One tube multiplex for detection of yellow fever virus, Brucella spp., Streptococcus pneumoniae and Coxiella burnetii.
JL-FT049 | 戊型肝炎病毒檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法) | Hepatitis E RNA |
JL-FT050 | 病毒性腦膜炎5聯熒光PCR檢測試劑盒 | Viral meningitis |
JL-FT051 | 病毒性腦膜炎5聯檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法) | Viral meningitis |
JL-FT052 | 細菌性腦膜炎3重檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法) | Bacterial meningitis |
JL-FT053 | 細菌性腦膜炎3聯熒光PCR檢測試劑盒 | Bacterial meningitis |
JL-FT054 | 神經9項聯合檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法) | Neuro 9 |
JL-FT055 | 核心熱帶病7項聯合檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法) | Tropical fever core |
JL-FT056 | 非洲熱帶病4聯檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法) | Tropical fever Africa |
JL-FT057 | 亞洲熱帶病5聯檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法) | Tropical fever Asia |
JL-FT058 | 瘧疾檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法) | Malaria |
JL-FT059 | 四種瘧原蟲檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法) | Malaria differentiation |
JL-FT060 | 登革熱/基孔肯雅熱聯合檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法) | Dengue/Chik |
JL-FT061 | 登革熱1/2/3/4型聯合檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法) | Dengue differentiation |
JL-FT062 | 埃博拉病毒熒光PCR檢測試劑盒 | Ebola |
JL-FT063 | 裂谷熱病毒熒光PCR檢測試劑盒 | RVFV |
JL-FT064 | 克里米亞剛果出血熱病毒熒光PCR檢測試劑盒 | CCHFV |
JL-FT065 | 寨卡病毒檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法) | Zika virus |
JL-FT066 | 寨卡/登革熱/基孔肯雅熱聯合檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法) | Zika/Dengue/Chik |
JL-FT067 | 西尼羅河病毒檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法) | West Nile virus |
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103室
Experts through laboratory techniques, insert the scorpion venom gene in the concentration of the virus, the gene recombinant expression. After adding scorpion venom gene, mosquito larvae infected with the virus mortality rate of 80%, speed up the virus's "toxic" time, increased mosquito mortality.
Sonic weapons: looks tall but not effective
The vibration frequency of mosquito wings is also the focus of laboratory research. Male mosquitoes will continue to issue courtship sound waves, but already conceived female mosquitoes because they do not want to repeat the pregnancy, will try to avoid male mosquitoes. Using this principle, many scientists have begun to simulate the sound frequency of the vibration of the wings of a male mosquito flying to scare female mosquitoes, to repellent effect. However, at an international conference, Chen Xiaoguang, associate dean of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine of Southern Medical University, discovered that a U.S. expert had a "sonic weapon" on his waist. However, mosquitoes were not influenced by sound waves at all. The practical application not good.
The ultimate weapon: the most reliable water management
As soon as a mosquito-borne infectious disease occurs, the health and disease control departments always remind the public to clean up the water. In fact, water is the source of life that mosquitoes bred.
Like many lower organisms, mosquitoes can not live without water. Mosquitoes go through the four stages of eggs, larvae, pupae and adult life, of which the first three periods all lived in water. Mosquitoes have a soft spot for shallow water and stagnant water, and dirty water. The water in the sewage basin is a paradise for mosquitoes to live in. If you do not change the water, the water in the vase will become mosquito comfort zone.
So if you want to eradicate mosquitoes from the source, to prevent dirty water, stagnant water, improve the health environment is a better way. Should be vigilant in front of the room after the water, clean and clean dead ends. For aquatic plants planted at home, it is necessary to take care of them and change the water regularly so as not to leave room for mosquitoes to survive in the home.
- 西尼羅河病毒檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)
- 寨卡病毒檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)
- 克里米亞剛果出血熱病毒熒光PCR檢測試劑盒
- 四種瘧原蟲檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)
- 瘧疾核酸檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)
- 亞洲熱帶病5聯檢測試劑盒(PCR熒光探針法)
- 非洲熱帶病4聯檢測試劑盒(PCR熒光探針法)
- 核心熱帶病7項聯合檢測試劑盒(PCR方法)
- 神經9項聯合檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)
- 細菌性腦膜炎3聯熒光PCR檢測試劑盒
- 細菌性腦膜炎3重核酸檢測試劑盒(PCR方法)
- 病毒性腦膜炎5聯PCR核酸檢測試劑盒
- 病毒性腦膜炎5聯熒光PCR檢測試劑盒
- 戊型肝炎病毒檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)
- PCR試劑沙眼衣原體/淋球菌/生殖支原體檢測試劑盒
- 核酸試劑艱難梭菌多重檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)
- 核酸試劑諾如病毒G1/G2分型雙重熒光PCR檢測試劑盒
- 諾如病毒G1/G2檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)
- PCR核酸試劑糞便寄生蟲多重檢測PCR熒光試劑盒
- PCR核酸試劑細菌性腸胃炎菌屬9聯PCR熒光檢測試劑盒
- PCR試劑細菌性腸胃炎的9種菌屬PCR核酸檢測試劑盒
- PCR試劑六聯病毒性胃腸炎PCR核酸檢測試劑盒
- PCR試劑病毒性胃腸炎的6種病原體核酸檢測試劑盒
- PCR試劑病毒性胃腸炎三重核酸檢測試劑盒(PCR方法)
- PCR試劑腸道病毒/帕氏病毒/腺病毒核酸檢測試劑盒
- PCR試劑四種呼吸道病原體多重核酸檢測試劑盒
- PCR試劑4種甲型流感病毒亞型核酸檢測試劑盒
- PCR試劑人腺病毒/偏肺病毒/博卡病毒PCR檢測試劑盒
- 呼吸道病原體16種多重檢試劑盒(PCR方法)
- 軍團菌屬多重檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)
- PCR試劑流感病毒AB/合胞病毒AB四聯檢測試劑盒
- PCR試劑流感甲乙型/合胞病毒AB型四重檢測試劑盒
- 卡氏肺孢子蟲檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)
- PCR試劑中東呼吸綜合征(MERS-CoV)檢測試劑盒
- 3種流感病毒檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)
- 博德特氏菌檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)
- PCR熒光探針肺炎克雷伯菌/銅綠假單胞菌聯合檢測試劑盒
- 4種非典型肺炎聯合檢測試劑盒(PCR方法)
- 8種細菌性肺炎多重檢測試劑盒(PCR方法)
- 33種呼吸道病原體檢測試劑盒(PCR方法)