–D withcondensate separator with PTFE deep
filtering element, filter porosity 2μm. Material: SS316, Viton?, PTFE.
02F2670 Universal filter type FSS–20T–D withcondensate separator with PTFE deep
filtering element, filter porosity 20μm. Material: SS 316, Viton?, PTFE.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 5 Universal Filter F.. 5.1.1
Stainless Steel Filters FSS-...D with Condensate Separator
Universal filter type FSS–2K–D with condensate separator with ceramic deep filtering
element, filter porosity 2μm. Material: SS 316, Viton?, ceramic
501,00 02F2690 @
Universal filter type FSS–20K–D with condensate separator with ceramic deep filtering
element, filter porosity 20μm. Material: SS316, Viton?, ceramic.
501,00 02F2695 @
Universal filter type FSS–0,1GF–D with condensate separator and glass fibre filtering
element, filter porosity 0,1μm. Material: SS316, Viton?, glass.
478,00 02F2685 @
Universal filter type FSS–20SS–D with condensate separator and stainless steel deep
filtering element, filter porosity 20μm. Material: SS316, Viton?.
573,00 02F2705 @
Filter Elements (without Length Giving = Standard 75mm)
Filter element type F–2T. Length: 75mm, material: PTFE, filter porosity: 2μm. 21,70 90F0002 @
Filter element type F–20T. Length: 75mm, material: PTFE, filter porosity: 20μm. 21,70 90F0004 @
Filter element type F–50T. Length: 75mm, material: PTFE, filter porosity: 50μm. 30,20 90F0003 @
Filter element type F1–2T. Length: 32mm, material: PTFE, filter porosity: 2μm. 19,10 90F0127 @
Filter element type F–3G. Length: 75mm, material: glass, filter porosity: 3μm. 60,90 90F0005 @
Filter element type F–2GF. Length: 75mm, material: glass fiber, filter porosity: 2μm.
packing unit = 25 pcs.
122,00 90F0011 @
Filter element type F–0,1GF. Length: 64mm, material: glass fiber, filter porosity: 0,1μm. 20,90 90F0016 @
Filter element type F–0,1GF150. Length: 150mm, material: glass fiber, filter porosity:
41,10 90F0125 @
Filter element type F–2K150. Length: 150mm, material: ceramics, filter porosity: 2μm. 45,50 90F0120 @
Filter element type F–2K. Length: 75mm, material: ceramics, filter porosity: 2μm. 30,50 90F0006 @
Filter element type S–2K150. Length: 150mm, material: ceramics, filter porosity: 2μm. 45,50 90S0020 @
Filter element type F–20K. Length: 75mm, material: ceramics, filter porosity: 20μm. 30,50 90F0007 @
Filter element type F–3SS. Length: 75mm, material: SS316, filter porosity: 3μm. 117,00 90F0008 @
Filter element type F–3SS150. Length: 150mm, material: SS316, filter porosity: 3μm. 189,00 90F0126 @
Filter element type F–20SS. Length: 75mm, material: SS316, filter porosity: 20μm. 117,00 90F0010 @
Filter element type F–20SS150. Length: 150mm, material: SS316, filter porosity: 20μm. 189,00 90F0129 @
Filter element type F–100SSG. Length: 75mm, material: SS316 wire–cloth, filter
porosity: 100μm.
130,00 90F0500 @
Filter element type F–250SSG. Length: 75mm, material: SS316, filter porosity: 250μm. 105,00 90F0510 @
Spun glass cartridge type FW–1 for universal filter without filling. Material: SS316. 156,00 90F0115 @
Spun glass cartridge type FW–2 for universal filter without filling. Material: PVDF. 137,00 90F0117 @
Filter element type F–0,05SIC. Length: 75mm, material: ceramics, filter porosity:
130,00 90F0550 @
Filter element type F–0,05SIC. Length: 150mm, material: ceramics,. filter porosity:
267,00 90F0555 @
Filter Elements for By-pass Liquid Filter
Filter element type F–70P190 Length: 190mm, material: PP, filter porosity: 70μm. 35,50 90F0110 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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5.1.1 Universal Filter F.. Page 6
Filter Elements for By-pass Liquid Filter
90F0112 Filter element type F–200P190. Length: 190mm, material: PP, filter porosity:
O-Rings / Flat rings
90F0040 O–Ring (26) for filter head. Material: Viton?. 3,55@
90F0055 O–ring (17). Material: FEP. 33,40@
90F0045 O–ring (26) for filter head. Material: FEP. 34,30@
90F0048 Flat ring 36/44 for filter head FS/FSS. Material: Viton?. 17,60@
Filter Element Clamps (without Length Giving = Standard 75mm)
90F0056 PVDF filter element clamp type F–P for deep filtering elements. 21,90@
90F0070 PTFE glass–fibre reinreinforced filter element clamp type F–T for deep filtering
90F0058 Stainless steel filter element clamp type F–SS for deep filtering elements. 55,70@
90F0060 PVDF filter element clamp type F–PGF for glassfibre element 2GF. 38,60@
90F0065 PTFE filter element clamp type F–TGF for glassfibre element 2GF. 67,20@
90F0066 PVDF filter element clamp type F–P150 for filtering elements 150mm long. 32,00@
90F0067 PTFE glass–fibre reinforced filter element clamp type F–T150 for filtering
elements 150mm long.
90F0068 Stainless steel filter element clamp type F–SS150 for filtering elements 150mm
90F0069 PVDF filter element clamp type F–P200 for filtering elements 200mm long. 48,70@
90F0072 Filter element clamp for bypassfilter type F–P190D. 48,70@
93S0050 Adaptor for filter element F–0,1GF. Material: PTFE. 12,50@
Filter Glass / Body (Recommended Spare Parts)
90F0012 Spare filter glass type F–120G (standard). 58,40@
90F0013 filter glass type F–1G (for short filter element). 70,50@
90F0014 Spare filter glass type F–240G (for filter element 150mm long). 81,50@
90F0015 Spare filter glass type F–120G–D withcondensate connection thread GL25 (for
standard filter elements).
90F0019 Filter glass type F–240G– D with connection thread GL25 (for filter element 150
mm long).
90F0140 Filter glass type F–240G–D/F connection thread GL25 with fritted disc. 139,00@
90F0134 Spare filter pot type F–120PV (forfilter elements, 75mm length). 157,00@
90F0132 Spare filter pot type F–120PV–D for filter elements 75mm length). Condensate
outlet: G1/4"i
90F0135 Spare filter pot type F–120SS (forfilterelements, 75mm length). 144,00@
90F0135g Spare filter pot type F–120SS–D G1/4" for elements 75mm length. 197,00@
90F0135n Spare filter pot type F–120SS–D 1/4"NPT for elements 75mm length. 227,00@
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Page 7 Universal Filter F.. 5.1.1
Filter Glass / Body (Recommended Spare Parts)
Spare filter pot type F–240SS for filterelements 150mm, material SS316. 250,00 90F0136 @
Spare filter pot type F–240SS–D G1/4" for filterelements 150mm material SS316, with
drain connection G1/4".
364,00 90f0136g @
Spare filter pot type F–240SS–D 1/4"NPT for filterelements 150mm, material SS316,
with drain connection 1/4" NPT.
393,00 90F0136n @
Filter Glass / Body (Spare Parts)
Perspex cover type PS incl. Threadring PVDF and mounting on the filter glass
89,50 90F0032 @
Perspex cover type PS for filter glass F–240G. 91,70 90F0033 @
Thread out of PVDF for perspex cover type PS. 20,90 90F0018 @
Compl. Mounted Filter Head incl. Mounting Bracket and O-Ring (Spare Parts)
Filter head type FP including mounting socket and o–ring, material: PVDF, Viton?. 98,70 90F0075 @
Filter head type FT including mounting socket and o–ring, material: PTFE, FEP. 269,00 90F0080 @
Filter head type FT–H including o–ring for heatable filter 3x G 1/4", with mounting
bracket material: PTFE–Ko, Viton?.
339,00 90F0086 @
Filter head type FS including mounting socket and O–ring, for Filter glass F–..G/–D.
connection: G1/4"i, material: stainless steel, Viton?.
206,00 90F0083 @
Filter–head type FS thread 1/4" NPT including mounting socket and o–ring, material:
stainless steel, Viton?.
234,00 90f0083n @
Filterhead type FSS inkl. angle and O–ring, materal: SS316, Viton?. 205,00 90F0082 @
Filter head type FSS thread 1/4"NPT including mounting socket and o–ring, material:
stainless steel, Viton?
234,00 90F0082n @
Filter head F–P190 for bypassfilter material PVDF. 160,00 90F0113 @
Filter heat F–P200 for waterfilter, material PVDF. 128,00 90F0114 @
GL Connection Technique (Recommended Spare Parts)
Union nut GL25. 5,31 90F0020 @
Union nut GL25–PTFE. 25,40 90F0021 @
Union nut GL25/18. 7,78 90F0022 @
Sealing ring GL25–12mm, material: PTFE. 7,82 90F0025 @
Sealing ring GL25–10mm, material: PTFE. 7,82 90F0030 @
Sealing ring GL25–8mm, material: PTFE. 7,82 90F0035 @
Blind cap GL25 including seal. 9,99 90F0038 @
Seal for blind cap GL25. 4,82 90F0039 @
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Page 1 Filters for Absorption, Wash bottles, Humidifier, Liquid Particles Filter 5.1.10
Filters for Absoprtion F..-AP
Universal filter type FP–AP with cartridge for adsorption material, Material: PVDF,
PVC, Viton?, glass.
186,00 03F5000 @
Universal filter type FT–AP with cartridge for adsorption material. Material: PTFE,
PVDF, FEP glass.
411,00 03F5200 @
Universal filter type FS–AP with cartridge for adsorption material. Material: SS316,
PVC, Viton?, glass.
473,00 03F5100 @
Universal filter type FP–120–D/F with bottom fritte for adsorption material. Material:
PVDF, Viton? glass.
226,00 03F5650 @
Universal filter type FP–240–D/F with bottom fritte for adsorption material. Material:
PVDF, Viton? glass.
238,00 03F5600 @
Spare Parts for F..-AP
Empty cartridge F–AP, material PVC. 33,80 90F5010 @
Empty cartridge F–AP/PV material PVDF. 91,00 90F5020 @
Empty cartridge F–AP/SS material SS316. 242,00 90F5030 @
Active–coal, 1kg. 86,10 90F5100 @
Adsorption material Purafil II. Quantity: 1Kg. 68,00 90F5105 @
Adsorption material ceramic beads, to separate aerosols and mist. Quantity: 750g
graining 1,6 – 3mm
63,90 90F5115 @
Adsorption material silica gel. Drying beads with moisture indicator. Quantity: 1000ml. 53,30 90F5110 @
Adsorption material ceramic beads, to separate aerosols and mist. Quantity: 750g
graining 4 – 10mm
63,90 90F5116 @
Recommended Spare Parts for F..-AP
Spare filter glass type F–120G (standard). 58,40 90F0012 @
Filter glass type F–240G–D/F connection thread GL25 with fritted disc. 139,00 90F0140 @
Filter glass type F–120G–D/F connection thread GL25 with fritted disc. 131,00 90F0141 @
O–Ring (26) for filter head. Material: Viton?. 3,55 90F0040 @
Wash Bottles F..-W and Humidifier FP-BF
Wash bottle type FP–W with bubbler F–W contents 0,5l, length 290mm. Material:
PVDF, Viton?, glass.
278,00 03F5300 @
Wash bottle type FP–W–GL18 with bubbler F–W and connection thread GL18–6 at
the bottom, contents 0,5l. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass.
330,00 03F5500 @
Wash bottle type FT–W with bubbler F–W contents 0,5l, length 290mm. Material:
PTFE, FEP, glass.
477,00 03F5400 @
Wash bottle type FT–W–GL18 with bubbler F–W and connection thread GL18–6 at
the bottom, contents 0,5l. Material: PTFE, Viton?, glass.
530,00 03F5510 @
Humidifier type FP–BF with bubbler F–W, contents 70ml. Material: PVDF, Viton?,
239,00 03F5700 @
Humidifier type FP–BF–GL25 with bubbler F–W, contents 70ml. with GL25 connection
at the bottom. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass.
253,00 03F5750 @
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5.1.10 Filters for Absorption, Wash bottles, Humidifier, Liquid Particles Filter Page 2
Spare Parts for Wash Bottles F..-W and Humidifier FP-BF
05V3000 Male connector DN4/6–M10x1,5 PV. 12,90@
Recommended Spare Parts For F..-W and FP-BF
90F0040 O–Ring (26) for filter head. Material: Viton?. 3,55@
90F0012 Spare filter glass type F–120G (standard). 58,40@
90F5305 Spare glass for washbottle FP–W or FT–W type F–W. 116,00@
90F5310 Bubbler F..–W/20 58,10@
90F5315 Spare glass for washbottle FP–W or FT–W with GL18 connection at the bottom
type F–WGL18u.
90F5320 Spare glass for washbottle FP–W or FT–W with GL18 connection at the side, type
90F5322 Spare glass for washbottle FP–W or FT–W with GL25 connection at the side, type
90F5325 Spare glass for washbottle FP–W or FT–W with GL18 connection at the bottom
and at the side, type F–WGL18us.
90F5330 Glass body FP–W/GL18u/25s for wash bottle FP–W and FT–W with GL18
connection at the bottom and GL25 connection at the side.
91F1010 Sealing ring GL18–6mm, material: PTFE. 7,58@
91F1015 Sealing ring GL18–8mm, material: PTFE. 7,58@
91F1005 Spare union nut GL18. 4,97@
09F9500 Connector/adaptor GL18 DN4/6 PV. 12,30@
Liquid Particles Filter CLF5
03F3000 Filter for liquid particles type CLF–5 For separation of microscopic liquid gas
drops. Filter element of fibre glass witha rate of 99,9999% for particles >0,1
micron. Flow rate: max.300l/h, pressure: max.2bar abs, gas temperature:
max.80°C Connections: sample gas:IN/OUT, G1/4"i condensate:GL25. Material:
PVDF, glass, Viton?.
03F3005 Filter for liquid particles type CLF–5/W For separation of microscopic liquid gas
drops. With water stop. Filter element offibre glass with a rate of 99,99% for
particles >0,1 micron. Flow rate: max.200l/h, pressure: max.2bar abs, gas
temperature: max.80°C Connections: sample gas:IN/OUT, G1/4"i
condensate:GL25. Material: PVDF, glass, Viton?.
03F4000 Liquid–stop type LB–1/SS with bypass function. Connection: 1/8" NPTi, Mat.
SS316, PTFE, Viton?.
03F4005 Liquid–stop type LB–1/PV with bypass function. Connection: 1/8" NPTi, Mat.
PVDF, PTFE, Viton?.
Consumable Parts for CLF5
90F2005 Filter element type CLF–5 for aerosol filter type CLF and CLF–5. 61,80@
90F3530 CLF–5/W spare part set I filter frit, diaphramfilter, flat ring, o–ring. 40,10@
90F3535 CLF–5/W spare part set II diaphram–filter flat ring. 24,20@
90F3550 Filter head type CLF5 including mounting socket and o–ring, material: PVDF,
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Page 3 Filters for Absorption, Wash bottles, Humidifier, Liquid Particles Filter 5.1.10
Consumable Parts for CLF5
O–ring (23) for LB–1. Material: Viton?. 7,51 90F4020 @
LB–1 spare part set 90F3520 Filter frit 90F3525 flat ring 90F4020 o–ring 23 x 1,5 V
90F3515 o–ring 21 x 2 V 90F3510 diaphram–filter
48,20 90F4030 @
Spare Parts for CLF5
Filter element holder type CLF–5, PVDF. 96,90 90F3500 @
Compression screw PVDF for CLF–5 21,40 90F3505 @
Liquid Particles Filter CLF
Filter for liquid particles type CLF–T for separation of microscopic liquid gas drops.
