dytran傳感器中國直銷商,美國Dytran公司專門在其Dytran壓電加速度計,Dytran稱重傳感器,Dytran壓力傳感器和Dytran脈沖錘開始。尼克開始了他漫長的職業生涯中的傳感器產業,1961年,擔任產品線,紐約地區開拓傳感器制造商。在布法羅大學獲得學士學位的電氣工程后的幾年里,尼克曾擔任前開始Dytran的兩個傳感公司的總裁。尼克制成以形成Dytran的儀器公司,以使自己的設計和創新到生長傳感器市場的決定。 (命名為“Dytran的"被合并的話“動態"和“轉換器"形成的。)
Founded in 1980 by sensor industry veteran Nicholas D. Change, Dytran Instruments, Inc. specialized at its inception in piezoelectric accelerometers, load cells, pressure transducers and impulse hammers. Nick began his long career in the sensor industry in 1961, working as a product line manager with a pioneering sensor manufacturer in the Buffalo, New York area. In the years after earning a BS degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Buffalo, Nick served as President of two sensor companies prior to starting Dytran. Nick made the decision to form Dytran Instruments, Inc. in order to bring his own designs and innovations to the growing sensor marketplace. (The name “Dytran” was formed by combining the words “dynamic” and “transducer”.)
兩年成立后Dytran的,尼克移動公司從布法羅到目前的總部設在查茨沃思,美國Dytran加利福尼亞州,在圣費爾南多谷位于洛杉磯西北約25英里。美國Dytran尼克的孩子,邁克爾,大衛和安妮參加在Dytran的在一開始就和今天作為管理人員和董事。邁克爾·更改擔任總裁,大衛A.變更為副總裁,技術總監,和Anne M.哈克尼是副總裁,財務總監。 美國DytranDYTRAN創始人和前任總統尼古拉·D.變化仍活躍在該公司擔任執行官和董事會主席,并繼續設計創新產品為DYTRAN。