品 牌: 上海精宏實驗設備有限公司
名 稱: 電熱恒溫水浴鍋
型 號: DK-S22
一、 用途概述:
二、 產品特點:
1、 采用不銹鋼內膽、頂蓋。
2、 微電腦智能控溫儀,具有設定、測定溫度雙數字顯示和PID自整功能,控溫、可靠。
3、 帶內置循環水泵的產品,在加裝外循環接口后,可向外輸出恒溫水流。
I .applications:
Suitable for incubation and thermal treatment in different fields of applications .
II .Features:
1、 The working chamber and the lid are made of stainless steel.
2、 Inligent temperature controller is based microprocessor with PID parameters controlling function .Digital display of set and actual temperatures. High temperature controlling accuracy and reliability.
3、 If product that has the inner circle water pumps, after install the outer circle, it can be output the constant temperature water.
產品名稱Product 電熱恒溫水浴鍋Electric Water Bath 電熱恒溫水槽Water Bath 型號Model DK –S22 DK-S24 DK-S26 DK-S28 DK-8D 電源電壓Mains voltage 220V.50Hz 控溫范圍Temperature control range RT+5~100 ℃ 溫度波動Temperature fluctuation ±0.5℃ 消耗功率Consumption Power 500W 800W 1500W 2000W 750W 工作室尺寸Dimensions of the working chamber 240*150*110mm 300*240*110mm 500*300*110mm 600 × 300 × 110mm 152 × 126 × 110mm × 3 備注Remark 雙孔Two-place 雙列四孔Two-rowFour-place 雙列六孔Two-rowSix-place 雙列八孔Two-rowEight-place 三孔三溫Three-placeThree-tempeature