Filter element of fibre glass with a rate of 99,99% for particles >0,1micron. Flow rate
max. 300l/h, pressure max. 2bar abs, gas temperature max. 80°C. Connections:
sample gas ON/OFF, G1/4", condensate GL25. Material: PTFE, glass, Viton?.
835,00 03F2100 @
Filter for liquid particles type CLF–SS for separation of microscopic liquid gas drops.
Filter element of fibre glass with a rate of 99,99% for particles >0,1micron. Flow rate
max. 300l/h, pressure max. 11 bar abs, gas temperature max. 180°C. Connections:
sample gas IN/OUT, G1/4", Condensate G3/8". Material: SS316, Viton?.
1.023,00 03F2300 @
Consumable Parts for CLF
PVDF Filterelement clamp type CLF–3. 99,80 90F2015 @
Filter element clamp type CLF–3T. Material: PTFE. 116,00 90F2017 @
Filter head for filter CLF, type CLF–1PV. 358,00 90F2020 @
PTFE Filter head complete, type CLF–1T. 523,00 90F2025 @
Filterelement clamp SS type CLF–4SS. 172,00 90F2018 @
Filter element type CLF–4 for aerosol filter type CLF. Length: 75mm, Absorption rate:
63,70 90F2000 @
Recommended Spare Parts for CLF
O–ring (39) for SP2000 and CLF. Material: Viton?. 7,51 93S0020 @
Spare CLF–2 glass bowl incl. cap and seal. 113,00 90F2010 @
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Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 1 Electrically Heated Filters 5.2.1
Electrically Heated Filters
Universal filter FT–3G–H2 mounted on an aluminium plate with insulated protection
cap, heating section 2 parts with heated in and outlet electrically heated at 0–180°C
adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature protector with reset key at
+30°C below T–Soll, with voltage free status–alarm contact and thermometer, filter
body out of PTFE–coal reinforced with glass deep filtering element, filter porosity:
3μm. Material: PTFE, glass, Viton?. power: 230V/50Hz.
1.601,00 01F3006 @
Universal filter FT–3G–H2 mounted on an aluminium plate with insulated protection
cap, heating section 2 parts with heated in and outlet electrically heated at 0–180°C
adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature protector with reset key at
+30°C below T–Soll, with voltage free status–alarm contact and thermometer, filter
body out of PTFE–coal reinforced with glass deep filtering element, filter porosity:
3μm. Material: PTFE, glass, Viton?. Power: 115V/60Hz.
1.636,00 01F3006a @
Universal Filter type FT–0,1GF–H2 mounted on an aluminium plate with insulated
protection cap, heating section 2 parts with heated in and outlet electrically heated at
0–180°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature protector with
reset key at +30°C below T–Soll, with voltage free status–alarm contact and
thermometer, filter body out of PTFE–coal reinforced with glasfibre filter element, filter
porosity: 0,1μm. Material: PTFE, glass, Viton?. Power: 230V/50Hz.
1.614,00 01F3007 @
Universal Filter type FT–0,1GF–H2 mounted on an aluminium plate with insulated
protection cap, heating section 2 parts with heated in and outlet electrically heated at
0–180°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature protector with
reset key at +30°C below T–Soll, with voltage free status–alarm contact and
thermometer, filter body out of PTFE–coal reinforced with glasfibre filter element, filter
porosity: 0,1μm. Material: PTFE, glass, Viton?. Power: 115V/60Hz.
1.646,00 01F3007a @
Universal filter type FT–3SS–H2, mounted on an aluminium plate with insulated
protection cap, heating section 2 parts with heated in and outlet electrically heated at
0–180°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature protector with
reset key at +30°C below T–Soll, with voltage free status–alarm contact and
thermometer, filter body out of PTFE–coal reinforced,with SS 1.4404 filter element,
filter porosity: 3μm. Material: PTFE, glass, SS316, Viton?. Power: 230V/50Hz.
1.683,00 01F3008 @
Universal filter type FT–3SS–H2, mounted on an aluminium plate with insulated
protection cap, heating section 2 parts with heated in and outlet electrically heated at
0–180°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature protector with
reset key at +30°C below T–Soll, with voltage free status–alarm contact and
thermometer, filter body out of PTFE–coal reinforced with SS 1.4404 filtering element
filter porosity: 3μm. Material: PTFE, glass, SS316, Viton?. Power: 115V/60Hz.
1.714,00 01F3008a @
Extra charge for FT–...H saftey separation concering VDE 106T 101. 180,00 01F3085 @
Heated Filter type FSS–3SS/H350 with SS–filterelement, filter porosity: 3μm.
Compley mounted in a housing with insulated protection cap. Electrically heated at
350°C max., adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature protector
with reset key at +30°C Tsoll, low temperature alarm at –20°C below Tsoll with voltage
free status–alarm contact Material:SS316, graphite. Power: 230V/50Hz.
2.618,00 01F3030 @
Heated Filter type FSS–3SS/H350 with SS–filterelement, filter porosity: 3μm.
Compley mounted in a housing with insulated protection cap. Electrically heated at
350°C max., adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature protector
with reset key at +30°C Tsoll, low temperature alarm at –20°C below Tsoll with voltage
free status–alarm contact Material:SS316, graphite. Power: 115V/60Hz.
2.679,00 01F3030a @
Heated Filter type FSS–2K/H350 with ceramic element, filter porosity: 2μm.
Compley mounted in a housing with insulated protection cap. Electrically heated at
350°C max adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature protector with
reset key at +30°C Tsoll, low temperature alarm at –20°C below Tsoll with voltage free
status–alarm contact Material:SS316, graphite. Power: 230V/50Hz.
2.474,00 01F3035 @
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5.2.1 Electrically Heated Filters Page 2
Electrically Heated Filters
01F3035a Heated Filter type FSS–2K/H350 with ceramic element, filter porosity: 2μm.
Compley mounted in a housing with insulated protection cap. Electrically
heated at 350°C max adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature
protector with reset key at +30°C Tsoll, low temperature alarm at –20°C below
Tsoll with voltage free status–alarm contact Material:SS316, graphite. Power:
01F3045 Heated Filter type FSS–FW/H350 glasswool filling compley mounted in a
housing with insulated protection cap. Electrically heated at 350°C max adjustable
by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature protector with reset key at +30°C
Tsoll, low temperature alarm at –20°C below Tsoll with voltage free status–alarm
contact Material: SS316, graphite Power: 230V/50Hz.
01F3045a Heated Filter type FSS–FW/H350 glasswool filling compley mounted in a
housing with insulated protection cap. Electrically heated at 350°C max adjustable
by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature protector with reset key at +30°C
Tsoll, low temperature alarm at –20°C below Tsoll with voltage free status–alarm
contact Material: SS316, graphite Power: 115V/60Hz.
Consumable Parts for Electrically Heated Filters
90F0005 Filter element type F–3G. Length: 75mm, material: glass, filter porosity: 3μm. 60,90@
90F0016 Filter element type F–0,1GF. Length: 64mm, material: glass fiber, filter porosity:
90F0008 Filter element type F–3SS. Length: 75mm, material: SS316, filter porosity: 3μm. 117,00@
Recommended Spare Parts for Electrically Heated Filters
90F0012 Spare filter glass type F–120G (standard). 58,40@
90F0015 Spare filter glass type F–120G–D withcondensate connection thread GL25 (for
standard filter elements).
90F0040 O–Ring (26) for filter head. Material: Viton?. 3,55@
93S0018 Temperature resistant heat sink compound, 100g–tube. 30,90@
90S0005 Cartridge heater element for SP10/23H, SP23, Filter H/H0, L=130mm,
90S0006 Heating cartride for SP10–H/23H, filter H/HO, L=130mm, 115VAC/200W. 137,00@
90F3000 Cartridge heater element for filter H1/H2 L=100mm, 230VAC/350W. 72,00@
90F3010 Heating cartridge for filter H1/H2, L=100mm, 115VAC/350W. 132,00@
90S0014 Thermostat 100–180°C for SP21–H until SP30–H, Probe diameter 6mm. 59,80@
90P5020 Thermostat (0–180°C), with over–temperature limiter and low–temperature alarm
for MP26/H1,FT..H2,T6–H1.
Spare Parts for Electrically Heated Filters
90F0115 Spun glass cartridge type FW–1 for universal filter without filling. Material: SS316. 156,00@
90F0070 PTFE glass–fibre reinreinforced filter element clamp type F–T for deep filtering
90F0071 PTFE C–fibre reinforced filter element clamp type F–T/H for deep filtering
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Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 3 Electrically Heated Filters 5.2.1
Spare Parts for Electrically Heated Filters
Filter head type FT–H2 including o–ring 2x 1/4" i without mounting bracket, material:
PTFE KO, Viton?.
344,00 90F0085 @
Thermometer 50–250°C. 44,90 90F3015 @
PT100 sensor for SP21–H. 151,00 90S2050 @
Spare thermoelement Fe–CuNi for SP.../H320. 65,70 93S0060 @
Heat insulation for filter H1 temperature resistance up to 200°C. 104,00 90F3020 @
Electrically Heated Separator SDH-2
Electrical heated separator type SDH–2 with thermocouple FeCuNi and electronic PID
temperature controller type 2040 with LCD indication, control range 0 to 400°C status
signal outlet 1 voltage free contact NO for high and low alarm switch capacity 250VAC
3A separator vessel with flange out of glass heated up to 320°C max. connections,
sample gas in Swagelok? welded connector for tube 8mm OD. sample gas out
GL18–8 with connector 4/6mm, condensate GL18–8 with connector 4/6mm mounted
on a plate. Material: stainless steel 316, glass, Viton?, PTFE. Power 230V 50Hz.
2.975,00 01F3500 @
Electrical heated separator type SDH–2 with thermocouple FeCuNi and electronic PID
temperature controller type 2040 with LCD indication, control range 0 to 400°C status
signal outlet 1 voltage free contact NO for high and low alarm switch capacity 250VAC
3A separator vessel with flange out of glass heated up to 320°C max. connections
sample gas in Swagelok? welded connector for tube 8mm out Y. Sample gas out
GL18–8 with connector 4/6mm. Condensate GL18–8 with connector 4/6mm mounted
on a plate material: stainless steel 316, glass, Viton?, PTFE. Power 115V 60Hz.
2.982,00 01F3500a @
Electrical heated separator type SDH–1 with separator vessel with flange out of glass
heated up to 320°C max. connections, sample gas in Swagelok? welded connector
for tube 8mm OD sample gas out GL18–8 with connector 4/6mm, mounted on a plate.
Material: stainless steel 316, glass, Viton?, PTFE. Power 230V 50Hz.
2.601,00 01F3505 @
Electrical heated separator type SDH–1 with separator vessel with flange out of glass
heated up to 320°C max. connections, sample gas in Swagelok? welded connector
for tube 8mm OD sample gas out GL18–8 with connector 4/6mm, mounted on a plate.
Material: stainless steel 316, glass, Viton?, PTFE. Power 115V 60Hz.
2.601,00 01F3505a @
Recommended Spare Parts
Spare glass for SDH with glass–flange. 405,00 93F0130 @
Spareglass for type SDH vertical with glass–flange. 455,00 93F0131 @
O–ring (80x5mm) for glass vessel on electrically heated separator type SDH. Material:
26,10 93F0140 @
Spare Parts
Quick clamping ring for seperator type SDH or probe SP2000/H320–So. material:
156,00 93F0135 @
Adapter SDH/SP2000H/320 flange version, material titan. 549,00 93S0105 @
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Page 1 Liquid Bypass Filters 5.4.1
Liquid Bypass Filters
Universal bypass filter type FP–70P200–D with polypropylen filtering element, 200mm
long, filter porosity 70μm. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass, PP.
362,00 02F1400 @
Universal bypassfilter type FP–70P190–D with self cleaning effect through bypass
current. Filterelement Polyropylen lenght 190mm, 70μm. material PVDF, Viton?,
glass, PP.
403,00 02F1440 @
Universal bypass filter type FP–200–P190–D self cleaning effect through by–pass
system. With polypropylen filtering element, length 190mm, filter porosity 200μm.
According drawing No 2207–1.1.0. Material: PVDF, Viton? glass, PP.
403,00 02F1450 @
Consumable Parts for Liquid Bypass Filters
Filter element type F–70P70. Length: 70mm, material: PP, filter porosity: 70μm. 35,50 90F0111 @
Filter element type F–70P190 Length: 190mm, material: PP, filter porosity: 70μm. 35,50 90F0110 @
Filter element type F–200P70. Length: 70mm, material: PP, filter porosity: 200μm. 35,50 90F0116 @
Filter element type F–200P190. Length: 190mm, material: PP, filter porosity: 200μm. 35,50 90F0112 @
Recommended Spare Parts for Liquid Bypass Filters
O–Ring (26) for filter head. Material: Viton?. 3,55 90F0040 @
Filter glass type F–240G– D with connection thread GL25 (for filter element 150 mm
99,30 90F0019 @
Union nut GL25/18. 7,78 90F0022 @
Sealing ring GL25–12mm, material: PTFE. 7,82 90F0025 @
Spare Parts for Liquid Bypass Filters
Filter element clamp for bypassfilter type F–P190D. 48,70 90F0072 @
PVDF filter element clamp type F–P200 for filtering elements 200mm long. 48,70 90F0069 @
Filter head F–P190 for bypassfilter material PVDF. 160,00 90F0113 @
Filter heat F–P200 for waterfilter, material PVDF. 128,00 90F0114 @
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Liquid Bypass Filters Page 2 5.4.1
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Page 1 Liquid Alarm Sensors 5.5.1
Liquid Alarms LA.. and Flow Chambers for Conductive Media
Liquid sensor type LA1S, for conductive media. Diameter: 12mm, With 4m connecting
cable. Material: platinum, glass
150,00 03E1001 @
Liquid sensor type LA1, for conductive media. Diameter: 12mm, With 4m connecting
cable. Material: platinum, glass
150,00 03E1000 @
Liquid sensor type LA25S, max. pressure: 25bar, connection: 1/4"NPTo. Material:
SS316, PVDF, with 4m connecting cable.
306,00 03E1111 @
Extra charge for additional cable length, for sensor LA1S. Price per meter. 8,83 03E9001 @
Electronic controller type LA1.1 06 for sensor LA1s/ LA25s, Wall mounting rack with
fault and operation indication and 2 output contacts. Power: 115/230V 50/60Hz
182,00 03E2001 @
Electronic controller type LA1.1, for sensor LA1s/ LA25s, Wall mounting rack with fault
and operation indication and 2 output contacts. Power: 24V AC.
182,00 03E2001b @
Electronic controller type LA1.1, for sensor LA1s/ LA25s,. Wall mounting rack with
fault and operation indication and 2 output contacts. Power: 24VDC.
182,00 03E2001d @
Electronic controller type LA1.4, for sensor LA1s/ LA25s. Rail mounting version with
fault and operation indication and 2 output contacts. Power: 230V 50/60Hz
182,00 03E2006 @
Electronic controller type LA1.4, for sensor LA1s/ LA25s. Rail mounting version with
fault and operation indication and 2 output contacts. Power: 115V 50/60Hz
182,00 03E2006a @
Electronic controller type LA1.4, for sensor LA1s/ LA25s.. Rail mounting version with
fault and operation indication and 2 output contacts. Power: 24V AC/DC
182,00 03E2006d @
Electronic controller type ER142Ex, for sensor LA1/LA1–H/LA25. Mounting enclosure
with 1 output contact, for intrinsically safe. Ex–class: EEx i b IIC. Power: 230V/50Hz.
317,00 03E2009 @
Electronic controller type ER143Ex, for sensor LA1 / LA1–H. Mounting enclosure with
2 output contacts, for intrinsically safe. Ex–class: EEx i b IIC. Power: 230V/50Hz.
461,00 03E2030 @
Compact flow chamber with liquid alarm sensor type LS/LA1S+1.1 for conductive
media material: PVDF, glass, platinum sensor with 1,5m of connecting cable. Incl.
electronic controller type LA1.1 in wall mounting housing IP54. Power: 230V/50Hz, or
115V/60Hz on request.
452,00 03E3000 @
Compact flow chamber with liquid alarm sensor type LS/LA1S for conductive media.
Material: PVDF, glass, platinum. Sensor with 4m connection cable, without controller.
270,00 03E3001 @
Compact flow chamber type LS/LA Material: PVDF, connections: G1/4". 127,00 03E3100 @
Compact flow chamber type LS25, Special Swagelok? tee 8mm for high pressure. 155,00 03E1120 @
Spare Parts for Liquid Alarms LA..
IC–LM 1830 N. 28,00 90E3000 @
Recommended Spare Parts for Liquid Alarms LA..
O–ring (14) for LS/LA and CG. Material: Viton?. 3,61 90E1000 @
PVDF–ring for LA 1S, LA1, 16. 4,80 90E1010 @
Liquid Alarm Sensor KS2 for Non-Conductive Media
Liquid sensor type KS2 for non–conductive media diameter 16mm, with 1,5m of
connecting cable. Material: stainless steel 316, PTFE.
464,00 03E4100 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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5.5.1 Liquid Alarm Sensors Page 2
Liquid Alarm Sensor KS2 for Non-Conductive Media
03E4200 Liquid sensor type KS2.Ex for non–conductive media. Explosion–proofed version
for Ex–Zone 1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 1 G EEx ia IIC T6
KEMA03ATEX1006. Diameter: 16mm. Material: PTFE, SS316.
03E9400 Extra charge for mounting the sensor type KS2/KS2Ex to the filter body type
F–120SS–D NPT1/2" (90F0137N) or CLF–SS NPT1/2" (C50009) with
03E3105 Compact flow chamber type LS/KS. Material PVDF, connections G 1/4"f ISO. 339,00@
01U2501 Electronic controller type KFA6Ex1 for ring approach switch RC15 and sensor
KS2/Ex. Signal output by change–over contact. Ex–class: Ex II (1) G D IIC Power
supply: 230VAC.
Spare Parts For KS2
91E4000 O–Ring chemraz 505 for KS, type 15. 104,00@
91E4005 O–ring, Chemraz 505 for KS, type 9 74,50@
91E4010 O–ring (9) for KS and filter holder CLF–5. Material: Viton?. 3,49@
91E4015 O–ring (13) for KS. Material: Viton?. 4,32@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Flowmeters 5.6.1
Flowmeter type FM–1/100, corrosion resistant version. Measuring range: 10–100 Nl/h
air. connection: GL18–6mm. Material: PTFE, glass.
343,00 09F1000 @
Flowmeter type FM–1/250, corrosion resistant version. Measuring range: 25–250 Nl/h
air. connection: GL18–6mm. Material: PTFE, glass.
343,00 09F1010 @
Flowmeter type FM–1/500, corrosion resistant version. Measuring range: 50–500 Nl/h
air. connection: GL18–6mm. Material: PTFE, glass.
343,00 09F1020 @
Flowmeter type FM–1/800, corrosion resistant version. Measuring range: 80–800 Nl/h
air. connection: GL18–6mm. Material: PTFE, glass.
343,00 09F1030 @
Flowmeter type FM–1–H/100 corrosion resistant and heatable, max. 150°C.
Measuring range: 10–100Nl/h air. Connection: GL18–6mm. Material: PTFE, glass.
391,00 09F1100 @
Flowmeter type FM–10/100, corrosion resistant version, with needle valve. Measuring
range: 10–100 Nl/h air. connection: inlet: G1/4"f, outlet: GL18–6mm. Material: PTFE,
574,00 09F1500 @
Flowmeter type FM–10/250, corrosion resistant version, with needle valve. Measuring
range: 25–250 Nl/h air. connection: inlet: G1/4"f, outlet: GL18–6mm. Material: PTFE,
574,00 09F1510 @
Flowmeter type FM–10/500, corrosion resistant version, with needle valve. Measuring
range: 50–500 Nl/h air. connection: inlet: G1/4"f, outlet: GL18–6mm. Material: PTFE,
574,00 09F1520 @
Flowmeter type FM–10/800, corrosion resistant version, with needle valve. Measuring
range: 80–800 Nl/h air. connection: inlet: G1/4"f, outlet: GL18–6mm. Material: PTFE,
574,00 09F1530 @
Flowmeter type FM–10–H/100, corrosion resistant and heatable, max. 150°C.
Measuring range: 10–100Nl/h air. Connection: inlet: G1/4"f, outlet: GL18–6mm.
Material: PTFE, glass. Peek
715,00 09F1550 @
Extra charge for FM–1 and FM–10 in case of special measuring range. 85,90 09F9000 @
Flowmeter type FM–40/70, for panel mounting. With needle valve. measuring range:
7–70Nl/h air. connection: DN4/6. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass.
173,00 09F4000 @
Flowmeter type FM–40/150, for panel mounting. With needle valve. measuring range:
15–150Nl/h air. connection: DN4/6. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass.
173,00 09F4005 @
Flowmeter type FM–40/250, for panel mounting. With needle valve. measuring range:
25–250Nl/h air. connection: DN4/6. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass.
173,00 09F4010 @
Flowmeter type FM–40/500, for panel mounting. With needle valve. measuring range:
50–500Nl/h air. connection: DN4/6. Material: PVDF, Viton?, glass.
173,00 09F4015 @
Bracket for FM40 material Alu. 25,10 09F9005 @
Recommended Spare Parts for FM1 - FM40
Connector/adaptor GL18 DN4/6 PV. 12,30 09F9500 @
Connector/Adaptor GL18 DN6/8 PV. 13,50 09F9510 @
Spare union nut GL18. 4,97 91F1005 @
Spare union nut GL18/14. 7,34 91F1007 @
Sealing ring GL18–6mm, material: PTFE. 7,58 91F1010 @
Sealing ring GL18–8mm, material: PTFE. 7,58 91F1015 @
Sealing ring GL18–10mm, material: PTFE. 7,58 91F1020 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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5.6.1 Flowmeters Page 2
Recommended Spare Parts for FM1 - FM40
02V1250 Needle valve type RV11–T for FM–10 straightway, connection inlet: G1/4", outlet:
6mm nipple, Material: PTFE, PCTFE.
90A0018 O–Ring (9) for FM40 and PMA. Werkstoff: Viton?. 3,43@
Spare Parts for FM1 - FM40
91F1025 Flowmeter glass for FM1 / FM10, including 6 mm sealing rings and caps.
Standard measuring range: 10–100 Nl/h air.
91F1035 Flowmeter glass for FM1 / FM10, including 6 mm sealing rings and caps.
Standard measuring range: 18–180 Nl/h air.
91F1050 Flowmeter glass for FM1 / FM10, including 6 mm sealing rings and caps.
Standard measuring range: 25–250 Nl/h air.
91F1055 Flowmeter glass for FM1 / FM10, including 6 mm sealing rings and caps.
Standard measuring range: 50–500 Nl/h air.
91F1060 Flowmeter glass for FM1 / FM10, including 6 mm sealing rings and caps.
Standard measuring range: 80–800 Nl/h air.
91F1065 Flowmeter glass for FM1 / FM10, including 6 mm sealing rings and caps.
Standard measuring range: 120–1200 Nl/h air.
91F1026 spare glass ball, 6 mm a.d. for FM1/10. 11,40@
90V0005 Needle for needle valve, RV 11–T PCTFE. 79,00@
90V0015 Needle for needle valve, RV 11–T PEEK. 73,30@
90V0020 Nut for needle valve, RV 11–P/T. 33,70@
90V0030 Seal for needle valve, RV 11–PK. 3,86@
90V0025 Nut for needle valve, RV 11–PK. 33,70@
90A0015 Flowmeter glass for FM40. Standard measuring range: 7–70 Nl/h air. 113,00@
94F0010 Flowmeter glass for FM40. Standard measuring range: 15–150 Nl/h air. 113,00@
94F0015 Flowmeter glass for FM40. Standard measuring range: 25–250 Nl/h air. 113,00@
94F0020 Flowmeter glass for FM40. Standard measuring range: 50–500 Nl/h air. 113,00@
Electrically Heated Flowmeters FM-2, FM-200H
09F2105 Flowmeter FM–2K... heatable at max. 200°C without needle valve, measuring
range as table catalog 25–250 Nl/h please indicate by order. air or others on
request connections 1/4"NPT material: SS316, glass, PTFE.
09F9001 Extra charge for FM–2 in case of special measuring range. 88,40@
09F2505 Flowmeter FM–200K/H heated at max. 180°C wiht needle valve, measuring range
25–250l/h air, mounted on a plate with heated inlet and outlet connections incl.
protection shield with insulation and a window electrically heated at 0–180°C,
adjustable by an incorporated thermostat over temperature protector with reset
key at +30°C above T–Soll and low temperature alarm at –30°C below T–Soll
connections D=6mm material: SS316,glass, PTFE. power: 230V/50Hz.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 3 Flowmeters 5.6.1
Electrically Heated Flowmeters FM-2, FM-200H
Flowmeter FM–200K–H/FA incl.sensor head,2x fibre optics light guide FO1 and pre
amplifiere K–FA–H for flow alarm monostable adjusted at 20% of scale heated at max.
180°C with needle valve, measuring range 25–250l/h air mounted on a plate with
heated inlet and outlet connections incl. protection shield with insulation and a window
electrically heated at 0–180°C adjustable by an incorporated thermostat over
temperature protector with reset key at +30°C above T–Soll and low temperature
alarm at –30°C below T–Soll connections D=6mm material: stainl.st. 316, glass, PTFE
power: 230V/50Hz.
4.073,00 09F2555 @
Recommended Spare Parts for FM2,FM200, FM300, FM400, FM2K, FM200K
spare o–ring set for flowmeter FM..–HT 2 pcs. PTFE spiral o–rings type MAA
231,00 91F1040 @
Heating cartridge for FM..–HT, L=100mm, 230VAC/350W 76,10 91F2000 @
Heating cartridge for FM..– HT, L=100mm, 115VAC/350W. 103,00 91F2000a @
Spare Parts FM2, FM200, FM300, FM400, FM2K, FM200K
Spare flowmeter glass for FM2, FM200 FM2K, FM200K with ball. standard measuring
range 10–100 NL/h air.
271,00 94F0115 @
Spare flowmeter glass for FM2,FM200 FM2K, FM200K with ball. standard measuring
range 25–250 NL/h air.
271,00 94F0120 @
Spare flowmeter glass for FM2,FM200 FM2K, FM200K with ball standard measuring
range 50–500 NL/h air.
271,00 94F0125 @
Spare flowmeter glass for FM2, FM200 FM2K, FM200K with ball standard measuring
range 80–800 NL/h air.
271,00 94F0130 @
Spare flowmeter glass for FM2, FM200 FM2K, FM200K with ball standard measuring
range 120–1200 NL/h air.
271,00 94F0135 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Flowmeters Page 4 5.6.1
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Flowmeters Page 4 5.6.1
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Photo-Electric Sensors, Electronic Controllers 5.6.10
Patented Sensor
Optical flow alarm sensor type FA1 bi. Photo–electric bistable clamp–on for flowmeter
tube sites: 5–14mm,. With 3m connecting cable.
207,00 02E1000 @
Optical flow alarm sensor type FA1bi (photoelectric) for tube size 5–14mm with 6m
connecting cable.
215,00 02E1010 @
Optical flow sensor type FA2 bi. Photo–electric bistable clamp–on for flowmeter tube
sites: 13–27mm,. With 3m connecting cable.
364,00 02E2000 @
Photoelectric bistable clamp–on optical flow sensor type FA3bi for tube site 26–55mm
with 3m of connecting cable.
478,00 02E3000 @
Extra charge per meter connecting cable for FA–1, FA–2, FA–3. 2,82 02E9000 @
Electronic Controllers for FA.., KS2 and K-FA
Electronic controller type FA–1.1, in a wall–mounting enclosure with fault– and
operation indication. Power: 115/230V, 50/60Hz.
184,00 02E7300 @
Electronic controller type FA–1.1, in a wall–mounting enclosure with fault– and
operation indication. Power: 24V/50Hz.
253,00 02E7300b @
Electronic controller type FA–1.1 in a wall–mounting enclosure with fault– and
operation indication. Power: 24VDC.
253,00 02E7300d @
Electronic controller type FA–1.4, rail–mounting enclosure (22mm wide with faultand
operation indication for front adjustment. Power: 230VAC.
193,00 02E7110 @
Electronic controller type FA–1.4 rail–mounting enclosure (22mm wide with faultand
operation indication for front adjustment. Power: 115VAC.
193,00 02E7110a @
Electronic controller type FA–1.4 rail–mounting enclosure (22mm wide with faultand
operation indication for front adjustment. Power: 24 VAC/DC.
193,00 02E7110d @
Electronic Controller for KS 2Ex
Electronic controller type KFA6Ex1 for ring approach switch RC15 and sensor KS2/Ex.
Signal output by change–over contact. Ex–class: Ex II (1) G D IIC Power supply:
147,00 01U2501 @
Pre-Amplifier K-FA
Pre amplifier K–FA bistable or on request monostable in wall mounting enclosure IP54
80x160x55mm with fault and operation indication in case of sensor cable >10m.
156,00 02E4020 @
Spare Parts for Electronic Controllers and Pre-Amplifiers
IC–MA 7812. 2,70 90E3010 @
Transformer 115/220V 2,5VA 16,60 90E3015 @
Flow Alarm Accessories FA1-H, (up to 180° C)
Sensor head FA1–H with 5–14mm clamping range. For 4 optical fibers type FO1/2,
max. 180°C.
170,00 02E4001 @
Fibre optic light guide type FO1 with ready–for–use ends. Length 600mm, for
temperatures up to 180°C. (mono 2x)
180,00 02E4060 @
Fibre optic light guide type FO3 with ready–for–use ends, length 900mm. For
temperatures up to 180°C. (mono 2x)
209,00 02E4063 @
Fibre optic light guide type FO2 with ready–for–use ends. length 1200mm. For
temperatures up to 180°C. (mono 2x).
229,00 02E4065 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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5.6.10 Photo-Electric Sensors, Electronic Controllers Page 2
Flow Alarm Accessories FA1-H, (up to 180° C)
02E4010 Pre amplifiere type K–FA–H mono/bistable with connectionadapter OA for fibre
optic in a wallmounting enclosure IP54 80x160x55mm, with fault and operation
02E4270 Complete flow alarm unit type FA1–Hmo–6 consisting of: Sensor FA2–H
02E4001, 2 fibre–optic light guides FO1 02E4060, pre–amplifier with adapter
K–FA–H 02E4010, electronic controller FA–1.1 02E7300 230V 50Hz or 115V
02E4273 Complete flow alarm unit type FA1–Hmo–9 consisting of: Sensor FA2–H
02E4001, 2 fibre–optic light guides FO3 02E4063, pre–amplifier with adapter
K–FA–H 02E4010, electronic controller FA–1.1 02E7300 230V 50Hz or 115V
02E4275 Complete flow alarm unit type FA1–Hmo–12 consisting of: Sensor FA2–H
02E4001, 2 fibre–optic light guides FO2 02E4065, pre–amplifier with adapter
K–FA–H 02E4010, Electronic controller FA–1.1 02E7300 230V 50Hz or 115V
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Pumps 6.1.1
PTFE? Pumps MP 47
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47. Material: PTFE. Capacity: 6l/min. at atm.
pressure. Connections: G1/4"i, Power: 230V/50Hz, IP20.
1.109,00 02P1000 @
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47. Material: PTFE. Capacity: 6l/min. at atm.
pressure. Connections: G1/4"i. Power: 115V/60Hz, IP20.
1.349,00 02P1000a @
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47/R all gas bearing parts from PTFE, with
integrated needle valve for flow adjustment capacity: 6 l/min, connections: G1/4"i,
power: 230V/50Hz, IP20. (other capacities on request)
1.371,00 02P1050 @
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47/R, all gas bearing parts from PTFE, with
integrated needle valve for flow adjustment, capacity: 6 l/min, connections: G1/4"i,
power: 115V/60Hz, IP20. (other capacities on request)
1.611,00 02p1050a @
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47–Z. Material: PTFE. Capacity: 17l/min. at atm.
pressure. Connections: G1/4"i. Power: 230V/50Hz, IP20.
1.112,00 02P1100 @
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47–Z. Material: PTFE. Capacity: 17l/min. at atm.
pressure. Connections: G1/4"i. Power: 115V/60Hz, IP20.
1.354,00 02P1100a @
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47–Z/R. Material: PTFE. Capacity: 17l/min. at atm.
pressure, with integrated needle valve. Connections: G1/4"i. Power: 230V/50Hz, IP20.
1.374,00 02P1150 @
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47–Z/R. Material: PTFE. Capacity: 17l/min. at atm.
pressure, with integrated needle valve. Connections: G1/4"i. Power: 115V/60Hz, IP20.
1.617,00 02P1150a @
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47/Ex. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1
with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx e,q II B T3. Material: PTFE.
Capacity: 6l/min. at atm. pressure. Connections: G1/4"i. Power: 230V/50Hz, IP44.
1.567,00 02P1200 @
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47/Ex. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1
with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx e,q II B T3. Material: PTFE.
Capacity: 6l/min. at atm. pressure. Connections: G1/4"i. Power: 115V/60Hz, IP44.
1.907,00 02P1200a @
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47–Z/Ex. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone
1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx e,q II B T3. Material: PTFE.
Capacity: 17l/min. at atm. pressure. Connections: G1/4"i. Power: 230V/50Hz, IP44.
1.567,00 02P1250 @
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47–Z/Ex. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone
1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx e,q II B T3. Material: PTFE.
Capacity: 17l/min. at atm. pressure. Connections: G1/4"i. Power: 115V/60Hz, IP44.
1.907,00 02P1250a @
Extra charge for MP47, MP47–Z, MP47/R, MP47–Z/R with a double diaphragm
system type MP47../D.
526,00 02P9035 @
Extra charge for flowsensor LPH–7 on MP47/D MP47–Z/D, MP47/R/D, MP47–Z/R/D.
Including mounting accessory.
293,00 02P9037 @
PTFE? Pumps MP 47 wit integrated pressure regulator
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47–Z/BPR–150 Material: PTFE Viton? with
integrated pressure regulator Outlet pressure adjusted to 0,2 bar with 200 Nl/hr max
control range: Inlet pressure p –0,5 to+0,1 bar Connections: G1/4"i. Power:
230V/50Hz, IP20.
1.462,00 02P1160 @
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47–Z/BPR–150 Material: PTFE Viton? with
integrated pressure regulator, Outlet pressure adjusted to 0,2 bar with 6,5 Nl/min max,
control range: Inlet pressure p –0,35 to +0,1 bar Connections: G1/4"i. Power:
115V/60Hz, IP20.
1.704,00 02P1160a @
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47–Z/BPR–150K Material: PTFE Kalrez? with
integrated pressure regulator, Outlet pressure adjusted to 0,2 bar with 6,5 Nl/min max,
control range: Inlet pressure p –0,35 to +0,1 bar Connections: G1/4"i. Power:
230V/50Hz, IP20.
1.657,00 02P1165 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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6.1.1 Pumps Page 2
PTFE? Pumps MP 47 wit integrated pressure regulator
02P1165a Analytical diaphragm pump type MP47–Z/BPR–150K Material: PTFE Kalrez?
with integrated pressure regulator, Outletpressure adjusted to 0,2 bar with 6,5
Nl/min max control range: Inlet pressurep –0,35 to +0,1 bar Connections: G1/4"i.
Power: 115V/60Hz, IP20.
PTFE? Pumps in Compact Design
03P1000 Analytical diaphragm pump type MP06, all gas bearing parts from PTFE, FKM
capacity: 5,5 l/min without pressure, power: 230V/50Hz, IP54.
03P1500 Analitical diaphragm pump type MP06R, withbypass, all gas bearing parts from
PTFE, FKM capacity: 5,5 l/min without pressure, power: 230V/50Hz, IP54.
03P2000 Analytical diaphragm pump type MP12, all gas bearing parts from PTFE, FKM
connections: G1/8"i, capacity: 11 l/min without pressure. power: 230V/50Hz, IP54.
03P2500 Analitical diaphragm pump type MP12R, withbypass, all gas bearing parts from
PTFE, FKM capacity: 11 l/min withoutpressure, power: 230V/50Hz, IP54.
Electrically Heated Pumps
02P1300 Analytical diaphragm pump type MP26H1,all gas bearing parts PTFE, SS.
capacity: max. 10 NL/min without pressure, heated version 0–180°C, temperature
controller with temperature limiter, low temperature alarm and thermometer,
connection: G1/4"f. Power: 230V/50Hz, (other capacities on request).
PVDF pumps type N... and MP30...
02P3006 Diaphragm pump type N3 KP18 with housing, capacity: 3 l/min, connections:
G1/8"i, material: PVDF, Viton?, power: 230V/50Hz.
02P3006a Diaphragm pump type N3 KP18 with housing, capacity: 3 l/min, connections:
G1/8"i, material: PVDF, Viton?, power: 115V/60Hz.
02P3007 Diaphragm pump type N5 KP18 with housing, capacity: 5 l/min, connections:
G1/8"i, material: PVDF, Viton?, power: 230V/50Hz.
02P3007a Diaphragm pump type N5 KP18 with housing, capacity: 5 l/min, connections:
G1/8"i, material: PVDF, Viton?, power: 115V/60Hz.
02P3008 Diaphragm pump type N9 KP18 with housing, capacity: 8 l/min, connections:
G1/8"i, material: PVDF, Viton?, power: 230V/50Hz.
02P3008a Diaphragm pump type N9 KP18 with housing, capacity: 8 l/min, connections:
G1/8"i, material: PVDF, Viton?, power: 115V/60Hz.
02P3351 Diaphragm pump type N3 KPE without housing, capacity: 3 l/min, connections:
G1/8"i, material: PVDF, Viton?, power: 230/115V 50/60Hz.
02P3355 Diaphragm pump type N5 KPE without housing, capacity: 5 l/min, connection:
G1/8"i, material: PVDF, Viton?, power: 230/115V 50/60Hz.
02P3360 Diaphragm pump type N9 KPE without housing, capacity: 8 l/min, connections:
G1/8"i, material: PVDF, Viton?, power: 230/115V, 50/60Hz.
02P1500 Analytical diaphragm pump type MP30. Material: Pump head: PVDF, valves:
Kalrez?, diaphragm: PTFE–coated. Capacity: 7 l/min. at atm. pressure.
Connections: G1/8"i. Power: 230V/50Hz, IP54.
02P1500a Analytical diaphragm pump type MP30. Material: Pump head: PVDF, valves:
Kalrez?, diaphragm: PTFE–coated. Capacity: 7 l/min. at atm. pressure.
Connections: G1/8"i. Power: 115V/60Hz, IP54.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 3 Pumps 6.1.1
PVDF pumps type N... and MP30...
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP30Ex. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1
with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx de IIB T4. Material: Pump head:
PVDF, valves: Kalrez?, diaphragm: PTFE–coated. Capacity: 7 l/min. at atm. pressure.
Connections: G1/8"i. Power: 230V/50Hz, IP54.
986,00 02P1550 @
Analytical diaphragm pump type MP30Ex. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1
with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx de IIB T4. Material: Pump head:
PVDF, valves: Kalrez?, diaphragm: PTFE–coated. Capacity: 7 l/min. at atm. pressure.
Connections: G1/8"i. Power: 115V/60Hz, IP54.
1.054,00 02P1550a @
Recommended Spare Parts for MP 47...
Diaphragm type K for MP47/MP47–Z. 101,00 90P1105 @
PTFE–ring type Y for valve chamber MP47. 5,52 90P1108 @
Valve plate type T for MP47, 1 piece. 10,40 90P1110 @
PTFE–valve–body type C/D, 1/4"i for MP47. 40,90 90P1111 @
PTFE–valve–body type C/D, 1/4"i for MP47/R, 47–Z/R. 63,10 90P1112 @
O–ring 25 for MP47/Z/R. 6,72 90P1113 @
Spare Parts for MP 47...
Connecting rod for MP47. 62,90 90P3025 @
Pump head top part for MP47, material PTFE. 417,00 90P3027 @
Pump head top part for MP47/R, 47–Z/R, material PTFE. 554,00 90P3028 @
Needle out of PVDF with screw part out of PTFE for needle valve in MP47–Z–NV until
105,00 90P6000 @
Needle out of PVDF for needle valve in MP47–Z–NV until 9/93. 74,30 90P6005 @
Seal ring out of PTFE for needle valve MP47–Z–NV until 9/93. 29,70 90P6010 @
Needle valve PVDF with screw part out of PTFE for MP47/R, 47–Z/R. 146,00 90P6030 @
Needle out of PVDF for needle valve in MP47–Z–R from 10/93. 74,30 90P6015 @
Seal ring out of PTFE for needle valve MP47–Z–R from 10/93. 26,30 90P6020 @
Adapter out of PVDF for needle valve in MP47–Z–R from 10/93. 29,90 90P6025 @
Recommended Spare Parts for MP 06/12
Membrane type MTF26, for MP06/MP12, material: Viton?, PTFE. 123,00 91P1000 @
Valve plate type VTF26, for MP06/12, material: FKM 7,29 91P1005 @
O–ring type OTF26, for MP06/12. Material: FKM 15,40 91P1010 @
Spare Parts for MP 06/12
Pump head, upper part for MP06/12, material: PTFE. 186,00 91P1015 @
Pump head, basic part for MP06/12, material: PTFE. 228,00 91P1020 @
Con–rod with bearing MP06/12. 40,30 91P1025 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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6.1.1 Pumps Page 4
Recommended Spare Parts for N... And MP30...
90P2120 Diaphragm type S3, for N3–N5 KPE, material: Viton?/PTFE. 39,10@
90P2110 Valve reed type V3, for N3–N5 KPE, 1 pc, material: Viton?. 9,09@
90P2115 O–ring type O3, for N3–N5 KPE, 1pc., material: Viton?. 8,07@
90P2122 Eccentric/ rod with ball bearing type E3 for N3. 47,10@
90P2125 Spare motor for N3–N5 115/230V. 217,00@
90P2220 Diaphragm type S9, for N9 KPE, material: Viton?/PTFE. 66,70@
90P2222 Eccenter type E9, for N9 KPE, 83,40@
90P1510 O–ring For MP30 Material: Kalrez? 29,50@
90P1500 Diaphragm for pump series MP30. 29,00@
90P1505 Valve plate for pump series MP30 (2 pcs.). Material: FFPM. 30,20@
90P2211 Valve plate with seal for N9 KPE, 1 pc., material: Viton?. 24,60@
90P1520 Square cap for MP30, G1/8""i, material: PVDF. 23,20@
90P1525 Spacer for MP30, Material: PVD 67,00@
90P1530 MP30 Pressure Plate 35,10@
Spare Parts for N...
90P2100 Square cap type D3, for N3–N5 KPE, 1/8"i, Incl. compression plate and screws,
Material: PVDF.
90P2105 Spacer type Z3, for N3–N5 KPE, material: PVDF. 142,00@
90P2200 Square cap type D9, for N9 KPE, G1/8"i, material: PVDF. 40,20@
90P2205 Spacer type Z9, for N9 KPE, material: PVDF. 35,00@
Recommended Spare Parts for N010...
90P3020 Valve plate type EV 10 for N010 KV, material Viton?. 21,80@
Recommended Spare Parts for MP 26/H
90P5000 Triple–PTFE–diaphragm for heated diaphragm pump type MP26H. 58,60@
90P5005 PTFE–valve plate for heated diaphragmpump type MP26H, 1 pc., (2 pcs.
90P5010 O–Ring for heated diaphragm pump type MP26H, 1 pc. (2 pcs. required) 9,66@
90P5025 Valve body for heated diaphragm pump type MP26H gas connection: RC 1/4"i 1
pc., (2 pcs. required)
90P5015 Heating cartridge for heated diaphragm pump type MP26H, T6–H1, 230V/50Hz,
100W, length: 50mm.
90P5016 Heating cartridge for heated diaphragm pump type MP26H, T6–H, 115V/60Hz,
100W, length: 50mm.
90P5020 Thermostat (0–180°C), with over–temperature limiter and low–temperature alarm
for MP26/H1,FT..H2,T6–H1.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 5 Pumps 6.1.1
Spare Parts for MP 26/H...
Con–rod for heated diaphragm pump type MP26H 47,40 90P5030 @
Con–rod extention for heated diaphragm pump type MP26H. 158,00 90P5035 @
Pressure disc for heated diaphragm pump type MP26H Material: SS 315,00 90P5040 @
Eccentric cam for heated diaphragm pump type MP26H 80,20 90P5050 @
Start capacitor for heated diaphragm pump type MP26H, power: 230V/50Hz. 26,90 90P5055 @
Thermal circuit breaker 1,5A for heated diaphragm pump type MP26H. 41,30 90P5060 @
Diaphragm head for heated diaphragm pump type MP26H, material: PTFE. 470,00 90P5065 @
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Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Pumps Page 6 6.1.1
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Page 1 Ball Valves and needle valve out of PVDF 6.2.1
Ball Valves Serie L...
2–way ball valve type 2L/PV–1, DN 4mm, connection: 2xG1/4"i, material: PVDF,
98,50 01V3000 @
3–way ball valve type 3L/PV–1, DN 4mm, connection: 3xG1/4"i, material: PVDF,
113,00 01V3050 @
4–way ball valve type 4L/PV–1, DN 4mm, connection: 4xG1/4"i, material: PVDF,
141,00 01V3100 @
5–way ball valve type 5L/PV–1, DN 4mm, connection: 5xG1/4"i, material: PVDF,
162,00 01V3150 @
Extra charge for identification positioner for ball valves type 607.. with a microswitch
compley mounted on bracket.
194,00 01V2005 @
Complete mounting bracket for ball–valve type L. 52,70 01V2004 @
Complete mounting bracket for ball–valve type 2/4L 52,70 01V2006 @
Needle Valves RV11-...
Needle valve type RV 11–P straight–way type, connections: 2xG1/4"f ISO material:
183,00 02V1000 @
Needle valve type RV 11–T straight–way type connections: 2xG1/4"f ISO material:
217,00 02V1200 @
Needle valve, type RV11–PK, for FM10–H straight way connection inlet G1/4", outlet
G1/4", Material: PTFE, PEEK.
265,00 02V1300 @
Spare Parts for RV11-...
Needle for needle valve, RV–11 PVDF. 71,50 90V0010 @
Needle for needle valve, RV 11–T PCTFE. 79,00 90V0005 @
Needle for needle valve, RV 11–T PEEK. 73,30 90V0015 @
Nut for needle valve, RV 11–P/T. 33,70 90V0020 @
Seal for needle valve, RV 11–PK. 3,86 90V0030 @
Nut for needle valve, RV 11–PK. 33,70 90V0025 @
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Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 1 Heated Solenoid Valve and Heated Ball Valves 6.5.1
Heated Solenoid Valve and Heated Ball Valves
Electrically heated 2/2–way solenoid valve type MV 2/2–H. Installed on a mounting
plate with insulated enclosure. Adjustable 0–180°C by an incorporated thermostat.
Over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with
potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Power supply: Heating:
230V/50Hz, 350W. Valve: 24VDC, 15W.
3.905,00 03V1500 @
Electrically heated 3/2–way solenoid valve type MV 3/2–H. Installed on a mounting
plate with insulated enclosure. Adjustable 0–180°C by an incorporated thermostat.
Over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with
potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Power supply: Heating:
230V/50Hz, 350W. Valve: 24VDC, 15W.
3.957,00 03V2000 @
Electrically heated 3/2–way solenoid valve type MV 3/2–H. Installed on a mounting
plate with insulated enclosure. Adjustable 0–180°C by an incorporated thermostat.
Over temperature limiter with reset key at +30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with
potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C below Tsetting. Power supply: Heating:
115V/60Hz, 350W. Valve: 24VDC, 15W.
3.957,00 03V2000a @
3/2–way ball–valve V3/2–H heated version up to max 180°C in an insulated enclosure.
Adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature protector with reset key at
+30°C Tsoll, low temperature alarm at –30°C below Tsoll with voltage free
status–alarm contact Power 230V/50Hz 350W.
2.304,00 03V3000 @
3/2–way ball–valve V3/2–H heated version up to max 180°C in an insulated enclosure.
Adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature protector with reset key at
+30°C Tsoll, low temperature alarm at –30°C below Tsoll with voltage free
status–alarm contact Power 115V/60Hz 350W.
2.304,00 03V3000a @
3/2–way ball–valve type V3/2–H/PE heated version up to max 180°C in an insulated
enclosure. Adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature protector with
reset key at +30°C Tsoll, low temperature alarm at –30°C below Tsoll with voltage free
status–alarm contact With 2–way identification positioner with a microswitch Power
230V/50Hz 350W.
2.790,00 03V3010 @
3/2–way ball–valve type V3/2–H/PE heated version up to max 180°C in an insulated
enclosure. Adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature protector with
reset key at +30°C Tsoll, low temperature alarm at –30°C below Tsoll with voltage free
status–alarm contact With 2–way identification positioner with a microswitch Power
115V/60Hz 350W.
2.790,00 03V3010a @
Spare Parts for Heated SolenoidValve and Heated Ball Valves
Cartridge heater element for filter H1/H2 L=100mm, 230VAC/350W. 72,00 90F3000 @
Heating cartridge for filter H1/H2, L=100mm, 115VAC/350W. 132,00 90F3010 @
Thermostat (0–180°C), with over–temperature limiter and low–temperature alarm for
124,00 90P5020 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Heated Solenoid Valve and Heated Ball Valves Page 2 6.5.1
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Page 1 Heated Multiplex Connectors 6.6.1
Heated Multiplex Connectors
Electrically heated union tee tube fitting type T6–H1 in a housing. Mounted on a plate
350x320mm incl. 3pcs. pipe clamps (44–55mm). With electrical heating 0–180°C
adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at
+30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C
below Tsetting. Power: 230V/50Hz. Connection: for 6mm tube. Material: SS316.
872,00 10B1001 @
Electrically heated union tee tube fitting type T6–H1 in a housing. Mounted on a plate
350x320mm incl. 3pcs. pipe clamps (44–55mm). With electrical heating 0–180°C
adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at
+30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C
below Tsetting. Power: 115V/60Hz. Connection: for 6mm tube. Material: SS316.
872,00 10B1001a @
Electrically heated union tee tube fitting type T8–H1 in a housing. Mounted on a plate
350x320mm incl. 3pcs. pipe clamps (44–55mm). With electrical heating 0–180°C
adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at
+30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C
below Tsetting. Power: 230V/50Hz. Connection: for 8mm tube. Material: SS316.
885,00 10B1101 @
Electrically heated union tee tube fitting type T6–H1 in a housing. Mounted on a plate
350x320mm incl. 3pcs. pipe clamps (44–55mm). With electrical heating 0–180°C
adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at
+30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C
below Tsetting. Power: 115V/60Hz. Connection: for 8mm tube. Material: SS316.
885,00 10B1101a @
Electrically heated union tube fitting type V6–H1 in a housing. Mounted on a plate
350x320mm incl. 2pcs. pipe clamps (44–55mm). With electrical heating 0–180°C
adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at
+30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C
below Tsetting. Power: 230V/50Hz. Connection: for 6mm tube. Material: SS316.
834,00 10B1011 @
Electrically heated union tube fitting type V6–H1 in a housing. Mounted on a plate
350x320mm incl. 2pcs. pipe clamps (44–55mm). With electrical heating 0–180°C
adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at
+30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C
below Tsetting. Power: 115V/60Hz. Connection: for 6mm tube. Material: SS316.
834,00 10B1011a @
Electrically heated union tube fitting type V8–H1 in a housing. Mounted on a plate
350x320mm incl. 2pcs. pipe clamps (44–55mm). With electrical heating 0–180°C
adjustable by an incorporated thermostat, over temperature limiter with reset key at
+30°C Tsetting and low temp. alarm with potential free status–alarm contact at –30°C
below Tsetting. Power: 230V/50Hz. Connection: for 8mm tube. Material: SS316.
842,00 10B1111 @
Spare Parts for Heated Multiplex Connectors
Heating cartridge for heated diaphragm pump type MP26H, T6–H1, 230V/50Hz,
100W, length: 50mm.
67,20 90P5015 @
Thermostat (0–180°C), with over–temperature limiter and low–temperature alarm for
124,00 90P5020 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Connectors 7.1.1
PVDF Male Connectors with G-ISO Thread
Male connector DN4/6–G1/8", material: PVDF. 5,48 05V1045 @
Male connector DN6/8–G1/8", material: PVDF. 10,20 05V1050 @
Male connector DN10/12–G1/8", material: PVDF. 20,50 05V1055 @
Male connector DN4/6–G1/4", material: PVDF. 8,75 05V1060 @
Male connector DN6/8–G1/4", material: PVDF. 10,70 05V1065 @
Male connector DN8/10–G1/4", material: PVDF. 14,00 05V1067 @
Male connector DN10/12–G1/4", material: PVDF. 20,70 05V1070 @
Male connector DN6/8–G1/2", material: PVDF. 25,20 05V1081 @
Male connector DN4/6–G3/8", material: PVDF. 13,00 05V1075 @
Male connector DN6/8–G3/8", material: PVDF. 15,90 05V1080 @
Male connector DN8/10–G3/8", material: PVDF. 17,20 05V1069 @
Male connector DN10/12–G3/8", material: PVDF. 22,40 05V1085 @
Male connector DN10/12–G1/2", material: PVDF. 25,70 05V1087 @
Male connector DN8/10–G1/8", material: PVDF. 15,50 05V1057 @
Male connector DN12/16–G1/4", material: PVDF. 54,50 05V1071 @
PP Male Connectors with G-ISO Thread
Male connector DN4/6–G1/8", material: PP. 2,68 05V1090 @
Male connector DN6/8–G1/8", material: PP. 5,48 05V1095 @
Male connector DN10/12–G1/8", material: PP. 12,90 05V1100 @
Male connector DN4/6–G1/4", material: PP. 3,37 05V1105 @
Male connector DN6/8–G1/4", material: PP. 5,76 05V1110 @
Male connector DN10/12–G1/4", material: PP. 12,90 05V1115 @
Male connector DN4/6–G3/8", material: PP. 6,67 05V1120 @
Male connector DN6/8–G3/8", material: PP. 9,59 05V1125 @
Male connector DN10/12–G3/8", material: PP. 13,20 05V1130 @
Male connector DN10/12–G1/2", material: PP. 15,30 05V1135 @
PVDF Male Connectors with NPT Thread
Male connector DN4/6–NPT1/8", material: PVDF. 5,48 05V2045 @
Male connector DN6/8–NPT1/8", material: PVDF. 10,20 05V2050 @
Male connector DN10/12–NPT1/8", material: PVDF. 19,90 05V2055 @
Male connector DN8/10–NPT1/8", material: PVDF. 16,30 05V2052 @
Male connector DN4/6–NPT1/4", material: PVDF. 8,75 05V2060 @
Male connector DN6/8–NPT1/4", material: PVDF. 10,70 05V2065 @
Male connector DN10/12–NPT1/4", material: PVDF. 20,70 05V2070 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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7.1.1 Connectors Page 2
PVDF Male Connectors with NPT Thread
05V2075 Male connector DN4/6–NPT3/8", material: PVDF. 13,00@
05V2080 Male connector DN6/8–NPT3/8", material: PVDF. 16,10@
05V2085 Male connector DN10/12–NPT3/8", material: PVDF. 22,40@
05V2086 Male connector DN4/6–NPT1/2", material: PVDF. 18,10@
05V2088 Male connector DN8/10–NPT1/2", material: PVDF. 28,50@
05V2087 Male connector DN10/12–NPT1/2", material: PVDF. 25,70@
05V2066 Male connector DN8/10–NPT1/4", material: PVDF. 14,00@
05V2069 Male connector DN8/10–NPT3/8", material: PVDF. 17,20@
PP Male Connectors with NPT Thread
05V2090 Male connector DN4/6–NPT1/8", material: PP. 2,20@
05V2095 Male connector DN6/8–NPT1/8", material: PP. 5,48@
05V2100 Male connector DN10/12–NPT1/8", material: PP. 12,90@
05V2105 Male connector DN4/6–NPT1/4", material: PP. 3,27@
05V2110 Male connector DN6/8–NPT1/4", material: PP. 5,76@
05V2115 Male connector DN10/12–NPT1/4", material: PP. 12,90@
05V2120 Male connector DN4/6–NPT3/8", material: PP. 6,46@
05V2125 Male connector DN6/8–NPT3/8", material: PP. 9,59@
05V2130 Male connector DN10/12–NPT3/8", material: PP. 13,20@
PVDF Male Elbow Connectors with G-ISO Thread
05V4045 Male elbow connector DN4/6–G1/8", material: PVDF. 6,57@
05V4050 Elbow male connector DN6/8–G1/8", material: PVDF. 11,30@
05V4055 Elbow male connector DN10/12–G1/8", material: PVDF. 23,30@
05V4060 Elbow male connector DN4/6–G1/4", material: PVDF. 10,40@
05V4065 Elbow male connector DN6/8–G1/4", material: PVDF. 12,30@
05V4070 Elbow male connector DN10/12–G1/4", material: PVDF. 20,80@
05V4075 Elbow male connector DN4/6–G3/8", material: PVDF. 12,90@
05V4080 Elbow male connector DN6/8–G3/8", material: PVDF. 17,40@
05V4085 Elbow male connector DN10/12–G3/8", material: PVDF. 23,90@
05V4087 Elbow male connector DN10/12–G1/2", material: PVDF. 25,70@
05V4066 Elbow male connector DN8/10–G1/4", material: PVDF. 15,30@
PVDF Male Elbow Connectors with NPT- Thread
05V6045 Elbow male connector DN4/6–NPT1/8", material: PVDF. 6,67@
05V6060 Elbow male connector DN4/6–NPT1/4", material: PVDF. 9,87@
05V6065 Elbow male connector DN6/8–NPT1/4", material: PVDF. 11,90@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 3 Connectors 7.1.1
PVDF Male Elbow Connectors with NPT- Thread
Elbow male connector DN4/6–NPT3/8", material: PVDF. 12,90 05V6075 @
PP Male Elbow Connectors with G-ISO Thread
Elbow male connector DN4/6–G1/8", material: PP. 3,08 05V4090 @
Elbow male connector DN6/8–G1/8", material: PP. 5,95 05V4095 @
Elbow male connector DN10/12–G1/8", material: PP. 20,50 05V4100 @
Elbow male connector DN4/6–G1/4", material: PP. 3,65 05V4110 @
Elbow male connector DN6/8–G1/4", material: PP. 7,58 05V4115 @
Elbow male connector DN10/12–G1/4", material: PP. 20,70 05V4120 @
Elbow male connector DN4/6–G3/8", material: PP. 6,67 05V4125 @
Elbow male connector DN6/8–G3/8", material: PP. 10,20 05V4130 @
Elbow male connector DN10/12–G3/8", material: PP. 20,90 05V4135 @
PP Male Elbow Connectors with NPT- Thread
Elbow male connector DN4/6–NPT1/4", material: PP. 3,65 05V6110 @
PVDF Female Connectors with G-ISO Thread
Female connector G1/8"i–DN4/6, material: PVDF. 27,90 05V3910 @
Female connector G1/4"i–DN4/6, material PVDF. 29,70 05V3900 @
Adaptor G1/4"i–DN10/12 material PVDF. 29,20 05V3915 @
PP Female Connectors with G-ISO Thread
Female connector G1/4"i–DN4/6 PP. 4,48 05V3800 @
Union Connectors Hose / Hose
Union DN4/6, material PVDF. 9,15 05V3015 @
Union DN4/6–DN6/8, material PVDF. 17,60 05V3505 @
Union DN4/6–DN8/10, material PVDF. 27,50 05V3510 @
Union DN4/6–DN10/12, material PVDF. 30,50 05V3515 @
Union DN6/8, material PVDF. 15,80 05V3020 @
Union DN6/8–DN8/10, material PVDF. 27,50 05V3520 @
Union DN10/12, material PVDF. 26,60 05V3025 @
Unions DN4/6, material PP. 3,08 05V3030 @
Union DN4/6–DN6/8, material PP. 6,90 05V3500 @
Unions DN6/8, material PP. 5,14 05V3035 @
Union DN10/12, material PP. 13,10 05v3040 @
Union elbow DN4/6, material: PVDF. 20,30 05V3350 @
Union elbow DN6/8, material: PVDF. 21,70 05V3355 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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7.1.1 Connectors Page 4
Union Connectors Hose / Hose
05V3365 Union elbow DN10/12 material: PVDF. 29,80@
Union Connectors Hose / Tube
05V3115 Union DN4/6 – D6, material PVDF. 24,40@
05V3190 Union DN6/8–D6, material PVDF. 32,10@
05V3120 Union DN6/8–D8, material PVDF. 31,80@
05V3128 Union DN4/6–D12, material PVDF. 58,50@
05V3125 Union DN10/12–D12, material PVDF. 53,40@
05V3130 Union DN4/6–D6, material PP. 3,78@
05V3135 Union DN6/8–D8, material PP. 6,14@
05V3150 Union DN4/6–D12, material PP. 18,00@
05V3140 Union DN10/12–D12, material PP. 14,30@
05V3180 Union elbow DN4/6–D6, material: PVDF. 36,20@
05V3185 Union elbow DN4/6–D12, material PVDF. 67,70@
05V3160 Union elbow DN4/6–D6, material PP. 4,48@
05V3165 Union elbow DN4/6–D12, material PP. 34,70@
Union Tee
05V5015 Union tee DN4/6, material: PVDF. 17,60@
05V5020 Union tee DN6/8, material: PVDF. 23,00@
05V5025 Union tee DN10/12, material: PVDF. 36,20@
05V5030 Union tee DN4/6, material: PP. 3,97@
05V5035 Union tee DN6/8, material: PP. 9,15@
05V5040 Union tee DN10/12, material: PP. 29,80@
Bulkhead Union
05V3215 Bulkhead union DN4/6, material: PVDF. 12,90@
05V3220 Bulkhead union DN6/8, material: PVDF. 20,10@
05V3225 Bulkhead union DN10/12, material: PVDF. 27,80@
05V3230 Bulkhead union DN4/6, material: PP. 3,78@
05V3235 Bulkhead union DN6/8, material: PP. 6,07@
05V3240 Bulkhead union DN10/12, DN10/12, material: PP. 12,50@
06V7000 Blind Plug G1/8", material: PTFE. 4,37@
06V7005 Blind plug G1/4", material: PTFE. 5,95@
06V7010 Blind Plug G3/8", material: PTFE. 27,20@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 5 Connectors 7.1.1
Blind Plug G1/8", material: PVDF. 4,37 06V7015 @
Blind Plug G1/4", material: PVDF. 5,95 06V7020 @
Blind Plug G3/8", material: PVDF. 12,80 06V7025 @
Hose Nozzles
Hose nozzles D4–G1/8", material: PP. 2,85 06V8000 @
Hose nozzles D6–G1/8", material: PP. 2,77 06V8010 @
Hose nozzles D8–G1/8", material: PP. 3,78 06V8015 @
Hose nozzles D4–G1/4", material: PP. 3,94 06V8020 @
Hose nozzles D6–G1/4", material: PP. 5,53 06V8025 @
Hose nozzles D8–G1/4", material: PP. 3,78 06V8030 @
Hose nozzles D4–G3/8", material: PP. 4,37 06V8035 @
Hose nozzles D6–G3/8", material: PP. 4,77 06V8040 @
Hose nozzles D8–G3/8", material: PP. 4,97 06V8045 @
Recommended Spare Parts
Ferrule DN4/6, material: PP. 0,34 05V6500 @
Ferrule DN6/8, material: PP. 0,51 05V6502 @
Ferrule DN10/12, material: PP. 0,70 05V6504 @
Spare parts union nut M10–4/6, material PP. 0,40 05V6505 @
Ferrule DN4/6, material: PVDF. 0,51 05V6600 @
Spare parts union nut M10–4/6, material PVDF. 0,78 05V6605 @
Ferrule DN6/8, material: PVDF. 0,70 05V6602 @
Nut M14–6/8 PV. 1,01 05V6607 @
Stainless Steel Connectors from Swagelok?
Male connector G1/8"–6mm, material SS316. 28,00 09V1000 @
Male connector 6mm tube – R1/4". Material: SS316. 29,80 09V1005 @
Male connector 6mm tube – R3/8". Material: SS316. 37,50 09V1010 @
Male connector 8mm tube – R1/8". Material: SS316. 30,20 09V1100 @
Male connector 8mm tube – R1/4". Material: SS316. 34,80 09V1105 @
Male connector 12mm tube – R1/4"o. Material: SS316. 58,80 09V1205 @
Male connector 8mm tube – R3/8". Material: SS316. 41,00 09V1110 @
Male connector 10mm tube – R3/8". Material: SS316. 55,80 09V1210 @
Male connector 12mm tube – R3/8". Material: SS316. 57,80 09V1310 @
Male connector 12mm tube – R1/2". Material: SS316. 67,70 09V1315 @
Male connector 12mm tube – R3/4". Material: SS316. 66,80 09V1320 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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7.1.1 Connectors Page 6
Stainless Steel Connectors from Swagelok?
09V2000 Male connector SS 1/8"NPT–6mm, SS–6MO–1–2. 24,50@
09V2005 Male connector, SS 316 1/4"NPT – 6mm, SS6MO–1–4. 29,80@
09V2105 Male connector SS 316 1/4"NPT– 8mm, SS8MO–1–4. 34,80@
09V2315 Male connector SS316 1/2"NPT – 12mm, SS12MO–1–8. 83,40@
09V6015 Straight connector for 6mm tube SS6MO–6, material SS316. 43,00@
09V8020 Straight connector 6mm–8mm, SS 8MO–6–6, material SS316. 48,10@
09V7015 Bulkhead union 6mm, material SS316. 65,80@
09V7020 Bulkhead union 8mm material SS316. 69,80@
09V9015 Union tee for tube 6mm od material SS316. 71,40@
09V9020 Union tee for tube 8mm OD material SS316. 81,80@
09V9030 Union tee for tube 12mmOD material SS316. 172,00@
09V9500 Union tee for tube 6mm od material SS316. 71,40@
Spare Parts for Stainless Steel Connectors from Swagelok?
09V3115 Nut Swagelok? SS 6mm, SS 6M2–1. 6,93@
09V3215 Back ferrule, 6mm, material: SS316. 3,27@
09V3315 Front ferrule, 6mm, material: SS316. 3,56@
09V3120 Nut Swagelok?, 8mm SS–8M2–1. 9,45@
09V3220 Back ferrule, 8mm, material: SS316. 5,33@
09V3320 Front ferrule, 8mm, material: SS316. 5,48@
Helpfull for Tube Mounting
02B1010 Insert 4mm o.d. for PTFE hose 4/6mm, Material: SS316. 4,80@
02B1020 Insert 6mm o.d. for PTFE hose 6/8mm, Material: SS316. 5,69@
02B1040 Insert 10mm o.d. for PTFE hose 10/12mm, Material: SS316. 6,77@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Hoses, price per meter 7.3.1
Hoses Made of PTFE
PTFE capillary tube, DN 0,7/2mm. Price per meter. 4,27 01U0010 @
PTFE tube, DN 4/6mm. Price per meter. 7,99 02B1000 @
PTFE tube, DN 6/8mm. Price per meter. 10,30 02B2000 @
PTFE tube, DN 8/10mm. Price per meter. 12,20 02B2500 @
PTFE tube, DN 10/12mm. Price per meter. 15,60 02B3000 @
Hoses Made of Viton?
Viton? tube, DN 2/5mm. Price per meter. 16,90 90A0055 @
Viton? tube, DN 4/6mm. Price per meter. 16,50 01T1000 @
Viton? tube, DN 6/8mm. Price per meter. 21,30 01T1005 @
Viton? tube special for SR25 DN 3,2/6,4 Price per meter. 114,00 01T1010 @
Hoses Made of Novoprene?
Novoprene? tube, DN 3,2/6,4mm. Price per meter. 15,50 01T2000 @
Hoses made of PVC and Tygon?
PVC tube clear, DN 4/6mm. Price per meter. 0,62 01T4000 @
PVC tube clear, DN 4/8mm. Price per meter. 2,49 01T4100 @
Tygon? tube 1/8"–1/4" (3,18/6,35mm), Price per meter. 10,70 01T4500 @
Hoses made of PFA
PFA tube, DN4/6mm. Price per meter. 15,20 01T5000 @
PA tube, DN4/6mm. Price per meter. 4,01 01T6000 @
Hose cutter. 17,80 10T1000 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Hoses, price per meter Page 2 7.3.1
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Gas Converter Unit 9.0.1
Gas Converter Unit CG2
Gas converter type CG–2, without bypass valves. in 19 inch rack housing, with
heat–isolated, compact tube furnace. with unheated sample inlet. Electrically heated,
with thermo couple Ni–CrNi and electronic controller adjustable 50–680°C. With exess
temperature and low temp. alarm. Connection: G 1/4"i ISO material: SS 316, Viton?,
PVDF,PTFE. power: 230V/50Hz, 520VA. # Without catalyst cartridge #
3.452,00 50A1600 @
Gas converter type CG–2, without bypass valves. in 19 inch rack housing, with
heat–isolated, compact tube furnace. with unheated sample inlet. Electrically heated,
with thermo couple Ni–CrNi and electronic controller adjustable 50–680°C. With exess
temperature and low temp. alarm. Connection: G 1/4"i ISO material: SS 316, Viton?,
PVDF,PTFE. power: 115V/60Hz, 520VA. # Without catalyst cartridge #
3.452,00 50A1600a @
Gas converter type CG–2M with 2 bypass valves to bypass the catalyst. With
unheated sample inlet. In 19 inch rack housing, with heat isolated compact tube
furnace. electrically heated, with thermo couple Ni–CrNi and electronic controller
adjustable 50–680°C. With exess and low temperature alarm. connection: G 1/4"i ISO
material: SS 316, Viton?, PVDF,PTFE. power: 230V/50Hz, 520VA. # Without catalyst
cartridge #
4.265,00 50A1500 @
Gas converter type CG–2M with 2 bypass valves to bypass the catalyst. With
unheated sample inlet. In 19 inch rack housing, with heat isolated compact tube
furnace. electrically heated, with thermo couple Ni–CrNi and electronic controller
adjustable 50–680°C. With exess and low temperature alarm. connection: G 1/4"i ISO
material: SS 316, Viton?, PVDF,PTFE. power: 115V/60Hz, 140VA. # Without catalyst
cartridge #
4.266,00 50A1500a @
Gas converter type CG–2H–W for wall mounting With heated sample inlet, without
bypass valve, With heat isolated compact tube furnace. electrical heated with thermo
couple Ni–CrNi and electronic controller adjustable to 50–680°C. With high and low
temperature alarm. Gas inlet: 6mm SS or on request 8mm SS, gas outlet: G 1/4"i.
Material: SS316, Viton?, PVDF,PTFE. Power: 230V/50Hz, 610VA. # Without catalyst
cartridge #
4.324,00 50A1900 @
Gas converter type CG–2H–W for wall mounting With heated sample inlet, without
bypass valve, With heat isolated compact tube furnace. electrical heated with thermo
couple Ni–CrNi and electronic controller adjustable to 50–680°C. With high and low
temperature alarm. Gas inlet: 6mm SS or on request 8mm SS, gas outlet: G 1/4"i.
Material: SS316, Viton?, PVDF,PTFE. Power: 115V/60Hz, 610VA. # Without catalyst
cartridge #
4.324,00 50A1900A @
Gas converter CG–2MH–W for wall mounting, With heated sample inlet and bypass
valve, With heat isolated compact tube furnace. Electrically heated with thermo couple
Ni–CrNi and electronic controller adjustable 50–680°C, with alarm contact for excess
temperature and insufficient temperature. Gas inlet: 6mm SS or on request 8mm SS,
Gas outlet: G 1/4"i. Material: SS316, Viton?, PVDF,PTFE. power: 230V/50Hz, 610VA.
# Without catalyst cartridge #
5.970,00 50A1920 @
Gas converter CG–2MH–W for wall mounting, With heated sample inlet and bypass
valve, With heat isolated compact tube furnace. Electrically heated with thermo couple
Ni–CrNi and electronic controller adjustable 50–680°C, with alarm contact for excess
temperature and insufficient temperature. Gas inlet: 6mm SS or on request 8mm SS,
Gas outlet: G 1/4"i. Material: SS316, Viton?, PVDF,PTFE. power: 115V/60Hz, 610VA.
# Without catalyst cartridge #
5.970,00 50A1920A @
Wall mounting bracket, dimensions: 84TE, 3HE, RAL 7032 for 19" rack housing
168,00 50A3000 @
Second sample outlet for non converted sample for CG–2HW Gas connection:
88,90 50A1905 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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9.0.1 Gas Converter Unit Page 2
Extra charge for catalyst cartridge CG-2
95A9003 NO2/NO Catalyst cartridge type CG2–C, filling carbon, with spare O–ring set 2x
90F3515 2x 95A9065
95A9004 NO2/NO Catalyst cartridge type CG2–SS, Filling : metal with spare O–ring set. 189,00@
Consumable Parts for CG2, CG1, CG
95A9003 NO2/NO Catalyst cartridge type CG2–C, filling carbon, with spare O–ring set 2x
90F3515 2x 95A9065
95A9004 NO2/NO Catalyst cartridge type CG2–SS, Filling : metal with spare O–ring set. 189,00@
95A9000 NO2/NO Catalyst cartridge type CG–C, filling carbon, with spare O–ring set 2x
90E1000 and 2x 90S2040.
95A9001 NO2/NO Catalyst cartridge type CG–SS, filling SS, with spare O–ring set 2x
90E1000 and 2x 90S2040.
Recommended Spare Parts for CG2, CG1, CG
90E1000 O–ring (14) for LS/LA and CG. Material: Viton?. 3,61@
90S2040 O–ring (16) for CG and SP20/21/22. Material: Viton?. 3,51@
95A9050 Bulkhead female connector G1/4"i–4/6PV, material PVDF. 23,90@
05V6600 Ferrule DN4/6, material: PVDF. 0,51@
05V6605 Spare parts union nut M10–4/6, material PVDF. 0,78@
95A9070 Converter CG 2 O–ringset. 10,60@
Spare Parts for CG2, CG1, CG
95A9040 Electronic complete for converter type CG 230V. 201,00@
95A9040a Electronik complete for converter type CG 115V. 201,00@
95A9055 Spare heater element for converter CG, 115/230V 50/60Hz, 4mm from S–No XX
XX 100.
95A9057 Spare heater element for converter CG2/EGA 230V 50/60Hz, 474,00@
95A9057a Spare heater element for converter CG2 115V 50/60Hz, 474,00@
95A9030 Adapter for Cartridge CG with handle. 180,00@
95A9080 Frontring complete for converter type CG–2. 44,00@
95A9075 Cover SS for ISO block converter type CG–2. 67,60@
95A9100 Receiver cap for cartridge CG2 and receiver pinned together with O–ring. 162,00@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Oxygen Analyser Series PMA10 9.1.1
Oxygen Analysers PMA10../ 10S
Portable oxygen analyser type PMA 10. With combinated analog/digital display in a
portable housing. Signal output: 0–1V. Measuring ranges: 0–3/10/30/100 Vol%O2,
including flowmeter with needle valve: 7–70l/h. Power: 230V/50Hz.
5.318,00 01A1000 @
Portable oxygen analyser type PMA 10. With combinated analog/digital display in a
portable housing. Signal output: 0–1V. Measuring ranges: 0–3/10/30/100 Vol%O2,
including flowmeter with needle valve: 7–70l/h. Power: 115V/60Hz.
5.318,00 01A1000a @
Portable oxygen analyser type PMA10S for oxygen purity measurement, with zero
suppression 99–100 Vol%O2 over an expended scale of 1% full scale. (other ranges
on request) With combinated analog/digital display in a portable housing. Signal
output: 0–1V. Measuring ranges: 0–3/10/30/100 Vol%O2, including flowmeter with
needle valve: 6–60l/h. Power: 230V/50Hz.
7.795,00 01A2000 @
Extra charge for signal output 4–20mA incorporated in the analyser PMA 10/10S
(0–20mA on request).
338,00 01A9000 @
Extra charge for PMA 10 with battery operation, battery charger incorporated in
257,00 01A9050 @
Extra charge for gas sample pump incorporated in analyser type PMA 10. Capacity: 1
Nl/min without pressure.
412,00 01A9102 @
Extra charge for alarm contact at analyser type PMA 10, adjustable from 0–100%O2.
Potential–free changeover contact with plug at the rear of the housing.
324,00 01A9150 @
Extra charge for PMA 10 with Piezo acoustic alarm and automatic reset (30 sec.).
(only in combination with alarm 01A9150).
176,00 01A9155 @
Extra charge for PMA 10 with Piezo acoustic alarm and manual reset (30 sec) (only in
combination with alarm 01A9150).
203,00 01A9156 @
Extra charge for qualification test according to TA–Luft + EN 14181 resp. 13. and 17.
BImSchV of analyser type PMA 10. Incl. signal output: 4–20mA (0–20mA on request)
766,00 01A9160 @
Consumable Parts for PMA10../ 10S
Spare filter element PMA10. 21,40 90A0100 @
Spare filter element PMA10, box with 25 pcs. 239,00 90A0101 @
Spare pump 0,9 l/min PMA 10/15. 324,00 90A0045 @
Diaphragm for pump KNF PMA10, material Viton?. 9,38 90A0046a @
Valve (2Pcs) for pump PMA10, KNF material Viton?. 14,40 90A0047a @
Spare pump 1 Nl/min PMA 10/15. 315,00 90A0048 @
Recommended Spare Parts for PMA10../ 10S
O–ring for filter housing PMA10. 2,56 90A0068 @
O–Ring (9) for FM40 and PMA. Werkstoff: Viton?. 3,43 90A0018 @
Diaphragm for pump PMA10, material Viton?. 9,38 90A0046 @
Valve plate for pump PMA10, material Viton?. 14,40 90A0047 @
Spare Parts for PMA10../ 10S
Spare filter unit PP for PMA–10. 107,00 90A0065 @
Spare filter unit PVDF for PMA–10. 107,00 90A0069 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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9.1.1 Oxygen Analyser Series PMA10 Page 2
Spare Parts for PMA10../ 10S
90A0070 Nipple PP for sample gas output PMA10. 19,80@
90A0075 Nipple PP for sample gas input PMA10. 19,80@
90A0015 Flowmeter glass for FM40. Standard measuring range: 7–70 Nl/h air. 113,00@
90A0016 PMA10 flowmeter, upper/lower part compl., 7–70Nl/h, Material: PP. 91,70@
90A0017 Needle for flowmeter PMA10. 20,60@
90A0060 Hand pump out of rubber. 100,00@
90A0055 Viton? tube, DN 2/5mm. Price per meter. 16,90@
90A0020 Zero potentiometer 5 KOhm. 30,40@
90A0025 Span potentiometer 1 KOhm. 30,40@
90A0110 Range switch PMA10/30. 110,00@
90A0080 Digital analog panel meter type PMA10/30. 629,00@
90A0085 Signal output plug for PMA10/15. 39,10@
90A0090 Signal output panel connector 3 poles. for PMA–10/15 34,80@
90A0010 Measuring cell type PMC–1 (not for PMA15). 1.815,00@
90A0035 Projection–LED1 for PMA. 64,70@
90A0040 Photo cell unit for PMA type FZ–1. 208,00@
90A0050 Transmitter amplifier 1–00–3 for PMA10/15/20 with mA output. 549,00@
90A0095 Spare transformer 8VA, 115/230V, PMA10/15. 49,40@
90A0275 Switch akku test PMA10. 19,40@
90A0280 Cap for switch akku test PMA10. 1,90@
90A0260 Spare akku 12V for PMA10/15. 203,00@
90A0360 Switch for pump PMA10. 15,00@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 1 Oxygen Analyser Series PMA15/15V 9.2.1
Consumable Parts for PMA15 / 15V
Box with 12 spare needles for PMA15, length 25mm. 93,50 90A1005 @
Neoporosit septum, 10 pieces for PMA15. 6,39 90A1010 @
Neoporosit septum, 100 pieces, for PMA15. 35,40 90A1011 @
Spare filter for PMA15. 5,66 90A1015 @
Spare pump 0,9 l/min PMA 10/15. 324,00 90A0045 @
Recommended Spare Parts for PMA15 / 15V
Spare fix ring PTFE 5x3x2mm for PMA15. 3,72 90A1020 @
Diaphragm for pump PMA10, material Viton?. 9,38 90A0046 @
Valve plate for pump PMA10, material Viton?. 14,40 90A0047 @
Spare Parts for PMA15 / 15V
Viton? tube, DN 2/5mm. Price per meter. 16,90 90A0055 @
Needle holder complete without filter and needle for PMA15. 48,10 90A1040 @
Zero potentiometer 5 KOhm. 30,40 90A0020 @
Span potentiometer 1 KOhm. 30,40 90a0025 @
Range switch PMA10/30. 110,00 90A0110 @
Digital panel meter for PMA12–30 LCD 3 1/2 digit 18mm. 373,00 90A1000 @
Signal output plug for PMA10/15. 39,10 90A0085 @
Signal output panel connector 3 poles. for PMA–10/15 34,80 90A0090 @
Measuring cell PMC–2 for PMA15. 1.815,00 90A0030 @
Projection–LED1 for PMA. 64,70 90A0035 @
Photo cell unit for PMA type FZ–1. 208,00 90A0040 @
Transmitter amplifier 1–00–3 for PMA10/15/20 with mA output. 549,00 90A0050 @
Spare transformer 8VA, 115/230V, PMA10/15. 49,40 90A0095 @
Switch akku test PMA10. 19,40 90A0275 @
Cap for switch akku test PMA10. 1,90 90A0280 @
Switch for pump PMA10. 15,00 90A0360 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Oxygen Analyser Series PMA15/15V Page 2 9.2.1
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Page 1 Oxygen Analyser Series PMA12 9.3.1
Consumable Parts for PMA12
Spare filter element PMA10. 21,40 90A0100 @
Recommended Spare Parts for PMA12
O–ring for filter housing PMA10. 2,56 90A0068 @
Spare Parts for PMA12
Spare filter unit PP for PMA–10. 107,00 90A0065 @
Flowmeter glass for FM40. Standard measuring range: 7–70 Nl/h air. 113,00 90A0015 @
PMA10 flowmeter, upper/lower part compl., 7–70Nl/h, Material: PP. 91,70 90A0016 @
Needle for flowmeter PMA10. 20,60 90A0017 @
Hand pump out of rubber. 100,00 90A0060 @
Viton? tube, DN 2/5mm. Price per meter. 16,90 90A0055 @
Zero potentiometer 5 KOhm. 30,40 90A0020 @
Span potentiometer 1 KOhm. 30,40 90A0025 @
Digital panel meter for PMA12–30 LCD 3 1/2 digit 18mm. 373,00 90A1000 @
Measuring cell type PMC–1 (not for PMA15). 1.815,00 90A0010 @
Projection–LED1 for PMA. 64,70 90A0035 @
Photo cell unit for PMA type FZ–1. 208,00 90A0040 @
Transmitter amplifier 1–00–3 for PMA10/15/20 with mA output. 549,00 90A0050 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Oxygen Analyser Series PMA12 Page 2 9.3.1
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Page 1 Oxygen Analyser Sereis PMA20 / PMA22 / PMA25 9.3.5
Oxygen Analysers PMA20 / PMA22 / PMA25
Stationary oxygen analyser type PMA 20. With analog display in a plastic housing for
wall mounting. Signal output: 4–20mA (0–20mA on request). Measuring ranges:
0–3/10/30/100 Vol%O2, incl. flowmeter with needle valve 7–70Nl/h. Transducer
thermostatic controlled to +50°C. Power: 230V/50Hz.
6.933,00 02A1000 @
Extra charge for PMA with combined analogue/digital display. 292,00 02A9000 @
Extra charge for qualification test according to TA–Luft + EN 14181 resp. 13. and 17.
BImSchV of analyser type PMA 20.
549,00 02A9010 @
Extra charge for PMA 20 in solvent resistant version with special measuring cell type
PMC–1LB. Material: O–ring: Kalrez?, flowmeter: PVDF, tubing and fittings:
1.975,00 02A9015 @
Extra charge for PMA 20/30 in chlorine resistant execution with a special measuring
cell type PMC–1CL2. All gas bearing tubes PTFE/PVDF equipped with purge gas
2.055,00 02A9005 @
Spare Parts for PMA20 / PMA22 / PMA 25
Flowmeter glass for FM40. Standard measuring range: 7–70 Nl/h air. 113,00 90A0015 @
Needle for flowmeter PMA10. 20,60 90A0017 @
O–ring Kalrez? for flowmeter PMA30, type 9. 75,10 90A3026 @
O–ring Kalrez? for flowmeter PMA30 valve, type 6. 75,10 90A3027 @
Zero potentiometer 5 KOhm. 30,40 90A0020 @
Span potentiometer 1 KOhm. 30,40 90A0025 @
Measuring range switch with wiring and front PCB for PMA20. 336,00 90A2005 @
Analog panel meter for PMA20, 25, 30. 427,00 90A3000 @
Digital panel meter for PMA12–30 LCD 3 1/2 digit 18mm. 373,00 90A1000 @
Connector socket for signal output 7 poles for PMA30. 18,00 90A0335 @
Measuring cell type PMC–1 (not for PMA15). 1.815,00 90A0010 @
Measuring cell PMC–1CL for dry chlorine. 2.966,00 90A0012 @
Measuring cell type PMC–1LB, solvent resistant. 2.937,00 90A0009 @
Projection–LED1 for PMA. 64,70 90A0035 @
Photo cell unit for PMA type FZ–1. 208,00 90A0040 @
Solid state relay A3P–202N. 33,30 90A3010 @
Temperature cut out 72°C for PMA20, 25, 30. 118,00 90A3015 @
Temperature sensor for PMA20, 25, 30. 127,00 90A3020 @
Resistance mat 50x40 mm for PMA20,25,30. 81,40 90A3030 @
Net filter 230V 50Hz, PMA20/40/50. 112,00 90A3035 @
Isolation cap for PMA30. 75,20 90A3160 @
Transformer for PMA20 230V 2x18V 3,5VA. 42,60 90A2000 @
Power supply for PMA20 with temperature controller, power 230/115V, 50/60Hz. 539,00 90A2025 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Oxygen Analyser Series PMA30 9.3.10
Oxygen Analysers PMA30
Oxygen analyser type PMA 30. With analog display in 1/3–19" plug–in rack (3U,
28HP). Signal output: 4–20mA (0–20mA on request). with isolated output. Measuring
ranges: 0–1/3/10/30/100 Vol%O2, can be selected at the analyser or externally,
including flowmeter with needle valve 7–70Nl/h. Signal output for heating safety fuse,
projection LED and flow. Transducer thermostatic controlled to +50°C. Power:
230V/50Hz. (In execution with zero suppression the analyser is equipped with a
combinated analog/digital display)
7.116,00 03A2000 @
Oxygen analyser type PMA 30. With analog display in 1/3–19" plug–in rack (3U,
28HP). Signal output: 4–20mA (0–20mA on request). with isolated output. Measuring
ranges: 0–1/3/10/30/100 Vol%O2, can be selected at the analyser or externally,
including flowmeter with needle valve 7–70Nl/h. Signal output for heating safety fuse,
projection LED and flow. Transducer thermostatic controlled to +50°C. Power:
115V/60Hz. (In execution with zerosuppression the analyser is equipped with a
combinated analog/digital display)
7.116,00 03A2000a @
Oxygen analyser type PMA 30A/D. With combinated analog/digital display in 1/3–19"
plug–in rack (3U, 28HP). Signal output: 4–20mA (0–20mA on request). with isolated
output. Measuring ranges: 0–1/3/10/30/100 Vol%O2, can be selected at the analyser
or externally, including flowmeter with needle valve 7–70Nl/h. Signal output for heating
safety fuse, projection LED and flow. Transducer thermostatic controlled to +50°C.
Power: 230V/50Hz.
7.225,00 03A2001 @
Oxygen analyser type PMA 30A/D. With combinated analog/digital display in 1/3–19"
plug–in rack (3U, 28HP). Signal output: 4–20mA (0–20mA on request). with isolated
output. Measuring ranges: 0–1/3/10/30/100 Vol%O2, can be selected at the analyser
or externally, including flowmeter with needle valve 7–70Nl/h. Signal output for heating
safety fuse, projection LED and flow. Transducer thermostatic controlled to +50°C.
Power: 115V/60Hz.
7.225,00 03A2001a @
Extra charge for qualification test according to TA–Luft + DIN EN 14181 resp. 13. and
17. BImSchV of analyser type PMA 30. (only available in the basis version)
548,00 03A9525 @
Oxygen analyser type PMA 30/D. With digital LCD–display in 1/3–19" plug–in rack
(3U, 28HP). Signal output: 4–20mA (0–20mA on request). with isolated output.
Measuring ranges: 0–1/3/10/30/100 Vol%O2, can be selected at the analyser or
externally, including flowmeter with needle valve 7–70Nl/h. Signal output for heating
safety fuse, projection LED and flow. Transducer thermostatic controlled to +50°C.
Power: 230V/50Hz.
7.116,00 03A2005 @
Oxygen analyser type PMA 30/D. With digital LCD–display in 1/3–19" plug–in rack
(3U, 28HP). Signal output: 4–20mA (0–20mA on request). with isolated output.
Measuring ranges: 0–1/3/10/30/100 Vol%O2, can be selected at the analyser or
externally, including flowmeter with needle valve 7–70Nl/h. Signal output for heating
safety fuse, projection LED and flow. Transducer thermostatic controlled to +50°C.
Power: 115V/60Hz.
7.116,00 03A2005a @
Extra charge for PMA 30 as solvent resistant execution with measuring cell type
PMC–1LB. Material: O–rings out of Kalrez?.
1.497,00 03A9165 @
Electrical zero suppressing with barometer pressure compensation, plug–in type SD
for PMA30 on 19" Europe card 3HE, 6TE for spreading of measuring range, for
example 18–21 or 97–100Vol.%O2. (only in wallhousing IP65 19"rack available).
2.836,00 03A9500 @
Zero suppression type SD–1 for PMA30 card 3U,6HP incl.process pressure
compensation and zero suppressing to measure oxygen between 18–21 or
97–100Vol%O2 pressure range +–0,6bar, sensor connection G1/8"i, material: SS316,
PVDF, Viton?. (only in Wallhousing IP65 and 19" rack available).
3.460,00 03A9505 @
Barometric pressure compensation for PMA30 on card 3U, 6HP type PD. 1.820,00 03A9510 @
Baromatric pressure compensation type PD–I for PMA30 on eurocard 3U, 6HP with
digital indicator.
2.440,00 03A9520 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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9.3.10 Oxygen Analyser Series PMA30 Page 2
Oxygen Analysers PMA30
03A9515 Pressure compensation type PD–1 for PMA30 on eurocard 3U, 6HP, pressure
range+–0,6bar, sensor connection G1/8"i, sensor material: SS 316, PVDF, Viton?.
03A9350 Extra charge for 0–20mA/ 4–20mA outlet signal for pressure compensation
PD–../mA for pressure 0–1600mbar abs.
03A9150 Wall mountage housing out of aluminium type 30–19 with 19"–insertion system
(3U/42TE), incl. clamp box, clamp boards and filter, with window. protection class:
03A9151 Extra charge for purging connections for housing 30–19. 261,00@
03A9000 19"sub–rack type KM6B, 3U, 84TE suitable for max.3x PMA30 racks. 241,00@
04A9000 19"rack 3U, 84HP type KM7 version table housing with handels. 455,00@
03A9100 Portable housing for PMA, Dimensions: 150x193x385mm 404,00@
03A9105 Portable housing for PMA, Dimensions: 150x193x270mm 279,00@
90A0083 Extra pirce for 4 1/2 digit digital analog panel meter type PMA30/50. 412,00@
Spare Parts for PMA30
90A0015 Flowmeter glass for FM40. Standard measuring range: 7–70 Nl/h air. 113,00@
90A3025 Spare upper part and lower part, flowmeter PVDF, for PMA30. 167,00@
90A0018 O–Ring (9) for FM40 and PMA. Werkstoff: Viton?. 3,43@
90A3026 O–ring Kalrez? for flowmeter PMA30, type 9. 75,10@
90A3027 O–ring Kalrez? for flowmeter PMA30 valve, type 6. 75,10@
90A0020 Zero potentiometer 5 KOhm. 30,40@
90A0025 Span potentiometer 1 KOhm. 30,40@
90A0110 Range switch PMA10/30. 110,00@
90A3000 Analog panel meter for PMA20, 25, 30. 427,00@
90A1000 Digital panel meter for PMA12–30 LCD 3 1/2 digit 18mm. 373,00@
90A0080 Digital analog panel meter type PMA10/30. 629,00@
90A0335 Connector socket for signal output 7 poles for PMA30. 18,00@
90A3095 D–connector plug 25 poles for PMA30/CSS. 11,30@
90A3100 PVC protection shield for D–sub, 25 poles for PMA30. 10,30@
90A0010 Measuring cell type PMC–1 (not for PMA15). 1.815,00@
90A0009 Measuring cell type PMC–1LB, solvent resistant. 2.937,00@
90A0035 Projection–LED1 for PMA. 64,70@
90A0040 Photo cell unit for PMA type FZ–1. 208,00@
90A3010 Solid state relay A3P–202N. 33,30@
90A3015 Temperature cut out 72°C for PMA20, 25, 30. 118,00@
90A3020 Temperature sensor for PMA20, 25, 30. 127,00@
90A3030 Resistance mat 50x40 mm for PMA20,25,30. 81,40@
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 3 Oxygen Analyser Series PMA30 9.3.10
Spare Parts for PMA30
Transformer for PMA30, 10 VA, prim 2x115 50Hz, sec 2x 18V 50Hz, construction VDE
0551 and VDE 106, part 101.
31,90 90A3175 @
Net filter 230V 50Hz, PMA20/40/50. 112,00 90A3035 @
Reed relay for PMA30/50 range switch. 43,80 90A3050 @
Galvanic isolated amplifier for mA output PMA30. 497,00 90A3155 @
Isolation cap for PMA30. 75,20 90A3160 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
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Oxygen Analyser Series PMA30 Page 4 9.3.10
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Page 1 Oxygen Analyser Series PMA100 9.3.12
Oxygen Analysers PMA100
Oxygen analyser type PMA 100/L. Microprozessor controlled With LCD–display in
19"–rack (4HE). Isolated signal output: 0/4–20mA. Measuring range: 0–100 Vol%O2
freely programmable. Status signal for heater fuse, hardware and flow. Incl. flowmeter
with needle valve 7–70Nl/h. Transducer thermostatic controlled to 55°C. Power:
7.647,00 03A3100 @
Oxygen analyser type PMA 100/L. Microprozessor controlled With LCD–display in
19"–rack (4HE). Isolated signal output: 0/4–20mA. Measuring range: 0–100 Vol%O2
freely programmable. Status signal for heater fuse, hardware and flow. Incl. flowmeter
with needle valve 7–70Nl/h. Transducer thermostatic controlled to 55°C. Power:
7.647,00 03A3100a @
Oxygen analyser type PMA 100. Microprozessor controlled With LCD–display in
19"–rack (4HE). Isolated signal output: 0/4–20mA.and RS232 Measuring range:
0–100 Vol%O2 freely programmable. Pressure compensation for a pressure of
0,6–1,6bar abs. Status signal for heater fuse, hardware and flow. Incl. flowmeter with
needle valve 7–70Nl/h. Transducer thermostatic controlled to 55°C. Power:
9.437,00 03A3000 @
Oxygen analyser type PMA 100. Microprozessor controlled With LCD–display in
19"–rack (4HE). Isolated signal output: 0/4–20mA. Measuring range: 0–100 Vol%O2
freely programmable. Pressure compensation for a pressure of 0,6–1,6bar abs. Status
signal for heater fuse, hardware and flow. Incl. flowmeter with needle valve 7–70Nl/h.
Transducer thermostatic controlled to 55°C. Power: 115V/60Hz.
9.437,00 03A3000a @
Extra charge for PMA100, 3x additional mA–output. 683,00 03A9300 @
Extra charge for PMA 100 as solvent resistant execution with measuring cell type
PMC–1LB. O–rings out of Kalrez?.
1.456,00 03A9320 @
PTFE? Pumps MP 47 with integrated pressure regulator
LCD Display unit with keys and LED compl. for PMA100. 741,00 90A6000 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Oxygen Analyser Series PMA100 Page 2 9.3.12
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Oxygen Analyser Series PMA40/50-EX 9.3.14
Oxygen Analysers PMA 50-EX
Oxygen analyser type PMA50Ex. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1 with
protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx de IIC T5 KEMA 03 ATEX 2215X With
analog indication in an aluminium Exd–housing. Signal outlet: 0/4–20mA with galvanic
separation. Measuring ranges linear: 0–1/3/10/30/100 Vol%O2. can be selected at the
analyser or externally. Status signal outlet for heater, safety fuse, projektion–LED and
flow. Thermo regulation of the transducer at +55°C. 2 ventilation arrestors for sample
gas in/outlet. Power: 230V/50Hz.
11.494,00 05A1000 @
Oxygen analyser type PMA50Ex. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1 with
protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx de IIC T5 KEMA 03 ATEX 2215X
Analog/digital display an aluminium Exd–housing. Signal outlet: 0/4–20mA with
galvanic separation. Measuring ranges linear: 0–1/3/10/30/100 Vol%O2 can be
selected at the analyser or externally, Status signal outlet for heater, safety fuse,
projektion–LED and flow. Thermo regulation of the transducer at +55°C. 2 ventilation
arrestors for sample gas in/outlet. Power: 115V/60Hz.
11.494,00 05A1000A @
Oxygen Analyser type PMA50 Ex/P/PD–1–50. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone
1 with protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx de IIC T5. KEMA 03 ATEX
2215X Analog/digital display an aluminium Exd–housing. Signal outlet: 0/4–20mA with
galvanic separation. Measuring ranges linear: 0–1/3/10/30/100 Vol%O2 can be
selected at the analyser or externally, Contact outputs for indication of measuring
Status signal output, for heating, fuse, projection LED and flow. Thermo regulation of
the transducer at 55°C with 2 ventilation arrestors at the gas in– and outlet. Process
pressure compensation pressure range: 500mbar to 1100mbar abs. power:
12.754,00 05A2505 @
Extra charge for purge gas connection incl.2 ventilate arrestor in the inlet and outlet of
the PMA–50Ex... for pressures >1100mbar abs. and/or corrosive gases, connection
941,00 05A9000 @
Extra charge for one ventilate arrestor for PMA–50Ex... for pressure range >1100mbar
– 1500mbar abs. and non–corrosive gases, connection R1/4"i.
471,00 05A9005 @
Extra pirce for 4 1/2 digit digital analog panel meter type PMA30/50. 412,00 90A0083 @
Recommened Spare Parts for PMA 40/50-EX
Breathing and draining device type MC95A. Explosion–proofed version for Ex–Zone 1,
protection class according to ATEX: II 2 G EEx d IIB/IIC. material: stainl. steel.
Connection: 1/2" NPTi / 1/4" NPTi.
505,00 90A5150 @
Spare Parts for PMA 40/50-EX
Zero potentiometer 5 KOhm. 30,40 90A0020 @
Span potentiometer 1 KOhm. 30,40 90A0025 @
Digital analog panel meter type PMA10/30. 629,00 90A0080 @
Measuring cell type PMC–1 (not for PMA15). 1.815,00 90A0010 @
Measuring cell type PMC–1LB, solvent resistant. 2.937,00 90A0009 @
Projection–LED1 for PMA. 64,70 90A0035 @
Photo cell unit for PMA type FZ–1. 208,00 90A0040 @
Solid state relay A3P–202N. 33,30 90A3010 @
Temperature cut out 72°C for PMA20, 25, 30. 118,00 90A3015 @
Temperature sensor for PMA20, 25, 30. 127,00 90A3020 @
Resistance mat 50x40 mm for PMA20,25,30. 81,40 90A3030 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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: info@mc-techgroup.com
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9.3.14 Oxygen Analyser Series PMA40/50-EX Page 2
Spare Parts for PMA 40/50-EX
90A3160 Isolation cap for PMA30. 75,20@
90A3035 Net filter 230V 50Hz, PMA20/40/50. 112,00@
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Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
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Page 1 Burner Air and Dilution Air Conditioning Series BA / BA-P4 10.1.1
Burner Air and Dilution Air Conditioning Series BA / BA-P4
Burner air conditioning type BA. For the production of hydrocarbon–free air via
catalytic oxidation. Air supply: external, with compressed air of max. 6bar. outlet
pressure: 0–4bar, flow: max. 3l/min, ambient temperature: +5 to +50°C. Status signal
for pressure and temperature, 1 contact NO (24V/1A). enclosure: 19", 4U, deep
430mm. Protection class: IP20, power: 230V/50Hz, 480W.
5.938,00 60A2000 @
Burner air conditioning type BA. For the production of hydrocarbon–free air via
catalytic oxidation. Air supply: external, with compressed air of max. 6bar. outlet
pressure: 0–4bar, flow: max. 3l/min, ambient temperature: +5 to +50°C. Status signal
for pressure and temperature, 1 contact NO (24V/1A). enclosure: 19", 4U, deep
430mm. Protection class: IP20, power: 115V/60Hz, 480W.
5.938,00 60A2000a @
Burner air conditioning type BA–P/4. For the production of hydrocarbon–free air via
catalytic oxidation. Air supply: internal, via gas pump. outlet pressure: 0–4bar, flow:
max. 3l/min, ambient temperature: +5 to +50°C. Status signal for pressure and
temperature, 1 contact NO (24V/1A). enclosure: 19", 4U, deep 430mm. Protection
class: IP20, power: 230V/50Hz, 480W.
6.113,00 60A2200 @
Burner air conditioning type BA–P/4. For the production of hydrocarbon–free air via
catalytic oxidation. Air supply: internal, via gas pump. outlet pressure: 0–4bar, flow:
max. 3l/min, ambient temperature: +5 to +50°C. Status signal for pressure and
temperature, 1 contact NO (24V/1A). enclosure: 19", 4U, deep 430mm. Protection
class: IP20, power: 115V/60Hz, 480W.
6.239,00 60A2200a @
Consumable Parts for BA / BA-P4
Adsorption cartridge for air purifier BA loaded. With 2x O–ring 90F0050 248,00 96A0010 @
Pt/Pd Catalyst cartridge type BA. With 2x O–ring 90E1000 . 2x O–ring 90S2040 253,00 96A0065 @
O–ring for NPK 09. 1,87 96A0040 @
Valve plate for NPK09. 14,80 96A0045 @
Seal for NPK09. 13,20 96A0050 @
Seal lipp for NPK09. 28,60 96A0055 @
Spare filter element and O–ring for removal filter 135,00 96A0075 @
Spare Parts for BA / BA-P4
Compressor pump NPK09, capacity: 12l/min. Power: 230V/50Hz. 422,00 96A0005 @
Spare parts set for pump NPK09 Air purifier BA consisting of 4 pcs diaphram plate, 2
pcs sealing, 3 pcs o–ring, 3 pcs seal lip, 1 pcs cylinder.
157,00 96A0070 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
Technical Details Subject to Change, 4.2010
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Burner Air and Dilution Air Conditioning Series BA / BA-P4 Page 2 10.1.1
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
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Page 1 Heated, Protective Housing Series PAS 10.5.1
Basic Price for Heated Housing without Options Or Assembly
Heated sample system PAS 100 with wall mounting console. 2.179,00 80A1000 @
Heated sample system PAS 200 with wall mounting console. 2.797,00 80A1005 @
Heated sample system PAS 300 with wall mounting console. 3.095,00 80A1010 @
Heated sample system PAS 400 with wall mounting console. 4.158,00 80A1015 @
Heated sample system PAS 500. with wall mounting console. 4.957,00 80A1020 @
Heated sample system PAS 600 with wall mounting console. 7.464,00 80A1025 @
Housing Options
Observation window out of safety glass in the door for PAS 200/300/400. 415,00 80A1100 @
Observation window out of safety glass in the door for PAS 500. 473,00 80A1105 @
Observation window out of safety glassin the door for PAS 600. 720,00 80A1110 @
Minimum temperature alarm contact for PAS 100–600. 436,00 80A1140 @
EEx explosion proof heating<120°C inner operating temperature without internal fan
for PAS
4.502,00 80A1200 @
EEx explosion proof heating<120°C inner operating temperature without internal fan
for PAS
4.904,00 80A1205 @
EEx explosion proof heating<120°C inner operating temperature without internal fan
for PAS
5.500,00 80A1210 @
EEx explosion proof heating<120°C inner operating temperature without internal fan
for PAS
6.122,00 80A1215 @
EEx explosion proof heating<120°C inner operating temperature without internal fan
for PAS
6.907,00 80A1220 @
EEx explosion proof heating<120°C inner operating temperature without internal fan
for PAS
8.935,00 80A1225 @
Mounting Charges for System Components
First wall bushing for sample line max DN55 for PAS 100–600. 708,00 80A1300 @
Each further wall bushing for sample line DN55 for PAS 100–600. 503,00 80A1305 @
Mounting charges for one M&C sample pump in PAS. 1.506,00 80A1400 @
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
Technical Details Subject to Change, 4.2010
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content is not allowed without permission of M&C.
Heated, Protective Housing Series PAS Page 2 10.5.1
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79 - 40885 Ratingen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 935-0 : +49 (0) 2102 935-111
: info@mc-techgroup.com
Technical Details Subject to Change, 4.2010
? M&C, Reproduction of this document or ist
content is not allowed without permission of M&C.